MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.
“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”
Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.
Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?
I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?
@ Valentine
Mostly that’s called magical realism, but sometimes it’s classed as fantasy. Depends mostly on who wrote it and who published it.
I recommend The Watchmaker of Filigree Street . Also most anything by Jorge Luis Borges, although he veers into outright surrealism at times.
I loved Slayers, it was my favorite anime series behind Ranma 1/2. The best part about Martina is that she was a princess who is fanatically devoted to the Dark God Zomulgustar, an entity that she freely admits she completely invented, yet still sincerely believes in. And He commands her to do things like try to take over the world with all the success rate of Team Rocket (who btw in the English dub she’s voiced by the same person that would later do Misty and Jesse on Pokemon). That series was insane and awesome.
@Valentine: I agree with Dalillama about it being called magical realism, though there’s also another category often referred to as “postmodern magic”, which is magic set in the modern day, relatively-recognizable setting. The Harry Potter series gets into that some, when they’re in the muggle world. If you’re interested in more of that, I highly recommend the Dresden Files– it’s a series about a detective mage, and seems to be highly inspired by the World of Darkness gamelines (old or new).
Well if Master and Margarita is fantasy then i like that type of fantasy )))
@EJ i never even heard about that book. I read before dr jekyll and mr hyde. Is it like that? Because i enjoyed that anyway
@hidden turtle
I didnt really like harry potter. I read i think 4 books from it and try to read number 5 but it just not what i like. I read Darran Shan before – one friend gave to me circe du freak and i read all 12 books of that. It very good. But that movie they made is garbage. ??
Re Magical realism
It must always be magic though? I dont like wizard stuff really. Harry potter didnt really seem like something i like. There that German play i think, Dr Faustes? Where he summon the devil. That is how i like! ??
@Valentine Are you familiar at all with ะะพัะฝะพะน ะดะพะทะพั [The Night Watch] by Sergei Lukyanenko? (sorry if it’s been mentioned – i did check back a few pages)
Yeah but i didnt read it yet. I currently reading a very bad detective series by one american writer called Martin Cruz Smith – but after i have this one night watch downloaded already )) did you read it?
@ Valentine No, but I did watch the movies Night Watch and Day Watch which are based on the series. My husband is quite the fan of them. ๐ They weren’t exactly to my taste but I certainly was not bored. Wanted to smack Anton [the main character] a few times, though. ๐
Harry Potter isn’t magical realism; it’s straight-up fantasy. Arguably it falls into the subcategory of ‘wainscot fantasy’, which describes a setting where all manner of full bore supernatural happenings and creatures are somehow mostly unnoticed or ignored by the world at large, such that the world perfectly resembles ours on the surface, however implausible that may be. (The Laundry Files are reasonably plausible, Night Watch kinda, Harry Potter less so, Harry Dresden less than that).
Magical realism describes a world that actually is exactly like ours, except that now and then wierd, inexplicable shit happens. The border is admittedly porous, but generally by the time people who are explicitly wizards start showing up, you’re over it.
And that’s not magic, then? ๐
Oh, no, I definitely wouldn’t call HP magical realism. It’s straight up fantasy, it’s just fantasy that I enjoy because of non-fantastical elements. MR is often not really magic – I feel like The Metamorphosis is kinda early magical realism? Aimee Bender’s the main magical realist I know, but one of my writer friends just had her novel published in that genre, I believe, and it’s about a character who’s born with a hole that goes all the way through her stomach, and through her doctor she finds a guy who was born with the corresponding lump on his.
Dali, maybe i just dont like wizards and harry potter then….? so dresden files is magical realism? I mean what i like is to read one book and become obsessed. I dont read very fast and i will read the book many times so if i want to read something new i want to be sure i not wasting my time. But then maybe you not believe me since i read Davis Aurini’s stupid book ? but trust, i read that only one time!
Hidden, that sounds really wierd and scarey….i trying to think what this one reminding me about. I think there that one book where they get that ‘and i must scream’ thing from? I didnt read that either. I just saw on TV tropes.
