MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.
“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”
Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.
Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?
I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?
I have read about 4 pages of SFHC’s link, and it’s all about how how the HBB is/n’t really affiliated with AVfM, and how anyone who has ever commented an an article means they are forever affiliated with the website that published the article, which undermines orange’s own argument that the HBB aren’t siblings of AVfM!
I need some mustard for that pretzel logic.
Also, orange is dull, and seems to want to argue for the sake of arguing, and not to actually make a point, because orange switches gears suddenly so much the clutch of whatever point he’s trying to make is shot all to hell.
Joekster, MRAL made an appearance as “Emma Goldman”. It seems to be Old Troll Week here.
I’ve done my share of trolling on Y-Answers, but it was all a matter of style. The actual content of my answers was solid. 😛
Anyway, this is how you out-troll a troll, and on-topic as well: http://www.distractify.com/politics/2017/06/02/sBwGt/wonder-woman-mayor-of-austin-roast
Just when you thought Bill Maher couldn’t get worse
I can’t believe I used to like his show
@wwth – he lost me when he became an anti-vaxxer.
“Also, calling us trolls is cyber bullying by what I believe is your own definition.”
no, because it’s based on your bullying, transphobic and abusive behavior i don’t just use it as a form of namecalling and intolerance… you guys just use it as verbal abuse because you are transphobic racist cyber bullies who refuse to respect pronouns… you are abusers and bullies …but your misandry is being exposed…this site is being exposed as a misandrist hate – site
@dreemr, same thing here. Since then, he’s varied between “asshole who has broken clock moments,” and just “asshole.”
Bill Maher is an anti-vaxxer??
@Butter Cookies
We call you a troll because of your behavior, so I guess it’s okay, too! Glad we cleared that up. 🙂
Junior, you are so boring.

@Checkmate “asshole with broken clock moments” lol that’s about right, although I know longer bother to stick around to see when those might arise.
@sunnysombrero – sadly, yes, if you follow Orac at all on ScienceBlogs he went through it a few years ago on “Respectful Insolence” I can’t link right now but you can google it.
Maher is a big believer in vitalism, “natural” remedies, diet, etc. and I think even something of a germ theory denier.
Re Maher
Back in the day when I was a baby naive conservative (barrrf), I even thought he was rude. Remember Politically Incorrect? He started a show that was ‘white straight male is mad he can’t say overtly horrible things and has to hide it’. He defended Mary Kay LaTourneau – the pedophile that raped a 12 year old boy and had 2 fucking children with him. Maher said “they were in love” and that the law was “splitting a family apart”. He defended her 20 years ago and that was it for me.
@Corny, wait really? That was a bit before my time, but goddamn, that’s awful.
@Sinkable John-kun
My mother worked for the government of her country in a quite high-ranking position and aspired for her children to be successful and intelligent.
She succeeded at this task by making sure I knew how to read at 4. Perhaps even 3 – my memories are unclear. Furthermore, learning to read was easy and painless for me. She didn’t have to put a lot of effort into it.
This is why it really burns my fucking grits when I see uneducated people in high places. I know a man who is working for a businessman who has two houses, a Maserati, a Mercedes, a Porsche.
This rich businessman can’t even fucking spell “you’re” properly, from what this guy showed me. Life is clearly unfair: I speak in an eloquent, refined fashion and write well, yet I am not the executive of some high-caliber business.
Of course, I don’t like to complain about it because I’d hate to be one of those Dunning-Kruger people who insists they can do things they are clearly unqualified for.
When I was 13 I wrote my own Redwall-inspired medieval fantasy novel. I learned to write simply from mimicking what I read. Many years later I tried out the National Novel Writing Month thing and found it relatively easy.
It was only after I fell in with highfalutin’ book snobs who consider SERIOUS CLASSIC LITERATURE FOR SERIOUS PEOPLE the only worthwhile reading material that I grew insecure about my ability and essentially contracted a form of writer’s block because I was not Dostoevsky reborn in black skin.
Despite all my attempts, I feel like everything I write is garbage now and hate myself and etc. I’ve been trying, as I mentioned before, to reconcile myself to the fact that there are garbage writers who do just fine, however.
@corny – I didn’t know that part of it (didn’t have a tv during that entire ugly disgusting episode) but now if possible I think I might not just think he’s awful and irrelevant, but actively hate him.
Because fuck that bullshit, raping a 12 year old child is no act of love.
In a nutshell, I read books, write, and know how to express myself outside of “SAD! LOSER! YUUUUUGE!”, but, for reasons unknown to myself, American society has deemed my life worthless because I have black skin, am transgender, non-hetero, and don’t have a college degree.
