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“Are Women Really Human?” asks the MGTOW meme of the day

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MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.

You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.

“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”

Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.

Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?

I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?

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7 years ago

I was the best speller in first, second, third, and forth grade.

comment image

With that, I must bid everyone a good night. I’ve got D&D first thing in the morning, and I must get my rest or I simply will not be able to destroy my players’ puny little elves and dwarves with the customary glee. (If they don’t like it, maybe they should play with a bit more gumption, eh?)

EDIT: Dammit, ninja’d by Social Justice Cyborg Ninja, appropriately enough.

7 years ago

TIL: the Prius is a luxury automobile.

That, or Seagull is amazed that teachers can afford to buy an average-priced car that’s way cheaper than average to operate instead of an old jalopy deathtrap that’s expensive to keep running.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

I will have you know, I was reading by the time I was 4. That’s right, 4.

… So?

I learned to read at two. I also clipped my fingernails this morning. Both of these are equally as important and bragworthy, by which I mean they’re not, do you seriously not have any other accomplishments in your life? o_O

You don’t, do you. Wow. That’s genuinely depressing.

7 years ago


you’re pretensions to superior intellect and moral fiber.

That’s YOUR. And if anyone is pretending to have superior intellect and moral fibre here, it’s you. (Without any grounds, I must say, given your weird and icky predilection for sex with 10-year-olds.)

See, you DO need English teachers in the worst way.

(You also need your ass kicked, and HARD.)

7 years ago

when I’m out delivering the male

They let filth like you be Obstetricians?

On a more serious note, I’m really annoyed lately about a pedophilia case that recently came back up in the news because the “couple” is getting divorced, purportedly so that he can start a marijuana growing business (since she’s a felon her name can’t be anywhere near the business). He was twelve when she raped him, but people still think it’s fucking funny. It makes me sick and I can’t believe a judge actually lifted the protective order and let them get married. Everything about the case is plain wrong but everyone just makes jokes.

And then this asshole Emma shows up with his pedophile apologetics.

7 years ago

I bet you think you’re going to grow up to be an engineer. Don’t you, cupcake?

I mean, when you aren’t eating raw seagull.

7 years ago

@Emma Goldman
Like totally the same 2 breh I can’t get all these ladies off. of. Me


7 years ago


I was the best speller in first, second, third, and forth grade.

I’m a little surprised nobody caught this one yet.

No wonder he lost the spelling bee! XD

Emma Goldman
Emma Goldman
7 years ago

Teachers are such bullshit. IT likes they just don’t appreciate the hard work some people, and they have such inane rules about using the bathroom and lockers that it just makes me fucking sick thinking about them. I would personally rather it be like it was back in the old days, when children learned responsibility by getting jobs instead of turning in assignments – at least the latter provides them with skills which will actually be useful in the future.

7 years ago


Are you upset that none of them taught you the difference between ‘two’ and ‘too?’ :c

7 years ago

I used to think the saddest thing was when I’d hear some 50-something year old guy talk about what a bomb-ass football player or wrestler he’d been in high school.

And then I heard some guy brag about being a good speller in grade school!

@IgnoreSandra – I know you’re joking, but please don’t put gum on seats in the theater – kind of an asshole move (I have sat in gum before and it is NOT cool; also, not all of us can afford to just buy new jeans whenever). Thanks.

@Falconer – you might be glad to know that teen pregnancy rates in the US have been falling for years and continue to drop. Good news!

7 years ago

You keep writing like you think educated grown-ups write.

You’ve got such obvious tells and you can’t even see them. It’s funny because you’re trying so hard.

You’d be cute if you hadn’t also revealed you’re angry you can’t molest little kids.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago


Do you need a hug?

7 years ago

@Emma Goldman
The American Education system is terrible I agree, we should call our representatives and give the occasional donation to groups who want to improve education for people of all ages. After all child labor is kind of unethical and there is a stunning lack of classes that promote basic selfcare, and other important things to know when you’re an adult and living on your own. Plus if there is one thing I’ve learned is that solid copy textbooks are awful for your back when you have to carry them all miles back to your home in 110+ degree weather on foot.

