drama kings entitled babies mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny

Just some dudes who think a lady-only Wonder Woman showing makes them Rosa Parks

Have the guys complaining about women-only Wonder Woman movie showings ever read Wonder Women comics?

When the Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas announced they would be holding a few women-only showings of the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, the angry dudes of the internet all cried “foul” at once.

And when one bold man — a conservative journalist by the name of Stephen Miller — bought a ticket for one of these women-only showings, and announced on Twitter he fully intended to attend, darnit, these men knew they had found their Rosa Parks. Only white. And a dude. And not even slightly oppressed by any reasonable definition of the term.

Still, the angry dudes took to Twitter to share their thoughts. Well, their thought. They all seemed to have the exact same one, and they haven’t gotten tired of repeating it yet.

Er, sorry about that last one. I don’t think that dude is talking about the Wonder Woman movie at all.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Ninja’d on Jason Momoa. I definitely think the biggest part of his appeal is that he seems like a blast to be around. Despite the big muscles, he does not have that macho “alpha male” the red pillers think women like so much. In fact, I only like muscly guys if they’re goofy and/or sweet. Otherwise they seem too threatening for me.

Alpine RN
Alpine RN
7 years ago

Jason Momoa reminds me of many of my SCA guy friends- ‘sword?!? I love swords! Wow!’

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

Hah, yes, “Atop the Fourth Wall” is fun. I presume you’ve seen some of his ‘Miller Time’ sections (those were what introduced me to his stuff) where he dissects just how creepy Frank Miller has become…

varalys the dark
7 years ago

Oh yes, love Miller time. Linkara is very critical of sexism in comics which is cool and him losing his shit at how Frank Miller wrote Wonder Woman in ASBAR is one of my favourite moments. I also like him because he’ll recommend good comics too, I’ve checked out a few of his picks so he isn’t all negativity. I tend to read more indie stuff but I’ve learned to appreciate superhero comics more since I started watching his show because before I was all elitist and sniffy about them, but now they make up half my blog material.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

This whole thing is so stupid. After decades of fighting segregation, now people want to bring it back inch by inch? What’s next? One women’s only screening a month? What’s the big deal? Men have the rest of the month to see the movie. One women’s only cinema day a month? What’s the big deal? Men have the rest of the month to go the cinema. One women’s only cinema day a week? Why are you man-babies getting so worked up? Men can go to the cinema every other day of the week. One women’s only cinema? Who cares?! There are loads of other cinemas men can go to.

Slippery slope fallacy. Movie theaters also frequently have special kids days or sometimes schools rent out a theater to themselves to show a movie. My 7th and 8th grade class did that for a screening of Malcolm X. Yet, somehow movie theaters haven’t become a kids and/or families only space inch by inch, now have they?

Bowling alleys have league nights. That doesn’t mean that bowling alleys are becoming all leagues only all the time.

Restaurants frequently reserve a room or even occasionally the whole restaurant for a private party. That doesn’t mean they will all turn into private clubs.

A tiny example of segregation is still an example of segregation and once you open that door it’s only a matter of time before it swings in the other direction. When some guy demands a male only screening of a different movie (and it really is a matter of when, not if. You just know it’s gonna happen sooner or later), how, specifically, are any of you going to argue against him? I mean, I know how *I* would argue against him. I’d just say “Segregation is wrong and there’s no excuse for it.” But what would you say?

I guess you didn’t read the whole thread. Someone already said that a theater near them had a men’s screening for something. No one got upset about it.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

After decades of fighting segregation, now people want to bring it back inch by inch?

Yeah, it’s super-appropriate to compare a ladies’ night screening to a hundred years of Jim Crow. White men being excluded from a couple of screenings of a movie is exactly identical to black men being beaten to death for daring to look at a white person.

You’re definitely increasing your credibility here. Do go on about how oppressed white men are. You’ll find a totally receptive audience here, I’m sure.

7 years ago

Compare ladies’ night for movies to decades of segregation where children can be murdered for the crime of whistling. What a nice way to compare a person being inconvenienced on that reservation to being subject to “Separate but Equal” for generations.

7 years ago

@shank A difficult to read slippery slope fallacy? No thanks.

7 years ago


I didn’t know that Frank Cho was apparently one of those babies who needs to protect straight men from the faux outrage of the masses. I’m kind of sad to learn that, I enjoyed liberty meadows back when I was still living at home. It was very pretty for a newspaper comic.

Welp, there we go. Another artist to cross off the list.

I used to like him too, but now it’s impossible for me to see any of his work and not be repulsed.

And, since he’s been brought up, it’s the same with Frank Miller too. I tried re-reading The Dark Knight Returns some time back and I couldn’t finish it, all his bigoted and right-wing libertarian bullshit was just more obvious and grating.


Liberty Meadows was a series I was thinking about reading but after whole spider woman thing I’m no longer interested.

That drawing really is one of the grossest fucking things ever.


