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“Are Women Really Human?” asks the MGTOW meme of the day

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MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.

You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.

“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”

Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.

Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?

I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?

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7 years ago


I would be willing to mount an assault or infiltration of the Foundation for five minutes alone with that object. Or sell my soul to them or something.

7 years ago

Mind if I join you on that infiltration and/or Faustian Contract? Because there’s something else there that I desire.

I just need one scoop of the happy jello that shoos away chronic severe depression. Just one.

Matteo Suppo
Matteo Suppo
7 years ago

I also encountered people dismissing trans women with the word “autogynephilia”.

Autogynephilia is the fetish of imagining yourself as a woman. It’s a real fetish (since there is a fetish for everything).

But it’s used to deny the experiences of trans women by saying that they are just ‘perverts’.

Which is bullshit, of course.

The main difference is that men with autogynephilia wouldn’t want to transition. It’s just a fantasy that starts and stops in the bedroom.

Also of course trans women can arouse themselves by imagining themselves as women. Duh, that’s what cis women do too.

There’s so much bullshit around trans issues.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago


Okay, that does earn points for marginalizing bigots, though I don’t know if everyone would agree that it’s a valid tactic.

Matteo Suppo
Matteo Suppo
7 years ago

I would like to add that the word autogynephilia was created specifically to erase trans women. So it’s doubly problematic.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Meanwhile, back in Iowa, Kim Weaver, the woman who was challenging Steve King in the mid-term election, has backed out of the race due to death threats and the potential loss of health insurance if she has to leave her job to campaign.

Steve King has decided to weigh in with his opinion that the death threats didn’t happen. Because we all know that women just make this shit up sometimes!

7 years ago

Thank you. ))) i was just saying what crisis psychologist did with me before. Her job really only was to try and help people just deal with first feelings but she only see everyone one time. If you need therapist after i dont know about that. (Her job also was to see who is too damage to stay- but that is differnt story….)

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

Once again, you’ve all caught me right after exercising, so, of course, my beautiful, elegant black body is showing an excellent muscle tone and my melanin-infused black skin is glowing.

Now, to respond.


Hearing something like that can really strongly affect me cuz I always feel like strangers are laughing at me or thinking poorly of me and things like that just confirm it in my head.

I feel exactly like this a lot and I hate it.

Also, you sound like a super cool person who does not deserve that awful experience you described and we should totally drop acid together and do things.

Fran, thanks so much for acknowledging you seen it before.

Right, so here’s my experience from when I used to be an ungainly, awkward cismale: I’d been having sex with this guy who was pretty handsome and really good at sucking dick, but he had literally the worst body odor and made no attempt to fix it.

I was starting to get tired of having to basically hold my breath while he was close to me, so, after a while I introduced the suggestion that we should start seeing other people, and he immediately went to attack positions.

“Oh, so you’re actually straight! Okay then! That’s cool!” he says.

Naturally, that destroyed my confidence in my ability to a large degree and made me think that maybe I wasn’t actually attracted to men and so on. So I know exactly where you’re coming from with that.

Oh, and my story has a happy ending; I had relationships with other guys who had better personal hygiene, and Fran still very much enjoys having a hot boy thrust his tongue down her mouth and suck her dick, so you don’t have to be afraid of that! <3

Or with prejudice I’ve been raised dealing with systemic racism all my life since I’m half and half I get it from both sides I’m not black enough for black people and I’m not white enough for white people although apparently I’m remarkably articulate /s( you wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve heard that, actually maybe you would) how can people deal with that all their lives and then go on to be disgustingly homophobic? I mean some black people I have seen seem like caricatures with the homophobia thing and older black people have been treated so horribly how can they not see how they’re treating another marginalized group the same way?

People like you are the reason why I aggressively claim half-black people as being black, because I do know of black people who discredit half-black people as Not Being Real, or being Agents of White Supremacy, and I always felt that was hurtful nonsense.

Admittedly, some people think I’m a little too aggressive with reminding half-black people that yes, they are black, and yes, they can be friends with us.

