MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.
“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”
Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.
Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?
I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?
Well, MGTOWs don’t contribute anything worthwhile to society, so I guess they’re not human?
I fucked up at work today, so it helps somewhat to know there are people who are less capable of thinking than I.
I’m trying not to worry about it, but that’s not working too well.
But the point is that men are lobe-finned fishes as well (and tetrapods and mammals and primates and apes and hominids and so forth).
Yes, children, even MGTOWs are human. They are not, I am afraid, very good at it.
The idea that women “haven’t done anything” is so fucking stupid. Women were usually not ALLOWED to do anything, at least nothing in front of anybody, so, you know, men could take all the credit.
I think about Harriet Tubman, probably my biggest hero, who got hundreds of people free, returning again and again to a place where there was a 10k reward for her, dead or alive. And then acted as a nurse during the war, when she wasn’t busy being a spy in enemy territory. Oh, and she led troops in a raid that free several hundred slaves.
All with a fucking dent in her head were a supervisor hit her with a scale weight because she was getting in the way when her boyfriend was trying to escape. When she was 15 years old. She was in a coma for 5 months, just aware enough to swallow. Her family managed to keep her alive while working their asses off every day.
The brain damage from the incident when she was 15 was not minor. She had visions, and hallucinations. She had what was probably a form of epilepsy, in which she would lose consciousness without warning and stay that way sometimes for hours.
She was a fucking amazing human being.
To further the “not even wrong,” culture is not a defining feature of humanity, or even primates. Orcas, dolphins and whales have culture. Elephants have culture. Sparrows have culture. Rats have culture.
Also, personhood, I.e. Voting rights, is a basic human right, as is the right to equally paid employment without discrimination. So that “critique” is utterly incoherent. “You can’t take away their human rights! I mean sure you should take away this specific human right or this specific human right, but what kind of monster suggests we take away their rights?”
I like the emphasis the MG(H)OW puts on women’s main contributions to humanity: singing, cleaning, and giving birth. Those specific things. No others. Not painting, not pottery, not cooking, not theoretical geometry, not patting one’s head while rubbing one’s belly…
I don’t know. It amused me. I’m easily amused.
And as for laughing with and not at, @Victorious Parasol and @Judas Peckerwood said things I found very funny:
@Falconer – solidarity, deepest symphonies. I know how things like that feel, especially when aggravated by supervisors who make a big deal out of mistakes. 🙁
I hate this manospherian trope. Women have *significantly* contributed to society despite sexism.
Women invented juvenile Justice & juvenile courts. Women created kindergartens & were on the forefront against child labor. Women designed the life rafts used on the Titanic. Women led environmental movements. Women planned the initial Montgomery bus boycott. Women are constantly doing shit men take credit for. All. The. Time. Fuck these assholes who can’t be bothered to even read Wikipedia, which has articles on all of these topics. FFS. ?
Off topic, but here’s a very definite NON-MGTOW:
The city of Austin, Texas, has become the target of a swarm of angry men upset by the prospect of women-only screenings of Wonder Woman at the Austin-based theater chain Alamo Drafthouse. One of those angry men reached out to Austin Mayor Steve Adler with his complaints — and Adler had the best response.
Flora beat me to it, but how the fuck is voting not a human right? I also wonder what jobs he thinks we should forbidden to do. Betcha anything it’s some of those dangerous jobs they like to complain about men usually doing.
Think about that, for a moment, Mr. MGTOW. I know it’s an area you have difficulty with, but really think.
@Haise: maybe they were a Piers Anthony fan?
We invented weaving and possibly medicine, language and writing.
The speculation being that if women were indeed the majority gathers who learned to save seeds and plant crops, then we also most likely invented the ways to say, “Don’t eat the one with leaves that are shaped and colored like this, you’ll die. The one that looks and smells like so, however, will cure a bellyache, staunch bleeding or get ya high”.
Hunting does not require as precise wording and while it is certain that everyone hunted and gathered, it is commonly believed men did more hunting and women more gathering.
So where do men get the idea that they created civilization?
Women passed on the culture, knowledge and history to their children, painting on cave walls and telling stories around the fire. Isn’t that the beginning of religion, art and language?
Why wouldn’t they then also be the ones to create a way to pass on detailed information to the next generation once they were gone, in written word? Could they not have begun by entertaining children by drawing symbols and pictures in the ash?
If we are to believe that women have traditionally been the cooks and keepers of the hearth, then why wouldn’t women have invented fire and the means of preserving it and using it to make inedible food edible?
Since women lactate, why not assume it was women who first thought to use animal milk to sustain humans and keep it over the winter by making cheese and butter? We know women invented beer. It isn’t much of a leap from there. After all, it’s milkmaids, not milk men.
Medicine, breeding heartier plants, watching the skies to know when to plant and when babies were due, preserving food, isn’t that the beginning of science?
