An open thread for Memorial Day. A day for Americans to remember those who have given their lives for their country.
And a day for a man who’s never sacrificed anything in his life to make a buffoon of himself at Arlington National Cemetery.
"Then they'll play the National Anthem. That part's easy. Just stand still."
"Got it."— shauna (@goldengateblond) May 29, 2017
I could definitely try svid and the liver sausage, unless the etiquette demands that I eat *all* the soft tissues in svid.
I think the intelligent cow at RATEOTU wasn’t judging anyone, just being so intelligent and eloquent that you felt it was secretly judging you.
Other tips: smash garlic cloves by putting a chef’s knife over it and smacking it with your fist. Lightly if you need to peel the garlic, harder if you want a head start on chopping it.
Ginger can be easily peeled with the edge of a spoon without losing too much of the ginger.
Maybe hide the dead animal head pictures behind a link next time? I didn’t really want to look at that.
Why people are saying ‘white people food’ has no flavour…? Here some good ones (my comment dissapear firsr 2 time so let me try again, sorry if is there for 3 copies now!! ?
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r.e poppies (I hope this picture works)![comment image](
The piece is called Poppies: Wave. It was installed at the Tower of London and then moved around the country, first to Lincoln Castle.
R.e. Garlic
Dead easy to grow, even on a windowledge. Get a clove that’s just starting to sprout and put in a pot of compost. A new plant will grow, giving you a bulb. It’ll probably be smaller than a commercially grown bulb but once you’ve bought the initial bulb you can keep growing new bulbs year after year. This is why I have a surplus of garlic.
R.e. Icelandic food
I do not like the look of svid. I prefer it if my food can’t eyeball me back.
What are those pancake things, and the meat on skewers? They look nice.
Well, if we’re doing food…
@ Fran
If you ever make it to Lincolnshire, I’ll make you proper liver and sausage with bacon in onion gravy. Liver is yummy, and Lincolnshire sausages are the best sausages.
@Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major I knew there was a reason why I liked you. 🙂 [I have some Icelandic ancestry. I would be very honoured to be able to visit you in your blue castle. :D]
My family’s joke about Hakarl is that today it’s something like a ‘eat it if you dare’ kind of contest – kind of like ‘The Sourtoe Cocktail‘ up in Dawson City…. 😉
And yes, bring on the garlic! And onions! My (very white) husband also has a thing for Thai chilis and Sambal….LOL!
Yes, there is a lot of that. There are also people who quietly acknowledge and mourn the horrific waste of life, both military and civilian. And there are probably many other opinions on what Memorial/Veterans/Remembrance Day means.
Speaking of poppies, DropKick Murphys, with the best version of one of the very best anti-war songs… Eric Bogle’s “Green Fields of France (Willie McBride)”
Speaking (further) of poppies, the excellent WW1 museum in Kansas City, Mo. documents that poppies were not native to Northern Europe and wouldn’t grow there, as the soil was nitrogen-poor… from 1914 on, the warring armies dropped so many artillery shells, with their nitrogen-based explosives, that by 1918, poppies grew everywhere.
I usually just read here rather than post, but I found an amazingly awful petition that I think needs some attention. Apparently Farcry 5 is a direct attack on gamers. Choice quote: “In these times, you must understand that there might be some violent repurcussions if you intend to follow through with your pointless criticism.”
That petition is quite something!
The comments are interesting. Nobody can figure out whether the petition is legit — neither the channers nor the SJWs.
I’m wondering if this isn’t some joke.
“Us Gamers have had to endure a lot of crap over the last few years. The targeted harassment by the mainstream press through Gamergate, the terrible launch and outright lies of highly anticpated video games, the outright censorship of art through “localization” policies, the continued rejection of romantic partners when they find out our hobby, the appropriation of our culture by so-called “gamers” on twitter. NO MORE!” (Emphasis mine.)
It sounds too Poe-like to be real, but then, I’m not a participant in the gamer culture, so I defer to those who actually are.
It just smells like bullshit to me.
ETA: somewhat ninja’d by numerobis.
@ numerobis;
Nah, that is fake… I think… actually, it may be… I dunno…
Actually, I can think of one… all the people who believe they’re under attack by one-worlders, and who believe their only hope for survival IS nationalist protectionism… are of one race.
Nothing about the petition rings parodical to me. You’ve all read MRAnts before – frankly, I’d be more wary if it didn’t have an unrelated incel whine in the middle of it. Your average MRA’s high school maths homework probably reads “126 x 8 = I DON’T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND.”
They know that Ubisoft is a French company, right?
