MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.
“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”
Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.
Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?
I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?
Ayn Rand? See, you did that on purpose. I know what you did there. 😉
“will they take the bait?” i bet you can’t stop grinning in excitement!
Thanks! Work schedule and life never seem to allow me to jump in “real time” like a lot of Mammothteers can. Yeah, see, of course I only got into that 700+ comment superjam with Chessman and stuff until it was completely over and was just Alan and I talking about early twentieth-century rifles. (I missed the whole bow as a weapon thing, darn it).
But hey maybe I’ll stay up for just a bit more and see if for once I can see the live action. Never a dull time around here.
Old Emma is pretty funny, all right.
“You’ll be sorry one day you online people I’ll never meet treated me so mean even though I came here and started making an ass out of myself!! Yoooooouuuuu’lllll seeeeeee!
Fuck you fuck you fuckyouarflebardlesgyduuctghhv argh argh ARRRRRRRRRGH!”
Bina, Ems doesn’t believe you. I assume you have retreated to your fainting couch with a case of the vapors.
I have. It was GARBAGE, so I didn’t bother to finish any of it, even that laughable pamphlet, The Virtue of Selfishness, which is by far her most cogent and concise piece of crap. But what does one expect of drivel written by a Dexedrine freak who died on Social Security because her “genius” books couldn’t pay her medical bills, incurred due to lung cancer caused by smoking, which she thought her patriotic duty (and no doubt thought herself invincible, as well)?
And I thought you were AGAINST Objectivism. Why are you suddenly FOR it?
(I read all of Atlas Shrugged. It sucked.)
What, and miss all the Acme™ fireworks? Nawww. I just went to the kitchen for a glass of wine. Leonardo Chianti. It pairs exceptionally well with laughter.
Academics isn’t the only reason people get held back in school. Emotional/social readiness is also a factor. Skills such ad emotional self-regulation and impulse control are important for kids to work independently at higher grades. Plus academic progress isn’t often linear. Looking at the evolution of a child’s writinh, they can go from scribbles, to copying environmental print, to using initial letters to represent words, to using invented spelling, to phonetically spelling out words; or they can go from copying environmental print to scribbling to phonetically spelling. Those kids who can’t form their e’s properly can make sudden leaps ahead. Most children are still learning literacy until they are 8. It’s considered normal for 6- and 7-year olds to confuse their b’s and d’s (though not for a 10-year old).
Fyi I worked as a kindergarten teacher, and it makes me realize that (grown) people really take for granted skills we have learned over the years, such as counting with 1-to-1 correspondence or understanding cause and effect.
Someone claiming that kindergarten is glorified baby-sitting is not aware of what’s happening in kindergarten for the past few decades. It’s become more academic, but not in a good way. There’s pressure for kids to know how to read simple books and understand basic addition and subtraction by the end of the school year, but the focus should instead be on social/emotional development. Even though the kids are capable of a lot, the pressure to academically excel can be counterproductive.
I’ve enjoyed reading the discussion in the thread, but I likely won’t return to respond to anything.
No, you didn’t.
Just like you aren’t a playboy engineer and kids don’t want you to molest them.
We are messing with you?
You admitted that you have tried and tried and tried to get your comments posted here after being banned. Now you want to say we are bothering you?
You know David can use your IP address to locate you and notify your parents that you’re here talking about being a kiddie diddler, right?
Do you want them to see your internet history?
Don’t bother trying to delete it. It’s still searchable.
You might want to rethink the path your on. Pedophilia isn’t a cute joke you use to get attention on the internet.
I’m pretty sure at this point that the troll is not of voting age. And should have been held back multiple grades. And that compulsory schooling is a pre-requisite for a technological world, which I already knew. And that compulsory schooling should include classes on how to treat others.
RE: Ayn Rand
I read all of Atlas Shrugged. If we are generous enough to describe this screed as a “philosophy”, it is a philosophy that helps approach no truths and is easily shown to be as obsolete, irrelevant and blatantly, provably false as the view that the Bible contains the literal history of the world.
