MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.
“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”
Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.
Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?
I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?
Horsefeathers, they have little meat, have tons of poisons and parasites from their meat eating diet, and will taste like whatever they last ate from fish to rotting garbage. There’s also the lesson of “yes, troll is still pathetic and still awful.”
From what I read, Alex Hirsch decided to let it die gracefully at two seasons, despite much prodding from Disney reps. So they stretched the episodes.
The results were generally that seagull tastes like the underside of a Victorian-era prison, yes.
Troll should stick to eating crow, it apparently tastes better.
Extra dark meat, and no hunting limit. Too bad they’re my favorite bird. No joke after dealing with screeching macaws and other tropica type avians for so long, a bird that is generally pleasant to you if you be nice to it is most welcoming. If only I didn’t live in an area that is full of stray animals.
Crows are smarter than trolls, so I don’t think it’s right for trolls to eat them.
@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
If the trolls kept trying I’d think the crows would evolve and grow an entire civilization to get payback at the groundwalkers out of sheer spite.
Didn’t you say your mom taught you how to read when you were four?
Corvids are actually pretty brilliant– they’re the only other tool-making creature on the planet besides humans. Not tool-USING, like chimps or dolphins have shown the ability to do. Tool-MAKING. I’ve seen a video of one bend wire in complicated patterns to use at a lockpick. They also communicate– if you threaten one flock for long enough, then go to the other side of the country, the crows out there will have HEARD OF YOU and try a pre-emptive assault. Not to mention the way they fought back against Japanese pest control efforts aimed at destroying their nests by building ten times as many dummy nests. I have much respect for crows.
Also, when someone tries to tell me about the “genius” of Atlas Shrugged, I ask them “Would you kindly play Bioshock 1?”
That troll was actually kind of entertaining when he was having a meltdown, or pretending to, or pretending to pretend to while actually having one. Kind of refreshing to see a true, old-school “anything for attention” troll and not just a sealion.
I’ve read several times that there’s going to be a remake of Hitchcock’s The Birds. I hope it’s dead because it’s just not necessary. If it does happen, I think you’ve come up with a good plot point.
I’m so fascinated by corvids. Especially ravens. They’re one of the coolest animals ever. I get all lecturey sometimes if people use “bird brain” as an insult. So many bird species are highly intelligent and people need to stop thinking of them as simple or stupid!
The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee has new kittens! There will be formal introductions starting on Monday.
@ PaganReader – Misandrist Spinster
Ohmuhgerd I wanna cuddle them!
@ trollkin (I expect you’re still reading):
I think almost none of that is true. You’ve just claimed that you have a deep-seated and unhealthy need to lie and misrepresent yourself; why would anyone believe that you’ve suddenly stopped, and are now showing the “real” you? Either you were being honest in that moment, or you were lying, and in both cases you’re clearly untrustworthy.
I do think it’s likely that trolling allows you to believe that you’re good at something, that you can get attention, and that you can mislead people, and there’s a kind of power in all of that, sure. But then being skilled at urinating all over someone’s floor isn’t actually admirable, even if it gets you attention, and even if you’re using fake urine. It’s still an odious and dysfunctional social habit.
What a great show. I actually laughed my ass off. I emerged from that 6 page read with a renewed and redoubled belief that mandatory education is necessary and good. Thank-you troll and thank-you to your many stupid personas for giving us something to read and spellcheck.
Ah yes – you mean agendas such as being properly sourced and cited – or even just factual.
I’m not surprised you’ve found it difficult
@ChimericMind : corvid are far from the only tool making animal.
Apes do create and improves tools, not just use things that are good enough. It’s not an isolated case either ; while can agree or disagree on whether the various trap crafted by various invertebrate count as tool (a spider web is quite likely something crafted that help its spider to hunt), tests who tried to see if mammal where able to tool making almost alway returned a positive result. And I think a beaver’s dam count as a tool. IIRC squids are tool makers too, but I might confuse. (squid, another animal deeply underestimated !)
Communicating and sending informations to other member of one’s group is also something way more common than most people expect. *TREES* do it, as in, most tree communicate whatever is attacking them to other trees so that they can start to produce defenses in advances.
Now, that don’t make crows any less intelligent or impressive. A big lesson in biology is that living being are overall a lot smarter than we give them credit for.
I know this was a troll-dropping from the first comment page, but I just gotta comment on “women do not belong in physically taxing jobs” (that may not be an exact quote. I don’t care).
