One of the little stumbling blocks faced by would-be Men Going Their Own Way is that it’s hard for straight dudes to free themselves from the influence of evil women if all they do is think about how much they want to have sex with said evil women.
And so you’ll occasionally find MGTOWs asking one another what they can do to lessen their terrible lusts. And the answers are often quite horrifying — longtime WHTM readers may recall legendary MGTOW Christopher of Oregon’s lengthy disquisitions on the (alleged) unspeakable smelly horrors of the vagina, for example.
Well, he’s not the only one trying to replace sexy thoughts with grotesque ones. Consider this lust-destroying advice from today’s MGTOW of the Day, fresh from a discussion in the MGTOW subreddit.
This is actually a variation of an ancient Buddhist technique — no, really — but when combined with the intense misogyny of the MGTOWs it’s decidedly less than enlightened.
Straight women, naturally, have it much easier when it comes to the whole lust quenching thing: All they have to do to kill any lust they feel towards a particular man is to imagine that he’s a MGTOW. Works every time!
Y’all got peatbog mummies too, though, believed to have been hanged in sacrifice to Odin. And what about the blood eagle?
Heh. Wiccans can be total assholes too, and there’s a huge amount of sectarianism and feuding inside Wicca and its various derivatives. Many Wiccans claim Celtic lineage for the religion, and in that case, their antecedents aren’t notably less violent than yours; the Celts were mostly less prone to going about in boats, but when they weren’t strangling people in bogs their favourite sport was stealing cattle from the neighbours. And indulging in blood feuds resulting from people getting killed stealing/protecting cattle from the neighbours.
As a person who shares Scots lineage, I must formally protest this plan.
I’m also a fan of Little Jock Elliott’s personal battlecry: “Wha daur meddle wi’ me?!”
Also, if you’ve not read Harry Harrison and John Holm’s The Hammer and the Cross and sequels, you should read them right now this instant. I think you would hugely enjoy them. It’s an alternate history involving a Viking empire in England.
You know that feminists think about sex too, right? Shit, I probably think about it more often than you do*. We just don’t think our libidos give us the right to daydream about being Ted Bundy, what the fuck is wrong with you.
*So, how long before he pulls a 180 and calls me a slut? Ten minutes?
can someone explain to me how this is even misogynistic…? if anything this looks more like a misandrist hit-piece; this site is degenerating into an anti-mgtow hate site and misandrist cyber-bully club
I … love?? … the smell of strawman in the … late afternoon?
You want… us to explain… how thinking of women as just chopped up body parts is misogynistic?
How is it NOT misogynistic?
So, what did you think we were before?
*warning for extreme sexual violence*
I’ve only ever had one genuine serial killer client. He was a very talented artist. But one of his favourite subjects was dismembered women. I’m not suggesting all MGTOWs thinking along these lines are potential killers; but it was certainly significant in his particular case.
Bingo. It’s not that men should stop thinking about sex (I’m a guy and I think about it all the time), it’s in how one approaches these interactions. Why do we talk about “getting women” like we’re discussing finding the best cabbage at the local Metro? No, we’re talking about people, which women in fact are, Mr. Paulsan. Some are interested in companionship, some friendships, some are just as on the prowl for a quick lay as a guy might be.
See, it cut to the heart of the matter with “pick up artist” Roosh V when one of his “Bang” books revealed just how… uninterested the man was with sex. It made clear that he wasn’t interested in sex for pleasure, but just for the proverbial notch on his bed post it represented. I know Elliott Rodger is a morbid topic and I loathe using his name, but he really did encapsulate that masculine privilege so perfectly with hideous manifesto, his subsequent actions demonstrating its toxicity. Make no mistake, Rodger didn’t want a girlfriend in the sense that it’s commonly spoken about. He didn’t really want sex either. What he wanted was a piece of arm candy he could show off to anybody in viewing distance as a means of signalling his status as a “real man.”
It’s not the libido that’s the issue, it’s the attitude towards women as a gender. If you hook up with somebody you want to knock boots with, as long as they’re into it too, have fun! If your interest in sex is merely to satisfy societal pressures, A) it’s not going to work and B) it doesn’t engender the respect owed another human being.
So Chessman, how often do you dehumanize women by picturing them as just a collection of separate body parts?
@ fran
Speaking of single combat and 1066 and all that, one thing I learned from that documentary was that William initially offered to have the matter of succession determined by the courts, and when Harold declined he then offered single combat. With hindsight maybe Harold should have gone for that.
(I was wondering whether to put a spoiler warning, but after 950 years?)