If we ignore the philosophical component, the sheer incompetence of Rand’s writing style renders her message almost indecipherable, and causes folks like me who are used to GOOD books written by GOOD authors to have a constant pounding headache during every second of that horrid so-called book.
Atlas Shrugged provides nothing for the human experience, and is one of a very few books I feel deserve to be burned. Either that, or taught to students all over America as an example of a false philosophy no one should ever follow.
So, now this troll is presenting himself in the persona of a…what, 14-year-old stuck in summer school?
Yeah, okay, sure.
That would make you 8th grade, champ, so, you should have definitely known if that other kid trying to smack you around was also in the 8th grade. And yet you tried to make it sound as though he was older.
So, I think we have here an older fella – 20s-ish maybe? Playing at being a callow youth, I guess for the lulz. Shitposters gotta shitpost or something. Maybe he’s one of those intrepid Anons who had that whole Black Op going where they infiltrated the Feeeminizms?
This troll is full of all kinds of shit, just maybe not the shit we thought.
Good .GIF choice.
You’re…frankly unbelievable. Not much else to say that my cohorts haven’t.
@Emma Goldman
Aw shiet mitchell phifer we got a little old randian ban boy all up in this thread. “Oh look at me I’m a self insert that doesn’t get science or understand the basic concepts of agriculture and empathy.”
Mate, I took summer school, for failing math, in a stereotypical Asian Household. I needed that mandatory education, it was the only thing I had that allowed me to get into college in the first place. That and AP courses (that aren’t guaranteed to give you college credit thanks to our messed up education, but whose fault is it that our college system preys on people like a leech? Hint it’s not the liberal progressives and others who want free college.) Man it would have suucked if I didn’t have that education, since I lacked things like not having the ability to speak the majority secondary language, not being able to say I got more than a ged, didn’t have ambitions for inventing, software, didn’t own/want/inherit a business, didn’t have family who worked at the colleges, didn’t have the ability to land scholarships, couldn’t travel to foreign countries to aid others, had no drive for art and didn’t have any close family that graduated college. I’d have been so screwed.
Since I can’t seem to quit this place (even though I downloaded some software which is supposed to block sites like this – but I keep finding new ways around it) I guess I’ll just tell you. Besides, you seem like a nice person, though I don’t blame you if you judge me harshly for my actions; I’m no saint.
I’ve been coming here for about a year and trolling under different guises – my first was chandler, and then came Once You Go Gault and Dustinzeit. Later, I created Sedentary Reactionary, and as soon as he was gone, I created All that Migging and Towing. They are all stereotypical characters, mostly libertarian (except for Sed – he’s a monarchist who doesn’t know how sex works).
I would say more, but since the ban hammer is hanging above me like a sword of damocles, I don’t know just how much time I have to explain the psychology behind my actions, though it might have something to do with my need for control; I think that trolling allows me, especially if it’s offensive or humorous, allows me to feel like I’ve got some kind of power in my life. My doctor recently told me that my compulsive behaviors are the result of a need for control (I have spent more than 3,000 dollars on Amazon in the past few months), and I think that this is just another way of acquiring it. My doctor doesn’t know that I troll on the internet (been doing it for yyears now) but I’m seeing him in a few weeks and I plan to address it. I’m ashamed of my posting habits, but I just feel like I need to do it.
For what it’s worth, I’ve never trolled as Mark, Minter, or anyone other than those names listed above.
PS – 23 and work a public sector jobs.
