Ladies! The jig is up! Men are discovering that even though some of you seem, like, really hot, you’re actually all quite unattractive!
In the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, a few of the more enlightened souls have uncovered the secret truth about women: they’re basically weird and disgusting and only male sexual desire makes them seem sexy.
I don’t want to alarm any of the fellas who might be reading this, but I have heard that most if not all females are also infested with cooties. Best stay away!
Strange how MGTOWs such as Chessman view women as the weaker sense…until it’s convenient.
“Isn’t mgtow theoretically the answer to feminist issues like the wage gap which is caused by female hypergamous predatory behaviors of relying on men whom they pressure and coerce into assuming the toxic male “provider” role…? catcalling? rape culture? ”
Yep men choose the breadwinner role because of women coercing them to. Yep that’s it.
In reality most men want nothing more than to be the primary carer. Just go your own way already!
There’s quite a pattern for trolls to do the “actually I’m a black woman” reveal; but this is the first time I think we’ve seen someone take the trans angle, so I suppose he gets a point for innovation.
Strange, as she both said not being alt/far right, then a trans and even a black woman, as though she attempted to parody the strawman “hey how will they handly me if I gain enough sjw oppression point?” :), because of course they (the trolls, mysogynists among mra’s, etc) have this idea that feminists or “sjw” (their projection of it) have double standards and excuse bigotry if it comes for muslims, black people, which is of course ridiculous. In one case I saw one here in a past thread playing pretending being a jew and saying something like “you can’t contraddict me, you are goyim, check your privilege” remember? ^_^
Yeah, that one ticked off all of the boxes in the Troll Playbook. Messy.
Chessman has been banned? dang, I was still hooping for an explanation of “gaze-harvesting” . . .
Ingmar, it reminds me of the Right Wing Noise Machine wheeze about how if you don’t want to treat all Muslims as declared jihadis you *must* want sharia law in the United States.
Since they have a ‘with us or against us’ mindset, it is inconceivable* to them that someone might actually want freedom and dignity for *all* people.
*I do know what that word means.
I dated a guy who couldn’t handle that I made more money than him. I would have been happy to support him. But MGTOWs think it’s women coercing men into being the breadwinners, because everything is our fault.
It must be nice to be so far removed from ever actually being in danger of being killed by a guy who, by the way, we have very fuckin strong evidence was in fact murderous at the time, that you can just spin out hypotheticals about how if everyone had just calmly submitted it would all be fine. Because then, see, you could be blaming the dead victims for calmly submitting.
Its like they’re in a compeition to be the worst living dumpster fire.
I hope these men “going their own way” are going in the opposite direction to me…
It looks like I’ll never find out how I can prevent harvesting gazes, but I’ve learned two important things: I would like to buy a hotdog from @Fran’s Zebrica persona, and then go into deep space with her.
And @SFHC, thanks for the thread. I read it while I was cooking, and got the giggles.
I find it funny how these men feel us women are supposed to be there to support them as background noise. But the instant a woman has even the slightest hint of help or support from a man, she is inferior and couldn’t possibly get anywhere without him.
Ugh. It makes me wonder if I should just hire all female staff for work or projects. But that’ll be illegal…so meh.