MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.
“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”
Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.
Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?
I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?
@ChimericMind I saw WW last night, and completely missed the lesson–could you share it in rot-13?
I don’t know what “rot-13” is, I’m sorry…
Ah bother. Spoiler tags don’t work here. Deleting everything!
Wonder Woman is a fabulous movie. I don’t wish to spoil any of it.
OK, I see the point of ROT-13 in this context. It’s too late though and I lack spoons.
I do encourage any and all here to see the movie though.
@Fran, Dalillama, everyone else
Firstly, after reading the comments of the number of people I will make sure the preface any comments that mention sex with “explicit TMI” or something of the sort.
Fran&Dalillama, honestly I think we agree. I’m only overt in my interest for anyone of any gender if I am positive the person desires it. I’m too insecure to be otherwise. Flirting and being forward on the internet is much easier than IRL. And I don’t think I qualify as a chaser cuz while it is something that I find attractive, I also find tall slender cis women in sexy dresses attractive and tiny petite women that are curvy in sexy dresses attractive. I think the link is the sexy dresses. But nowadays I’m attracted to intelligence, personality and passion much more than I’m attracted to looks in any gender( I’m not going to lie though, good looks are definitely attractive delicious frosting on a wonderful personality cake.
@Fran, maybe TMI for anyone else.
I’m totally willing to kneel for you while you put a sexy golden collar on me if I’m not misquoting you. (Sorry if I’m being too forward or flirty I’ve never met another black girl truly into BDSM and it gave me tingles. I guess we really are unicorns and unicorns are awesome) as a matter of fact a vocal minority of feminists of many races seem to think my desire to be very feminine and submissive is not properly feminist.
@Everyone TMI over. I don’t know how to take people’s words and put them into the little boxes like everyone else does. I’m completely computer illiterate, all I use is a phone and my Kindle.
@Fran And you like Robin Hobb! I adore Robin Hobb I’ve read every single one of her books. The most recent farseer trilogy was the best, I think. It was some of the most original Fantasy I’ve read in a while and I literally sobbed through the end. I also love the liveship series and she manages to combine the two series together into one in the last book of the last farseer trilogy(there are three farseer Trilogy all total, just in case you aren’t aware)We really do seem to have a lot in common, maybe we should drop acid and hang out if you’re ever in NYC? I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and is ready for Monday. I work at night so I have to get to bed. Good day everybody.
Typing http://i.imgur.com/C7Y4B60.png results in
I hope that worked…
JS how to imbed picture without the link for jpg website? Like if i want to put picture from my phone. It possible?
Not at all. I quite enjoy that!
This is my life.
Personally, I think people should be allowed to enjoy things. You enjoy this and maintain respect for yourself at the same time.
For what it’s worth, I think you are valid and awesome.
And you’re nearby me, to a certain extent. I live in Long Island, which to you must be like the “HERE BE DRAGONS” part of old medieval maps.
I will make it a point to do this.
I think I mentioned it earlier, but you take your http: line from the image link, and just put it straight in to the text box. No additional html magic required just a bare link ending in “.jpg”, “.png”, or “.gif”. No quote marks, no img tags, just the link by itself. Oh, what the heck, give me a few minutes to put an image together 😛
Assuming your picture is at the site http://www.site.com at the root directory, and named test.gif
will embed it in place.
I hope…
Haven’t read all 14 pages yet, but responding to this on the front…
Heck, Prairie dogs have culture.
Prairie dogs have language. People who have studied their vocalizations for years have been able to identify a basic grammar. “Run, there’s a hawk” shares elements but has differences from “Run, there’s a human.”
Prairie dogs have dialects. Different warrens will use different terms for the same things, but are almost entirely consistent within each warren.
This is entirely cultural. A prairie dog born to parents from one warren but growing up in a different warren will learn the dialect of the warren it grew up in.
The more we learn about the rest of the world, the more we realize that we really aren’t all that special. Which I suppose is reason enough for some folks to hate science.
Okay, I’ll try:
Gur gebcr jnf “Xrlfgbar Nezl”, gur vqrn gung vs lbh qrsrng gur urnq onq thl, vg nhgbzngvpnyyl raqf gur jne naq rirelbar’f unccl naq avpr.
@ChimericMind Awesome, thank you for pointing that out. I don’t think I’ve run into that idea as a trope (I don’t read much fantasy), but it is a good broader point to make. (Though I’m not entirely sure I agree with it!)
