MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.
“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”
Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.
Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?
I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?
what “points”? all it is is transphobic bullying… there is no “point” beyond that…
@ chessman
I’ve raised some points I’d love to hear your thoughts on in the other thread.
In general, I have begun to realize that the whole ‘pass/non-pass’ gauntlet transwomen have to run automatically excludes poor and underprivileged transwomen, most of whom are black.
They don’t realize that if I had the monies, I would go in and get myself all of the surgeries possible; every last one of them.
Demanding that we all be passable every single time is a discriminatory practice. Mind you, I am not saying that those who want to pass are bad people. It’s quite all right to want to pass, but forcing the rest of us to confirm to their rigidly adopted ideal is unfair practice.
I really am going to go cook food now, I just wanted to point out the level of discriminatory nonsense the trans community is rife with. I am not friends with all transpeople for very good reasons.
I just imagine everyone I don’t like speaks in a nasal tone. If I had magic powers, making everyone I disliked talk like that would probably be item…four…on my magical world domination agenda.
Right behind leveling the world’s playing field, solving for global climate change, and making it impossible for humans to perform physical violence upon other humans or through inaction allow humans to be harmed.
I think item five would be “Destroy every extant copy of every Christian religious text regardless of medium”. Six’d probably be ice cream when the inevitable mental breakdown hits.
I swear, the arthurian mythos would be VASTLY different if I was Morgana Le Fey.
Wait. New idea. Write a version of King Arthur where Morgana Le Fey is Merlin after discovering enough magic to make themself happy with themself, and she winds up destroying Camelot instead of letting Arthur keep douching it up.
Chessman has exhausted all of my patience. This new trans put-on is the end of the line. I assume someone has emailed David?
Yes. Cornychips on the previous page.
You are not being bullied at all. At all.
What light can there be in heads that hold such tangible darkness?
@PoM I believe cornychips has. I, too, have had it with this boring blah.
You know, Chessman almost strikes me as committee-style trolling. I can easily imagine a bunch of teenagers on IRC collaborating on what to say next. “Tell them you’re trans,” says one. “SJWs automatically have to respect you if you’re trans.” “Oooh, yeah, great idea!” “Do transracial, too.” “Hah hah hah!”
@Policy of Madness
Most things done by committee suck. Chessman’s trolling is like committee and group work in that respect.
i really am trans but thanks for pointing out what bigots you all are for mocking my identity and proving you are transphobic cyber bullies
” I have begun to realize that the whole ‘pass/non-pass’ gauntlet transwomen have to run automatically excludes poor and underprivileged transwomen, most of whom are black.”
exactly, just like the transphobes bullying me on this site because i don’t “pass” their rigid stereotypes…
“but forcing the rest of us to confirm to their rigidly adopted ideal is unfair practice”
exactly, i wish these transphobe bullies, like the ones who are targeting me, understood that and had more understanding and compassion… but sadly they are haters…
I like your idea a lot.
I actually hope Chessman is a transwoman. I hope she’s one of those racist white transwomen who demands everybody be passable, sweaty :), and thinks having a dick is the worst thing ever and having sex with other ladies is, like, sooooo uncool, sweaty :).
I need y’all to see the kind of shit we put up with in trans communities.
Ive emailed david but if anybody else want to email him too please do. Maybe my letter got caught in his spam mail or something
I should see it too. I’m a white transwoman, and almost everyone I know personally is cis. So I’m unaware of the shit that happens in trans communities for two reasons.
Nobody is targeting you because you are trangender.
They’re responding to the fact you are a disingenous troll.
Nobody has said AT ALL anything about you as a transgender. You are not being “attacked” for being transgender
Climb down your cross.
If this troll is trans and ID’s as a woman – then why all the anti woman stuff? I really don’t get it. Or do I have this the wrong way around? Same goes though, if men have it so shitty then why –
I am sincerely confounded here.
I am a bio female, I look female, I am a bit taller, but other than that, I look like a woman.
I have more of a “masculine personality” you might say, in that I was always interested in “subjects for boys”. I studied engineering in school, as example, and my hobbies and interests would be (by some) classed as more “traditionally male”.
I said – so what? And – I’m going to do what I want to do. And I did. I’m not cut out to be Suzy Suburban Soccer Mom, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but if you don’t have the interest, skills, inclination – you’ll be better off seeking a different path.
And I did get enough of flak over this, but my relatives are pretty open minded and have been burned by divorce (women), and were all about independence and support yourself. So I didn’t get too much grief.
I also have always lived in urban areas where there’s a mixed bag of all kinds of people and it might be a bit easier to do what you want, due to more opportunity as well as more open minded people.
I am (or was before I gave up) straight also. I do like men and not all interaction with them has been bad. I got more flak on the personal end from men trying to turn me into a Stepford Wife and or the Random Man who decided to try to lecture me into becoming a Stepford Wife.
It’s an uphill battle. And I could’ve gone the other way, on several occasions. I knew I was not suited for this lifestyle. My friend and drinking buddy here Tara is nodding along. Same. I know plenty of others who took a pass on it all, women and men, gay people too. Evidently there is a trend among gays to try to appear “normal” and get married, have kids, move to suburbia, there’s a big gay community here and I have heard about this. And those like us roll their eyes at it too.
Pressure to conform. You are Hipsters and you refuse to grow up!
Yes. Because that looks pretty crappy actually. Pass.
If anyone needs a distraction, my Beloved just published an ebook. The first of many. EDIT: There’s a free preview download, and a free short story, “Quantum Writer”, as well.
And here’s all her Doctor Who fic.
EDIT: I, too, have emailed David about Chessman.
Same reason racist, transphobic transwomen exist, most of whom are white.
I can accept Chessman is one of them without even stopping to think about it.
Nobody is targeting you because you are trangender.”
That’s the ONLY reason, they are deliberately mocking me for that specific reason:
” I can easily imagine a bunch of teenagers on IRC collaborating on what to say next. “Tell them you’re trans,” says one. “SJWs automatically have to respect you if you’re trans.” “Oooh, yeah, great idea!” “Do transracial, too.” “Hah hah hah!””
If it’s not just singling me out to mock me for my gender identity, as in the above quote, then why are you all targeting me to bully me, then…? trans hate is the only reason…
what are you guys even talking about anti-woman? do you have me confused with someone else? what have i ever said that was “anti-woman”?
OT but news coming in that the incident in Vauxhall is not terror related (so many people, unsurprisingly, are pushing their political agenda from this) or related to the incidents at London Bridge and Borough Market. All this before the election.. My love to everyone in London right now. <3 Please stay safe.
Trying to get in contact with my friend who lives there atm to get any updates on this.
..to add the Chessman situation, maybe they're dealing with some things that caused them to post anti-women statements. Or they could be 100% trolling and laughing hysterically while we respond at the moment.
Also, I’ve finished making food and will now continue my responses before we were so rudely interrupted.
That salad was ridiculously delicious.
My vote is on 100% trolling. The “transracial” crack gave it away.
@ fran
Did you remember to laugh at it.
“..to add the Chessman situation, maybe they’re dealing with some things that caused them to post anti-women statements”
I haven’t posted any anti – woman statements, is that what you’re claiming now…? what supposed “anti-woman statements” are you now claiming are from me… (seriously, wtf is this even real?)???
here’s my positions:
1. men thinking they have a gender obligation to white knight for women is toxic masculinity
2. transphobia is bad
3. race is a social construct
how is any of that anti – woman ? unless you don’t think trans are real women…?
Ugh. Salad. Sounds like you’re an adult who can cook for and take care of herself.
*Looks at boxed macaroni and cheese*
More fool you! *laugh-cries*