@fishy when i finish this other books i will try night watch and let you know if Anton is also annoying me as well )))
No, Dresden Files is urban fantasy. And also wainscot fantasy. Wizards aboundl as do vampires, werewolves, demons, etc. It makes suspension of disbelief difficult sometimes when no one fucking notices this shit going on.
I have no mouth and I must scream is a Harlan Ellison story, btw.
@dali honesrly, sounds like something that might annoy me. But if characters are good then i can usually enjoy most things. I think that book about having no mouth is depressing? There is only 5 people left and one big computer doing experiments to them or something?
You read the Darren Shan books? ๐ I agree, the movie was pretty terrible.
You may like the Rivers of London series, by Ben Aaronovitch. It’s got magic but it’s almost like the backdrop to police/detective mysteries. A wee bit like the Dresden books, but much better in my opinion and the main character is far less annoying than Harry Dresden (that’s not a high bar, I grant you). Also the humour is better, less forced.
Yeah i was given Circe du Freak before. Well it was one book with three books in. Then i found i like it and i read all 12 of them ))) i mean they for kids but i enjoy them because i can read them fast. And i so disappointed about the film they made! Because i thought they can be great and they just fucked it. And they make Debbie white? Fuck!
I will look up this Rivers of London series. Annoying main characters destroy all so if you say Harry dresden annoying then i will stay away from that…
Oh, don’t stay away from Dresden on my account :). My son likes the books and he’s got good taste, so…
I actually really liked the Shan books – there’s a lot of great stuff in so-called young adult lit that grown-ups aren’t supposed to like! I adored the whole Skulduggery Pleasant series, for example ๐
I had some other ideas for books you might like, but I’ll send ’em later, as I’m off to see this fabulous exhibition.
Klass)) i look forward to your list. Enjoy your art! I couldn’t load the pictures but i sure its great.??
I would also recommend Rivers over Dresden. Especially given your stated tastes. The cover may claim that Rivers of London (Some editions are titled Midnight Riot) is like Harry Potter. This is a lie.
Just jumping in here to throw around some high-fives for this whole line of discussion. After reading a lot of Tolstoy in high school, I picked up Dead Souls and found it darkly hilarious, and also went through a major Gogol Bordello period.
Also, re: discussion of sex and sexuality – while I’m glad things will be tagged for those who’d rather not see them without warning, I’m also glad they’ll still be discussed, because, while I’m a bit shy to participate much, I do find these conversations rather, well, empowering.
Wait, there are people who like both Tolstoy and Gogol? I did not think this possible! If you like Dead Souls, and haven’t read some of his stories, definitely do. “The Nose”, definitely. I do think the use of the word “souls” in the book ends up being a bit clunky in English (though, again, not really sure what it is in Russian), but he definitely had an unique voice. Yay for book nerdery!
Start wearing purple, wearing purple…
Russian for soul/sprit = ะดััะฐ/ะดัั . For english people this can be little bit funny because ‘dusha’ sounding like douche to you maybe? )))u
As I suspected, the pun doesn’t work ๐
That was about the gay agenda the religious reich always goes on and on about. I really need to look into how those two words are pronounced ’cause now I’m pretty sure I’ve been mispronouncing one or the other, or maybe even both.
“Agenda” is “Uh-GEN-duh,” “Agender” is “AY-gen-der.” I still thought the pun worked, though. ^^;
Oh, no, sorry to give that impression! In many dialects of English, the two words are pronounced almost identically. I do know lots of gay agender people, though.
Thanks for the explanations. I have trouble with pronounciation because I read much more English than I listen to, so that can be awkward sometimes.
Also to be fair I just really suck at puns, but I find a weird, glorious joy in the bad ones.
The English meaning for souls tends toward “spirit” as well, but I got the impression in the book that part of the joke was “souls” as “bodies/people”, but it’s a bit of an awkward usage in English (at least, most American English that I know doesn’t use soul that way typically. It was still enjoyable regardless.