boobs creepy evil sexy ladies evil ugly women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit vaginas

MGTOWs agree: Women are objectively ugly; only male lust makes them seem sorta hot

Area man discovers that women are secretly unattractive and vaginas are weird

Ladies! The jig is up! Men are discovering that even though some of you seem, like, really hot, you’re actually all quite unattractive!

In the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, a few of the more enlightened souls have uncovered the secret truth about women: they’re basically weird and disgusting and only male sexual desire makes them seem sexy.

EndlessPontification 15 points 1 day ago A lot of mgtow men still have trouble understanding that women are vastly inferior to men in pretty much every way. Women aren't even attractive, it's the male sex-drive, cultural indoctrination, and makeup that makes them appear to be. Strip all of that away and shave her head? Her outside will match her inside, as she'll look like an autistic freak permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]LemonZeppelin27 5 points 1 day ago I have thought about this. Objectively, the vagina is really weird and boobs just exist. But the male sex drive makes them appear to be attractive. You hear blue pill guys saying "I love women" but I just don't love women. I'm not even sure if I like women. At best, I am ambivalent towards women. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Muginns 3 points 1 day ago They are supposed to be a support to men, and a way to give birth and/or nurture children, but they have to go and fuck it all up.

I don’t want to alarm any of the fellas who might be reading this, but I have heard that most if not all females are also infested with cooties. Best stay away!

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Citizen Rat
Citizen Rat
7 years ago

Translation: “It’s about MEEEE!!”

Sweet Merciless Leviathan, not even a woman’s hotness is her own! It’s the act of being perceived by men that makes them hot. The Want’em Observer Effect, if you will.

7 years ago

They just keep going further and further down that rabbit hole. eventually it will collapse and bury them.

That would be… bad?

7 years ago

Honestly, this one just makes me laugh and laugh and LAUGH!

7 years ago

Do you even science, bro? Sex drive does not determine the gender or genders you are attracted to and the male sex drive being greater than the female sex drive is a myth. People of every gender have various sex drives and no one has been found to be inherently hornier than the others.

Vaginas are weird? Dude, have you seen your balls?

Breasts just exist? Yeah, everything just exists. That doesn’t stop some of those things from being appealing.

Women are supposed to do whatever the fuck we want to do. We aren’t another resource for men to exploit. If nobody wants to support you and give you babies, take care of yourself and adopt or pay an assistant and a maid and hire a surrogate. You want women’s labor? Pay for it.

7 years ago

And wow, the ablism.

7 years ago

“Obejectivly the Vagina is just weird”

Yeah completely different from the dick right? God these guys are full of shit.

ETA: Ninja’d.

7 years ago

im a lesbian and the only objective truth here is that this guy’s opinion is objectively wrong

7 years ago

They sound like a straw man argument made by a lazy feminist, if it weren’t for the other examples David has compiled…

There must be a lot of MRAs and MGTOWs who feel the need to one-up the arguments they’ve already seen. Proving that you’re a REAL _____ by saying something a little bit more extreme than the others, but then nobody is willing to say it when they’ve gone too far. I think that’s how you get these bizarre and frightening extremists. In the very beginning they might be relatively reasonable position, however they all feel that the way to prove your loyalty to the idea and the group is to invent a version of that position that goes a little bit farther, an escalation of the existing ideology. Thus they inch towards the ridiculous and dangerous. Unless there is a powerful outside force to give them a reality check.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

Muggins comment: “..They have to go and fuck it all up” translation: women want to be treated as human beings, how the fuck dare they, right guys?

It’s almost amazing how much they hate everything women yet cannot stop talking about women.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Endless Pontification is such an apt name for an MGTOW.

7 years ago

Haise, the husky puppy wrote:

It’s almost amazing how much they hate everything women yet cannot stop talking about women.

Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin, so the saying goes…

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
7 years ago

When will the MGTOWs fucking go their own way already?!

7 years ago

Pfffftchahahaha. Okay, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night!

All I’m gonna say is that when some dude resorts to the sad old, “Yeah, well you’re not even hot!” insult, they’ve lost their argument entirely.

7 years ago

Now that you found the Secret Dark Truth of Womanhood (TM), can you finally go your own way now?

(No. No they won’t)

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Sweet Merciless Leviathan, not even a woman’s hotness is her own! It’s the act of being perceived by men that makes them hot. The Want’em Observer Effect, if you will.

Sadly, this is true outside of the manosphere. In pop culture, female sexuality is usually depicted as passive. If she pleases the male gaze, she is sexy, therefore sexual. Female sexual pleasure is depicted as obscene. Like when Blue Valentine famously got an NC-17 rating because of a scene that lacked full frontal nudity but did depict the Ryan Gosling character performing oral sex on the Michelle Williams character. On the other hand, depictions of women giving men blow jobs get R ratings. Female nudity that caters to the male gaze gets an R rating.

A lot of things that are sold as sexually empowering for women such as breast implants or stripper aerobics classes are things that please the male gaze but don’t generally give a women sexual pleasure. Not that there’s anything wrong with getting breast implants, learning to pole dance or dressing in skimpy clothing in and of themselves. Just pointing that it’s not a coincidence that things that cater to heterosexual male desire are a lot more likely to be depicted as empowering and representative of female sexuality than say, getting your first vibrator and learning what gets you off.

This also explains our former troll NWO Slave’s hilarious insistence that female sexuality consisted of wearing sexy clothes.

As usual, MGTOW get their misogyny from the culture as a whole. They just take it to extremes.

7 years ago

Male sex-drive? I’m a woman, so no.

Cultural indoctrination? Pretty sure culture has been telling me since forever I’m supposed to be after dick.

Make-up? I work in an environment where most women don’t wear it.

Huh, won’t you look at that, I still find women attractive. Who would have thought it all came down to viewing women as human beings instead of walking vaginas.

7 years ago

There’s a lot of stereotypes I’ve heard about people with ASD, but “bald” wasn’t one of them. You learn something new every day, I guess!

A Rose for Emily
A Rose for Emily
7 years ago

Objectively, vaginas are really weird and boobs just exist.

It’s true, you know. Think about it:

Try saying “boobs” to yourself over and over, until the word stops seeming to mean anything. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs.

Then, imagine boobs. Big boobs. Little boobs. Boobs on everything. Boobs on the wall, the floor, the ceiling. A coffee cup with boobs. A sofa with boobs. Bonobos with boobs. Bue-footed boobies with boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Everywhere boobs.

Strange, innit? Like, why is that supposed to be erotic? What’s so exciting about boobs? Boobs. Boobs. Boobs.

Leaving vaginas as an exercise for the reader.

7 years ago

So ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ is somehow big news to these guys, who apparently previously though that attractiveness was some kind of objective characteristic like mass? I guess that’s why they keep trying to describe it with unitless numbers.

7 years ago

Well to be fair, an object’s thermal state is, in fact, an objective characteristic.

So by that measure, all women are equally “hot”…

7 years ago

men in general prefer real breasts but since bigger size means she can harvest more male gaze in public, a woman wants to get the most male gaze from the widest variety of men so from pure vanity gets implants

7 years ago

And ones who are running a fever are even hotter!

…I’ll show myself out now….

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago


I don’t know if you’ve seen this before, but even if you have, I might as well post it for the benefit of everyone else:

Basically sums up exactly what you said, but in the context of video games rather than movies.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago


I don’t know if you’ve seen this before, but even if you have, I might as well post it for the benefit of everyone else:

Basically sums up exactly what you said, but in the context of video games rather than movies.

7 years ago

Dafuq did I just read?

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