Then who would have needed to create a way to estimate how much grain would feed a tribe, how much reed was needed to weave a basket, how many cycles of the moon until a birth? That’s math.
This is speculative, but no more so and some would say considerably less so, than supposing men created all those things on their own and managed to hunt the mammoth.
I’ve read that meat made up only about a quarter of early human’s diets. So if men only provided meat and women provided everything else, it was women who fed and clothed men around the fires they built and not the other way around.
Women invented computers as we know them, wi-fi, sci-fi and fandom. That might as well be the whole bloody definition of geek culture if nothing else (well, that and Nazism, but Nazism is all men’s).
Oh, and art. The very concept of art. Invented by women.
“Women invented juvenile Justice & juvenile courts. Women created kindergartens & were on the forefront against child labor.”
Which means you were partially responsible, if not mostly responsible, for the general decline in gumption and discipline in today’s children? Kindergarten is make-work bullshit that drains taxes for glorified baby-sitters who can’t be bothered to find real jobs.
“Women designed the life rafts used on the Titanic. Women led environmental movements. Women planned the initial Montgomery bus boycott.”
Women probably designed them for their own benefit, given the maritime laws regarding “women and children first.” Environmental movements are bullshit shills who do the legwork for public-sector business-stranglers who want to create work for useless eaters and histrionic busybodies while expropriating the products of the job creators (justified via the Marxist bugbear of “externalities”). I don’t care about your boycotts.
“Women are constantly doing shit men take credit for. All. The. Time. Fuck these assholes who can’t be bothered to even read Wikipedia, which has articles on all of these topics. FFS. ?”
Wikipedia is biased; despite the fact that their founder is an Objectivist, I have found that it is very difficult to impart truths regarding climate change and Austrian economics on its pages, without them getting reverted for not conforming to Wikipedians’ agendas. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the articles they’ve written about women have been tainted by academic nut-cutting she-devil panty-staining Zapatistas either.
@epitome of incomprehensibility
Exactly where I ended up! I went from “this is a meme?” to “refute, rebut, reject” to “ohmygod how wilfully stupid can you be?” to “singing, cleaning, and giving birth” ???
What a hilariously arbitrary selection. Also, I am sad that my contributions to civilisation are even less than I thought. I love singing but I’m terrible at it. I don’t mind cleaning but it’s not really in my top ten of important things to do.
I have indeed given birth, to a male person, no less, but I did not perform this duty with suitable gravitas, in hindsight. I wasn’t all “look ye, here I am contributing to civilisation in one of only three ways that I can!”
Hmm. Hmmmmmmm.
Which laws now? Cause last I checked, that had been debunked.
Yeah, what use is learning how to read? And even if kindergarten was just baby sitting, why isn’t child care a real job?
Since you said “you” in reference to the female gender, I’m guessing you’re not a woman. I don’t know why you bothered taking a female name if you’re not going to put any effort into socking as a woman, but oh well.
And yes, I know who Emma Goldman was. No need to ‘splain.
Sounds legit.

My eyes glazed over and I missed
At first.
Sorry for using the same gif twice in a day but it seems fitting somehow.
Generally, we don’t allow children and the severely mentally-challenged to vote, either; would you be in favor of extending those rights to them? It is my contention that women are only slightly more mentally adroit than the former, and it in no way serves the general interests of society to let them pervert the democratic process through their emotionally-laden voting habits. As Aristotle rightly noted, they are more fond of tyrants than men generally are; this is why socialism and restrictive “social-safety nets” with their endlessly-shrinking boundaries and punitive redistributive properties are so frequently advocated for amongst their sex.
Women have no place in physically-taxing jobs; it decreases their birthing potential, and due to the fact that they often lack the physical capabilities necessary to performing these tasks, leveling is always necessary, usually by lowering the bar for their sex. So much for women being equal, right? Liberty and equality are, in fact, quite opposed to one another, and I fight chiefly for maximizing my possession of the former.
I’m emailing David. I have a surprisingly low tolerance for trolls who diss teachers, who work harder than they ever will on less money.
Nooo! Not my birthing potential!
It’s just Seagull Boy again, email away.
I posted under this name on another comments section on this site. My plan was to sneak in under the pretexts of being a normal leftist, and then take advantage of the leverage bestowed upon me by the mods when they inevitably let me through. It has worked.
Notice how MGTOW posts always attract the most trolls? It’s almost like they have trouble with the going part. Who’ve thunk it?
@Emma Goldman
I’m honestly not sure what you think you’re doing here
It’s something
Yeah, it’s something
But if there’s something we hold quite dear
It’s our grasp on what is right
Ramblin’ tangents hither and yon
Ageism, ableism, the list goes on
Backed by misogyny, of fucking course
And get off your unhealthily long-legged horse
We’ve got no time to stop and chat
You’re an asshole, and that is that