MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.
“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”
Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.
Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?
I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?
I was initially really angry at Frozen.
I was promised a faithful reproduction of The Snow Queen and instead I got this lesbian romance thing. As an HCA fan I was furious.
However, as I re-examined and re-evaluated it, I realized that it was basically the same story, except without all the heteronormative cis-romantic shit, and my appreciation of it increased 200%.
It is a fairy tale for people like us, and that’s exactly what they had intended to do. The people at the Disney corporation are magnificent bastards, indeed. They commodified our sexuality and reduced it to a thing you can buy and sell.
But then it’s always been like that for transladies, I guess, and that’s why chasers are a thing and so many of us are in porn.
My only issue is that I realize that I and other transladies who indulge in this kind of kinky stuff are harming the transwomen who want to be recognized as actual women with vaginas, and I don’t want to become one of the gross transladies who invalidates other people because they don’t share my specific section of kinks.
But, yes, I invite Katie to admire me entirely. She is exactly the kind of partner I go for. They’re the type of person I wish to excite and arouse. They are, 100%, my type.
Rest assured, I never felt you would do such a thing. You are awesome!
*raises hand*
Oh, no disagreement here. Like I said, cis folks just have to be careful about their framing when they express said attractions. I quite like the way Axe talks about my body, but these assholes who find my FB profile now and then are a whole other story.
For my taste, I’d also recommend a quick read through of the Mabinogion and some research on ancient Celtic culture; a lot of that’s been boiled out of the Arthurian mythos since Malory, but there’s a lot of strands from Celtic myth woven in, and if there ever was a historical basis for King Arthur (I’ve seen convincing arguments that there was), he was a Celt, and most of the other characters are too.
This is what I meant, yeah.
HCA was queer as fuck, and his stories are full of queer subtext so that’s totally legit.
Yeah. I think I said earlier in this thread that trans women are viewed as “always sexual”. It’s a problem.
I’m a non-sexual trans woman for the foreseeable future, and that doesn’t make me invalid.
On Frozen…when I first saw it, I had been starved of anything I could identify with. And then I saw Elsa, with her own personal secret she had to hide, go through a story that really was about her, and was allowed to actually be a character instead of being killed in the end. I connected it then to being a closeted lesbian, but also to mental health cause I was struggling with depression at the time.
And then I put up with dozens of assholes telling me she was stupid, she was the villain, that she should have died, that her presence in the story was a waste of time, that her psychological weaknesses were solely her own fault. So I kinda have a thing about criticism of Elsa’s character, since for me she is the biggest single reason to watch Frozen instead of another disney flick.
Are Disney evil? Yes. Absolutely. They package and sell our own experiences to us, and get all the money and praise for saying things those of us who are constantly ignored have been saying forever. It sucks. I can’t describe how much it sucks.
@Francesca and everybody
Could people perhaps tag it when they start talking about their sexual fantasies in detail, roleplaying and/or discussing their genitals?
Basically since she started commenting here, Francesca has turned every single thread into a discussion about either her dick, her sexual appetites or how she wants to look like a pinup model. I’m glad she’s ok with her sexuality but I’m also starting to feel like she is – intentionally or unconsciously – using the commentariat here as unwilling props for her monologues.
At least I would appreciate it if I was given a choice to avoid the more NSFW aspects of her comments without having to start avoiding everything she posts.
Little John’s about to go sleep and, well, “medicated”, so this pun’s probably really bad and also I think I’ve made it before but oh well. (Also agender might not actually be pronounced the way I think it is, in which case there won’t even be a pun at all.)
I’m still waiting to meet the gay agender.
@Verily Baroque
Say no more, friend. A wink’s as good as a nod to me!
You are right. I am insatiable. I am absolutely guilty of the charges you have brought to me.
I own up to my nature. I am, in fact, quite extreme.
Where was I originally going with this? Ah, yes.
I shall minimize the sexual nature of my posts, accordingly, as per your request.
I accept your request and acknowledge it.
