MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.
“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”
Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.
Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?
I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?
Bit o/t but we watched the ‘One Love’ Manchester concert earlier tonight. Now obviously how people choose to deal with the aftermath to that horrible event is entirely their own business. There’s no ‘correct’ approach to grieving or reacting.
I was though so happy to see all the young kids. Especially the ones down the front as they were from the original gig. There were obviously tears, but it was so uplifting to see the kids also enjoying themselves. It’s always a fine balance between respecting victims but not being being intimidated by evil doers. I think this got it just right.
I shall contribute by limiting my cunnilingus references to 3/year.
Edit: This comment does NOT count.
This sounds like fun. Count me in! I’ll bring my shortest, most neon skirt.
@Sir Alan
Personally, that was the response I was hoping for, so I agree with you entirely on that front.
The ethos of the attackers is to frighten people into not going outside and having fun with others, so if you really want to show them that they’ve failed at their objective, you carry on with what you enjoy.
I really think the new concert was the best example of showing pure contempt for the people who organized the attack, and, of course, it was done with the impeccable classiness I expect from my allies across the Atlantic.
@Fran -shucks, go on witcha now!
@Imaginary Petal – that’s 1!
(j/k you get a Mulligan on that)
ETA darn it you edited before I could spit out my hilarious joke! ?
@Alan – I saw today that Ariana performed in Manchester (along with several others) and that many of the fans from her previous show got in for free. I really admire that she was able to pull herself together and be able to perform when it has only been two weeks since that tragedy happened.
She also visited with injured fans still in the hospital.
Good for her. Well done, Ariana.
Of course not. It doesn’t have a tongue out emoji ?
Obviously i read Idiot, crime & punishment on russian but i also try Idiot on english – little bit challenging but i complete it. I think it wrong to say that Dostoyevsky can not be translated with success. His skill is in having many characters, clear philosophy and detail description – there is no english writier that can do this? With help of translator? And what about all english books translate on russian? It stupid to say this not possible – and also strange. It another language only not something magical – all can be translated and understand. Think of all languages put on english for you to enjoy – it possible and easy! I sorry you read a bad translate of Dostoyevsky- but that because who made it was not skilled not because it not possible or ‘too russian’. That’l is bullshit. Sorry (((
Gotta be on point with the edits here. 🙂
As someone once said, Shakespeare is much better in the original Klingon.
Trying to think of English authors (not necessarily “good”) with tons of characters and stuff… David Weber, maybe? JRR Tolkien, IF you read the massive backstory he also wrote for the Lord of the Rings. Maybe the guy who wrote “Wizard’s First Rule” (Goodkind). GRR Martin who has probably killed more well developed characters than most.
Any more “way too many characters” authors?
Totally agree with you on Dostoyevsky. I guess it all depends on the translator but he’s eminently readable in English, as are other Russian authors.
I had to respond because your comment reminded me of one of my literary crushes, Robert Dessaix. He’s an Australian writer and linguist, and a passionate fan of Russian literature. He also has exquisite taste in socks 😀
Robin Hobb does some really good medieval fantasy. Her books are every bit as adult in nature as GRRM’s, mind you, which is why I always found it odd nobody wanted to adapt her Liveship cycle to film or TV.
I particularly like the Liveship Traders books she wrote: it has everything I like: magic ships that can speak and move through their figureheads, dragons, pirates, impossibly beautiful heroines, hard, powerful heroes with athletic physiques, and so on.
I got about halfway through The Idiot before I had to give up. I typically read before bed so the incredibly dry translation kept putting me to sleep. I’ll research good translators and try again at some point, but I’ve got a bit of a backlog of other stuff right now. 🙂
Embarrassingly enough, I tried to read Tolstoy’s War and Peace when I was sixteen but had to give it up because I couldn’t keep track of the characters. Everyone had several Russian nicknames that I couldn’t tie to the original name. Probably nowadays there are websites to help the reader.
I’m not sure I’m ready to try that tome again, but at sixteen I did try.
(*waves hand timidly*) I’m here to defend James Joyce as being creative, funny, and self-deprecating! And Chessman said that women never defend men!
This is more personal than intellectual, but A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man was important to me when I was 17 and trying to reconcile my being-a-writer idea with other stuff.
A couple of years later, when I realized, “Hey, Stephen Dedalus [main character] turns out to be a fucking snob,” I read Joyce’s Ulysses and discovered that the author was making fun of his self-insert character in his earlier book for, yes, being a huge snob! 😀
Plus, while I found (and still find) long Victorian novels hard to plow through, I could read 700-page Ulysses – where each chapter changes style – with relatively little trouble. Or, at least, I found it fun enough to be worth the challenge. I don’t know whether this has something to do with my ADHD or just my taste/sense of humour.