N sevraq bs zvar, jura nfxrq jul Ratynaq naq gur HF frrz gb unir tbar bss gur envyf, ercyvrq jvgu guerr jbeqf–Zheqbpu Zheqbpu Zheqbpu. Crbcyr znl abg or anghenyyl ‘avpr’, ohg n ybg bs hf pna rnfvyl or fjnlrq ol rkcregf va cflpubybtl naq pbzzhavpngvba gb qb fbzr irel abg-avpr guvatf. Frr Sbhpnhyg sbe fbzr vqrnf nobhg ubj gur orfg jnl gb ‘pbageby’ crbcyr, naq trg gurz gb qb jung lbh jnag, vf gb znantr gurve raivebazrag, cnegvphyneyl gurve vasbezngvba raivebazrag–V qvq n cncre nobhg guvf bapr….
I figure it’s just gender essentialism raised to the next level. Male vs. Female –> Hetero vs. Homo. (Or even Cis vs. Trans; a lot of the nastier comments Fran was referring look like people trying to be essentialist on that level.)
Some people are just more comfortable with nice firm divisions where everything is either on one side or the other. Even admitting to eight boxes is better to them than admitting that there might be people that don’t fit into any of them.
Reminds me of this image:
(From Slayers: NEXT. Both characters are sorceresses, and there was one episode that did indeed involve a tennis tournament where you had to have magical abilities to activate the ‘racket’ and be able to knock the ‘ball’ around. The ‘blonde’ one on the right is named Martina Naburachirowa, so you just KNEW a tennis match was going to come up at some point…)
Not human? Who wrote this… If we aren’t human, then I vote that we pee on his carpets and the seats of his car.
@Sinkable John
Which one? I know loads.
Wow, comments really explode in numbers on WHTM nowadays! I cannot keep up with you all. I don’t know, how you all do it. I did read through all the pages on that other recent gigantic one that got up to 741 but there’s no way I can do it with this one. Each time some little side-thread comes up that picks my interest, before I can reply the conversation has completely moved on to something else!
On the other hand, it’s really interesting for me in that a lot of people here talk about fiction characters, etc. that I know nothing about. So it’s interesting to hear about new stuff. I’m not a gamer and don’t watch a lot of movies or all the popular series, etc. so you all make all these cultural references that I never get but that remind me there’s a whole world of fiction out there to enjoy if I ever get the time. Plus there are some REALLY freakin’ creative people among us.
Also it’s nice to read people who are being assertive about their identity. Good for all of you!
Direct action! I vote yes.
(long time lurker,)
Just wanted to chime in to say that I’ve actually greatly enjoyed a lot of the English translation of Russian lit (granted, as I speak no Russian, I don’t have that point of comparison). I took a Russian short stories class, and also found Tolstoy to be rather boring and long winded, even in short story form. I rather like a lot of Dostoevsky’s (“White Nights” especially), and Chekov is just a master of concise detail. My favorite was Gogol, though, so I hope the translations are doing his fantastic oddness justice. I used to teach “The Overcoat” (and one of my college profs took a group of us to this play that was a mix of his stories set to the occasional musical stylings of Gogol Bordello) when I was TAing a short stories class, because I just wanted them all to read it and think it was amazing. They generally didn’t :/
@hidden turtle
Sorry your students dont enjoy Gogol. Did they like Gogol Bordello though? ??
That was when I was undergrad, but I rather enjoyed it!
To be fair, almost all of the stories I assigned were depressing as hell. And I think they wanted it to be a sci-fi/fantasy writing class, so they didn’t so much love reading all these stories with people dying and working boring jobs like regular people.
I dont like fantasy or science fiction. I would like this books which you assign! I like little bit stuff where it normal but then something strange going on – like master & margarita. I dont know if that same like science fiction or not.
Ooh, I love The Master and Margarita
It’s not science fiction, but I think it qualifies as fantasy.
Have you read Jonathon Strange & Mr Norrell? It’s excellent, and has the “mostly normal but with weird stuff” thing that you describe. One potential problem is that it’s set in 19th century England (and is a wonderful parody of the genre tropes of that period’s novels); if you aren’t familiar with the setting then that might make it harder.
M & M is on my to-read list (which is like 500 books long and constantly growing). Have you read any magical realism? I can’t get into much fantasy/SF myself – I love my Harry Potter, because I think they’re really good and making the fantasy/sci-fi bits secondary to the characters and story, rather than the opposite. I’m not interested in reading 300 pages of you building a world – I want to read about what’s going on in it! 90% of my reading is adolescent lit, though, and the other part is mostly memoirs and stuff about mental health. I find that a lot of stuff written for adults just seems harder to connect to, for me.