drama kings entitled babies mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny

Just some dudes who think a lady-only Wonder Woman showing makes them Rosa Parks

Have the guys complaining about women-only Wonder Woman movie showings ever read Wonder Women comics?

When the Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas announced they would be holding a few women-only showings of the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, the angry dudes of the internet all cried “foul” at once.

And when one bold man — a conservative journalist by the name of Stephen Miller — bought a ticket for one of these women-only showings, and announced on Twitter he fully intended to attend, darnit, these men knew they had found their Rosa Parks. Only white. And a dude. And not even slightly oppressed by any reasonable definition of the term.

Still, the angry dudes took to Twitter to share their thoughts. Well, their thought. They all seemed to have the exact same one, and they haven’t gotten tired of repeating it yet.

Er, sorry about that last one. I don’t think that dude is talking about the Wonder Woman movie at all.

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7 years ago

@Kat – Oh definitely, it’s the women who are not allowed preferences. It slants the same way any Mars/Venus-y kinda thing does: Men are like X, therefore, ladies, give them a break and try to accommodate them, even if it doesn’t make sense to you. Women are like Y, so ladies, you can’t expect men to understand or accommodate you, because you don’t make sense to them.

And I’ve been around and reading, but just haven’t had a lot to say. Thanks for your kind greeting. ^^

[ED: @SFHC Aaaaaaaaa 😀 I can’t wait to see it!]

7 years ago

Sliding off topic again I just caught the trailer for farcry5 and I am immediately thinking “a whole lotta right wing american fans are going to be PISSED!!” Every other farcry has been set in some faraway place in the third world where terrible things happen to non-white people and now they bring the violence home right into the heart of white man’s country; Montana. What perfect timing.

I like the rock. He is friendly looking for a giant.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


They already are furious about Farcry 5! This post is hilarious ??

7 years ago

Hilarious. They don’t like being the bad guys. They need to own their shit.

7 years ago

Shank: 4th wave feminism is apparently about promoting cyber-bullying and gender-discrimination, and apologism for the same.

7 years ago

Your attempts to present your through the looking glass version of reality as actual reality aren’t working.

But do keep crying about how the scary girls are bullying you on a website that chronicles and mocks misogyny. You really highlight masculine fragility.

7 years ago

Shorter Chessman: *cyber-bully complaining about “cyber-bullying”*

It really is projection all the way down for alt-righters.

7 years ago

“…website that chronicles and mocks misogyny. ”

where is the supposed “misogyny” that this article is attempting to address, specifically…

…this article is completely devoted to mocking MEN for taking a stand against discrimination…

…and minimizing and excusing said discrimination

this site has simply become a misandrist hate-site and a hub for cyber-bullies to congregate at

“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

7 years ago

Of course he comes up with a Nietzsche quote.

Not even a good one, either, he used literally the most famous one.

7 years ago


So a private movie theater stages an event with a restricted audience, and you cry “segregation”?

Why do you hate free-market capitalism so much? Exactly how long have you been a communist?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Chessman must’ve been sad that he wasn’t getting enough attention leaving drive by turds and addressing only the other drive by turd leaving trolls. He’s decided to actually engage someone!

Too bad it was to reveal that he’s too stupid to grasp the misogyny and racism in a bunch of white men who’ve never faced centuries of discrimination and oppression appropriating the actions of a black woman civil rights hero to complain about a movie theater doing a special screening that doesn’t revolve around them.

7 years ago


Discrimination is much more than ‘only certain people are allowed to attend this thing’. If that were the entire basis for discrimination, then there would be a lot of things – clubs with membership based on demographics, for example, like the various Italian-American and Polish-American clubs around this part of the country – that would be discriminatory.

Not being able to attend a few showings of a particular movie, out of the many showings available, does not hurt men in any way. It does not relegate men to second-class citizens. If you think this is comparable to the segregation that Rosa Parks was protesting, then you may want to review your history.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I think it’s precious that in addition to not knowing what feminism is, Chessman doesn’t know what cyber-bullying is, either.