That’s part of the reason why I don’t hang out with a lot of other black people, because I don’t have time for that shit. That and all the homophobic, transphobic nonsense. I have black friends, but they are usually only forward-thinking, progressive, intelligent black people like yourself, God-Emperor Axecalibur, and so on.

Anyway, so, yes, by my Imperial Decree, you are a super cool and awesome black girl now. Welcome! Let us unite to attack White Supremacy in a fierce yet beautiful battle formation.

I know just what you mean by not being black enough for other black people. I have gone through that, since I am weird and like Medieval European fantasy and Sci-fi fantasy fiction and Japanese culture. So I’m Not A Real Black Person.

Don’t worry, we can be Not Real together. <3

Also, since I am pro-black and refuse to allow white supremacists to walk all over me, white people take issue with my attitude.

So I am absolutely familiar with your problems.

To end on a lighter note,(you don’t seem to mind comments like this but sorry if it’s TMI or over the top. I’m a huge flirt and very forward, if I offend you please tell me)Francesca, if your body and lingerie is truly as flamboyant and spicy and sexy as your personality, you might totally overwhelm my senses but it would probably be very pleasant? I’m also very into BDSM on the submissive side. You sounds like you might be my type in your empress persona. I could see myself kneeling before you(only if you’re into that of course) Especially if you’re tall, and slender and/or statuesque but very possibly even if you don’t fit that specific image( I know it’s super conventional but I love that stereotypical dominatrix look)

Fuck no, I love that. You are always allowed to do that with me, it’s exactly what I’m aiming for from my partners.

Also, it sounds like you’re a magical unicorn like myself – a black person who is heavily into the BDSM scene.

Yes, that is why I jokingly play along with the Hotepian GODDESS-EMPRESS thing. It is, very much, my kink.

And, yes, I am slender and muscular, and like wearing tight, sexy leather clothes. I intend to outfit myself with some obscenely kinky shiny black high-heels eventually, with the red bottoms. I am 100% aiming to become a stereotypical domme.

I want to adopt you into my household immediately now and put a golden collar around your neck.

You’ve revealed me entirely. I do, in fact, play up the Goddess-Empress attitude strictly because it’s my fetish. It is totally my fetish and I intended to attract hot boys and girls like you who want to worship me.

I say we’re rare unicorns, because BDSM, much like the translady sphere, is something that is mostly in the grips of white people.

Now, which one of you good Mammotheer boys and girls would like me to place my high-heeled shoe on your back while laughing imperiously and teasingly tapping your cheeks with a whip?



Honestly, I wish more people were like you. I’d like to be validated as a lady who has a cock. That’s all. I’m not trying to be better than other ladies. Fuck, I’m not even that particularly ladylike by the conventional sense.

@Grand High Adjutant Mish-nyan

<3 <3 <3

I give you a hug in return.

@Sinkable John

Thank you! I'll get right to you in my next post. The Mammoth comment system hates long comments for some reason.

7 years ago

Way off topic but I’m gonna go see wonder woman!! Has anyone else seen it yet here?

7 years ago

I did! I really liked it, certainly a ton more than Man of Steel and BvSDOJ.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

Daily reminder that transwomen who behave in gross ways are not representative of all the nice transwomen like myself, Sandra, Dali, and so on.

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I will never invalidate another girl just because she doesn’t want to get snipped.


No, you’re right; you reminded me at the last moment, which is a good thing and very kind of you. Even in our circles, we sometimes forget about transmen. I am, or was, an atypical transwoman in that I spent time with other transmen.

That’s another thing that’s changed now. You are allowed to be a girl with a dick who fucks boys with vaginas.

The trans community has changed so much since 2003. It’s much better these days, honestly.

@Sinkable John-kun

Ehh I find writers often fall in either of two clear-cut squares : those who are insufferable snobbish assholes, and those who aren’t. A friend and I started publishing a thing when we were 16 and ended up banding up with a whole bunch of people from all over France and sometimes beyond, belonging to the second category, whose work we collected and published along ours. Issues were sold on a pay-what-you-want basis so of course there was usually barely enough money to print the next one, and that earned us the scorn of a bunch of old white male assholes who dismissed our work as kids fooling around. Meanwhile, I spent a few blessed years in a world between the lines, and a lot of those were train lines.

