drama kings entitled babies mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny

Just some dudes who think a lady-only Wonder Woman showing makes them Rosa Parks

Have the guys complaining about women-only Wonder Woman movie showings ever read Wonder Women comics?

When the Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas announced they would be holding a few women-only showings of the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, the angry dudes of the internet all cried “foul” at once.

And when one bold man — a conservative journalist by the name of Stephen Miller — bought a ticket for one of these women-only showings, and announced on Twitter he fully intended to attend, darnit, these men knew they had found their Rosa Parks. Only white. And a dude. And not even slightly oppressed by any reasonable definition of the term.

Still, the angry dudes took to Twitter to share their thoughts. Well, their thought. They all seemed to have the exact same one, and they haven’t gotten tired of repeating it yet.

Er, sorry about that last one. I don’t think that dude is talking about the Wonder Woman movie at all.

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7 years ago

Now, why would women possibly not want to attend a Wonder Woman film with a bunch of men who think and often loudly proclaim we aren’t real fans?

Who would want a break from that?

Feral Crone
Feral Crone
7 years ago

That is some sad reasoning.
1. Who made the laws that made Parks ride in the back of the bus?
2. Why did the white men make those laws?
3. What happened when Parks appropriated a white man’s space?
4. Why is it critical that all space be available to any male, but restricted to everyone else?
5. Frankly, no one can trust men not to be assholes. With their sense of entitlement, men can’t seem to muster consideration for others.
Think of it as ‘adult swim.’

7 years ago


i just dont get the supposed “misgyny” angle on it

I’ll be perhaps more charitable than you deserve and try to explain this simply:

In our current culture, there is need for women’s spaces to sometimes exist. There are a number of reasons, which I won’t fully get into, but the core idea is that they’re a reaction to women being a marginalized class.

Men seeking to disrupt, infiltrate, and erase these spaces is a function of misogyny, because they call into question (and/or ignore) the legitimacy of the reasons for having those spaces in the first place. I.e.: Attacking women’s spaces implies that women are not a marginalized class. This is misogynistic.

Note: This isn’t meant to be persuasive, just informative. You might disagree with some of my assumptions (e.g. women being a marginalized class), but you should still be able to now understand why we call it misogynistic.

7 years ago

Shorter every single “argument” made by Trollman and Jank:

comment image

And that’s about as seriously as it all deserves to be taken, too.

7 years ago

big DC and WW fan

No. No, you’re not. You’re a complete fake geek-boy. Anyone can see it.
Pull one of the other ones, kid.

7 years ago


big DC and WW fan… as a fan it’s like a slap in the face… I can see the angle of trying to appeal to more women to get into being fans of dc universe…by selling it as a girl power thing…but most ww fans are guys

Fuck off. Honestly, just fuck off. The fact you claim they’re trying to “sell it as a girl power thing” shows you know absolutely nothing about the character.

If you did, you’d know that a women-only showing of Wonder Woman makes perfect sense not only because – as a character – she’s not only representative of women’s solidarity but also feminism. That’s not just my interpretation of the character either, it was pretty clear that was William Moulton Marston’s intention when creating her. Hell, just take this excerpt from his Wikipedia page:

“In a 1943 issue of The American Scholar, Marston wrote: ‘Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength, and power. Not wanting to be girls, they don’t want to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as good women are. Women’s strong qualities have become despised because of their weakness. The obvious remedy is to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman.'”

If you are a fan, you’re the worst kind of fan: you don’t appreciate the Art for it’s own sake – but the fact it somehow validates your existence.

7 years ago

@dlouwe Glad to finally have an answer why you deem the MRM to be a misogynist hate movement, it’s not because they actually hate women but because questioning the belief that women are an oppressed class and that discrimination and double standards are justified is misogynist.

I thought it was an exaggeration, but it turns out the people who say that feminism is like a religion were completely correct after all.

At least now I know for certain that this “both genders are equal but one is more equal than the other” ideology isn’t sustainable, you’re already having trouble convincing this generation of your ideology so good luck keeping it up for even another hundred years.

7 years ago



“You finally said something I expected! Here’s my predetermined conclusion, to top the assumption that you should be trying to convince me. Maybe if I say it in an appropriately disingenuous way, you won’t grasp that I didn’t actually listen to a single thing you said and might question your own perspective. You can tell it’s a predetermined conclusion because I’m completely and obviously wrong, and what I’m saying is completely in line with what misogynists have been saying since forever.

