When the Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas announced they would be holding a few women-only showings of the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, the angry dudes of the internet all cried “foul” at once.
And when one bold man — a conservative journalist by the name of Stephen Miller — bought a ticket for one of these women-only showings, and announced on Twitter he fully intended to attend, darnit, these men knew they had found their Rosa Parks. Only white. And a dude. And not even slightly oppressed by any reasonable definition of the term.
Still, the angry dudes took to Twitter to share their thoughts. Well, their thought. They all seemed to have the exact same one, and they haven’t gotten tired of repeating it yet.
Why can't the little old colored lady just sit at the back of the bus? Why spoil it for the rest of the passengers?
— D.W.Robinson – ANTI UTOPIAN KILLJOY (@_DWRobinson) May 28, 2017
I doubt it but I'd lay money on it you'd tell Rosa to sit in the back of the bus.
— postwarO27 (@postwarO27) May 27, 2017
Sure, just like it's totally legit to require black ppl to sit at back of the bus, still being accommodated, right?
— (((David Maggard))) (@drm31415) May 28, 2017
"separate but equal"
"back of the bus, front of the bus- what's the big deal?"
"plenty of other lunch counters nearby"
— Howard Roark (@shortwave8669) May 27, 2017
Why doesn't Rosa Parks go sit in the back of the bus? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
— (((Captain Ratio Hornblower))) (@jwvansteenwyk) May 27, 2017
Why didn't Rosa Parks just sit on the back of the bus?
— Hillbilly-Redneck (@CondorXXCondor) May 27, 2017
It's just one bus. One seat. In the back of the bus. Exclusion is exclusion. Opposite of diversity. No need. Principle. Stand for it.
— Steve G (@steveg1425) May 27, 2017
Any discrimination is bad. Would it be ok if I only made black ppl ride at the back of the bus once a day?
— noteasybeinggreen (@scooterthefrog) May 27, 2017
and rosa parks could have moved to the back of the bus, it's not like they told her to get off.
— The Tiger Dog (@TigerDogB) May 27, 2017
Ya, and besides the seats at the back of the bus are just the same. Some ppl just don't know their place, amiright?!?
— (((David Maggard))) (@drm31415) May 27, 2017
It's almost as bad as complaining about having to sit at the back of the bus. What an uppity man!
— Sonic (@MrSonicAdvance) May 27, 2017
"The seats at the back of the bus are just as comfortable as the ones at the front, so what's the problem?"
— Nathan In SoCal (@NATHANINSOCAL) May 27, 2017
"You're not being discriminated against, Mrs Parks. There are plenty of other available seats on the back of the bus."
— STUTTERFLY. 🇲🇽 (@SSTUTTERFLY) May 28, 2017
I don't know, which one bothered black people who had to sit at the back of the bus and use separate water fountains?
— The Tiger Dog (@TigerDogB) May 26, 2017
I jacked off in the back of the bus not too long ago
— Mathew (@Azthetic_) May 26, 2017
Er, sorry about that last one. I don’t think that dude is talking about the Wonder Woman movie at all.
Like, uh, dude,actually fucking read this blog. It’s in almost every goddamn post.
You want me to read them aloud to you maybe?
Every time I think that MRAs couldn’t abuse punctuation more, they come up with new ways.
What the fuck is …?… supposed to mean?
I guess I should be pleasantly surprised that the ellipses have the appropriate number of dots, but they aren’t used correctly either.
Criticism and mockery of terrible beliefs (bigoted), ways of thinking (bigoted), actions (bigoted), and communications (bigoted) are not cyber-bullying. The power differential at the the individual and group level matters.
I’m sure it feels similar, but that’s how human beings change one another’s behavior as a matter of course. Bullying itself is about creating and maintaining certain behavior. Terrible people who don’t want to be critisized and shamed crying “bullying” makes sense, but is still bullshit.
Question for Chessman. Is your username supposed to invoke the old saying about pigeons shitting on the board and calling it a victory, or is that just a happy coincidence?
Chessman is incredibly boring. All of Chessman’s posts can be summarized as WAAAAAAAAAAH CATER TO ME WAAAAAAAAH DO EMOTIONAL LABOR FOR ME WAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
@ chessman
I think being asked to attend a different screening of a film is very trivial compared to systematic disenfranchisement and oppression of black people; yes.
If we ever get to a situation where men can be asked to give up their cinema seats by women, and if the men refuse they get an Alsatian set on them I’ll reconsider.
As for bulling, I think it looks more like this…
@Chessman: +1 for replying to the person with the masculine sounding ‘nym. (Or name, in this case.)
Did you realise you did that? Because you did. Others are talking to you, but you choose only one specific person to reply to.
By the way, have you read that sea lion comic? Or anything about tone policing?