Please don’t put gum on chair, it’d hard for the employees to remove that from the chairs and just ruins it for any other movie goer who wants to sit there.

Woohoo hooray for progessive and active Sex Ed and Planned Parenthood!

7 years ago


I’ll have you know that women are constantly harassing me in real life.

Surrrrrrre they are.

I am frequently being harassed and hollered at by them when I’m and about – many of them are twentyish and very attractive.

“GET OUT OF MY WAY, SHITLORD!” isn’t harassment, shitlord.

I’ve had them in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s all after me, and I could very easily take my pick.

Oh my, look at all those stray apostrophes. Didn’t you ever learn to punctuate?

I mean, sure. Whatever, bro. You’re a legend in your own mind. We get it. Doesn’t mean any of us wants to get with YOU, capisce?

But sex with a woman is like a drug and when you do it, they use it to control you.

Where have I heard this before?

Oh yeah:

7 years ago

IT likes they just don’t appreciate the hard work some people,

Huh? You might want to have an English teacher go over that.

and they have such inane rules about using the bathroom and lockers

You’re still mad about dumb rules you had to follow when you were a child. That is the funniest thing I have read all day. You are a treasure. Dave, let this man post!

7 years ago

@kupo – I lived out there when that case was winding through the courts, and it was hideous. It’s still hideous.

As the mother of a son, she would have begged to stay in prison if she’d had to deal with me when she got out. 12 years old. No words. I just can’t even imagine. My son is 15 now and he and his friends still look friggin’ embryonic to my eyes.

She is the worst.

7 years ago

@Dreemr & Ooglyboggles

Yeah, I was joking. My first thought was “caltrops”, but this community doesn’t find implied sarcastic violence to be as funny as I unfortunately do (Long, really sad history there, not getting into it), so I swapped it for a small item that no one wants to sit in which isn’t actually dangerous.

I absolutely won’t put gum on theater seats. That’s just making more work for the poor employees, and that ain’t right.

One thing I am proud of that happened today is I was able to definitively land work. I’m happy to be moving forward in that way. It’s rather telling that the troll is bragging about grade school instead of this afternoon.

Emma Goldman
Emma Goldman
7 years ago


No. I don’t need a hug. Fuck wastes of government money on shit like school, and they even waste time on shit like summer school, too. Fucking teachers don’t know anything that you can’t just teach yourself. Everything I know in life I taught myself, on my own dime. I don’t see why people think that ‘teachers’ are so great – they just sit there and hand out papers and shit. Waste of government money.

7 years ago

Summer school getting you down, sweetie?

Those gosh darn school rules, keeping you from the throngs of hot ladies who totes want to snatch your sausage!

How dare they? Don’t they know you’re going to be an engineer!?!

Hint: Nobody is buying it. Get a new shtick.

7 years ago


You’re still mad about dumb rules you had to follow when you were a child.

Wait, what makes you think this person is an adult? Certainly not his eloquent way of speaking, or his fantasies of living off of seagull meat.

7 years ago


I used to think the saddest thing was when I’d hear some 50-something year old guy talk about what a bomb-ass football player or wrestler he’d been in high school.

Like this guy here?

Yeah, he’s pretty sad, all right.

But not as sad as our troll.

7 years ago

No. I don’t need a hug. Fuck wastes of government money on shit like school, and they even waste time on shit like summer school, too. Fucking teachers don’t know anything that you can’t just teach yourself. Everything I know in life I taught myself, on my own dime. I don’t see why people think that ‘teachers’ are so great – they just sit there and hand out papers and shit. Waste of government money.




7 years ago

I was messing around in my minecraft realm a few minutes ago and decided to pick a fight with enderman. I lost but that was probably still a better use of time then what our troll has been doing.

7 years ago

Also, echoing that the horrible pedophile woman who molested that little boy is fucking terrible.

Jeez, lady. Ugh.






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