On the subject of garlic: I have noticed that the bulbs in the UK are very small at the moment – I am wondering if the crop has not been great. I am sure I could find those massive ones, but they would be expensive.
I peeled 15 bulbs today! I use garlic in most of my meals. It probably isn’t very ‘English’ but I live in London which is not very ‘English’ (as in the stereotypes and common media portrayals).
I was telling a woman from Columbia that going to other parts of England can be like going to another country – it is quite a culture shock for us!
Just to chip in to that Nazi flag disposal discussion, it brings to mind a rather fundamental tension when it comes to these kind of Remembrance Days or ceremonies. The maternal side of my family had roots in Canada going back generations, so both my maternal grandfather and great uncle served in the RCAF in varying capacities as bomber crew. The paternal side of my family is German, with my paternal grandfather having been drafted into the Luftwaffe as a signalman. So while one side of my family are remembered with poppies and parades, all Grandpa Hans had was a photo album of Sardinian and Corsican homes and countrysides and his friends long gone. He didn’t talk about his service much; my dad did tell me that he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class for his work teaching the Italians how to work the German radios and hated the Nazis so much for how much suffering they brought on him and his family that he threw it into the ocean on the trip to Canada. If keeping that kind of bad memory only causes pain… do as he did and make a clean break.
Yeah. This is my stance too. It seems more like a legitimate petition than anything else, given the standard of behavior we can expect from nazis.
I’m not pre-ordering it because I don’t pre-order games, ever. But I’m watching it, even though I couldn’t sit through more than four hours of Far Cry 3.
Note: This is a valid criticism I also share about the gaming industry
But that has nothing at all to do with their petition or Far Cry 5. That’s literally the intended impact of capitalism in action.
Also, I love the language here –
Sounds like the special little snowflakes can’t face the truth: Christianity as it functions in the United States is more evil than not. Also, where else is there a game, any game period, that explicitly names christianity in the modern day as its villain?
Dude, if you use that projector too much, you’re gonna wear it out. Then you won’t be able to watch “Day of the Triffids” again. It’ll be the end of drive-in movie theaters!
When your racism and the poorly conceived smokescreen for it contradict themselves.
Yep. Nazis. Most of people who are offended by multiculturalism, or as I like to call it, not being a giant fucking dick for no goddamn reason, are nazis.
Yes. I remember the last Call of Duty game. It consisted of the player kicking an American in the face, over and over, for nine hours. Then you won.
Nazis. Nazis evverrywhere. In case we needed more evidence that “GamerGate”, “Patriots” and “Nazis” are the same goddamn faction operating under a poor facsimile of a smokescreen.
I actually call fake on that petition, just because it feels too self-aware. And no mention of white genocide or cucks.
@Fishy Goat
@Arctic Ape
I was having a quick throwaway conversation with Sandra about how much I like Nordic culture a while back
As you can see, I’m quite serious about it. I am one of those strange people who actually enjoy Beowulf as reading material.
WWTH should find this amusing: I liked the Ironborn chapters in ASOIAF. For those of you who haven’t read those books, the Ironborn are basically Fantasy Vikings.
I read the Poetic and Prose Eddas when I am bored, quite often.
When I was much younger I wanted to build a knarr (Norse merchant ship). I may still do that if I ever get a lot of monies.
However, as usual these days, I had my enthusiasm damped by all the white supremacists who are all like “OOH VIKINGS! MUH VIKING BLOOD!” in the public sphere.
Also, Vikings are one of those things Black People Are Not Supposed To Like or Want to Be.
Here, TVTropes shows its true colors as a bastion of White supremacist ideology; the idea that somehow a black person might have ended up on a longship is just too fucking wacky, amirite?
Among my long list of story ideas, one thing I’ve wanted to do is write a story about a black woman who is a raiding fleet commander for a North Germanic tribe.
I imagine that she is so extreme and excessive in her tactics and methods that even the other tribespeople are terrified of her, and epic poems are written about how she ravages the coasts of Europe.
God, that would piss those TVtropes people off.
I am sooo sorry! I really should have known.
Icelandic foods scared off Gordon Ramsay, after all. It really is extreme and a bit much. I apologize.
Won’t happen again.
Don’t critique anything they do, everyone, don’t! They’ll get their feelings hurt and then violently attack you for it. And then! turn around to whine about how they can’t find a girlfriend in their echo chambers, blaming literally everything rather than their own behavior. An equally as racist, anti-multicultural, anti-woman, anti-everything HB10, mind you! No settling.
I-Is parody even a thing anymore.. The lines are too blurred at this point.
@ fran
You familiar with Ibn-Fadlan?
there.. fixed that for ya