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“Are Women Really Human?” asks the MGTOW meme of the day

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MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.

You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.

“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”

Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.

Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?

I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?

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7 years ago

I always thought fellatio (or cunnilingus, or any sexual activity) was more of an, uh, individual Olympic event, rather than a team sport 😀

So, yay?

7 years ago

I know a few transpeople(more MtoF than FtoM)and it really surprised me to realize that some can be pretty closed-minded and outright nasty to other trans and queer people who don’t fit into their narrow idea of what it entails.(theres even 1 who told me to my face I’m not bi. She said I’m either straight or a lesbian in denial. I’m shocked that’s still a thing in 2017)

Honestly, if this isn’t inappropriate or TMI, I find MtoF pre-op transwomen very attractive.(also drag queens and male transvestites)I like dick, and I like cute sexy dresses and lingerie. They can be even better together like chocolate and peanut butter(I myself present very feminine)

I just can’t understand how people who are incredibly discriminated against can discriminate against others so vehemently. They know how it feels and how much it hurts so how can they do it to others? The first time I encountered this was some parts of black hip-hop culture can be very homophobic. It’s gotten somewhat better since the nineties when I first encountered it but I don’t understand how any black people can be so cruel and prejudiced toward any other group of people when we’ve had to endure discrimination and systemic racism our whole lives.

I’m not trans myself so I don’t know if it’s my place to say this but I don’t understand how trans people can make little boxes of their own to try to fit everyone in when that’s exactly how they’re discriminated against because they don’t fit into the gender boxes much of society has proclaimed to be normal.

Also, sorry if I’m a bit unintelligible I smoked a bit too much weed tonight. I’ve never understood the bullied turning into the bully or the abused turning into the abuser. Why does that happen when they know how horrific it is to be treated like that. I hope everyone reading this is having a lovely weekend. And my heart goes out to the people in(England?)who were attacked, I hope the best for them. I don’t know exactly what happened yet I’ll have to look it up, I just got home.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

It looks like Chessman realized he couldn’t hold his own and had to get himself banned. Quite a meltdown!

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

Coming in ten seconds? Ouch! That sounds really unpleasant. :/

7 years ago

It’s not so much he had a meltdown as he finally found a button to really spark outrage, and so he spammed that button until it broke– which is what trolls usually do. Once they find something that genuinely gets to people, they usually don’t have the self-control to do anything else, because it’s what gets them the “I have power now” high the most. I was out for the evening (seeing Wonder Woman with the wife!), so I missed the fireworks, but as soon as I started reading, I thought “Oh hell, they’ve signalled that they’re genuinely upset rather than contemptuously dismissive, now he’s going to really dig in.” Am I the only person that thinks he was probably the same person as “Emma” from earlier?

7 years ago

I didn’t feel outraged by Trollman’s latest ploy, just completely tired of his boring bullshit. He was just hitting the same droning note over and over and over.

Of course, others may have been outraged, but I just got the sense of irritated weariness with his schtick.

7 years ago

He progressed from a gnat to a mosquito, and got squashed.

Overly Long Name
Overly Long Name
7 years ago

Hey guys, this is incredibly off topic, but does anyone here know how to comfort someone who is worried about becoming a victim of a terrorist attack? My friend is living in england and is worried deeply about terrorism.

7 years ago

Well, if she’s specifically worried about terrorism and not much else, tell her that it’s a statistically-unlikely way to die compared to accidents in the home or on the street, or a hundred other things. If she’s generally worried about everything, that may be less comforting and more terrifying, of course…

By the way, Francisca, this isn’t pedantry, but a genuine question– do transwomen really call each other “sweaty” as an insult? Like prone to perspire a lot? Or did you mean “sweetie” as in the term of endearment sarcastically applied? Not knowing much about the culture, I didn’t want to make any assumptions.

7 years ago

RE: The troll

I wasn’t outraged. I was done with him long before. I seriously think he should have been banned after his fifth post or so. Everything since then was just a complete waste of time and energy.

@Fishy Goat

That was what I was trying to convey, clumsily. Ten seconds and done just seems like bad sex.


I don’t really know enough about sports to get the analogy all that well. I conceptualize sex as a joint operation with your partner(s), who are hopefully on the same team as you.

CN: Discussion of abuse


She said I’m either straight or a lesbian in denial

I find it difficult to believe this was ever a thing. Not your experience, the whole bisexual erasure thing. Mostly because there’s no actual reason for anyone to doubt or erase bisexuality. I’m assuming you’re bisexual – I apologize if it’s something different.

