alt-right empathy deficit entitled babies harassment hypocrisy irony alert Islamophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

Killed by Chivalry: Everything wrong with the Men’s Rights Movement in one Tweet

The Portland heroes: Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, Ricky John Best and Micah Fletcher

In the wake of the Portland train stabbings that left two men dead and one seriously wounded after they tried to stop a white supremacist from harassing several women, Paul Elam — still probably the best-known Men’s Rights Activist online — posted a tweet that spoke volumes — not about the incident itself, but about the utter moral bankruptcy of the Men’s Rights movement.

When other Tweeters objected, Elam doubled down and began spewing insults — aimed not just at his critics but at the murdered men themselves.

In one tweet, he suggested that the victims themselves were the cause of the violence that left them dead.

In his capacity as a leader of what is essentially a hate movement, Elam has said many terrible things over the years — from his post suggesting that women who go home with men without wanting to have sex with them are “damn near demanding” to be raped” to a short story offering an apologia for — indeed, a glorification of — domestic abuse. These tweets, I think, rank up there with his most reprehensible writings, for two main reasons.

First, as many observers have noted, it was not “chivalry” that killed these men. It was an angry and hateful man with a knife who was harassing women on a train.

Elam thinks it unfair that the tenets of chivalry call upon men to protect women — why should men have to serve as unpaid bodyguards for women, he has often asked? What he doesn’t like to talk about is that these volunteer bodyguards aren’t protecting women from bears — there aren’t a lot of those in my neighborhood — but in the overwhelming majority of cases from other men.

There are a lot of problematic things about “white knights,” as Elam insists upon calling them, but the plain fact is that the “good men” that Elam castigates as terminally stupid would be out of a job if there weren’t so many bad men around harassing and abusing women.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, Elam is essentially declaring war on the very thing that sets us apart from brute nature — our ability to feel empathy for others, including people unlike ourselves. A man standing up for a woman who’s being harassed may or may not be engaging in an act of chivalry but it is certainly an act of altruism and basic human solidarity. It’s driven by the same empathetic and altruistic impulse that led so many non-Muslims here in the US to rush to their nearest airports to protest Trump’s Muslim ban.

This sort of cross-cultural solidarity is pretty much the only thing that can save our country from the hatred and meanness that is Trumpism. We need more empathy, not less.

Elam would rather we raise our sons not to feel this sort of empathy towards women. That’s bad enough. But he’s not the only MRA with an empathy problem. And it isn’t confined to his feelings about women.

It’s not just that MRAs are indifferent towards, if not actively hostile, towards women; they lack empathy towards boys and men as well. Indeed, in one notorious post (archived here; I wrote about it here), Elam literally told the “troubled men” who have turned to A Voice For Men for help to ““go fucking bother someone else with your problems” if they weren’t donating money to his site, which is to say him, as he keeps the donations for himself.

Even though he seems to have taken in literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations over the years, he’s never bothered to even try to set up, say, a hotline for men. Instead, he’s set himself up as a sort of ersatz internet therapist for men — he has no actual training as a therapist — literally charging the “troubled men” he claims to be an advocate for $90 an hour to talk to him on Skype.

But he’s not the only MRA who combines a hatred for women with an utter lack of interest in doing anything altruistic for their fellow men.

In the first few years of second wave feminism in the late 60s and early 70s, feminist activists set up shelters and women’s centers and countless other entities designed to benefit women in desperate need of help. In the seven years I’ve been covering the Men;s Rights movement, MRAs haven’t even set up a single hotline, much less a functional men’s shelter. The only notable MRA, er, victory? Being so obnoxious they’ve convinced numerous media sites to shut down their formerly MRA-infested comments sections.

It’s no wonder MRAs feel such hostility towards real heroes. They’re only heroes in their own minds.

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7 years ago

It’s not just that MRAs are indifferent towards, if not actively hostile, towards women; they lack empathy towards boys and men as well.

That’s essentially the credo of MRAs. Empathy is for “white knights” and cucks, while real men feel no emotion as they screw and punch everything in their way. Of course, if you have legitimate medical issues, such as myself, and you’re a man, then you’re a wimp who deserves laughter. MRA is one of the biggest misnomers ever. They’re not about helping men, they’re about helping themselves be the best examples of misogyny possible.

7 years ago

All of my fucking rage.

I knew he was saying this. And I don’t have a reaction to it other than rage.

Three goddamn heroes were attacked by a white supremacist terrorist, and this is what this supposed “advocate for men” has to say?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

“People want men who are willing to die for them.” No, Paul. I don’t want anybody to die for me. But I’ll pay my respects to anyone who stands up and says, “Suffering stops here.” Especially when it’s the last thing they do.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago
7 years ago

A man murdered two people, nearly killed another after harrassing two teenage girls who were doing nothing but existing in public and this creep wants to blame the victims?

Way to stand up for men’s rights by saying they deserve to be murdered.

No one expected those men to die but their attacker.

He did not murder them or harass girls because he was mentally ill. He was a violent, racist, misogynist, Christofascist shithead radicalized by men like Paul Elam. That is why he murdered them. That is why he harrassed Muslim girls.

Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
7 years ago


Got it in one.

‘Asshole’ is not a mental illness, but assholes sure love to use it as a blind.

7 years ago

You know two men just Died. I think it says a lot about Elam that he focus his ire on them. For someone who claims to be for men’s rights he seems to have almost as little Empathy for them as he does for Women.

