creepy evil sexy ladies evil smelly women irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW of the Day misogyny sex vaginas

Overcome lust by imagining women as chopped-up body parts, MGTOW of the Day recommends

This technique does not work for everyone

One of the little stumbling blocks faced by would-be Men Going Their Own Way is that it’s hard for straight dudes to free themselves from the influence of evil women if all they do is think about how much they want to have sex with said evil women.

And so you’ll occasionally find MGTOWs asking one another what they can do to lessen their terrible lusts. And the answers are often quite horrifying — longtime WHTM readers may recall legendary MGTOW Christopher of Oregon’s lengthy disquisitions on the (alleged) unspeakable smelly horrors of the vagina, for example.

Well, he’s not the only one trying to replace sexy thoughts with grotesque ones. Consider this lust-destroying advice from today’s MGTOW of the Day, fresh from a discussion in the MGTOW subreddit.

bitter_samsara 7 points 7 hours ago This isn't for everyone, but one technique is to visualize each body part and fluid separately for what it is. For example, a butt which can look beautiful but imagine the bones, sinew, meat, blood. There is poop that inside, which smells really bad. These things are just organized in such a way that the form appears to be pleasing, but in reality it's disgusting. Visualize those separate things being combined to make a butt, but see those for what they are. If you're not faint of heart, you can see the reality of how disgusting the human body is through autopsies, but really this isn't necessary unless you've decided this is a good technique for you.

This is actually a variation of an ancient Buddhist technique — no, really — but when combined with the intense misogyny of the MGTOWs it’s decidedly less than enlightened.

Straight women, naturally, have it much easier when it comes to the whole lust quenching thing: All they have to do to kill any lust they feel towards a particular man is to imagine that he’s a MGTOW. Works every time!

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7 years ago

I would’ve figured these guys would naturally see women as pieces of meat, given the way they talk about them.

7 years ago

This guy deals with lust by visualizing autopsies. I think this guy was the subject of a Criminal Minds episode.

Tosca, Chaos made Flesh
Tosca, Chaos made Flesh
7 years ago

I’m gonna guess this guy doesn’t have to imagine women he lusts after as dismembered body parts. He already has them in his freezer. Jesus.

7 years ago

It feels somehow significant that this screed aimed at helping these people detach themselves from humanity and visualise their enemies as corpses also includes the, er, “sentence” “There is poop that inside, which smells really bad.”

7 years ago

Kill any lust I would feel toward a man? But I’m a woman.

We don’t lust, DUH.


Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago
7 years ago

MGTOW you’re supposed to root for the detectives stopping the serial killer, not the serial killer themself.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Does this guy know how anatomy works? Poop doesn’t just sit right next to your anus until you decide you feel like shitting. The shape of someone’s glutes has absolutely nothing to do with poop either.

It is kind of amazing how horrified MGTOW always are that women are people. We poop? We have blood and organs? Oh, the horror! They seem to think it’s a grievous offense that we aren’t angels or sex dolls or something.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Does he think poop just sits in the cheeks?

Also, what the fuck is meat? Like, he specifies sinew, but then it’s just… meat. Cos that’s not extra creepy on top of everything else


I think this guy was the subject of a Criminal Minds episode

At least one…

7 years ago

“There is poop inside, which smells really bad.”

Is this guy talking about his own skull? Because I think he’s onto something there.

Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
Zephkiel - Feminist MGTOW
7 years ago

This is just bizarre. When I decided to stop pursuing relationships, I didn’t actually need to stop myself finding women attractive. I have been “going my own way” (otherwise known as not entering romantic relationships or having sex) for more than a year now, and I still find women attractive. I just… don’t do anything about it? Why is that not an option for these assholes?

(I actually know the answer – they hate women and hate that they find women attractive. I like women, as a group, but recognise my previous relationship behaviour with women was unhealthy. They have a lot more cognitive dissonance than me.)

7 years ago

This is the kind of thinking that makes Dexter Morgan give you the side-eye.

