MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.
“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”
Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.
Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?
I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?
Not entirely relevant but I saw a crow chasing a hawk in my neighbourhood the other day. It was pretty bad ass.
Not the original meme and the subsequent trolling seem very sure that any female achievement accomplished with the help of men doesn’t count. Its bizarre. Nobody can survive long enough to do or achieve anything without the help of other people of both genders, and all ideas have a context or they are meaningless.
I wish it was only an MGTOW thing but I guess denying we are a cooperative species has a long history in political justification for selfishness, bigotry and reinforcing inequality.
My favourite crow story:
A few years back, my husband saw a crow in the parking lot eating a bagel someone had dropped. A much bigger crow came along, drove the first one off, and started eating the bagel. A few minutes later, the first crow came back with two others the same size. The three of them proceeded to beat tge living hell out of the big one. Once the big crow was gone, they divided the bagel up amongst themselves and ate it.
I hope you can get to the Tower of London one day. There are some really cool ravens who live there. (Hardey, Thor, Odin, Gwyllum, Cedric, Hugine and Munin.)
If the ravens ever leave the Tower then England falls, so people keep a close eye on them.
The Tower is also where the Crown Jewels are kept; which probably explains their interest in lock picking.
That seems to be the basic recipe along with various ingredients for flavor. We seem to be getting more of the dispassionate intellectual giant and the ever popular faux male posturing alpha varieties lately. Both replete with broad unfounded pronouncements, poor grammar and typos, unnecessary use of words that are beyond their capacity, et cetera, et cetera.
I have to admit that I am finding it harder to tell them apart, but that probably has something to do with me not actively engaging with them.
If anyone ever compiled a Compendium of We Hunted Mammoth Trolls, I know that would be hilarious.
I want to also make a distinction here. Making a typo or spelling error does not make one unintelligent, but saying you are the superior intellect and then making simple errors is laughable.
The english language defaults to erasing the influence of women.
Man or Mankind is how we refer to all humans, and Men is how we refer to men. This establishes that men are the default humans, and you should always assume an unknown human is a man. Women are referred to in a way that identifies us as a deviation from men.
Men is also treated as the gender-neutral plural, when it’s not.
Robin Hood and his Merry Men. Attila the Hun’s men. The president’s men. From there, these words – knight, king, robber, raider, head of state – and so forth become associated with masculinity because our language enforces that being masculine is always the default.
There’s also an influence from pervasive Christianity. Priests are men, monks are men, altar boys, biblical essentialism, the Holy Father in Rome, and so forth. A huge amount of American erasure of women is due to mistakes made more than a thousand years ago, when Christianity was forced upon most of northern Europe.
A lot of people these days are modifying their language, and doing better. But that doesn’t change the way Americans were taught to default to using and thinking of language.
I actually have an article talking about the erasure of women from history saved.
Plus, a lot of people with dyslexia or poor motor control or have english as their second or later language might not be able to use all of our basically random spelling and grammatical rules perfectly all the time, so complaining about someone’s spelling is quite ableist.
That said, if someone is going to pretend they’re such a big deal first, it becomes closer to okay.
My contribution to civilization today: activating 30 clinics of a major university system. BOOYAH.
Exactly and don’t forget idioms too. English is a pretty complex language, and I am constantly having to look up grammar rules, spelling, idioms and the like myself, and I’m a native speaker. So yeah, totally agree.
@Victorious Parasol
Awesome. Not a small feat. You work in HIM, don’t you? I don’t work in management, but I’m in the transcription department.
@ vicky p
Yey, congratulations! I’ll have to be honest and admit I have no idea what that means; but knowing you I’m sure it’s something both cool and useful.
@ Myriad
Indeedy-do. 🙂
@ Alan
The short version is, I’m helping physicians with their patient documentation. For this project, we’ve been working with the customer since last year, so this weekend is when we get to see if all our hard work has paid off.
Hello David/People. This one might stay in moderation for a bit, because I changed my nym again. This one was just too beautiful not to. You may call me ‘summerschool’ 🙂
@ vicky p
I understood every word of that; on an individual basis 🙂
I’m feeling similarly cathartic. Finally completed on a deal on Friday that’s been a pain in the arse for the last 18 months. And today took the opportunity of moving offices to have a big bonfire of 15 years worth of files. It’s weird to look at literally hundreds of ring binders and think “Wow, at some time or another I’ve read every page of that”.
(or at least pretended to)
@Victorious Parasol
Fantastic. Sending a respect fist bump your way.
That’s hilarious. Once I read his “typical leftist” comment he was so proud of, my memory was jogged. I remember reading it, thinking it was some kind of drive by troll, rolled my eyes, moved on and promptly forgot all about it.
Why do trolls spend so much time on websites like this and still have no idea how we actually talk? There was a kernel of truth in there. It is fucked up that we commemorate the deaths and honor the lives of people who are in institutions that routinely do violence on behalf of the state such as military and police, but we rarely do the same for those who fought for peace and justice. We have Martin Luther King day, and that’s it. But the way he said it was just so laughable. The language was so obviously phony strawSJW speak. That’s why no one bit.
The few times I’ve looked at right wing website comments, they do look like mirror image of the strawSJW comments trolls often do. The over the top writing style, the incoherent rage, the logical fallacies and the black and white worldview. I guess that’s where it comes. They project themselves onto us and assume we’re like them only with opposite political views.
Thanks, Myriad and Alan!
Now I get to chew my fingernails until all the checks are done and we’re sure all the bazillion pieces are working together.
“Admittedly I am forty-eight, so maybe my birthing potential is no longer a concern.”
Well these people dont know much – my grandmother was 40 when she birthed my mum and i think 43 when my aunt born. And my mum 42 when i was born. I’m surprise for my mum and dad ?
That made me giggle. 🙂 Are you named for the witch?
You guys just made me sad with the crow talk. I’m going to miss the crows that gather not far from my current workplace when my end date hits. 🙁 I love watching them fly towards their roost at sunset.
@ kupo
I can offer you a very good deal on seagulls.
(Seriously, I’m feeling like Tippi Hedren here)
ETA: you know, this might be another example of bird intelligence. The tourist season is about to kick off here and it’s like the gulls know there’ll soon be loads of chips and the like to scavenge. They probably use Google calendar to link up and plan.
Hey, I’m a long time reader who very rarely comments. I didn’t see anyone pick up on this one (though I could have just missed it), so I thought I’d have some fun with it:
I actually somewhat agree with the troll. Completing and turning in assignments does help develop useful skills! 😉
Hey, thanks for delurking, and nice detail noticing with the troll’s fuckup!
I like corvids too.
We have choughs here. I found one with a broken wing at a tourist spot here, so I gave the poor thing all my biscuits. When s/he realised there were no more biscuits coming, s/he flew off.
Another tour guide told me she was leading a long hike. When they stopped for a picnic lunch she warned everybody to watch out for clever, thieving ravens. One young woman noticed a raven sneaking up on her energy bar, so she put said bar into a side pocket of her rucksack, zipped it up and went back to her conversation.
The raven hopped up, opened the zip with it’s beak, grabbed the energy bar and flew off with the whole thing.
And I swear this one can read.
![comment image](https://sheilacrosby.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2015/03/raven48web.jpg)
Whether they’re human or not I have found that feminist women seem to have a problem behaving like mature adults. Like they are spoiled by all that female privilege and entitlement.
@ sheila
That is such a cool pic; and I suspect you’re right.
I’m forever grateful to whomever it was on this site who alerted me to the:
“Say ‘Nevermore'”; Fuck off.'”
thing. That always makes me giggle just thinking about it.