7 years ago

Well you notice most of the responses are just insults… when I’ve been polite to everyone here…

weirwoodtreehugger: interesting your go-to argument is based on their (presumed) RACE … while avoiding addressing their ARGUMENT on its merits (classic ad hominem fallacy)… of course it raises the question how you know what race they are… (your bigotry is showing)…

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
7 years ago

@Chessman: Oh hey you might want to learn about tone policing.

Also, your arguments are terrible and you should feel bad about coming into a space where EVERYONE HAS HEARD THEM BEFORE and making them.

Put some thought into it. Be original. Maybe engage with people, ask questions.

Thanks for further information on Frank Cho, everyone who replied! I admit I was uncomfortable with the women in his comics, and his just sort of normal animal characters, but I haven’t read it in years and didn’t trust my memory. :/

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I said you were wrong and stupid. Not wrong because you are stupid. Telling you that your “argument” was a false equivalency was addressing your point. Your point is bad. You haven’t demonstrated that this is in any way equivalent to Jim Crow. It’s up to you to do that. It’s not up to me to disprove you.

You don’t know what an ad hominem argument is, do you? Typical for a troll.

And yeah, I assume most if not all of them are white guys. The alt-right is almost entirely white because it’s based on racism. I’m not clear on how it’s bigotry to assume they’re white.

You really aren’t very bright, are you?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ chessman

of course it raises the question how you know what race they are

It’s a pretty reasonable assumption that no black person would ever invoke the memory of Rosa Parks in such a trivial and disrespectful way.

However to be fair, if you can find just one example of a black person doing this I will publicly apologise to you and, as we used to say in Yorkshire “bare my arse in Binn’s window”*

(*or suitable substitute)

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Chessman, read this. See what you’re doing. And then go back to Gull Island.


7 years ago

TW:descriptions of actual cyber-bullying tactics


Calling us cyber-bullies, when you’re the one who keeps coming back to tell us how bad and mean and bigoted we are… no, we’re not the bullies here.

Real cyber-bullies don’t just bully you in one place that few of your friends are likely to read. They don’t let you remain anonymous. They get after you everywhere they can. They do things like releasing your private information so other bullies can find you in real-life, or just sign you up to every nasty magazine that has a “free trial” month. What we do here is more like cyber minor annoyance aimed at trolls, misogynists, and idiots. Bullies find your facebook page, and let others know where it is, so they can pile on your wall, outyelling your friends. Making you feel like crap because it looks like everyone you meet on facebook hates you.

This comments system is nowhere near that “bullying” level. I don’t want to know where you live. I don’t want to find out your personal info to make your “Real Life” terrible.

(Real Life in quotes, because we are all real people here, and this is part of real life)

7 years ago

Men are not as a gender oppressed in any way.

We know they’re at least predominantly white because of how entitled and fragile they are.

Black men are more likely to be concerned about real oppression like being murdered by police, not so much about one or two showings of a movie not catering to them.

White cis, straight men have the energy to tilt at windmills in a way many minorities do not.

The manosphere is overwhelmingly white. They’re not concerned about oppression at all, but about losing any privilege whatsoever.

You aren’t agruing honestly. Your rationalizations are highly motivated by your misogyny and fragility. You’re being both ridiculous and foolish.

7 years ago

A theater having a women-only showing is segregation the same way that controlled demolition is terrorism.

Just because you can draw some parallel between two situations does not make them equivalent. Context is important.


Being polite doesn’t mean you’re right.

7 years ago

I don’t agree with calling Chessman stupid. Measures of intelligence are often ablist, sexist and racist.

He is a liar. He is a fool. His debate skills are nill.

Still, not an ad hom.

He makes ridiculous claims that cannot be backed with evidence and makes no attempt to even try to do so.

7 years ago

Chessman came here aggressively lying and calling us dangerous bullies, but expects to be treated with welcoming kindness?

That smacks of entitled white dude.

7 years ago

I also notice he has ignored previous detailed rebuttals to his claims and only argues that they are factual in a different thread to make us repeat ourselves again and again. That’s a microagression.

7 years ago

“…in such a trivial and disrespectful way.”

I get it, you think this is trivial as a gender equality issue, isn’t that the whole point of this article…trivializing this issue… aside from the bullying angle, that is…?…where is the actual “misogyny” it is trying to “expose”…? it’s just a hit piece…
femosphere hate propaganda…

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