MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.
“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”
Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.
Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?
I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?
Ah, yes. Gumption.
Citation please. Because I haven’t seen that here.
Please note that just because I don’t think there should be a law against it, doesn’t mean I think any hot twenty year olds will give you the time of day. So don’t bother creeping on them.
@NOT Emma Goldman:
Well, YOU certainly are, aren’t you.
Now shoo, kid. Before I call down a banhammer upon your incompetent head.
This is just fucking terrible. You assholes think you’re better than me? Think you’re so fucking awesome, with your snark and bile. I will have you know, I was reading by the time I was 4. That’s right, 4. I learned it at home, my mother taught me, and I was the best speller in first, second, third, and forth grade. I have *never* failed a spelling test in my life, and I could have won the spelling bee two, I’ll bet, if it weren’t for the fact that those idiots couldn’t find the words to explain the rules to me when I was a kid.
We are pretensions to superior intellect and moral fiber? And you want to challenge that?
Edit: Oh dear, we’ve hit a nerve. But honey, your mom taught you. She wasn’t paid for it, but it’s still work she did. Was that useless?
Considering how much stock you put in proper grammar, I’m a little surprised you’d mix up “your” and “you’re.”
E: Okay, you answered the question about how you learned to read. How do people with mothers who don’t have time to teach them learn to read?
And FWIW, I also learned how to read when I was four. I figured it out by myself. But I know I’m an exception to the general rule.
You used the word ‘you’re’ in the completely wrong context while lauding yourself as the most intelligent person in this discussion. It’s pretty funny. Learn to laugh at yourself, kid.
They just always need mommy’s attention, dont they?
Two? TOO, darling.
Got you beat by a year if my mother’s to be trusted.
Also, are you seriously bragging about spelling tests at this point in your life? That’s pretty pathetic, bruh.
Also, *too not two. Context is important.
ETA: Ninjaed on homophones.
Also – too*
Not to brag, but I first read when I was eight.
I started reading by picking up a book meant for 15-year olds, and reading it in one sitting.
Really, though, such things don’t matter much.
We are superior, morally and intellectually, to the troll.
Morally, I am superior to the troll because I understand that the wealthy already enjoy power through their wealth, so the disempowered should be given power of their own. That way, society is on a reasonably level playing field. Cooperation is best, but given how pathetically foolhardy Americans are, I’m willing to settle for stalemating the system.
Did the overflowing sewer calling himself “Emma” really just say children want pedophiles to rape them?
Oh, you are a special kind of gutter scum, aren’t you, precious?
No wonder you don’t like teachers. They keep the kiddies away from you don’t they, you festering pile of pig shit?
Notice how chessman is mysteriously silent now thru this. wheres our cyber bully policeman when you need him?
At the age you’re talking about, I was barely done playing with Barbies. I didn’t want to have sex until I was in my twenties. And when I did, it was with a man who was slightly younger, not substantially older, than myself.
But nice try at convincing us that an age of consent shouldn’t exist so that YOU can prey on children. You disingenuous seagull-muncher, you.
I’ll have you know that women are constantly harassing me in real life. I am frequently being harassed and hollered at by them when I’m and about – many of them are twentyish and very attractive. I’ve had them in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s all after me, and I could very easily take my pick. But sex with a woman is like a drug and when you do it, they use it to control you.
I am a jolly ol’ feminist online who just pointed out your use of a – let’s just admit it, shall we? I mean, we’re all friends here, right? – kind of hokey and archaic word not just once, but twice! And it seems to have bothered you enough to make me think you DID have it on your “Word of the Day” daily calendar!
But don’t be a wet blanket, daddy-oh! “Gumption” is the bee’s knees! Twenty-three skidoo!
Extra points for being her to “challenge you’re [sic] pretensions to superior intellect”
Sonny, you’re HILARIOUS!
Also, your mom must have been a very smart and capable lady. You may be pleased to know that ladies like that are the reason I believe that women can achieve anything.
She must be very disappointed in you.
Someone like a teacher?
All you’d have to do is say something like, “Adults don’t have any business trying to have sex with minors,” but I see you’re so intent on Arguing on the Internet that even that is beyond you.
We don’t let people that age have sex with adults. Teen pregnancy is a humongous problem in the States today, proving that lots of teens are having sex with each other, and we’re not prosecuting them for that. Having half an ounce of weed, yes. The beast with two backs with someone who’s about your age, no.
Children are perfectly capable of making their own decisions, and the number of decisions they can make independently grows as they get older. I’ll admit, based on the performance of 4chan this past election, the idea of letting a bunch of 12-year-old edgelords vote turns my stomach, but I’m not sure what’s so magical about the age of 18.
No one here has suggested interfering with the decisions of consenting adults.
No, we just know. It isn’t even hard!
I learned how without any help, even from my mother, when I was 3, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t need teachers. I loved school and I liked all my teachers. And, as an English major, I will thank you not to seagull-shit on English teachers. Which all my favorite teachers were.
BTW, I had perfect spelling all the way from Kindergarten through Grade 13.
You may proceed to eat your shriveled heart out.
I’m a little surprised nobody caught this one yet.
Who can resist the allure of a 329 year old with seagull breath?
If you find yourself bragging about the glory days of when you were in the single digits, you’re revealing you’ve accomplished nothing since, pumpkin.
Be careful now. You’re giving too much away too soon. You’re not going last long before you implode that way.
One of America’s issues is that a lot of people are close enough to physically mature by around 15, but we don’t give them any rights until age 18 or so. Lowering the voting age would help stress responsibility and encourage engagement in the system.
There would be problems with edgelords, but that’s a cultural problem we have to deal with no matter what if we make voting rights universal. Let teenagers engage in society.