Also, I haven’t actually engaged with you at all. I’ve just been picking the best pre-chosen responses to direct the conversation to where I can give this screed.”

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

We have seven years of proof the MRM and MGTOW are misogynistic. How is it “questioning the belief that women are an oppressed class” to say that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, that men have to hit women to keep them in line, that women aren’t capable of love, that women deserve to be harassed and doxxed for years for yelling at a man once or making videos analyzing sexism in video games, that date rape is exciting? How is that not misogyny?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

You can really tell that high schools and universities are out for the summer. The trolls are out in full force.

7 years ago


Simple. If a man does it, it must be just and righteous. And if it’s just and righteous, it clearly isn’t misogynistic. /sarcasm


Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


you’re already having trouble convincing this generation of your ideology
Relevant point: 63% of women aged 18-34 (it was a year ago, so 19-35) identify as feminist. If by “this generation” you mean ‘millennials”, then I think they’re pretty convinced…

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago


Don’t forget all the murders.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Disingenuous Fiachra is disingenuous.


7 years ago

“to say that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, that men have to hit women to keep them in line, that women aren’t capable of love, that women deserve to be harassed and doxxed for years for yelling at a man once or making videos analyzing sexism in video games, that date rape is exciting”
Source for MRAs saying these (inb4 r/theredpill)? And yeah MGTOWs are basically the male version of political lesbians.

Hmm, that study is less optimistic than the others I’ve read (such as 18% of Americans identifying as feminist, or 7% of Britons identifying as feminist).

Still its hardly an overwhelming majority (63% of women and 33% of men) and many mistakingly believe that the feminist movement is against double standards, discrimination against men and male gender roles, and these will likely leave (or attempt to reform the movement from within and be driven out just like Erin Pizzey and Warren Farrell before them) as time goes on and they realise that the radicals are in control of the movement.

Men will be free in the end, all oppression and discrimination falls eventually.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


Hmm, that study is less optimistic than the others I’ve read

They actually explain why at the end. If you ask ‘yes or no’, you’ll get 20. It seems like an accusation. ‘Are you or have you ever been a member of the Feminist Party!?’ If you ask to rate opinion, essentially, on a scale of 1-4, you’ll get a lotta 3s

Still its hardly an overwhelming majority (63% of women and 33% of men)

I’ll take a plurality. Besides, your contention was that this generation was unconvinced. There are more feminists in this generation than any other. The absolute numbers mayn’t be stellar, the trends are looking up

Men will be free in the end, all oppression and discrimination falls eventually

Sure thing, champ…

ETA: I see where you came up with that 33% figure for feminist men, but I’m not sure I 100% agree with your police work there…

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Fiachra, you are cordially invited to wank to your fantasies of FREEDOM!!!11!! elswhere.

You are not here to do anything but be a distruptive asshole, which actually undercuts your cause.

Buh bye, now. Run along.

Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
7 years ago

@ Fiachra:

You’re not fooling anyone into believing that you want a genuine conversation.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

Oh, has the saint of syphilis graced us with his presence again? You should really emulate your namesake; go build a hermitage and live a life of asceticism far from everyone.

7 years ago

@dlouwe Glad to finally have an answer why you deem the MRM to be a misogynist hate movement, it’s not because they actually hate women […]

How exactly did you get that answer? Because that’s not at all what I was explaining.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago


The citation is this blog. Feel free to work through the archives. I’m not gonna try to prove to you that the manosphere is misogynistic when there’s seven years of archives proving just that.

I’ll give you a jumping off point though. Warren Farrell is the one who said date rape is exciting. You can Google or search the archives for the rest easily as there are multiple examples.

Nice try at making me do your homework for you but I’m not that naive. If you don’t realize that MRA and MGTOW are misogynists, you either have a ridiculous notion of what misogyny actually is, in which case I don’t need to engage seriously with you. Or you don’t know much about MRAs and MGTOW, in which case you need to educate yourself before jumping in to defend them.

Have fun browsing the archives!

7 years ago

big DC and WW fan… as a fan it’s like a slap in the face

I know this is a troll and a page in the past, but *this* is (in part) the misogyny that warrants the OP.

