MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
You’ll be happy to learn that most of the MGTOWs commenting on the meme do in fact believe that women are human, and possibly even deserving of some of the same rights as men.
“Women are human and have certain human rights,” says someone calling himself Whiskeybandit67. “They are assholes, but human.”
Ayy-Mayy-ZoSuperwoah, meanwhile, thinks it’s “twisted” to say that women aren’t human.
Yeah women don’t really contribute much value to humanity, but that doesn’t make them less than human. Whoever wrote this is deranged. Deprive them of the right to vote maybe, and maybe to work some jobs, in other words, strip some circumstantial privileges, but to strip them of human rights? Like what, exactly?
I guess this is what passes for a voice of reason on the MGTOW subreddit, huh?
3 percent? Pishaw! So craven. Surely, at least… say 60%?
What MRAs don’t know about history and anthropology could fill a library. Women not only contributed to civilization, they practically invented it in the neolithic when they realized they could just plant the seeds they’d been collecting.
Women invented agriculture and beer brewing. What have MGTOW contributed to their own keep? I don’t see any of them “helping” with my garden, and I wouldn’t want them underfoot anyway…pesky, useless, noisy fuckers.
Why, oh why, do these men never just actually go their own way? For a group of people supposedly dedicated to living their life without women they certainly seem to talk about them QUITE often.
I suppose it’s good that the MGTOWs are getting more exercise, jumping to conclusions.
Women make babies. Isn’t that what’s got the White Supremacists getting their balls in a twist: this business in which white women aren’t having Superior Aryan babies in a kitchen while naked and barefoot and preparing meals while suckling two extra babies at their breasts, and, since they’re doing things like going out and having careers and leaving these Superior Young White Males to post nazi anime girls and Pepe green frogs and keks and shadilays and whatnot, they’re all angry and want to do a race war?
Or did the Miggytoe who made that meme forget about that? There’s a large overlap between miggytoes and white supremacists, you know.
Humans are only about 4% uniquely human, reasonably current research shows 96% of the DNA is almost identical to Chimpanzee. So, by accident, the MRA is almost correct.
Welcome to modern genetics!
So much for memes being pithy and funny. They can’t even do that right.
I remember actually seeing something identical to this a long, long ago???? But it featured naked women and the stance that women aren’t human, but barn animals that should be treated as such. It freaked me out then since it was one of the first times reading something that made me realize some people really hated women.
Surprised to see their reactions be this and not a loud applause in the comments? Or maybe there will be edgy replies agreeing coming soon while calling those who denounce it as cucks, who knows. /shrug
You say that it’s the male’s songs we sing
Yet here I am a-writin’
And if I had a singer to take under my wing
I’d gear my words for fightin’
That bit aside (don’t treat me snide, I’d like to hear my song)
Is that your notions about culture are more than slightly wrong
Women have contributed to most things, the difference is thus:
You dismiss their accomplishments because “well, they ain’t us”
Happened in the past and then the cycle, it repeats
With those accomplished undocumented and the current achievers named cheats
The charlatans of history, they’re usually male
Now to the island of seagull meat you really should set sail
Shouldn’t this meme maker be planning his path to going his own way instead of making a meme announcing his abject ignorance?
Pah. Everyone knows women are really fish.
I’m a shark.
A black one.
Maybe they need a woman to help them condense it?
Unfortunately, it would all squish down to “We think we did everything and we don’t know anything, but we still want to take credit for everything those other humans (women, yuccch) did. Bring me a beer, and make me a sammitch, you 3% human. Hurr hurr durr durr hurr…”
Oh, for heaven’s sake. Yes, women sing. But what about the menz?
Smokey Robinson
Perry Como
Luciano Pavarotti
Enrico Caruso
John, Paul, George and Ringo (the Beatles)
The list could go on and on.
Just because you can’t sing, little MGTOW (aka Steve-2112) doesn’t mean that other men can’t. Don’t sell the menz short!
What have women contributed to human achievement?
I’m reminded of a saying popular among feminists in the 1970s:
Anonymous was a woman
If they’ve actually gone their own way why can I still smell them?
Oooh, going to have to use that one myself.
Excuse you, I am a purrmaid.

A woman built Trump Tower, as I recall. Also, the world recently lost a great architect who was also a Muslim woman: Zaha Hadid. Her buildings can be found all over the world. In major cities, natch.
Also, what were the Hidden Figures of NASA — chopped liver? Oh, I guess they were only there to sing.
And what about Margaret Hamilton, whose computer coding got the astronauts safely to the Moon and back? I guess she was just there to make coffee or something.
Yeah, dude, you got us. We didn’t do nothing.
Francesca: science would like to know more about this.
According to the current phylogeny, sharks are believed to have split off over 400 million years ago.
Women are flesh-finned bonefish. Not cartilaginous fish.
Yeah, that’s probably it. Although, most of the women involved with this lot are not exactly succinct either.
Yes, us women of color have always enjoyed being pampered and privileged, and just not having to contribute anything to this society like…oh, I don’t know…free labor, children, blood, sweat. Ya’ know, all that utterly worthless shite.
There’s so much I wanna say about how half of humanity kept the other half from doing anything notable, while holding them in bondage, erasing any accomplishments they may have made despite their lack of freedom, and then these physically, and mentally lazy f*ckers come along, and vilify all women for not doing anything.
I guess it would be discourteous of me to point out there are women right now contributing more to society then they ever have.
There’s so much I wanna say, but I’m not gonna say it!
Humans are animals, so this kind of enters “not even wrong” territory.
How do these characters get out of bed in the morning? What level of delusion is necessary before they become completely non-functional? (And I don’t mean that in the Data sense, either.)