MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.
“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”
Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.
Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?
I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?
Seriously. Your ‘message?’ That we’re all terrible and inferior because we’re women – or because some here are men who support women? Why exactly do you think that’s an important ‘message’ to continually throw at us? What do you think you’re achieving? Honestly, now – what are you achieving? Do you think you’ve changed our minds, that we’re going to agree with you after enough verbal assault?
You’re not going your own way. You’re obsessed with us.
Is there some reason you folks keep talking to a noise generator?
I’m not. I was starting a discussion about something I thought important around the irrelevant one. The troll decided to make a desperate grab for the relevance he will never have by replying to me.
You know what he reminds me of? This old meme:
You don’t need a fucking teacher to know how “whom” works, you just need gumption and the ability to read. You’ll pick it up after you’ve seen others use it enough times. English teachers are pretty useless, given that they don’t teach the elements of proper syntax and spend most of their time forcing you to do autopsies on sonnets and shit.
I like him. He’s silly.
I don’t recall wanting to harvest any Miggtoe Obsessive negative attention.
Oh! Someone’s “Word of the Day” today was “gumption”
Hey now, lots of people have IRAs and 401(k)s that are invested in stocks.
I realize that it doesn’t have to be that way, but very few stockholders are mustache-twirling villains.
You’ve got one chance to prove you’re not a predator.
…In a vacuum, this makes me question several things.
And how does one acquire the ability to read?
I’m mainly trying to keep the bourgeoisie from ever being eligible for the presidency. The president must be loyal, first and foremost, to the poor and downtrodden of any country.
Only people who work for a living. Not the ones who own the factories and businesses others work in, or who can live without working without social assistance.
That’d also need to come with election reforms. It’d have to be a comprehensive change.
The fuck is a sausage-snatcher? I mean, that word makes me picture tongs because that’s what I use to snatch sausages off the grill but you can’t cry into those? Well, you could, but the tears would fall right through.
And the fuck is a whitelash? I just don’t even know with that one. I’m sure it’s supposed to be racist because this is a 329 year old seagull eating engineer we’re talking about (I assume), but wut.
I assume that “sausage-snatcher” must be misogynist slang for a vagina. Cause we all know that dicks never come out of vaginas. The dentata help with that.
That said, someone flexible enough to cry into their vagina is flexible enough to have an easy way to solve their problem.
Hey everyone I just watched Wonder Woman and it is a really, really great film I can’t wait to gush all about it-
o_0 / creeper sirens going off
Also the fuck is a whitelash? Is there a Latinx Lash or Asian Lash?
@IgnoreSandra, I see what you’re going for, but that’s going to take massive amounts of reform. For starters, we’re going to have to get money out of politics so as to keep millionaires from self-funding, and we may have to as far as removing private donations from politics and just alloting a certain amount of taxes to each campaign.
@Kupo, the “whitelash” as I understand it is the idea that white people turned out in large numbers to pull the lever for Trump, even though it was attached to the knife at their throats, because they’re racist and tired of all the winning they were doing under Obama. I don’t have trouble believing that people are that short-sighted, even though both candidates were white.
@Carrie: Mayor Adler’s response has been around for a very long time. Someone sarcastic (Mencken? Truman?) used to answer nasty letters with “Dear Sir, it is my sad duty to inform you that some lunatic is writing vicious letters to me and signing your name to them.” Even so, it never gets old.
As for “glorified baby sitting” of which the trolls speak, let’s see them control a room full of five year olds for five or six hours and then tell us how much they’d want to be paid to do that full time.
If it hadn’t been for a student led program in my high school walking around campus and pestering everybody to register to vote, I’d have been kind of screwed. I’d have had no idea where to start without them, and they made it so simple for us: here’s the papers, here’s what you sign and where, then give the papers back to us and we’ll do the rest. Few weeks later, bam, registered voter ID card in the mail. It was such a huge help.
Those same students also signed me up for a blood drive against my will and it scared the ever loving hell out of me when I got called out of class to donate, though. So one strike there, I guess!
First, you find an old-fashioned phone book. Then you grip it in your manly hands, and you give a virile, testosterone-laced grunt, and rip the phone book in half. This is just to demonstrate your true manly feelings for the written word, namely that you don’t need that bullshit; you’re just learning to read because someone else is using the free weights right now.
Next, you get a book. It’s best to just take one from some pencil-neck that doesn’t even lift, they usually have a couple to spare. It doesn’t matter how big it is or if it has pictures. Set the book on the table in front of you.
Now, concentrate the essence of your manly powers on the book. There’s no need to open the cover of the book, all you will see are skinny lines on white pages. WILL the words to make themselves known to you; bend your formidable concentration to them, threatening them to reveal their meaning or risk total annihilation.
After a few hours, shaking and sweating, stop to hydrate. Repeat again until you’re able to read.
It’s just that easy.
Well, there’s not really anything I can say that would satisfy your query, given the innate difficulty behind proving a negative. But my point still stands; we don’t let people that age have sex (they I went to school with some who *did* when I was younger), and yet, IgnoreSandra seems to think that this is an age in which people can “make their own decisions.” You people talk so much about “power imbalances,” I’ve even heard you suggest that people in their twenties should be prohibited from dating people in their 50’s.
“Oh! Someone’s “Word of the Day” today was ‘gumption”’
Just who the fuck do you think you are? This is America; anyone who’s lived here knows the meaning of that word. It does not require the use of a thesaurus to use such a small word.
“I’m mainly trying to keep the bourgeoisie from ever being eligible for the presidency. The president must be loyal, first and foremost, to the poor and downtrodden of any country.”
What exactly do the poor and downtrodden do that is so worthwhile? The wealthy produce the jobs, so far as I’m concerned, and should rightly be given consideration when concocting laws regarding markets and infrastructure.
My message? I have come to challenge you all, challenge you’re pretensions to superior intellect and moral fiber.
Sausage snatcher just makes me think of dogs since they’re so eager to grab food out of your hand if you offer it. I have to throw biscuits or scraps at Bailey out of fear I’ll lose my hand. She takes the food so quickly, it’s easy to accidentally get chomped.
Oh yeah we are well on our way to full troll meltdown. I think its going to be another good one.
Oh, Emma.
Oh dear, sweet, Emma. There’s no need to sneak. Don’t you know how we feel about trolls?
I UNDERSTAND THAT, I HAD SOME JERK WHO KEPT LOOKING AT HER PHONE NEXT TO ME AND A KID TO MY RIGHT WHO KEPT TRYING TO PREDICT THE MOVIE OUT LOUD. If a movie can make me completely ignore both of them, it’s a movie worth a watch.
@Emma Goldman
“Who cares about the poor anyways?”
/ looks back at how a close relative nearly bit it
/ remembers that her insurance didn’t cover the cost of using the paramedics vehicle
/ remembers jackass who basically said “i’m actually holding back, i just like kicking a person worried about the health of his relative down”
How about I give a fuck to the you? Cause fuck the rich who said that “you know what, let’s make the poor die from disease and blame them for not having the superior genes and god’s grace of good health.”