men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit women shouldn't work women's suffrage

“Are Women Really Human?” asks the MGTOW meme of the day

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MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.

You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.

“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”

Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.

Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?

I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?

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7 years ago

@Bina – yes, just like that! Out here in the hinterlands it happens more than you might think, and it is pretty sad. Yikes.

Not “I was a great speller in 1st grade” sad. But sad.

7 years ago


i started reading when “steele” was arriving with his “vile” bullshit. NWO and Mral were on their way out (or so we thought mral was out). I didn’t pay enough attention because I thought they would all grow the fuck up eventually. I thought that just NOBODY could be that horrible and just uuuugh. And then trump won. So I guess people really are that awful.

I now wish I could screen shot and create a collection of troll threads. If somebody had that sort of time, it would be fascinating to dissect.

7 years ago


You know, you people picked the wrong person to mess with. One of these days, you’re gonna wish you were me. I am going to be a roaring success when I get older, and I’d probably be one by now already if it weren’t for those idiots who stifle creativity and must impose their leveling tendencies upon the otherwise bright heads of aspiring geniuses. I’ve been held back because I am simply too smart for all of this; when I was in first grade, they should have just bumped me up to second and been done with it, but I had to waste my time with those babies who couldn’t even spell their names or write their “e’s” correctly.

Funny, that’s what a schoolyard bully once said to me, too. Right before I kicked his ass over the fence.

And in case you’re wondering: No, he never amounted to anything. Last I heard, he was drunkenly hitting on divorced women in bars. Unsuccessfully, I might add.

PS: There is no such thing as an “aspiring” genius. You either are one or you’re not. And you…are NOT.

7 years ago

There is a valid complaint to be made for the industrialized, standardized public school system failing to work with kids as individual people and doing them disservices in various ways.

That said, the troll has given us numerous reasons to believe he should have been held back grades.

Here’s a hint, troll: If you are truly a genius, truly destined for “success”, you won’t blame your failings on others. If you’re truly destined for success, you will go and claim it. You will write until your soul bleeds, write until you cannot stand the sight of words, you will destroy a thousand works of your own until you have just one you think is worthy to be judged by others….and when they find it lacking, you will revise it a hundred times before you try again.

And maybe, one day, something you write will be published.

But you’d rather be a misogynist on the internet, and show us just how much of a loser you believe you are.

7 years ago

You know, you people picked the wrong person to mess with. One of these days, you’re gonna wish you were me. I am going to be a roaring success when I get older, and I’d probably be one by now already if it weren’t for those idiots who stifle creativity and must impose their leveling tendencies upon the otherwise bright heads of aspiring geniuses. I’ve been held back because I am simply too smart for all of this; when I was in first grade, they should have just bumped me up to second and been done with it, but I had to waste my time with those babies who couldn’t even spell their names or write their “e’s” correctly.

Every time I think your newest post is the funniest thing you could possibly write, you outdo yourself. Thank you. Thank you so much, you beautiful snowflake. You have made my night.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

I am going to be a roaring success when I get older

If it hasn’t come by age 329…

7 years ago

I’m not knocking on your learning, just that Babar and Muzzie are made by instructors to help people learn, not something ridiculous like a person coming up to you and saying “here’s a cult Russian film called STALKER with no subs in any language you can read/speak I expect you to translate the script by the end of the film good luck.”
Even scholars that influenced alot of the knowledge base we have still had to learn from the knowledge of other instructors. It’d probably be less productive if they all had to from day one reconstruct mathematical proofs with no one to tell them if they’re on the right track or not.

7 years ago

The point being you didn’t invent Muzzy and you didn’t find Muzzy on your own.
Entirely “self-taught” isn’t a thing. We stand on the shoulders of giants and all that, you know?

I was an unschooler for a while. Trust me, that doesn’t mean you just leave a kid alone and hope for the best. Don’t underestimate the work other people put into helping you learn what you wanted to learn. Even if you just earn the money to buy the books the kid picks out, you’re putting effort into their education and that is never all you have to do.

The seagull kid likes to pretend he’s going to go Galt, but that isn’t a thing people can actually do.

7 years ago

@Mrs. Obed:

He’s both trolling AND stupid. Or even trolling BECAUSE stupid.

(No reason they must be mutually exclusive, eh?)

7 years ago

I’d probably be one by now already if it weren’t for those idiots who stifle creativity and must impose their leveling tendencies upon the otherwise bright heads of aspiring geniuses.

Like my CS advisor who decided it wasn’t worth his time to advise because obviously I was going to flunk out of all of my classes? Who caused me to pick some wrong classes because I didn’t know the school I was transferring to counted them differently? Which then caused me to miss our on electives in CS that could have been really useful for me? But no, it’s not the same, because I wasn’t stifled by him, it was just another obstacle I overcame. Guess it helps to have some…what’s that word? Oh right, gumption!

Edit: Re: Muzzy and Babar, that was my point too, sorry I wasn’t clear. I’ll remember my sarcasm tags next time! My teachers obviously did more than had out papers (and they were awesome!) and I’ve done immersion learning, it still takes a teacher and only works to a point.