My job involves physically restraining animals that can be over a hundred pounds, sometimes by lying on top of them. Also lifting and carrying (up to fifty pounds).
Admittedly I am forty-eight, so maybe my birthing potential is no longer a concern. Most everybody else here is in their twenties, though.
Why does nobody ever want to save women from hard jobs that involve poop?
On a different note, there is an apartment complex near me called “The Fountainhead”. I laugh every time.
Also remember that bearing children, one of the remarkably few things that the manosphere agree that women might perhaps be useful for, is clearly not any sort of physical activity. 9 months of lazing around and extra bonbons and then you just have to lie down and the baby comes out. Nothing strenuous or hazardous there, no ma’am.
Is anyone else reminded of this?
Because I think we’ve found our future Ms Sinclair…
challenge you’re pretensions to superior intellect
OK, other people have picked up on the ‘you’re’, and that was indeed pretty fucking funny, but I’d also like to highlight the pretentious use of ‘pretensions’.
“Oh, I simply cannot abide pretension! Godsbodlikins, how I deplore it so!”
I missed a troll! D:
Troubelle: I’m working my way through season 2. Your comment explains why there are so many “filler” episodes.
Back on page 1, the Seagull fan admitted:
I don’t think even that claim is honest. His “normal leftist” comment was in the “Memorial Day” thread, and looks like an attempt to restart a disagreement of a few days earlier:
Nobody bit.
I do not write here as often as I once did, for a number of personal reasons, but I could not resist posting in response to this.
We women have spent, in my never terribly humble opinion, far too much time reacting to the mind-numbingly idiotic ramblings of testosterone impaired fools. Perhaps it is time we go OUR own ways.
This is not to imply that we should turn our backs on the men who are truly worthy of our attention and affection. Rather, I believe that, instead of arguing with or trying to educate our knuckle-dragging brethren, we might be happier and make better use of our time on this planet if we simply stop supporting them…in any way…and give our friendship and love to those men who really are worthy.
Most of the misery, violence, poverty, environmental devastation and war can be legitimately laid at the feet of men. The history we are taught is predominantly a litany of conquest, violence and destruction of people and cultures that male rulers have deemed “other.” And the list goes on.
But I think that the time has come for women to simply walk away from patriarchal ideals and privilege…stop listening to the prattling of men…and go about doing what we must to work with ALL marginalized people and create new societies, based on the values that men have largely abandoned – compassion, the recognition that we are part of the larger living world and NOT the masters/owners of it.
Peace, compassion, equality, mercy…these are not weakness. Strength and intelligence are not masculine qualities and humanity is not a masculine prerogative. The world has suffered for too long under the boot of patriarchal privilege and power.
We have been taught so many lies about who we are. But we really do know better. Intelligence, creativity, strength, courage – these and so much more are NOT qualities owned by white (usually), upper class males. They are aspects of sentience common to all beings, and it is time to start building our communities…our world…from that realization. The alternative is to keep doing things the ways the “masters” have always had them done and watch our world crumble.
And I believe that the possibility that women and other marginalized people will begin leaving the masculine prerogative, and the men who cling to it, behind scares the living shit out of these guys. They are desperate to have us believe that we are of no consequence…that we can do nothing of value…that we NEED them…that civilization itself will cease if we stop following them.
It will not. In fact, things will probably be much better without their sad and pathetic philosophies, although it will likely be dangerous, in the beginning. They will not give up their privilege without a fight.
Hey, I learned to read when I was 4 too !
And yeah, I totally owe that to my mom, who was a hardcore reader long before my birth and remains one to this day.
I also have “taught myself” most of what I know today, which includes writing. Of course teaching myself involved a lot of watching my betters, in the hope that one day I’d call them my peers instead. Literally everything I do, I can do because someone at some point provided me with at least an example of what the end result should look like and how to achieve that.
I even taught myself how to speak English (fuck knows the French school system didn’t teach me much there) – again, because I went and sought examples, because I immersed myself in it as much as possible, and surrounded myself with pre-existing sources of knowledge.
Long story short, no dude. You didn’t actually learn anything by yourself. Everything you know, everything you are, you owe to those that came before you and laid the first tracks for you to follow.
ETA : @Ohlmann
I happen to have known one guy (THE guy, according to what I was told by someone else) who apparently made some major discoveries in the field of “trees communicate between each other”.
He became a math teacher in high school after his funding was pulled. That’s how I met him. It’s fucking sad.
Aw, I missed the trollasplosion, and now I have to run to work. Stupid weekend go-live.