Honestly, if this isn’t inappropriate or TMI

Dalillama or Francesca would probably have a better analysis of the appropriateness of this. But truthfully, a lot of us have chatted about sex related things in the comments at times. It’s just fine to, as you put it, “Like dick and like cute dresses and lingerie”. I think I do too, at least as much as I like the alternative.

Just make sure you’re not equating trans women with drag queens and transvestites. The difference? Trans women are women, drag queens and transvestites are men in “feminine” clothing. The actual appearance of these people says nothing about which they are.

I just can’t understand how people who are incredibly discriminated against can discriminate against others so vehemently.

I can.

Abuse has psychological effects that can last for the rest of someone’s life. One of these effects is normalizing the use of abuse in your personal relationships. Discrimination is abuse in some cases. Sometimes people are desperate for something, anything, they can lash out against because we’re just so tired of being the “acceptable target”. It’s not okay. But it is a phenomenon.

To put it another way, the most minimal abuse encourages the development of unhealthy coping mechanisms. Sustained abuse both replaces a person’s understanding of normal social dynamics and more or less carves unhealthy coping mechanisms into their souls.

Take me as an example. I cloak myself in a thousand layers of secrets and lies because the best way to stop my mom or brother from yelling at me or hitting me was to feed them the reality they wanted to believe in. I compartmentalize information, telling different sets of lies to different people, and actually have a plan detailing who knows what and what lies I can tell without contradicting something I’ve already told them because the constant betrayals by people my brother convinced to spy on me has taught me I can’t trust anyone with the whole truth. I’m totally honest with something like exactly two people because truth has been wielded against me like a sword too many times.

I’m prepared to quickly move to deconstructing someone’s life and making them feel like shit over everything because that’s what I was taught was normal. I’ve been exposed to so much of my brother’s verbose, incoherent tirades and my mom’s equally verbose biting sarcasm that I do aspects of both whether I mean to or not.

I’ve danced on the edge of repeating their paths a thousand times, walked away a thousand times, and I will do it a thousand times more as I adjust to a world that only mostly wants me dead.

It’s not really an answer to the discrimination question, but this is why the bullied sometimes become bullies.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

Re: London

My deepest sympathies to the victims and their families. I hope all of my UK Mammotheers-in-arms are safe.


I know a few transpeople(more MtoF than FtoM)and it really surprised me to realize that some can be pretty closed-minded and outright nasty to other trans and queer people who don’t fit into their narrow idea of what it entails.(theres even 1 who told me to my face I’m not bi. She said I’m either straight or a lesbian in denial. I’m shocked that’s still a thing in 2017)

Oh, yes. Absolutely. I knew this was a thing for a while. For a while I identified as bi, but then switched to merely identifying as queer as some of my bi friends did, to stave off what seemed like inevitable amounts of nonsense.

I was hesitant to call myself pan for a while for similar reasons, but nowadays I’m all like, fuck it, it doesn’t matter. None of this matters.

I’m really sorry you had to endure that and offer hugs. Being invalidated fucking sucks.

Honestly, if this isn’t inappropriate or TMI, I find MtoF pre-op transwomen very attractive.(also drag queens and male transvestites)I like dick, and I like cute sexy dresses and lingerie. They can be even better together like chocolate and peanut butter(I myself present very feminine)

Oh, I think we’ll get along splendidly. <3

I perhaps even may have been angling for that sort of reaction from other ladies and gents.

I would, genuinely, like to look sexy and desirable in erotic dresses and to excite my partners in that manner. So, it's not like I don't want to pass.

I assure you my lingerie would be as flamboyant and spicy as my personality, too. You would want to place your hands on my satin-clad skin, for sure.

I just can’t understand how people who are incredibly discriminated against can discriminate against others so vehemently. They know how it feels and how much it hurts so how can they do it to others? The first time I encountered this was some parts of black hip-hop culture can be very homophobic. It’s gotten somewhat better since the nineties when I first encountered it but I don’t understand how any black people can be so cruel and prejudiced toward any other group of people when we’ve had to endure discrimination and systemic racism our whole lives.

This is my grievance with Hoteps.

I don’t appreciate hearing about how Dwhyte Mann personally taught me to grow aroused at the idea of having sex with a man, or wanting to be a girl.

I’m not trans myself so I don’t know if it’s my place to say this but I don’t understand how trans people can make little boxes of their own to try to fit everyone in when that’s exactly how they’re discriminated against because they don’t fit into the gender boxes much of society has proclaimed to be normal.

I don’t disagree. Shit’s weird.