Sadly the thing is now defunct, but most of us still write and try to keep in touch – some of us even seem like they might be getting somewhere with the writing, what with all dat experience in alternative publishing. Me I got three novels I need to finish, but I’ve had trouble writing for the past year or so. It’s always on the surface of my mind though, so I guess I work 24/7 and it’ll be smooth sailing if and when I do manage to get back to the actual writing down of words on paper/a screen.

Hey, if you ever feel you want me to read some of your stuff, I’d be happy to. I uh would share mine but it’s all in that obscure native tongue of mine.

I understand entirely. That was my problem: I inadvertently fell in with the awful snobs you described, who insisted that reading sci-fi and fantasy is for dumb assholes who don’t know their heads from their butts.

They managed to suck all the joy out of my love for books for a while, because they insisted that only Refined, Classic Literature by Dead Old White Men are worth reading.

Still, I can’t bring myself to be entirely angry with them. I now know much more about literature than when I started out, and, honestly, I kinda already began reading books by Dead Old White Men when I was a child; Hans Christen Andersen and Die Bruder Grimm were among my library as a very tiny, 5-year-old Fran.

I wish you the utmost success in your endeavor. I’ll link you to some of my fanfictions soon. <3

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

DC movies always come on HBO Now, so I’m just going to wait. I rarely go to see movies in theaters.

7 years ago


Despite suffering from many of the flaws that plague other Zack Snyder/DCCU films, it’s a pretty solid action movie. Gal Gadot does a great job. I just wish Etta Candy could have done more. Woo Woo!

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


You were validated in my eyes the moment I read your first post. It may not be all that much comfort to you at times, but you and the rest on here have always held validity for your existence by me.

Go forth and conquer the universe with the awesome that is you.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

Sorry for the novel, been unable to catch up on commenting for a few days. 12 hour shifts suck.


Of course, I don’t like to complain about it because I’d hate to be one of those Dunning-Kruger people who insists they can do things they are clearly unqualified for.

Even if you’re less qualified than you think you are, you’re more qualified than a large number of the jackasses who are actually in positions of economic authority. I mean, the Shithead in Chief is a perfect example; every time he actually took a personal hand in running anything, it failed spectacularly. He only has his wealth because he inherited a load of capital, while the people who actually know their shit and have kept his businesses running get a fraction of the money they generate.

It was only after I fell in with highfalutin’ book snobs who consider SERIOUS CLASSIC LITERATURE FOR SERIOUS PEOPLE the only worthwhile reading material that I grew insecure about my ability and essentially contracted a form of writer’s block because I was not Dostoevsky reborn in black skin.

My reflex reaction to any Anglophone who talks about Dostoevsky like that is that they’re a pretentious twerp whose literary opinions I can safely ignore.* I feel the same way about Joyce.

*I can’t read Russian, but I understand it works a lot better in that language. The translations I”ve seen are mostly nigh unreadable.

It’s improved a little recently. In fact, the only reason I re-evaluated myself was because more transwomen have been appearing on the scene who are colored, or have sex with women, or still have their dicks and make no attempt to hide them whatsoever, or do masculine things like lift weights and compete in contact sports.

I don’t think I’ve ever personally met a(n out) trans woman who wasn’t queer.

Another small thing I’ve noticed, from my interactions with FtM transmen, is that nobody really seems to care if they still have vaginas and are capable of bearing children

I suspect there’d be more pressure about that if there were better phalloplasty options; at present, trans men are pretty screwed as far as available bottom surgeries. That said, there’s also all kindsa misogyinistic shit involved in perceptions of trans women that also contributes.

Will Miggytoes accept Transmen in their ranks? What’s the official Manosphere stance on transmen?

Couldn’t say, but for sure there are trans men who’d find the ranks of MRAs congenial. A lotta trans male communities are full of hideous toxic masculinity, a kind of mirror image of the ‘sweaty’ gals you mention.