Women are given *one* showing. One. It’s not on opening day; it’s not a sneak peek; it’s not cheaper/fancier/better than any other showing. There is a tiny, singular, localized aspect of a gigantic movie release that is reserved just for women.

If that feels like a “slap in the face” to you, then that means you think that it is not okay for women to have even the tiniest, least consequential event. You’re saying it is bad to celebrate women in a female context, ever. It is bad to let women do anything that men aren’t invited to. Women literally are not allowed to have nice things. Women are not allowed to set limited, tiny boundaries. Women are not allowed to have fun by themselves for even *one night*.

Is it really hard to see why that’s a problem?

That’s even without the gross appropriation of a genuine civil rights violation to whine about men being asked to absent themselves from *one* showing of a movie.

Bonus points for setting women in opposition to “fans”–even if most fans of Wonder Woman are male, it’s laughable to think there aren’t enough female fans to fill a single theater showing.

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago

Hmm… On the non-mixity stuff, we have a problem here too :

Short story : an association of afrowomen are going to organize a “afrofeminist” festival, divided in 4 spaces, 3 of them with “non-mixity” (in this case, two black women, one for women victims of discrimination, the three taking place in private spaces).
As expected, fachists were quick to jump on the “anti white” part.
What was less expected is that two anti-racism organisations (LICRA – a mainly anti-antisemitism association, and SOS-Racism – a mainly for anti-black and anti-brown racism association ; both are lead by men) and even the mayor of Paris (Anne Hidalgo – a woman, member of Parti Socialist, so theorically on the left) also yelled at that, even using some terms used by the fachists, on the motive that it was “communitarianism”. Even if the organizers say they have nothing against men and non-black persons, just that they want a safe space to speak between themselves.
It seems that some people are not able to understand why some persons prefer to speak between peers… Maybe because they are also one of the reasons that those persons prefer to speak between peers ?

7 years ago

Well, as a person living in the Austin area, I’m just sad that I didn’t hear about these women-only screenings until they were sold out. I told my husband about it, and he said he thought it was a cool idea, and it would have been neat if I could have gone to the women’s-only screening with his mom, who would also like to see it. She used to watch the Linda Carter TV series back in the 70’s.

If the movie turned out to be good, I’d probably see it again with him. But since the woman-only screenings are all sold out, I’ll probably end up seeing it with both of them at the same time. But the girl’s only version sure would have been fun. I heard even the waitstaff is going to be all women. I wonder if they’ll have some sort of themed menu as well.

I feel sorry for those of you who are not familiar with the Alamo Drafthouse. If you are even in Austin for something, you have to go! It is the only movie theater I ever go to. Not only do they serve a full menu (burgers, pizza, milkshakes, BEER), they have all kinds of cool special events. They once showed all three of the Lord of the Rings movies back-to-back (which takes something like 12 hours), and served a “Hobbit feast” to the attendees (breakfast, elevenses, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, supper…). When The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe came out, they make the entrance to the theater look like a wardrobe that you had to push through coats to get into. They always have theme menus for their movies. They had an all pie menu for Sweeney Todd, for example.

Having a woman-only, “Paradise Island” screening of Wonder Woman makes perfect sense. It’s completely in line with their other movie-themed special events.

I mean, Wonder Woman is an Amazon princess from a women’s only island. Any supposed “huge DC comics fans” should know that. Wonder Woman has been blatant feminist propaganda all the way back to when she first started.

I’m glad the Drafthouse doubled-down on it, and I’m sure this whole kerfuffle is just giving them free advertising.

Social Justice Sorcerer
Social Justice Sorcerer
7 years ago

Oh, my god. No. Not even comparable.

1) Rosa Parks was worn out as hell. She could either walk home (and possibly make it worse, making her too tired or sick to do any housework or work the next day) or drag herself to the back of the bus, an act that had gotten her left behind in the rain by that same bus driver before, since he made her get off and get on by the back door, only to drive away while she was trying to do so. She was sitting in the middle rows, which she was allowed to do if the first four rows were open for White riders. The four Black riders on the bus were made to move when those seats filled, but Rosa refused because the White riders would never have been made to do so.

2) Fiacra, Chessman, Alan Robertshaw, you have options. This isn’t the only bus you can take home. All the buses aren’t segregated. You can take other buses. For Pete’s sake, let us have this one thing. What is so special about this one thing that you want it so bad?