This “issue” is not an issue at all. Men aren’t being barred from ever seeing this, there are no laws in place making sure that men can’t watch the film in other theatres or eventually on DVD or Netflix.
That is the difference between this and the structured racism that Rosa Parks was protesting.
What issue do you even HAVE here? Please state it.
You haven’t because this entire thing is silly.
“What the fuck is …?… supposed to mean?”
Well, when an ellipsis and a question mark love each other very much…
@shank @chessman there are yacht/golf/cigar/motorcycle clubs in the US (and also other countries) that don’t allow women to be members. If you’re really going to cry about segregation, just know that men started it first and they don’t care one bit about it. You should also know that “men only cinema nights” happened in the past years in some american cities.
Can’t trivialize something that is trivial. We’re not trying to reduce its importance because we already think it’s not important. You’re free to disagree and lay out an argument for how it’s non-trivial, but it’s not suddenly a hit-piece or propaganda because you think it’s important and we don’t.
Question marks are hypergamous bitches! Just look at them sandwiched between two three dot ellipses while they don’t even give the MRA two dot ellipses the time of day!
@WWTH: *snort* XD
By autism, you mean diagnosis of it, right? Like how girls with autism tend to go undiagnosed because the symptoms they show often don’t match the boys’ usual symptoms and the boys are used as a template?
In that case, I would like to add diagnosis of heart attacks to that list too.
Here’s MovieBob telling off the whiners:
big DC and WW fan… as a fan it’s like a slap in the face… I can see the angle of trying to appeal to more women to get into being fans of dc universe…by selling it as a girl power thing…but most ww fans are guys…anyway some guys got offended, you folks think it’s trivial…i just dont get the supposed “misgyny” angle on it…where does the actual misogyny come into it…
Man it’s such an insult to want to get more people into Superhero movies
Chessman…you need to…stop…channeling…William…Shatner.
And…stop doing…this.
And stop…pretending…that your fucking MGTOW…movement…is anyway comparable to this woman and the civil rights struggle, you disingenuous ass.
Chessman, you do realise that this is a special showing put on by the theatre, not by the company, right? So the people who made this film aren’t actually the ones who are having the two special screenings?
No, no misogyny here, folks.
Though to be fair, perhaps the fact that this is misogyny + racism is what is making it hard for you? Because this is both.
@ chessman
Well if we accept your premise for the moment as to the demographics of the Wondy* fanbase then replace your ‘but‘ with a ‘because‘ and you’ll understand how marketing works. And if you’re a real fan then don’t you want more people to support the franchise?
(*Got that off Varalys and sort of adopted it)
They’re selling it as a girls’ night thing. There hasn’t been a female superhero movie in decades, and there probably won’t be many in the future either. I don’t see a problem with the exclusivity of a few screenings.
Really? Its like a physical assault to not be invited to one location you probably don’t even live near and weren’t going to go to anyway.
There are over 20 other showings at other locations in that area that men are invited to attend, but it is like being physically assaulted that you can’t attend one?
That. That right there is trivializing. You are trivializing the abuse and oppression of actual minorities by claiming them quite falsely as your own.
You and your continued lie that it is men who are oppressed as a class, not women, you and your insistence that it is men who are in danger from women when men murder, rape and abuse women at epidemic levels is why women need a space to enjoy a film where men are not.
You know it isn’t women shooting up crowds in movies by and for women.
You know you’re dishonest. You know your comparisons are racist and misogynist. You know no one here is bullying you. You aren’t confused. You are pretending to be and that is your own way to be abusive to women.
It’s called gaslighting and you aren’t even good at it.
Chessman, I don’t suppose you claiming that the DC Universe and WW as men’s territory can possibly be part of the fucking problem, do you?
Piss the fuck OFF already.
“OK, Doctor King, we’ll condescend to pass the civil rights legislation but, in return you’ll need to go to an alternate screening of a movie”
“I’ll have to get back to you on that.”
Considering that my sister got screamed at for buying a copy of Injustice 2, I highly doubt that men like this are suddenly willing to allow women into their own “safe space” of superhero media. And we’re supposed to be the snowflakes?
Note: Not Chessman!! My name comes from my ponysona~
Just because the companies that profit off of nerds and nerd culture cater to male fans more, allowing them to be more visible in the culture, does not mean that the female fans aren’t there. Female fans are there and always have been.
It’s a vicious cycle. Male fans bully or sexually harass female fans so that they’re less comfortable going to cons or engaging in internet fandoms in very public ways. Marketers assume the fanbases must be mostly male and cater to male fans almost exclusively and pop culture portrays fans of geeky things as being mostly male. Male fans take this as confirmation that comics, horror movies, sci fi, video games, whatever belong to them and use it to justify either bullying and silencing female fans, calling female fans fake geek girls or just ignoring them altogether.
It’s gross.