7 years ago

One of these days, you’re gonna wish you were me. I am going to be a roaring success when I get older


I swear, there is not enough popcorn in the world for this. I can’t stop laughing here.

Emma Goldman
Emma Goldman
7 years ago

@Bina, fcuking imbecile

You know what? Fuck you.. Just fuck you. I don’t believe for a second that you punched a guy over a fence, especially if you were in grade school. I was punched by someone just last year, possibly a college aged male, and he did not use anything approximating the necessary level of force to push me over anything. You have no business comparing me to some drunk guy in a abr. None.

7 years ago




No wonder you lost the spelling bee, honey…

7 years ago

He’s both trolling AND stupid. Or even trolling BECAUSE stupid.

(No reason they must be mutually exclusive, eh?)

I would’ve preferred one that said “Not Sure If Sarcastic/Or Just Stupid,” but I couldn’t find that one in the ~2 minutes I spent browsing GIS and was too lazy to put in the minimal effort to make my own macro. And then Seagull Man removed all doubt on that score.


I don’t believe for a second that you punched a guy over a fence.

And I don’t believe for a second that an entitled ass who holds onto grade school grudges is likely to be a success in life.

7 years ago

Oh, I’m sure we will rue the the day, seagull kid. We. Will. Rue. It. So. Hard.

So, back to you wanting to screw kiddies. When did you first know you shouldn’t be allowed outside of a cage?

Pavlovs House
Pavlovs House
7 years ago

I’m not a genius. I’m just determined and work hard. Interestingly, *that* gets you published in my field as much as being “brilliant” or a “genius”.

Oh yeah, and as for the contributions of women…they have certainly contributed to military historiography as well as military history itself.

Hello everybody by the way!

Am I actually on time to a troll thread for once?

Hope everyone is well!

7 years ago

@Emma Goldman

Well you did, have, and are still soiling the thread with your temper tantrums and pathetic attempts to impress. And I guess you’d also wouldn’t believe I managed to bring down a fellow classmate who took football back in junior high, or that I got in trouble with someone just to take back gifts that belonged to a friend of mine.

But seriously though what’s with your want of screwing underage kids?

7 years ago

HI Pavlov’s House! Welcome to the party!

7 years ago

@troll of many faces

I’m really curious, as a person. Not a rando on the internet, and without the platform of feminism and internet and all that distraction. Lets eliminate all those things right now. I have a serious question for you.

Just from human to human.

Are your meltdowns real? Or are you laughing as you write them?
Obviously you are enjoying part of it, but the hostility parts….are they real? I can’t tell. I’m super interested in your motivation. Really all of your thoughts – (without talking about feminism and women’s stuff) as to why you post the way you do. What makes you tick as a person?

Overly Long Name
Overly Long Name
7 years ago

@Emma Goldman
But will you be happy? You seem dead set on holding on to past rages and grudges, and people like that no matter how successful grow bitter and tired. They begin to alienate the people around them till the point they only have people like them, and yes-men who will continue to encourage their regressive behavior. At the end of the day they are left bitter and unhappy. You have to overcome your past hates instead of focusing on what could’ve been focus on what can be, if you don’t like the school system put your energy into changing it and making it better. Don’t be bitter be happy for the brighter future you can work to create.

Emma Goldman
Emma Goldman
7 years ago

You know what? Fuck you. I don’ not have time for you people and your bullshit. Liberals have been making my life a living hell for the past 14 years now and I’ve had it. Do you know that mandatory schooling is bad for people? Of course not, when was the last time any of you thought about something like that? I had so many things that I wanted to accomplish, and now I can’t, thanks to fucking summer school. You assholes don’t do anything productive, you’re destroying. and shit. PEOPLE DO NOT NEED COMPULSORY EDUCATION. GET IT. THROUGH YOUR THINK FUCKING SKULLS.

Have any of you ever *actually* tried to read Ayn Rand. ANY OF YOU!? BECAUSE I DOUBT IT. I REALLY DO.

7 years ago


do not*

7 years ago

“Mandatory schooling is bad for people”

… wow

7 years ago

It’s… it’s “thick” fucking skulls, hon. Just sayin’.

7 years ago

@mad, sad little troll:

@Bina, fcuking imbecile

You know what? Fuck you.. Just fuck you. I don’t believe for a second that you punched a guy over a fence, especially if you were in grade school. I was punched by someone just last year, possibly a college aged male, and he did not use anything approximating the necessary level of force to push me over anything. You have no business comparing me to some drunk guy in a abr. None.

Oh look, you guys, I made it mad! So mad it forgot that it was the top speller in FORTH grade!

…Trust me, fella, I DROP-kicked him. (Hey, my story’s as good as all of yours!)

And you’re right, it’s bad of me to compare you to some drunk guy in a “abr”. You’re actually a sorrier sight than he is. (And the last time I saw him, he was lookin’ pretty damn seedy.)

And please, learn to spell before you lash out at me again. It’s so embarrassing to see an Aspiring Genius™ blow himself up like Wile E. Coyote.

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