I spoke with an accent they couldn’t place, I talked like someone written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and every time a class situation came up, any of my classes, I always, always was both right and confident in my answers.

Oh wow, it’s my childhood…

Wait. New idea. Write a version of King Arthur where Morgana Le Fey is Merlin after discovering enough magic to make themself happy with themself, and she winds up destroying Camelot instead of letting Arthur keep douching it up.

I think that Nimue might fit a bit better; the whole ‘she enchanted him to sleep forever in a tree where he’ll never be seen again’ bit seems like a good cover story. Rather reminiscent of Alexander James inheriting the Heatherlands, IMO.


It seems like nowadays(at least to me)being intelligent is not valued by a large part of American society. Sometimes it actually seems frowned upon, especially if you’re a woman(or black or in our cases both) I’ve had many people call me elitist and pretentious just for saying I enjoy books more than TV(especially when I say I prefer the Game of Thrones books to the TV show)So know that you’re awesome and just keep doing you. Haters going to hate that’s all they know how to do

Asimov said it well:
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

(theres even 1 who told me to my face I’m not bi. She said I’m either straight or a lesbian in denial. I’m shocked that’s still a thing in 2017)

Still a big thing unfortunately.

Honestly, if this isn’t inappropriate or TMI, I find MtoF pre-op transwomen very attractive.(also drag queens and male transvestites)I like dick, and I like cute sexy dresses and lingerie. They can be even better together like chocolate and peanut butter(I myself present very feminine)

It’s something you’ll want to be very careful about phrasing; chasers (people, mostly male, who fetishise trans women in a deeply objectifying fashion) are a thing, and a thing that most of us are pretty twitchy about. Also, you’re not going to have much luck with queens; most of them are exclusively androphilic, and also pretty fucking misogynist. A small but significant percentage are closeted trans women, but they’re still mostly androphilic.
I also love cute sexy dresses and lingerie, though I’ve not had a chance to acquire much of the latter yet.


I have to confess, though, I’ve known far more trans men IRL than trans women, and they always seemed to “pass” to my eyes, but I’m probably not the best judge.

This is principally because the effects of testosterone are a one-way street in many areas. If a trans woman has gone through puberty without hormone blockers, her larynx will thicken, her voice will deepen, and her facial body hair will grow more densely, and some other things. And none of that goes away with HRT. Conversely, all of those things happen when trans men start HRT. And they add to mens’ passability and detract from womens’. Also, honestly, mens’ appearance generally doesn’t get the level of scrutiny that womens’ does; once people’s first impression is ‘man’, they’ll tend to just stop looking closely.

@Sinkable John

Okay, that happened while I was sleeping, and I’m glad he got banned before I woke up. Anyways, while I’d never heard of “transracial” before (some of you sound like you have, is it some talking point I’ve somehow missed ?) the whole thing sounded really fucking familiar

Occasional shitheads try to claim a racial identity not their own. The likes of Rachel Dolezal appear to be taking themselves seriously, but for the most part it’s a bullshit troll ‘gotcha’ attempt.

That said, transracial does actually have a real meaning: it refers to people who are raised by someone of a different race, e.g. via adoption, because there are types of experieces shared by people in that situation.

Re: South Park – Matt and Trey kinda-sorta redeemed themselves with an episode from 2015

No they fucking didn’t.

7 years ago


I saw it yesterday. I loved it.

I don’t want to take any of the shine off it by saying there were two or three moments I want to think about my reaction to.

It body-swerved many of the potentially problematic aspects of the origin story (no Born Sexy Yesterday). People waiting to see naked Diana will be disappointed. People waiting to see naked Steve won’t. I felt any less surprise at a powerful woman from 1918 men would not have been believable; any more would have hijacked the story.

Plus the beach battle between Amazons and Germans is spectacular.

Gal Gadot is a fitting successor to Linda Carter.

ETA Also Lucy Davis is very funny, as always.