It’s improved a little recently. In fact, the only reason I re-evaluated myself was because more transwomen have been appearing on the scene who are colored, or have sex with women, or still have their dicks and make no attempt to hide them whatsoever, or do masculine things like lift weights and compete in contact sports.

I’m cringing calling it masculine, because, ideally, these things don’t have a gender attached to them, sorry. I know that whole last bit is poorly worded.

Also, sorry if I’m a bit unintelligible I smoked a bit too much weed tonight. I’ve never understood the bullied turning into the bully or the abused turning into the abuser. Why does that happen when they know how horrific it is to be treated like that. I hope everyone reading this is having a lovely weekend. And my heart goes out to the people in(England?)who were attacked, I hope the best for them. I don’t know exactly what happened yet I’ll have to look it up, I just got home.

Same to everything.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

Quick doublepost, sorry:


Re: fast, hard, painful sex

Hahahahaha, oh my God. You people are killing me over here. 😀 You’re making these transladies sound like ruthless cyborgs who power-thrust your bits with their piston-like hip muscles.
comment image


[Fran walks over in a stiff-legged, robotic way to a cinder block, squats over it, places her hands on her thighs, and smashes it to tiny bits with her buttocks in a series of high-speed, rapid-fire back-and-forth movements of her hips.]

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


“Sweaty :)” is a Tumblr meme that is used when quoting someone who is being insincerely nice to you when in actuality they hate you and wish you nothing but ill.

In actuality the person said sweetie whilst telling you something hurtful and passive-aggressive, but when you are quoting them, you use the word “sweaty” instead, which, I think, perfectly encapsulates the malicious intent behind the feigned niceness.

Transwomen are really great at being passive aggressive. Most of my translady friends agree, and we like to joke that too many transwomen alone in one room is gonna end up in a catfight sooner or later.

I am quite aggressive, so I guess I play up to the stereotype. :

Some transladies like to call older transladies ‘huns’, because they say ‘honey’ a lot, according to other transladies.
Using syrupy-sweet pet names for others such as sweetie and honey are very common in some transgirl spheres.


Let me play at being an insincerely nice transwomen saying something hurtful.

[covers her face with a Victorian fan, bats her eyelashes delicately.]

“Sweetie, if you want to keep your dick, I’m afraid you aren’t a real girl. I’m sorry, but I think you should reconsider being trans. I don’t think you’re serious about this. Your dysphoria clearly isn’t thaaaaat baaaaad, sweetie. ?.

[Fran’s eyes glitter maliciously over the edges of her fan.]

Matteo Suppo
Matteo Suppo
7 years ago

I usually only lurk, but wanted to say that the talk about abusive people who really should know better resonates a lot here.

Also I wanted to say I really enjoy reading your comments on everything.

I went to a pride yesterday and I’m still elated, although the shit about London is really saddening. It’s a weird state of mind.

7 years ago

Overly long name – i think would not be good to say ‘statistically unlikely to from by terrorism’ – not first anyway. Second also dont say something like if they afraid then terrorists are winning. At first better not to say solution, if you understand my meaning. At first you need offer comfort like say how lucky your friend is to live in UK where emergency service so good and terror response very effective. Say your friend safe now and try to talk on another subject and make some light talk. After soon first fear will go away or reduce then you can talk about statistics and about more practical type things. Directly after incidents people not usually looking for philosophy they needing comfort and to feel safe and that you can support to them. Let your friend to talk to you. My experience with crisis psychologist is that they just ask you to tell how you feeling and what happen. They not offering any soloution – this one comes later and also from inside yourself.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

Another small thing I’ve noticed, from my interactions with FtM transmen, is that nobody really seems to care if they still have vaginas and are capable of bearing children. It seems like society at Large doesn’t want to think about men with vaginas and male pregnancy too hard.

Even transguys command more respect that transwomen under the patriarchy.

But transwomen with dicks are everyone’s fucking punching bag. It’s like they try to make you get dysphoria about your genitals.

Well, I’ve met too many transmen with vaginas to give a shit anymore, and, also, there are too many transwomen with dicks wandering about these days, and it is considered acceptable to have a girl bulge and a girl dick, to a certain extent.

I love how everyone always forgets about transguys. I wonder when people will start paying attention to them?

Will Miggytoes accept Transmen in their ranks? What’s the official Manosphere stance on transmen?

7 years ago

Will Miggytoes accept Transmen in their ranks?

I’m sure that anyone who is sufficiently bitter, hateful and misogynistic can join their little movement.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

ruthless cyborgs who power-thrust your bits with their piston-like hip muscles.

You have my attention.