7 years ago


Thus finishing his grand survey,
Disgusted Strephon stole away
Repeating in his amorous fits,
Oh! Celia, Celia, Celia shits!
But Vengeance, goddess never sleeping
Soon punished Strephon for his peeping;
His foul imagination links
Each Dame he sees with all her stinks:
And, if unsavory odors fly,
Conceives a lady standing by:
All women his description fits,
And both ideas jump like wits:
But vicious fancy coupled fast,
And still appearing in contrast.
I pity wretched Strephon blind
To all the charms of female kind;
Should I the queen of love refuse,
Because she rose from stinking ooze?
To him that looks behind the scene,
Satira’s but some pocky queen.
When Celia in her glory shows,
If Strephon would but stop his nose
(Who now so impiously blasphemes
Her ointments, daubs, and paints and creams,
Her washes, slops, and every clout,
With which he makes so foul a rout)
He soon would learn to think like me,
And bless his ravished sight to see
Such order from confusion sprung,
Such gaudy tulips raised from dung.

Obviously, this dude would only take that whole thing literally. Because he just has the soul of a poet, as we all know. /s

7 years ago

It is kind of amazing how horrified MGTOW always are that women are people. We poop? We have blood and organs? Oh, the horror! They seem to think it’s a grievous offense that we aren’t angels or sex dolls or something.

And Lord Dampnut has actually convinced himself that his wife doesn’t fart or poop.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

I reckon it never occurs to MGTOWs to not be horrible people?

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

Face it– these people WANT to be miserable.

7 years ago

And Lord Dampnut has actually convinced himself that his wife doesn’t fart or poop.

Imagine when they learn that women sometimes get intestinal issues. I could only imagine the looks on the faces of the many, many MGTOWs who seem to believe women don’t use the restroom at all.

7 years ago

Look at the bright side, at least dismembered parts aren’t making them lust more. They at least have that going for them, I hope.

A Rose for Emily
A Rose for Emily
7 years ago

You beat me to it: I was going to point out that it’s almost verbatim a Buddhist technique. Which makes slightly more sense when you consider that monks are not only called to celibacy, but that a primary objective of Buddhism is to eliminate “craving” of every kind. So you might combat gluttony by visualizing that your food all turns to poop, for example.

But anyway, I also notice that the MGTOW who offered this brilliant advice is named “bitter_samsara,” which is interesting because ‘samsara” is the Buddhist term for the cycle of death and rebirth that one escapes by following the eightfold path.

It’s a tad mind-bending that someone has apparently both dedicated himself to practicing both Buddhism and misogyny. Escaping samsara requires elimination of hatred as well as craving…

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

Has anyone mentioned that this is reminiscent of Buddhist corpse meditation practice?

Ah, yes, they did. I knew I could count on y’all!

7 years ago


Imagine when they learn that women sometimes get intestinal issues. I could only imagine the looks on the faces of the many, many MGTOWs who seem to believe women don’t use the restroom at all.

Oh boy, I could regale these bozos with tales of my irritable bowels. And the fact that I have the diarrheal type of IBS, too. It might even get them Going Their Own Way At Long Last!

Also relevant:

comment image

I need to order me one of these, it looks the perfect size for drinking menzer tears.

7 years ago

Jesus Christ hanging by a nutsack, these dumbass fuckers should get the Clockwork Orange treatment with Deutsche Scheisse porn.

Already malformed grey matter strewn about the landscape…

7 years ago

That owl speaks to me on a deep level.

7 years ago

Mine alternates between both extremes, so I’ve had everything in the poop chart plus I have distinct types in between to boot. Basically, the chart isn’t varied enough to describe me! That’s actually why I didn’t know I had IBS until it started to improve – I wouldn’t stay on one end long enough for the recommendation for when you should see a doctor. So I’d be constipated for like 5 days but then it would clear up and then I’d have diarrhea for 4, and so on. I just thought it was normal because I’d always been that way.

7 years ago

I have ice cream.
I have no ice cream.
It’ is an ice cream koan.

Makes as much sense as using Buddhist techniques to improve your misogyny.

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