drama kings entitled babies mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny

Just some dudes who think a lady-only Wonder Woman showing makes them Rosa Parks

Have the guys complaining about women-only Wonder Woman movie showings ever read Wonder Women comics?

When the Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas announced they would be holding a few women-only showings of the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, the angry dudes of the internet all cried “foul” at once.

And when one bold man — a conservative journalist by the name of Stephen Miller — bought a ticket for one of these women-only showings, and announced on Twitter he fully intended to attend, darnit, these men knew they had found their Rosa Parks. Only white. And a dude. And not even slightly oppressed by any reasonable definition of the term.

Still, the angry dudes took to Twitter to share their thoughts. Well, their thought. They all seemed to have the exact same one, and they haven’t gotten tired of repeating it yet.

Er, sorry about that last one. I don’t think that dude is talking about the Wonder Woman movie at all.

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PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Fucking Carl Benjamin. Consistently incorrect no matter what topic he bloviates on.

WWTH, interesting choices.

7 years ago

Gonna keep this concise
@ chessman Go f**k yourself

and to the all the manbabies who are freaking out over a woman’s only showing of wonder woman (smh I can’t even believe that I just typed that) It’s Wonder Woman. You macho alpha douchebags hate her, so why are you freaking out. All you asshats wanted to boycott Mad Max because of a strong female lead. Why don’t you just boycott Wonder Woman and leave us the hell alone.

loved how you broke it down

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ opposablethumbs

a donkey sanctuary

Please subscribe me to your newsletter.

Any suggestions for third UK angel?

Johnny Vegas. Bring a bit of sanguinity to proceedings.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
7 years ago

I didn’t know that Frank Cho was apparently one of those babies who needs to protect straight men from the faux outrage of the masses. I’m kind of sad to learn that, I enjoyed liberty meadows back when I was still living at home. It was very pretty for a newspaper comic.

Welp, there we go. Another artist to cross off the list.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

The last movie had a white woman, a white passing half Latina, and an Asian woman. We’re not going backwards on ethnic diversity. Aziz Ansari is perfect. All the other white dudes will hafta fight over 1 spot. Thunderdome!

Overly Long Name
Overly Long Name
7 years ago

Ugh i’ve got a dumb joke i want to make but i cant figure out how to phrase it right

7 years ago

Wouldn’t it be funny if this was just a ploy by women to get men to be outraged enough that they buy up all the tickets, and while filling the theater with all men chomping on their popcorn and juju beans gleefully and gloatingly thinking how they outsmarted all those women suddenly come to the realization that they have just paid money to sit through a movie with a strong kick-ass woman heroine.

7 years ago

@alan I heard a song the other day that I thought was about a donkey sanctuary but I just looked up the lyrics and it turns out the guy was singing ‘darkened sanctuary’. Disappointing!

7 years ago

I’m drinking some of the best coffee Seattle has to offer (no, not Starbucks), but I rarely eat pie. Pretty much only on pi day. 🙂

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

I’d love to see (hear) Whoopi Goldberg do Charlie.

opposablethumbs – Aidan Turner!

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago


Ah “Building 7.” The age old 9/11 Truther shibboleth. The minute you hear that magical phrase, you know you’re dealing with the dumbstupid.

Fits Carlgon to a T.

Adrian Kleinbergen
Adrian Kleinbergen
7 years ago

What’s almost funny is that none of those guys would give a d*mn about Rosa Parks under any other circumstance than making their ham-handed point…

7 years ago

Any suggestions for third UK angel?

Tilda Swinton please.

7 years ago
7 years ago

This whole thing is so stupid. After decades of fighting segregation, now people want to bring it back inch by inch? What’s next? One women’s only screening a month? What’s the big deal? Men have the rest of the month to see the movie. One women’s only cinema day a month? What’s the big deal? Men have the rest of the month to go the cinema. One women’s only cinema day a week? Why are you man-babies getting so worked up? Men can go to the cinema every other day of the week. One women’s only cinema? Who cares?! There are loads of other cinemas men can go to.