Also, I would like to formally issue an apology to you. I am, in fact, in the wrong here and I recognize that. I am deeply sorry I have caused you to feel this way.
Hopefully, we can be friends now. If not, that’s okay, I guess. I’ll be fine.
My sample size is one, but I can agree: I’ve never personally met a translady who wasn’t queer. There are just so many reasons for us to avoid cis men like the plague.
I’ve seen some reasonably convincing arguments he could have been roman. But that seems too much like trying to latch on to the Roman Empire instead of admit the “Barbarians” could produce a worthy king.
@Verily Baroque
This seems reasonable. When I do things like this, I’ll tag it for discussion of sex.
Fellow Mammotheers,
The spirit of compromise! I love it!
Now see, that’s how it’s done!
(Congress, take note, lolol)
Congress doesn’t need to compromise. Congress needs to recognize that every nazi position is utterly unacceptable in every way.
We don’t have the kind of divide here and now between people who don’t wanna be murdered and people who wanna murder them, so we can compromise. But even the slightest hint of compromise in the American congress right now is a nazi victory, and I am not fond of collaborators.
It really is nothing to talk less about sex cause it annoys someone. It’s a fair stance to take and all.
I’d just like to say real quick that the only thing I take issue to with Verily Baroque is that shade they just threw at me just now about how I ‘want to look like a pinup model’.
I already look like one.
I’m fucking fabulous as hell, are you kidding.
[flips hair, blows a kiss]
Don’t shade at me. I’m too beautiful and elegant for that sort of thing. XD

I agree with Verily Baroque but wasn’t sure if I should say something because no one else seemed bothered. That stuff is fine once in a while, but yeah, it doesn’t need to be in every thread.
@Fran via Verily
Comments policy: sexual oversharing. Didn’t say anything, cos the whole blog seemed to have agreed to waive this rule 😛
With respect to Verily, the rest of the commenters, and myself (what, I’m shy), I’ll resist the urge to write you a poem just now…
I didn’t want to say anything because I totally support everyone being totally comfortable with their sexuality, but, yeah, don’t really need to see it constantly.
@WWTH & Axecalibur
Then I’m really glad Verily Baroque brought it up. I wasn’t bothered by it since Francesca wasn’t applying it to me.
@God-Emperor Axecalibur
Yes, and, honestly, I only indulged in this because other people seemed to be okay with it. I was aware that it may not have been in exact compliance with the policy, but since speaking about one’s sexual activities did not strictly seem to be verboten, I allowed myself a little indiscretion.
I assure you that won’t happen again.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to being fantastically beautiful and elegant, as befits a pinup model such as myself. 😀
Ignore Sandra,
I know what Congress needs to do. It was a throwaway joke.
Super appreciate it, Fran.
I am glad, too. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to dampen Fran’s energy and spirit which I enjoy quite a lot.
I’m glad everyone is mature about it.
See, this is why this blog is awesome. Regulars have a problem, bring it up, talk about it, and people listen and respect the people who have the problem. You guys give me hope for the internet as a whole.
Right, sorry. I have a reaction to that kind of thing. My bad, shouldn’t have snapped at you.
You’re very welcome!
No, you should totally have said something if you felt that way, and I guarantee it wouldn’t have had any effect on me at all. It’s a perfectly reasonable request.
Now, on the other hand, if you were about to shade at me about how I’m not fabulous and elegant, then we’re gonna have to have a Magical Girl Duel in the tennis court after school.
Too much, so wordy. Axe, Milord Axe, G.E.A., or Marchioness if’n ya please…
Good 🙂
I also didn’t say anything because I’m older than most of the commenters here I figured I might just be being an old fuddy-duddy.
I know you’re all gasping with shock now, since I was so smooth at seeming like a hip young person up until now ?
You’re far too modest. I still think you’re a super cool Oneesama (big sister) type who is both refined and elegant yet very strong!
Oh, no worries. ?
ETA: this made me giggle:
I don’t know why.