MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.
“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”
Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.
Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?
I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?
Clearly, you are a mastermind. I look forward to reading about all of the amazing things your genius intellect has allowed you to accomplish.
That was silly of you. David generally lets through trolls. No need for subterfuge. But if that’s what you need to feel super cool, you do you! Or fuck off. Whichever.
Bullshit. I know teachers who live quite comfortably in middle class suburbs and drive Priuses and Lexuses to school. The idea that teachers are somehow “underpaid” and in need of unionization and state intervention is absurd and in need of justification beyond “BE TEACHERS WORK HARD” (harder than whom?) and “BUT CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE” (which looks pretty bleak, no thanks to the uselessness of teachers in general).
You have no idea how many messages I’ve written which are still stuck in moderation. No, he does *not* let trolls through, certainly not all the time. This was the easiest it has ever been, for me.
@wwth – omg that seagull with the wee top hat & briefcase!!
Ah, our old Troll diehard, Seagull Miggy, very clever disguise! You sure had us fooled!
This is, what, your 300th username? And you still haven’t realised that 1. We don’t have any mods, and 2. David lets trolls post?
Fuck, you’re even stupider than I thought.
@Emma Goldman (or whoever the bloody hell you are)
I won’t doubt that these teachers exist, but…there are teachers that exist that you don’t know. And there are a LOT of things you don’t know, clearly. (Plus, there’s the American disease of people of various professions taking out loans, racking up debt, and living far beyond their means to achieve some dubious American Dream.)
@SFHC, I didn’t recognize Seagull Boy, so I must be out of practice.
Emailed David already.
oooooh we got a clever one
you slipped in with a different address while david wasn’t looking
what shall you do for your next trick mr bond
Then you must have written some pretty terrible shit.
Maybe you should take the hint. You’re not wanted. What kind of person takes pride in obsessively posting troll comments in a community where they aren’t wanted? Is this really the best thing you could be doing with your time? I’d feel sorry for you if you weren’t such a shit head.
And posting innocuous first comments is a pretty standard troll tactic. You’re really not that clever.
“Emma,” despite their name Objectivists aren’t objective. Their idea of objective is whatever Ayn Rand thought was right.
You gonna sit here and bag on teachers, Seagull Boy, you better bring that massive intellect to bear and suggest some method of education that is not merely “teachers, but different!”
RE: Voting
I would argue that everyone should be automatically registered to vote at ages 10-13. As soon as people are capable of picking through things and making their own choices, they ought to be voting.
And it should take being convicted of assault, manslaughter, murder, or rape to lose the ability to vote, which should happen automatically on such a conviction. It should be a crime with the minimum sentence of life in prison to lie to someone about whether they can vote, or to bring to debate laws that further restrict voting rights.
Free and open voting is the only bulwark against fascist nonsense. Well, that and fists, but I’d prefer the voting.
@Scented Fucking Horny Clit
He does not let trolls post, you idiotic shit. Do you know that I’ve got messages all the way back last year that are still sitting there in limbo? He does this whenever he knows that it’s me. I refuse to compromise my message. You fuckers will all hear it, loud and clear. I hope you fall down a flight of stairs.
I feel like this troll is nightmare from earlier.
But you never know when seagulls attack! Lol
Hmm? Did a troll say something? Probably. We’ve already dismissed it, though. Shit that is disingenuous isn’t worth listening to.
I call for a ban before he gets rapey.
Hey, Emma. Do a stupid shitty parody of my name next, willya?
Lets also not forget that many teachers are married and may have a spouse with a high earning job. Young and single teachers without many years on the job tend to lead modest lifestyles. Pay goes up with seniority and education so older and married teachers with spouses who have decent jobs sometimes have pretty nice lifestyles.
Personally, I know a lot of teachers and none of them are wealthy.
Falconer already emailed David. Considering troll is already pathetically trying to threaten us, that was a good idea.
First, congrats on using whom correctly. I bet you have an English teacher to thank for that. Or you’re one of those fools who always uses it because they think it sounds smarter, so they’re wrong half the time. But honestly, when ranting about how useless teachers are, maybe use the correct words everywhere? “Be” does not belong there.
Anyway, American teachers work harder than the average American worker. An average of 53 hours per week compared to 47 for the average full-time worker.
Okay, well, I’m opposed to the death penalty in general, so this goes too far, in my opinion. Plenty of people didn’t know they’d been purged from the voter rolls last year.
Trying to restrict voting certainly warrants getting kicked out of office and being made ineligible to run again.
It’s almost as if the simple assertions of a troll online isn’t enough to convince anyone of anything.
Interesting that so many of you kvetch and gripe about “POWER IMBALANCES” and “PEDOPHILIA” when people that age want to have sex, but making decisions which can affect the rest of the nation? 10/10 idea. no kek.
Also, I’m pretty sure that your little list (esp. assault) would preclude tons of young black males from voting; naturally, when they don’t show up to the polls and their influence is diluted by whites, you’ll cry more into your sausage-snatchers about “muh whitelash!”
Yeah, I rethought it after I posted it. I changed it to life in prison. I realize I’m an extremist on this topic.
And absolutely! That should be one of the set of things that disqualifies a person from running for office. I’d argue owning stock in a company, any company, or being above a certain level of wealth should too.
Then take it somewhere where it won’t be censored. I’m sure you can find a more receptive audience – or at least a larger one – elsewhere. Why do you have to post on this tiny little website?
I’d like to claim foresight, but he just cheesed me off by dissing women who are dedicated to their jobs and will work harder than he ever will.