Linkara is very critical of sexism in comics which is cool and him losing his shit at how Frank Miller wrote Wonder Woman in ASBAR is one of my favourite moments.

It’s amazing how he condemns Islam for its treatment of women, while he nonetheless writes some of the most misogynistic shit imaginable. The majority of his female characters are either prostitutes or manipulative harpies – which is incredibly telling. Even when they aren’t either, they’re portrayed as “crazy” or Dworkin-esque man-haters (like Wonder Woman was – nevermind her whole backstory involving Steve Trevor and all that…). There’s rarely a woman who is none of those things and portrayed as a normal person.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

OT White-on-white violence!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/display_960/image.jpg

Who will speak out against it?!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/display_960/image.jpg

When will it end?!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/display_960/image.jpg

Note that two black men attempt to separate the brawlers.

Why yes, I am channeling the alt-right approach to the newz (the fight at the SF Giants game today).

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


Apropos of nothing, but those dudes have some very nice butts.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

Drifting back on topic: Y’know, considering that this cinema wouldn’t need to host a special screening if it weren’t for MRAs harassing feeemale moviegoers and shooting up feeemale movies… This is all a bit like a serial killer throwing a tantrum because the family he was staking out got an alarm.

7 years ago

Lol nope. Not gonna bite.

I pretty much never go into the city proper. I buy my beans from here: and drink it at home. I love the orca blend. The island that shop is located on is a 20-minute ferry ride from Seattle, though I’ve never actually been. Maybe I’ll talk my husband into a weekend trip soon. 🙂

7 years ago

Rosa Parks. Un. Befucking. Lievable.

I expected it to end after a few examples, but yeesh, they just kept going.

7 years ago

Uh… Rosa Parks was NOT being asked to SIT at the back of the bus, she was being asked to STAND at the back of the bus.

There’s just no comparison.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago

I’m going to respond to a few comments later (too tired right now to do it now), but I have to ask: are we sure that all these Rosa Parks bus tweets aren’t all the work of one person? I mean, they’re all but copypastas of each other. Surely there were some more original wordings than that in there, weren’t there?

Or don’t these guys even have enough writing ability to paraphrase that sentiment into their own words?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


Ah yes, proof that – like Richard Dawkins – being educated and knowledgeable about a certain subject doesn’t make you less of an unenlightened piece of shit…

Sadly true. Dawkins was my intro to atheism, and earlier than that, my intro to the awesomeness of science.

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago

> Rhuu – apparently an illiterati
Well, it has been more visible since the spiderwoman backlash. It was a bit already visible if you read between the lines. And to note, he has been sustained by Milo Manara, because solidarity in assholery is not a vain word, it seems.

7 years ago


Same here. I still got the copy of The God Delusion I brought at an airport bookstore and read several times over – despite the fact I’d never read it again, I haven’t brought myself to get rid of it either. I guess as something of a reminder that it’s probably better to look up to a fictional character like Jean-Luc Picard than a real person who’ll inevitably disappoint you…

@Occasional reader:

And yet another comicbook creator whose work I used to love until his self-victimizing and -aggrandizing bullshit ruined it all.

They could all take a note from James Robinson. When an issue he wrote of a mini-series, Airboy, was criticized for having transphobic humor – guess what he did? He acknowledged those criticisms were totally valid and that, in an attempt to get a cheap laugh, he messed up and didn’t think it through. It really wasn’t that hard to do and (surprise, surprise!) makes him look far more reasonable as a person than if he flipped the fuck out about it.

7 years ago

@varalys the dark – I know the preroll ads you’re talking about! I saw another one by the same dude that cemented to me, yep, he’s creepy proto-PUA. I don’t know if he is aggressively boundary-violating like they are, but he’s very much in the “It is unfair for you to have preferences” boat–at least from what I gathered.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


I guess as something of a reminder that it’s probably better to look up to a fictional character like Jean-Luc Picard than a real person who’ll inevitably disappoint you…

I followed that line of thought and got very sad: Dawkins, also Hitchens (although I still go back and read Mortality ’cause it’s amazing), and more recently, Assange.

But then I thought:
Neil Gaiman!
Terry Pratchett! (RIP)
Amanda Palmer!
And Nick Cave, obv (Mr Cave is my lifelong unrequited love, so no objections will be tolerated).
In sum, it’s still safe for me to admire actual, real people 😀

7 years ago

First saw Jason Momoa in Stargate Atlantis. Once his character got away from the “brooding loner badass” archetype and more towards the “fun-loving badass” archetype, he was much more enjoyable.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


He’s very much in the “It is unfair for you to have preferences” boat.

And I’m sure that when he says “you,” he means women. He certainly doesn’t mean himself.

Just another manospherian laboring under the delusion that when he’s being selfish, it’s a good look on him. Very macho and aggressive, blah, blah, blah.


I haven’t seen you around in a while! I hope you’ve been well. Nice to see you again.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

So hey, guess which movie’s pulling 96% on Rotten Tomatoes.

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