Serious side note: it’s true that one of the reasons why Joyce got early critical adulation – over, say H.D. or Zora Neale Hurston or Gertrude Stein or Suzanne and Aime Cesaire – was because he was a white dude and not too different from The Establishment. The fact that he wasn’t racist, misogynistic, or homophobic – or a fucking fascist like Ezra Pound – is good for his reputation now, but he wouldn’t have built up that reputation as easily if he hadn’t been a white guy.
-Your Local Joycean Fangirl, the Epitome of Incomprehensibility
A bloke goes for a job on a building site. The foreman asks him: “Do you know the difference between a joist and a girder?”. The bloke replies: “Joist wrote Ulysses and Girder wrote Faust.”
(Why yes, that is my coat.)
*Sees everyone talking out problems like mature people*
I hit the wall, in terms of finishing this thread, and it looks like most of the points I wanted to make were already made, but I did want to say something to Valentine about writing.
Valentine, it’s possible that the block you are experiencing could be a way of working things out and that you will come roaring back with maybe even a noticeable improvement in the quality.
Others are making a sacrifice, so I will too.
I will post excerpts from my erotic epic poem about Brad Pitt — nemesis of the MRM — only once a month.
Aw, I was sort of hoping this thread would let itself rest at 666 posts. ?
We could try and stop at 678 … cha cha cha?
@mz emoji
Thank you )) i didnt think about that. I hope that will happen. I think other people here also have same experience like if you have to write it will just come, and if not sometomes you must wait. I getting little bit tired of waiting ? but i hope only temporary
Honestly, i not like tolstoy. At all ))) he little bit boring and also out of touch with common people. If you read about him, he self-important aristocrat. I don’t like that people put him together with Dostoyevsky- they very differnet. But if nick name troubling you i understand- some other people say this me before. But yes there plenty of website to help with this and also translators put also inside. Good ones anyway ))) once you learn the sysyem can be quite easy.
Idiot is my favourite book of all books. I sorry your translation was not good. Please try again! I hope you will enjoy because i always thinking about this book. But i little bit obsessibe about this thing. ?
I glad )) people try to tell that he difficult but i sure they just find bad translation Dostoyevsky and that make them think he boring or hard to read. Before now there was this idea that some thing, like some poetry just was ‘too russian’ for translate. But this just bullshit ?
I not usually reading fantasy. Or history ? but i read lord of the rings before. And i try to read game of thrones, but i dont enjoy really. I know he making lots of characters but seems like he not know what to do and i lost little bit what was happening. Perfect example of how to write lots of characters good is in Idiot (again) when Ippolit reading his suicide note.
Art notes:
Wonder Woman was quite good, and I thought that transposing her introductory story to WW1 (instead of WW2) was a very interesting choice. The characters were solid, and overall things were very true to the original series where that was a good thing, and showed discretion about avoiding the bad things (like turning Eta Candy into a likable character rather than ridiculously obnoxious one-dimensional joke that she was in the comics). They also picked the best, truest-to-Greek version of her outfit (the late 50’s version), upgraded it to an even more realistic version (without allowing the Snyders to de-saturate the hell out of its colors), made her fight scenes FANTASTIC, and had an absolutely awesome lesson in the climax that deconstructed a major fantasy trope (I’ll avoid spoilers). Overall, I was very pleased.
For good authors with a tendency towards “too many characters”, I might suggest the late great Terry Pratchett. He will forever remain my favorite author, and I highly recommend him. However, there are a LOT of characters in the Discworld series (his main one). This gets made manageable by different books focusing on different character “sets” (the City Watch, the Witches, Death & family, Rincewind and whoever he’s fleeing from now), with occasional cameos from someone from another character set. He also took awhile to really hit his stride with the series– some of the standalone masterpieces I would really recommend to a curious first-time reader would be Small Gods, Reaper Man, and The Truth. Oh, and by the way, he’s also absolutely hilarious, but that doesn’t detract at all from the dramatic moments.
Why did you have to mention Sir Pterry and Discworld? Why?
Must. Resist. Gushing.
I came to the series late, via Neil Gaiman, and I’m just so in love with it. Facebook fan group, and all the ridiculous “which actor do you think would make the best Vimes/Granny/Tiffany” type conversations.
Re the multiple characters – Turtle Recall is a great reference book to keep handy 🙂
I also wanted to step up to thank Francesca for handling a challenge in a gracious manner, instead of (as is much more typical online) having a meltdown or ignoring it. I was thinking last night ‘if this is now a blog about kinky sexual RPs, I will find another blog to read’; if it isn’t, I hope I can continue to learn from all of you.