A tiny example of segregation is still an example of segregation and once you open that door it’s only a matter of time before it swings in the other direction. When some guy demands a male only screening of a different movie (and it really is a matter of when, not if. You just know it’s gonna happen sooner or later), how, specifically, are any of you going to argue against him? I mean, I know how *I* would argue against him. I’d just say “Segregation is wrong and there’s no excuse for it.” But what would you say?

7 years ago

I didn’t know that Frank Cho was apparently one of those babies who needs to protect straight men from the faux outrage of the masses. I’m kind of sad to learn that, I enjoyed liberty meadows back when I was still living at home. It was very pretty for a newspaper comic.

Welp, there we go. Another artist to cross off the list.

Liberty Meadows was a series I was thinking about reading but after whole spider woman thing I’m no longer interested.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

I would add music, especially rock music and techno as being designated male spaces. Women are made uneasy just playing with men. I play drums (along with guitar, bass and brass) and I’m always being denigrated for having no sense of rhythm. The problem is, I’m not a first study drummer, I only play cause there’s nobody else to, and yes, I do make mistakes sometimes. The trouble is, if it’s a guy doing that he’s ok, he’s learning, he’s confident. If it’s me, I have to represent all of womenkind’s drumming ability, and I have to apologise for them as well. Orchestras can be just as bad, if not worse, especially the ones who refuse to hire Musicians Union members and instead fill their ranks with Freemasons. That’s thecreason so many orchestras are boys only clubs.

Love the new Twin Peaks btw.

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

Y’all want a male action star to be a new Angel, and y’all keep missin’ Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson? The half-samoan, half-black, all-handsome beefcake of WWE and Hollywood fame?



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Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago


I’m drinking some of the best coffee Seattle has to offer (no, not Starbucks), but I rarely eat pie. Pretty much only on pi day.

I don’t consider Starbucks good coffee. I actually prefer to stay away from big chain coffee shops, they’re usually the most crowded ones and I’m pretty picky about the quality.

I rarely eat pie too, but now I’m really starting to crave some….with ice cream and everything. ?

Any coffee shops to recommend in Seattle?

7 years ago

I would pay big money to be at that showing. My favorite response to the entire Wonder Woman Alamo screening MRA butthurt thus far:

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago

@Virgin Mary

I would add music, especially rock music and techno as being designated male spaces. Women are made uneasy just playing with men. I play drums (along with guitar, bass and brass) and I’m always being denigrated for having no sense of rhythm. The problem is, I’m not a first study drummer, I only play cause there’s nobody else to, and yes, I do make mistakes sometimes. The trouble is, if it’s a guy doing that he’s ok, he’s learning, he’s confident. If it’s me, I have to represent all of womenkind’s drumming ability, and I have to apologise for them as well. Orchestras can be just as bad, if not worse, especially the ones who refuse to hire Musicians Union members and instead fill their ranks with Freemasons. That’s thecreason so many orchestras are boys only clubs.

Love the new Twin Peaks btw.

Holy cow! How did I forget about that? Rock music and Metal are full of males, and the Dj world is too. And yeah the Orchestra is awful too.

In rock/metal music women are sometimes accepted as singers, but never as instrument players. Skillet is probably the only rock band out there with two women playing instruments.

Orchestras only accept women as violin/cello/flute players but any other position is impossible to reach. Not because they suck, but because the teachers/directors are male and don’t understand the girls.

I still have to watch the new TP. I’m sure I won’t be disappointed. ?

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

I’ve just never gotten into the Rock/Dwayne Johnson for whatever reason. Tom Hardy, Idris Elba and Jason Mamoa are my big beefcake dudes of choice.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Idris Elba. *drools*

Ah, so many to choose from.

varalys the dark
7 years ago

O/T: I’ve been binge watching the web show on comics called “Atop The Fourth Wall” which is awesome. I have to watch it on Youtube because the player he uses on his website disagrees with Chromium. I keep getting this ad where a man advises women on three ways to compliment a man to get him to fall for them. It’s somewhat creepy in a way I can’t articulate properly, I usually let the ads play so I’m not depriving Linkara of revenue but I do skip that one and it’s reverse psychology PUArtistry.

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