No Misandrist like a Misogynist I guess.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche’s last words were, “Tell them, I want everybody to know, I want everybody on the train to know, I love them.” That’s what was important to him as he lay dying.

Paul Elam will never know what a man is. He’ll never understand what love is, or empathy. That is his tragedy.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I posted about this asshole’s tweet on original thread about Portland, and my revulsion for this asshole has only deepened as he had doubled down on his ugliness.

Fuck off, Elam. You do not exemplify the best of men. You tear down the best of men.

Coward. Piece of shit.

Still Fiqah
Still Fiqah
7 years ago

It’s worth pointing out again that two of the Muslimahs being defended are teenagers and minors. Not women. This keeps being left out of news and it is just irking the hell outta me.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Let’s not forget, Elam also declared that if put on a jury on a rape trial he would vote not guilty no matter what. Even if he thought the defendant was guilty.

He’s shaming men who do have empathy for women and girls because he wants men to be able to abuse women without having to face any legal or social consequences for it.

7 years ago

He isn’t at all upset these men are dead. He’s upset that they are being mourned.

He’s also probably a little worried that people are finally starting to question how this killer, like so many others, came to be so hateful, violent and bold.
He’s calling him insane and blaming his victims as a pre-emptive defense. He knows his chickens may be coming home to roost.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Still Fiqah,

One teen was Muslim. Her friend was not. Based on her skin color, she was still targeted by this monster.

They are so young. They had to have been terrified.

7 years ago

What are u women? I’ll tell you whatchu are. Just a bunch of con artists. What you’re selling…the world is no longer buying. You are done. You’ve jumped the shark. You’ve worn out your unwelcome. You failed to recognize the blessings and instead scorched the field for all that follow. You’re like a heroin addict searching for the perfect high. Twill always elude you. I’ll make certain.

You’re ignorant, naive, classically histrionic and just a bunch of poster children for the DSM-V. In earlier times, you’d have been locked in an asylum – which is precisely where you belong. History won’t look back upon you favorably – but rather with deep regret and shame.

Handmaiden’s Tale? Fking Hillaryous. You actually thought that show would fool people? Yeah. The backlash will be many times stronger than expected. Why? Cause you’re fools – or maybe – just maybe…

Men built all upon the Earth. Men fought and died in all the wars for women’s and the state’s advancement. Did you honestly think we’d give it all to you? If so, you gotta nuth’r thing cumming.

I’ve spoken. And my word is final. I am…that I am. Yeah. That’s right. You’re my bishes. Women will always be ruled by men. It’s nature’s way. Submit or suffer. Your choice.

7 years ago

two of the Muslimahs

Only ONE of them was Muslim, the other was her friend. And “not women” is the wrong word choice. “not adults” is a nicer way to put it.

7 years ago

The concept of “chivalry” is problematic, but I don’t think it’s “chivalry” to come to the aid of children. Protecting kids is almost what adults are for.

The Real Cie
7 years ago

I’m sure these heroes would have stepped in to defend a man being bullied too.
Paul Elam is an MRA asswipe whose opinion is worth the same as a piece of used toilet paper.

7 years ago

If he believes that trying to stop a “madman” is always stupid, at what point does somebody stop dangerous madmen?

The ultimate logical conclusion of toxic masculinity is might makes right, the strongest, or really the most intimidating, make the rules and are allowed to do what they want. Of course there are times when society defaults to this, when fear is the only thing left that motivates, but few people claim that is the best option. Though there are those who claim it is somehow more natural; and the only thing stopping a “might makes right” scenario is our complicated modern civilization. Ironically some MRAs seem to like the idea.

Paul Elam talks as if it were an inevitable fact of life that there are killers running around causing trouble, and there isn’t much point in asking why the “madman” went mad in the first place.

7 years ago

Mra who claims to be for men tears down the victims rather than the Christofascist terrorist

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago

How dare he even speak about these men who stood up for their fellow human beings, young people with nowhere else to turn.

7 years ago

Well… see, if Paul Elam was right, he’d be in charge of everything, having men doing everything he wants, and women doing everything he wants, with no repercussions on him. He’d clearly have enough unpaid bodyguards for himself that he wouldn’t need chivalry, even if all the madpersons were still on the streets. If Paul Elam doesn’t need it, no one needs it. Quite a fantasy life he has.

Even the Bible has a better take on what chivalry actually is than Elam (the backwards malE). “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” I believe that, if there is an afterlife, the 2 who died protecting the young women are in the rewarding part of it. They will be remembered.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’ve spoken. And my word is final. I am…that I am. Yeah. That’s right. You’re my bishes. Women will always be ruled by men. It’s nature’s way. Submit or suffer. Your choice.

7 years ago

Dream on, cupcake.
My greatest nightmare isn’t a tedious keyboard cowboy.

*Nobody tell him when the book was written or that it wasn’t written by a committee. It’s funnier this way*

Women created computer programming and the tech that led to Wi-Fi. Women also invented beer.

Might want to stay off-line and stay off the suds if you want to never use anything invented by women.

You are drunk, right? That’s why you write that way?

7 years ago


I’m sorry did you actually name yourself “Your Greatest Nightmare?” and you expected to be taken seriously? That’s just cute.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

Today’s Google Doodle is celebrating the work and life of a Muslim woman who rewrote the rules of what was previously a white male safe space. Just thought MassivelyOverestimatingHimself would like to know. =)

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