open thread

Memorial Day 2017 Open Thread

An open thread for Memorial Day. A day for Americans to remember those who have given their lives for their country.

And a day for a man who’s never sacrificed anything in his life to make a buffoon of himself at Arlington National Cemetery.

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Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ valentine

You ever seen “Love and Death”?

Sergeant: Imagine your loved ones conquered by Napoleon and forced to live under French rule. Do you want them to eat that rich food and those heavy sauces?

Soldiers: No…!

Sergeant: Do you want them to have soufflé every meal and croissant?

7 years ago

@Chessman There are many different ways people make sacrifices. Some sacrifice there free time to get another job to help pay for their kids education. Some may endure pain in order to help others, such as those who donate a kidney, or bone marrow. And some may even make the ultimate sacrifice, giving up their lives so that others can live.

You’ll note that I didn’t mention gender there, because everyday in the world men and women are sacrificing a part of themselves to make the world a better place.

But I imagine that you, much like Trump, have rarely inconvenienced yourselves for others. The only difference between the two of you is that Trump can hire others to do the hard work for him. Whilst you probably fume at your mother for your crappy life.

7 years ago

@chessman Go away, most of the time “open threads” here are meant to be troll free.

Also, it’s not “himself” he should have sacrificed. The point was that he didn’t sacrifice much to get where he is, aside from what little humanity he started with. Anyone who can say “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.” is not a nice person.

@those who chose to join our Armed Forces: Thank you for your service.

@the video of Trump “singing along”: It wouldn’t be so bad if he was mouthing along to the whole thing, but he starts and stops as if he forgot some of the words. I’d probably sing along, since I’ve been told by well-trained musicians that I can sing well. Unless it seemed to be annoying people nearby like if the sound system wasn’t loud enough or something.

7 years ago

@alan its a comedy movie? I did not even hear of it before. Looks like funny though)
@troubelle i once make garlic vodka for my friend that i went to meet in london. But before i go, i think maybe just check it not taste like shit. Lucky i check. It was very bad ((( and i did not take to him. I would not want to give garlic a bad reputation…!

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

I love garlic, which is something some Americans seem not to like.

Or, at least, our pop culture says you shouldn’t like it.

I mean, you can only watch so TV episodes where someone eats garlic and then everyone else is like “OMG WHAT IS THAT AWFUL SMELL” until you decide that eating garlic is a faux pas of the highest order.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


And one time he wore a HAT. Did you not see him, wearin’ that hat. just awful.

After seeing Trump wear his MAGA caps constantly, I’d better never hear about Obama wearing a fucking baseball cap again.


I, too, adore garlic. So does my hubs, so it’s all good. ?

7 years ago

Anyone else find it telling that people criticized Obama for having suits and mustard that were the wrong color? They weren’t even being subtle as to what their real objection was.

@ Valentine

Think how much the prison system will save on wrinkly orange jumpsuits once they have 45 in their tender care. He can just go naked and the effect will be the same.

I apologize to everyone who was caused to picture 45 naked just now.

7 years ago

@Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Unless they’re eating raw garlic it just doesn’t make much sense to me. Garlic is awesome on practically every dish and has a ton of nutritional value. It’s the same thing to me as Durian. Unless you’re literally picking the guts of a fruit covered in wooden spikes when it’s rotting you’re not going to smell anything.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

Trying to think of what other ‘white people food’ I like that technically I’m not being a Very Good Black Person by eating.

We already covered mayonnaise.

I like steak and fries (the joke is that white people like eating meat and potatoes and nothing else, really). I also like fish and chips.

7 years ago

Francesca: I think it’s eating large quantities of garlic straight, especially if it’s raw or minced, that people get weird about. Garlic *in* things seems to be just fine.

7 years ago


Took me one moment to understand 45….you mean because he 45 president?)))) And fuck this image just become worse and worse!

@fran. The captain on this ship eats garlic every morning for lowering of his blood pressure. He smells like kielbasa. Which is not bad. Simply strange.

And nequam nothing wrong with eating little bit of raw garlic! Listen this:

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


I cook with a lot of garlic and onion in my food.

I prepare chicken curry and guess what I use to add flavor? Garlic and onion, of course.

7 years ago


Commenters who expect men to chivalrously sacrifice for feminine causes will call you an angry white male misogynist with a small dick. Yet they are surprised when disenfranchised white men support Trump.

7 years ago

Commenters who expect men to chivalrously sacrifice for feminine causes

If such commenters with such expectation exist on this website. Oh wait. They dont. And this a none-troll thread for about veterans day and nice things and garlic. Not for your garbage.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


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7 years ago

Oh yes, I’ve heard of the good properties of raw garlic– though to be honest, I prefer it well-roasted myself. Nice and squishy and smeared onto toasty croutons.

7 years ago

David I thought you had a no trolls rule for open threads? Aren’t you going to ban Chessman and KL?

7 years ago

Nequam i would eat raw garlic every day. But then maybe no one would be near me ? i like how you said, roasted or pickle that is also good. My mum gave to me when i traveled home one garlic as big like an onion and very strong. I wrap it like radioactive waste and still could smell from inside my bag! This one should have roasted but i just used for cooking.

Abars01, they just comment once and now they gone already so i think david has banned them now

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

So, poppies are a Rememberance (Veteran’s) Day thing, innit? Like, WWI, Flander’s Fields, etc. Some folks were outside the job today selling poppies. Am I the only one annoyed about this?


Commenters who expect men to chivalrously sacrifice for feminine causes will call you an angry white male misogynist with a small dick

Both you and Shogi-sempai have elephant trunks up top and pairs of honeydews down below. There’s your validation, you may leave the Open Thread now…

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I love garlic so, so much. Unfortunately it gives me heartburn and gas if I’m not careful with it. I’d eat a lot more of it if I could.

Are Chessman and KL the same person?

They make the exact same strawman arguments.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

I know it’s US Memorial Day, and we’ve already had our version here (with the usual requisite scandal over someone saying something apparently not appropriate…)
BUT I am seizing this opportunity to share these pics. They encapsulate all of my conflicted feelings about war and family. The first is of my maternal grandmother in WWII (she’s the one on the right), oxy-welding a tank belly in a Sydney factory.

The other is my maternal grandfather on a beach in North Queensland, helping to build some kind of floating dock (he was an engineer in the army). Just lookit those super-strict uniform rules, people!!!

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7 years ago

I think that liking the same kinds of foods is an important, and often underrated, factor in a happy marriage. My spouse and I both LOVE garlic and onions. I could never stand to be married to someone who complained about the smell of garlic or onions on my breath.

My 90 year old father-in-law loves spicy foods of all kinds, including sweets. He’s wild about ginger. He used to like to boil a hefty piece of ginger root until it softened, then slowly nibble on it all day. The smell of the root simmering, annoyed some family members. Sadly, he’s no longer ambulatory.

The white people where I live, definitely fit the meat and potatoes stereotype. So-called “home cooking” is popular in my neck of the woods, even in restaurants. Why would I want to go out to eat food I could cook for myself…and probably cook better?

7 years ago

I’ve never picked up on the “Americans dislike garlic” thing, everyone I know absolutely LURRRVES the stuff, including me.

It can give you bad breath, though. No biggie if the person you’re talking with/smooching on has also had garlic.

Most things I cook start out with onions and garlic! MMmm!

7 years ago

Garlic goes in all the foods. Plus extra for sprinkling on top. Mmm, garlic.

Mayo is the only white person food I’m familiar with. Maybe bologna sandwiches?

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Just chipping in with the garlic love. Food of the gods in any format; but I’m particularly fond of roasting whole bulbs. Mmm, scrummy.