7 years ago

@Victoria – Yes, I *loved* Wonder Woman and plan to go see it again. It’s pretty great just as a superhero flick, but I think it did a fantastic job of not being weird about the female characters. Not gonna lie, I teared up a little bit at a couple of the battle scenes.

7 years ago

I just started posting but I concur with PeeVee. Fran, you are quadruple plus valid!

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago



It’s something you’ll want to be very careful about phrasing; chasers (people, mostly male, who fetishise trans women in a deeply objectifying fashion) are a thing, and a thing that most of us are pretty twitchy about.

Oh, great, now we’re going to have to disagree and people will now say that transwomen really are as contentious and catty as they are implied.

Fuck it.
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Yeah, so, here’s the thing: while chasers are a thing, there are actually some transladies who like to encourage their partners to be attracted to them because they are women with dicks, and that seems to be the new hotness when it comes to fights in the translady sphere because I have seen so many flamewars in the Tumblr sphere about it.

People like to say we should tuck specifically to prevent chasers, but fuck that, you know? I would like my partners to find that interesting about me. That’s exactly what I’m angling for. I’m not the only one who feels this way.


And this is very important, children, so everyone pay attention to this part.

My kinks are not the same as other transwomen. So Dali is absolutely right; you may wish to be careful about expressing this desire to other transwomen who aren’t ridiculous fetish people like myself.

So, while I personally endorse Katie’s feelings, I agree with Dali that she may wish to be careful with whom she expresses that to.

Also, transladies like me are considered Bad Girls by the community. We’re not very good at the thing, apparently, and we indulge people with their kinks and whatnot.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

Dostoyevsky is one of the very few fiction authors that I’ve actually enjoyed. I’m not big on reading fiction, but I got something out of Karamazov, Demons, etc. I read him in Swedish and didn’t find it unreadable at all.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


I also love cute sexy dresses and lingerie, though I’ve not had a chance to acquire much of the latter yet

We’ll fix that…

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ IP

I I read him in Swedish and didn’t find it unreadable at all.

I bet there’s an interesting discussion to be had about how some languages are more inter-translatable than others. Now, if only we knew a linguist… 😉

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

@God-Emperor Axe


comment image

Just kidding. I’m not going to fight over who gets the boy, that would be ridiculous.

I’ll just allow myself to briefly feel these flashes of envy and then ignore them, since I seem to have acquired Katie instead.

7 years ago


I think that Nimue might fit a bit better

Yeah. I was kicking the story around with a friend, and she reminded me that Nimue exists. And also that Morgana Le Fay, the sorceress, and Morgause, Arthur’s sister/Mordred’s mother, are different people.

Morgause often gets merged with Morgana in modern adaptations, and Nimue is usually completely written out. And isn’t that just typical? Removing two women characters for really no reason.

Nimue even makes sense for other reasons. The version I remember reading said that she was prophesied to be the end of Merlin, and her name begins with the next letter of the alphabet. I definitely need to re-read the entire set of stories before I start this project.


I had to read part of his work five years ago. He can fuck off, k. He doesn’t even have the excuse of writing in a language where English grammar rules do not apply.


Hans Christen Andersen

Hans Kristoff Anna Sven! I love the disney adaptation. Reminds me of people with dark secrets. *looks at mirror*

I haven’t read the original tales though.

RE: Cute dresses and lingerie

I am indeed slender, though not muscular. I absolutely adore cute, sexy dresses – both on me and others. I have no opinion on lingerie because sex is not a part of my existence right now. The only perspective I have on lingerie is that bras help create the impression I have boobs, which is of non-negligible benefit to my psychological health.

RE: Being attracted to trans women because they have dicks

If people aren’t being hurt, I don’t see the issue. But chasing and stuff tends to result in the chaser ignoring the personality of the PERSON they are chasing in favor of thinking of us as sex objects. For me, there’s several reasons that’s a no-no.

7 years ago

@everyone – FWIW – and it ain’t worth much, I definitely understand that – but I’ve never questioned anyone’s validity on here in re: their sexuality or gender id, with the exception of Mr. Disingenuous Trollman who tried to co-opt some shit in this very thread.

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