MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.
“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”
Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.
Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?
I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?
But he’s totes a 329 year old engineer! He creats the jibs!
@LindsayIrene – congratulations on getting work! Yay!
And I figured you were joking, but of course I just had to say something because that one time I sat in gum and blah blah blah 😀
I think Emmiggy needs more gifs.
Why you gotta be hatin’ on schools, bro?
So, drop out hot stuff.
You can support yourself, right? You don’t need those silly old teachers or your parents.
Live off the land, like a man.
you know what, I believe you.
But then I wouldn’t get to read his hilarious posts anymore!
I don’t. You can’t teach yourself language. Even with the troll’s minimal knowledge of anything, period, he is still lying in that breath.
Plus he admitted up thread that his mommy taught him to read.
Did… I just arrive in the middle of a seagull flounce or something? If the answer’s yes, should I get some tea and pop some popcorn for y’all?
Tea and popcorn sounds lovely, Sissy!
This is true. Self taught is short hand for “I used guides and flashcards on the internet and irl made by other instructors.” If learning by yourself was true I’d already be fluent in Spanish and Japanese with how much anime and public tv I watch.
If you bring the butter popcorn I’ll bring the caramel popcorn.
So it wasn’t Muzzy and Babar that taught me French, but rather the teachers who handed out papers to me? Who knew!
Just remember, you’re too good for the service industry. You don’t need fancy Applebee’s meals but you’re too smart and hard working for an Applbee’s job. You can build a lean to and forage for grubs until you teach yourself how to make a high six figure salary. No probs. You’ve got this!
“you know what, I believe you.”
Nevermind, fuck you.
By all means, bring the contents of your pantry. I’ll eat Cheerios as a snack, and quite gladly!
I’m still not convinced that the seagull gourmand isn’t MRAL. In his Steele incarnation he complained about misandrist teachers who prevented him from becoming a writer. Plus, when he’s not using the over the top Shakespearean insult style of writing, he’s got the the same kind of writing as him.
I go back and forth on this. But the meltdowns that seem kind of put on are a tell. So is the bragging about silly stuff. So is the occasional confession of vulnerability where he pretends like he might learn to be a better person followed by a swift return of the troll behavior.
I just wish more of the people who were around during his day were here so they could put their two cents in.
well OK , after he learned the basics he embarked on a journey of self learning/teaching which would explain a lot.
That sounds a lot like the guy that was convinced that vagina fluids had magical brain-controlling powers. Ah, here it is, the magical Zombifying Vagina Goo, by Sandman. https://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2015/11/06/mgtow-women-literally-hypnotize-men-with-their-zombifying-vagina-goo/
Is that it, EMMIggull? Does the magic vagina fluid control you?
That reminds me. I think I’m overdue for my period.
*Crosses fingers*. C’mon, menopause, c’mon menopause!
Yes please! I’ll get the hot chocolate! And no, I don’t care that it’s summer in America. It’s still cold enough at night.
Yeah. Even if you self-teach, you are using resources put together by others. And even if you self-teach, you must first be literate – and literacy is only possible with teachers and language, and language only comes from again teachers. Plus the social support to make self-teaching resources available to you. No. This troll is not responsible for what little knowledge and insight he has.
None of us are wholly responsible for our own knowledge and insight.
wasn’t meant as a complement
Tea and popcorn it is! Also, I’ve never seen a flounce live before. Guess I just wanted to see it just once. I’m weird like that sometimes.
Awwww, trolly. You didn’t do well in school, did you? Especially not in English. I mean, you can’t even keep your homonyms (mail vs. male) apart. Which is something you need a teacher to teach you, STILL.
It’s sad how transparent you are.
Did you think that was meant as a compliment?
You know, you people picked the wrong person to mess with. One of these days, you’re gonna wish you were me. I am going to be a roaring success when I get older, and I’d probably be one by now already if it weren’t for those idiots who stifle creativity and must impose their leveling tendencies upon the otherwise bright heads of aspiring geniuses. I’ve been held back because I am simply too smart for all of this; when I was in first grade, they should have just bumped me up to second and been done with it, but I had to waste my time with those babies who couldn’t even spell their names or write their “e’s” correctly.