Thanks for your input, it was helpful for me anyway. I’m sad to hear kids are under more pressure now. 🙁
Actually, speaking of the concept of autodidacticsm (did I spell that correctly? The spellchecker is flagging it; I’m trying to get the word that means the practice of self-teaching, i.e., being an autodidact)…in the period I specialize in (eighteenth-century Britain) it wasn’t unheard of and was actually a viable means of assisting one’s advancement. Now, it’s not like theirs was a society with a huge amount of social mobility anyway. After all it was one in which rigid hierarchy on the basis of class and patriarchal values was seen as a positive good and big imperative. On the other hand, people in the middling classes did it. It was kind of expected of military people (at least in the British army of that period). Military education in the early modern world before the period in which institutional military academies were common has always been fascinating to me. Of course what I’m referring to as autodidactism by military people was also supplemented by the ability to read and discuss informally, i.e., “coffeehouse culture” and so on. One couldn’t and didn’t go around claiming to know everything and expect social acceptance.
OK, sorry for the off-topic but it’s somewhat related, right? Besides people go on historical digressions around here!
The only good thing about Rand is exactly one quote:
“It’s not a matter of who will allow me. It is a matter of who is going to stop me.”
Everything else of hers is complete garbage, period.
I…don’t know how to post .gifs here?
OK, the troll is fucking with everyone for attention, most likely including intentional spelling mistakes. You’re giving it what it wants.
*channels Gene Wilder*
Stop. Don’t. Come back.
@Emma Goldman
‘Making flimsy arguments and being pulled apart by people online makes me feel like I have control in my life.’
Whatever floats your boat, kiddo, but this sounds like a weird psychological masochism kind of thing.
That’s my feeling, too. Just some shitlord farting around.
Oh, and I’ve read Ayn Rand. Made it all the way through The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Not the greatest writer, although I was less discerning then and it kept me engaged enough. Awful, flimsy characters – basically interchangeable; unsustainable “philosophy” of selfishness that was pretty much a lifelong temper tantrum against Communism rather than any kind of cogent system. There’s a reason why her books are fiction, because a system such as she dreamt of couldn’t exist in reality; it would collapse in upon itself.
Still, it always seems to be either young people or immature people that cling to her ideas.
If you don’t have time for us, why have you been creating sock after sock for the past six years? You keep getting banned. You have so many opportunities to get away from us, why don’t you ever take them?
Oh, because you’re a troll.
Yes. This thread has me pretty much convinced he’s yet another MRAL. He’s been sounding exactly the same.
Which would mean he’s in his mid twenties probably and should’ve grown out of this shit by now.
Jesus Christ, this is textbook MRAL. He did the same shit.
I think WWTH is right.
MRAL was 19 when he started, so, yeah. It tracks.
@troll, assuming you haven’t imploded yet:
And yet here you are, wasting time on bullshitting and (very poorly) gaslighting US. Funny how that works!
Did you just admit you’re 14 years old? And yet, you don’t think it’s a good idea for those who understand choice to be allowed to vote? That’s sad. I guess you must not understand choice yet. In which case, you really DO need schooling.
No. Because it isn’t. Poorly-conducted schooling is. But trust an uneducated (or miseducated) dude not to understand that subtle difference. Sandra pointed it out above, as did Jaygee. Did you read either of them? If not, go back and do it now.
Oh…only just NOW. Thanks for asking.
You poor widdle fing. Thwarted by summer school! Oh, the humanity! What could you possibly have accomplished that couldn’t wait until you improved your grades and got a better feel for basic concepts? Better seagull-trap engineering, perhaps?
It’s THICK, and no, my skull is not thick. It’s quite normally sized and shaped, thank you.
And yes, you DO need compulsory education. Just look at how poorly you think and write. Again, I must ask: What could you possibly expect to accomplish with no schooling?
BTW, I am not a liberal. I’m your worst nightmare: a SOCIALIST. And I’m also a proud product of Canada’s very good public education system. I have two university degrees, am fluent in three languages, know several others (some of them actually “dead”!), and have translated two books from Spanish.
Trolls never grow out of this shit. Cause it has nothing to do with age or maturity.
It’s about them having so little relevant in their life they confuse annoying strangers with actually having some minor purpose to their existence. And also about bullying strangers into accepting or refusing to challenge their political views, and derailing discussion and explanation of politics they dislike so observers can’t understand the truth of the matter.