7 years ago

Blimey so chessman identifies as a black woman? After a week of trolling us with misogynistic illogical non-sequiturs, cleverly parsed so as not to call down the ban-hammer, then after the final reveal says that all along our rebuttals were just “transphobic cyberbullying”. How where we to know chessman? – maybe you should have called yourself chessidentifiesasblackwoman?

Least convincing troll ever.

Oh and @Fran I loved the visual image of your pneumatic loins

7 years ago

Yeah so chessman seems to be trying the tired old conservative trope of saying “no your the racist because you hate white people” and “wore people are opposed because black people have affirmative action” but applying it to the Menz.
Also he thinks that people just decode to create pronouns and demand others use them (as opposed to people actually being on a gender spectrum and English being a language that lacks the ability to recognize that spectrum).
Isn’t he clever you guys? I mean, no troll has ever tried those tactics before, never.
While normally I won’t do the “ignore the bully” thing, he’s so trite and transparent that I can’t help it, I can’t be bothered to respond to him because it’s really the laziest troll possible.

7 years ago

@Fran, Sandra
Thanks for your informative and kind responses. I don’t know how to be concise so this will be another essay.

It was actually 2016(late summer)when a trans friend of mine had a birthday party at a queer friendly bar. All genders and orientations were represented and we were having a great time(at least the group I was in was)and my long term boyfriend(8 years)was there, but we’re poly(to a degree)and I was totally wasted(I took a hit of acid, smoked a lot of weed and drank a bit)but pleasantly, not acting crazy or passing out.

I’ve known some of these people since high school so we can be immature and silly sometimes and we started playing truth or dare. I was dared to make out with this girl(as always happens to everyone)and we made a show of it. Later, me, her and my boyfriend were just chilling when I heard someone say my name. Someone I’d met briefly was talking about me to a group. When I confronted her she had the audacity to say I was completely straight, I just hooked up with girls to titillate my boyfriend. People who’ve known me forever know I’ve had serious girlfriends before and defended me and said she was completely out of line but I was struck dumb.

I was really hurt that someone who barely knew me would just assume something like that. I’m very insecure and have severe anxiety problems. Hearing something like that can really strongly affect me cuz I always feel like strangers are laughing at me or thinking poorly of me and things like that just confirm it in my head. Fran, thanks so much for acknowledging you seen it before. Sandra, I don’t know how often it happens but other bisexual people have told me similar stories. Some people seem to think you can only be one or the other

Also thank you Sandra for explaining your views how people can hurt others the same way they’ve been hurt. I understand what you said and it makes perfect sense you seem to put up walls in the form of lies and other evasion. I do the same I’ve been betrayed too many times and have serious trust issues. But as you said it doesn’t seem to address the harshest forms of prejudice and abuse which are the ones I find hardest to understand. How can someone be horribly molested or abused to the point of torture as a child and then go on to do it to their children. Or with prejudice I’ve been raised dealing with systemic racism all my life since I’m half and half I get it from both sides I’m not black enough for black people and I’m not white enough for white people although apparently I’m remarkably articulate /s( you wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve heard that, actually maybe you would) how can people deal with that all their lives and then go on to be disgustingly homophobic? I mean some black people I have seen seem like caricatures with the homophobia thing and older black people have been treated so horribly how can they not see how they’re treating another marginalized group the same way?

To end on a lighter note,(you don’t seem to mind comments like this but sorry if it’s TMI or over the top. I’m a huge flirt and very forward, if I offend you please tell me)Francesca, if your body and lingerie is truly as flamboyant and spicy and sexy as your personality, you might totally overwhelm my senses but it would probably be very pleasant? I’m also very into BDSM on the submissive side. You sounds like you might be my type in your empress persona. I could see myself kneeling before you(only if you’re into that of course) Especially if you’re tall, and slender and/or statuesque but very possibly even if you don’t fit that specific image( I know it’s super conventional but I love that stereotypical dominatrix look)?

7 years ago

I think Valentine has got it exactly right wrt trying to comfort people about the latest London (or any other) attack, or any other kind of traumatic event in their own lives (and parenthetically, iirc Valentine is a member of a demographic – young blokes – who tend on average to be behind the curve on understanding when it’s not the time to Explain The Solution, and he’s ahead of it). (PS I hope your writing mojo comes back, Valentine).

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

What’s the official Manosphere stance on transmen?

“It really depends on the Muntab question.”

“Where the hell is Muntab?”


Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

’10 Seconds to Cum’ sounds like a bomb ass band name ?

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

Also I thought “moral fiber” sounds like something elderly conservatives would buy from a health food store and mix in their morning yogurt.

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