@ chessman
Anti feminist favourite Valerie Solernas wrote a manifesto called SCUM; that was “the society for cutting up men”. Now, would you say that was ‘misandry’ and, if so, why?
Because it’s suggesting that a “cure” for objectifying women sexually is to start objectifying women anatomically instead. How about just, you know, not objectifying women so much in the first place?
If a guy really needs a feeling of physical revulsion at bodily mutilation to get his mind off sex, why doesn’t he think about how gross and messy his own dismembered genitals would be, instead of focusing on how gross and messy a woman’s dismembered butt would be?
This guy’s “advice” really comes across as using the goal of sexual abstinence as an excuse to depersonalize and dehumanize women by mentally reducing them to literally just a bunch of body parts.
No, Cheesyman, we won’t. Your lack of reading comprehension and dedication to dishonestly portraying everything as supportive of you hatred of women isn’t our problem to fix. It’s yours.
We aren’t here to be your nannies.
Fuck off.
As I guy… I feel insulted by this comment, Chessman. I mean, given the way that women’s bodies are already objectified and commodified so badly in our society, the inherent misogyny of imagining them dismembered should be obvious. But moreover, the fact that pointing this out constitutes ‘misandry’ in your eyes makes me wonder what your impression of men as a gender is. We don’t share the dismissive disdain for women that permeates the Manosphere in general and the MGTOW community specifically. Plenty of men have made respect for ciswomen, genderfluid and trans individuals a priority and I encourage that wherever possible. It’s hardly inherent to “manhood” to be an asshole to women, so don’t insult men by thinking it is.
Same with all the boner whiners who visit us to defend incel or PUA or try and solicit dating tips. They never ever speak of women in any other terms than level of hotness. Most people who are seeking a partner will probably bring up looks and attraction but they also bring up common goals, hobbies and worldviews. They’ll say they want someone who makes them laugh or challenges them or whatever other personality traits they find appealing.
These guys just obsess over having a girlfriend in general. Like she could be anyone just as long as she’s into him and is an acceptable level of conventional attractiveness.
Shockingly it isn’t too appealing to women when men think of them as an interchangeable female shaped thing.
I never have any sympathy for sad boner trolls and don’t try to help them because they invariably refuse to view women as human. Or like the OP, they’re disgusted by and frightened of women’s humanity.
If any MGTOWs are feeling hungry feel free to help yourself to the plague of seagulls that are currently having a squawking contest on my window ledge.
@Alan – are you sure it isn’t a…
Flock of Seagulls?
*ducks shepherds crook that appears from stage left
@ dreemr & WWTH
Heh, I wish they would run far away (seriously, how can they make so much noise? Their lungs can’t be that big). But now I am listening to ‘Wishing’. I’m glad I was recently reminded just how good that band was.
I am a woman and also came to this conclusion – unhealthy to the point of life threatening unfortunately. Casual relationships are not for me, so yes, GMOW without hating other women or feeling the need to picture them dismembered.
I always loved the women who walked around in those shiny futuristic outfits than reminded me of lawn bags, cornering him in Mirrorland.
I went to a Halloween party dressed like that one year. Made it out of…you guessed it.
Chessman – simply STUNNED that you draw such conclusions. You don’t think there are healthier ways of dealing with sexual frustration? That encouraging men to look at women as a bunch of disgusting body parts might do OTHER things to those men – ie dehumanise women? Or maybe you think that dehumanising women is just fine?
These guys are TERRIBLE people. None of us who are appalled by their comments are ‘misandrist’ for finding something hateful worthy of our contempt. None of the men here feel attacked you know! They, like all other decent people, see these men for what they are: terrible and horrible people only worthy of our contempt and derision.
The only feminist thing you have complained about recently is the women only screening. Compare that to this discussion. What is more shocking? What has the potential to do more harm? WHO are the worse people?
Francesca said
What are the costumes like?
True, but the thing we’re primarily known for is launching fleets of longships to attack your settlements to please the Aesir, and I couldn’t help but play up to expectations. You are absolutely right, of course.
There aren’t as many white supremacist wiccans or just outright racist wiccans, though.
It’s so ridiculous that the priestess whose site I linked to actually has to point out that racism doesn’t fit in with Asatru/Forn Sed.
You don’t have to do that with wicca, unless things changed for the worse recently.
Very well; I shall focus my efforts upon working out a diplomatic solution to this matter.
Is it because I have an English Knight as one of the Hands of the Empress and display excess anglophilia that you haven’t sworn fealty to my Great Nuwabian Empire of Kmt?
Or have you already sworn fealty to God-Emperor Axecalibur?
Will do, thanks!