ladies hate sex MGTOW MGTOW of the Day misogyny

“Women desire to procreate, but don’t have a sex drive,” and more lady facts from our MGTOW of the Day

Women only go for guys who have lots of fish

Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the fellas are discussing a pressing problem of contemporary society: “Why must men always be better than the women they are trying to date?”

Men have to be better that the women they date? I’m sure this must come as unexpected news to many if not most of the women I’ve dated. But let’s set that aside for a moment.

Today’s MGTOW of the Day, a dude calling himself DangZagnut, thinks the whole “men have to be better” thing, which he thinks is a real thing, has to do with the fact that ladies don’t actually like sex.

Let’s let him explain:

DangZagnut 13 points 2 days ago* I'll be a dick and say it's because, that, compared to women, men are always better. Hell our transgender women are better than bio women half the time. Face it, men rule, girls drool. But now that I'm done being a dick cough Women desire to procreate, but women don't have a sex drive. When I say that, its comparative. No woman has ever known lust or desire to the level a man does. Ever. There is nothing in a woman telling her to fuck endlessly. If women even possibly got as horny or aroused as men, then there would never be a single rape accusation. Creepy guys wouldn't be a phrase. Women would be fucking 50 times a day if they were even vaguely like men. Because of that, you have to do all the work to have sex. Women have to just show up to have sex, but you have to seduce a woman, which means you need to have a host of things to make you appear to be a good partner above and beyond every other man in the room. Family, wealth, looks, personality, education, you either have those things, you lie about those things, or you MGTOW. I'd recommend the latter choice.

Given that virtually everything in this comment is complete nonsense, I’d say that DangZagnut has not answered the question he set out to answer. But his comment does raise another important question: Why are MGTOWs the absolute worst?

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7 years ago

Because they think the wurst is everything?

(I’ve posted here before, but rarely have anything to add that others don’t say better than I can)

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

That’s not how that works
That’s not how anything works
I don’t know how you even said that
That’s not how that works

But hey, we’re all just Futrelle here
We won’t hunt for your teal deer
Instead we’ll just sing this song
Faster now and not as long

(Accellerando ad infinitum or until everyone gives up and/or is speaking gibberish. Feel free to edit the lyrics slightly, folks.)

7 years ago

What do you mean “our transgender women”? I ain’t yours.

7 years ago

Just because women don’t rnjoy sex with you, doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy sex.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Men are superior to women, yet it’s too hard for men to have a good personality, look presentable or get an education and job, therefore going MGTOW is the sensible choice? That makes sense. Men are so superior that they shouldn’t be obligated to have any good qualities to have their pick of HB10s.

MGTOW really is just one endless whine about how unfair it is that they don’t have a harem of submissive lingerie models at their beck and call even though they haven’t done a single thing to make themselves attractive to any woman at all.

7 years ago

Uh…I don’t have a terribly high sex drive but still have managed to have a higher sex drive than more than one guy I’ve dated. So I guess I don’t exist?

7 years ago

Of course this shitstain doesn’t see trans women as true women. If he’s even aware trans men exist then he must consider them worse than other men.

You know, I’ve known some really kinky women women with really high sex drives. The reason Zagnut hasn’t is because he’s an unlikable, unlovable sack of self-pitying garbage that no one would want to touch, totally oblivious to his own faults and refuses to make any sort of improvement to himself.

7 years ago

“But we’re the ones that matter : (”

Wait are women supposed to be hypergamous and take kilometers of penis? Because it’d pretty hard to if women had the sex drive of a spoon. Which is it MGTOW? Make up your mind.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

kilometers of penis

[heavy breathing]

7 years ago

So, women would be fucking 50 times a day if they were “even vaguely like men”, so presumably most men have sex more than that. Let’s say 75? If you put in an 18-hour day, that’s once every 14.4 minutes. You’d presumably have to take some time out to, I dunno, rehydrate and stuff? So maybe one fuck every 10 minutes. I’m thinking the quality would suffer.

7 years ago

Penis hasn’t been the same since it was metricated. Thanks to Brexit, we will soon return to the Imperial penis.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Women want to procreate. Full stop. That’s why birth control is so popular. Wait …

7 years ago

Obviously before people discovered sex leads to babies and wasn’t just something that was fun and felt good, women never had sex and humans reproduced by parthenogenesis.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Wait a minute…waaaaaaaaiiiiitttt a minute…

According to these guys, women fuck like 80 kajillion times a week, losing their looks because of how many hot beef injections they constantly receive, but they don’t have a sex drive…? Huh?

Ah, MGTOWS. The philisophical way of life that changes goddamned constantly, they have no cohesive rhyme or reason to it.

(Other than women are oooh oooh icky pooh.)

7 years ago

So many questions.

Let’s go with “having a sex drive means you’re always up for sex” for a second. Because that’s an assumption above about men and women. The speaker says men are like this, and if women were like this, there would be no rape.

So HB1 is now fuckable? So if a male HB1 approaches me, with my phenomenal sex drive, I’d want to do him?

But actually women get to choose who they have sex with. That means, sometimes a man gets refused. Let me introduce you to a secret; “having a sex drive isn’t what makes you a person.” It also doesn’t make you up for sex 100% of the time with 100% of people. That’s true for men too, by the way. Shocking, I know.

7 years ago

Hahaha what? He has ever met a woman before? They just not want to fuck with him all day.

7 years ago

What drives me crazy about junk like this is that MGTOWs and MRAs in general can’t quite decide if women are whores who live only by their sex drive, or if they don’t enjoy sex and are only using men as sperm donors. They can’t seem to wrap their mind around the idea that both are possible, depending on the woman.

Edit: Whoops, just noticed PeeVee mentioned this too.

New here, long time lurker but finally worked up the nerve to comment~

7 years ago

“This new learning amazes me, Dang Zagnut. Explain again how you’re done being a dick.” — MTGOW Python and the Holy Girl.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Women want to procreate. Full stop. That’s why birth control is so popular. Wait …

Women were just braining washed by the femocracy into taking BC. Everyone knows that!

Katie's Elderly Minion
Katie's Elderly Minion
7 years ago

Wait, they think they don’t have to have a personality to be fuckable? Really? Because honestly, that’s my main criteria in whether or not I consider a guy fuckable (well, that and the right age range — as in, an old fart like me).

7 years ago

This guy has never seen a naked woman in real life, has he?

Miss Edgy Nation
Miss Edgy Nation
7 years ago

“Women desire to procreate, but women don’t have a sex drive.”

Really? Funny how my libido has spiked since menopause. It’s almost like sex is more enjoyable without the threat of procreation hanging over me like the sword of Damocles.

7 years ago

@ Moggie – thanks for the literal LOL

7 years ago

I’ve remember reading this … uhm … argument regarding trans women in a charming book titled simply “Men are better than women”( 2008 Dick Masterson). It mixes the usual gender essentialism with some ingenious tortured logic to arrive at the conclusion that trans women are better at all relevant (i.e. guy pleasing) aspects of being a woman — of course with the implicit understanding that it’s still not required to see them as women if one isn’t into such freaky stuff. I’m ashamed to admit that, at the time, this male-approval-as-an-sex-object was sorta helpfull as a coping strategy. Also the book got a friend in trouble when I lent it to him and his girlfriend found it.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

I know several women who want to fuck Yondu Udonta, gnarly teeth and all. Have these men-not-going-anywhere tried painting themselves blue?

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