Honestly, sometimes I wonder why I’m even alive.
Suppose Maher was jealous of all the attention Griffin was getting with her photo shoot, huh. Wayne Brady called him out some years back for his attitude towards Brady as not being black enough. But Maher is.. because he dated a few woc and that gets him the ~black card~ yikes and yuck.
Used to like his show too.
@Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
I gotta say, that all feels kind of “out of nowhere”. Not that we were all having a super in-depth conversation about anything, but it’s brought to a complete stand-still.
So, what’s up? Need to vent? Feeling down or upset?
@ fran
Well I for one am very glad you are. Pretty much been the highlight of recent times making your acquaintance; and very much looking forward to further chats.
And if you do want to talk about anything, well here we are.
Don’t worry, Francesca, if you DID have a college degree, people would use THAT against you instead– the whole “You think you’re better ‘n me!?” thing.
Thanks, but no, I was merely observing that being able to read and write well is hardly a skill that seems relevant these days, what with all these semi-illiterate trash people in power who can barely manage to squeeze out a coherent sentence without putting on a sweatband and counting to twenty between each word.
Maher has always said the most bigoted things – all of it. Sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia (his latest with milo was disgusting), he is utterly mean about ANYBODY who is a theist, and his anti-muslim stance is horrifying. He’s been saying the most anti-muslim shit since 9/11 and its baaaad. When I was a conservative, I even thought it was bad.
Oh and he referred to atheists (white male atheists) as the “most oppressed people on the planet (while russia was slaughtering gay men)”. Now, playing oppression olympics gets us nowhere. But um, no.
He’s been chapping my ass for years and FINALLY, people see that he is nothing but a snake in the grass. It’s ridiculous that’s he’s gotten such a pass for so long. I’m glad he’s gonna crash and burn for this.
Fuck this guy.
Sorry, can’t watch that kind of gross apology for a sexual predator.
Bill Maher (along with oh, so many other white male atheists) is what really makes it difficult for me to identify as an atheist. The sexism, bigotry, and rampant assholery, the (OMG seriously the most oppressed group? GTFO) entitlement. As a group (which, I’m not even sure it should BE a group, but whatever) it’s definitely a White Boys’ Club.
I wonder the same thing. Not why you’re alive, but why I am. Sometimes it just feels so completely pointless. I get your feels, is what I’m saying.
As I said before, I learned to read when I was eight. My mom was a public school teacher, but she homeschooled my brother and I. My dad was a mechanical engineer for a good company back then. Both had degrees – teaching and engineering, respectively. They would take turns reading to us at night when we slept in the same room, and mom would read to us during the day after she stopped teaching in the school system.
I grew up on my mom reading Redwall and Harry Potter to me. And I just refused to read, and refused, for years until one day, according to her (My memories are fuzzy and scattered because of my personal traumas) I just picked up a chapter book meant for a fifteen-year old and read it cover to cover.
Then I didn’t stop reading. I only slowed down when I was introduced to the wonderful world of computers at 12, but I’ve never stopped reading. I’ve tried writing since then, but I’m aware of how much I suck so I stop every time.
I’m mostly nonverbal, just in general, so my mom never taught me to talk much beyond the basics. I learned most of my words from the books I read. I pronounced a lot of them wrong for years cause I did it the way they were spelled.
I only really started socializing with others when I was 16 or so, and I learned then that neither of us could understand each other. I spoke with an accent they couldn’t place, I talked like someone written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and every time a class situation came up, any of my classes, I always, always was both right and confident in my answers. I remember an assignment at sunday school. The teachers drew a line on a whiteboard, marked 0 AD, and asked us to mark when different religions rose. One at a time, we took our best guesses. I went last and was the only person confident enough to add dates to my markings.
I don’t know if they hated me. But they didn’t consider me a peer, and for the longest time I didn’t consider them worth engaging with since I didn’t see anything in their thought processes I was surprised by. My dad had a lot of the same problems growing up.
I have an encyclopedic knowledge of history. I have exactly the right vocabulary for every circumstance. I understand enough math and physics to provide meaningful commentary on mechanical devices.
But because I’m autistic and transgender and traumatized, I can’t bring any of that to bear.
And I am ruled over by folks who, despite all the resources in the world, don’t understand enough of the concepts they speak of to speak decisively at all.
So, I think I get a bit of what you’re talking about. I don’t have any answers, though.
cis/white/hetero males are the most marginalized minority in todays society