When the Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas announced they would be holding a few women-only showings of the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, the angry dudes of the internet all cried “foul” at once.
And when one bold man — a conservative journalist by the name of Stephen Miller — bought a ticket for one of these women-only showings, and announced on Twitter he fully intended to attend, darnit, these men knew they had found their Rosa Parks. Only white. And a dude. And not even slightly oppressed by any reasonable definition of the term.
Still, the angry dudes took to Twitter to share their thoughts. Well, their thought. They all seemed to have the exact same one, and they haven’t gotten tired of repeating it yet.
Why can't the little old colored lady just sit at the back of the bus? Why spoil it for the rest of the passengers?
— D.W.Robinson – ANTI UTOPIAN KILLJOY (@_DWRobinson) May 28, 2017
I doubt it but I'd lay money on it you'd tell Rosa to sit in the back of the bus.
— postwarO27 (@postwarO27) May 27, 2017
Sure, just like it's totally legit to require black ppl to sit at back of the bus, still being accommodated, right?
— (((David Maggard))) (@drm31415) May 28, 2017
"separate but equal"
"back of the bus, front of the bus- what's the big deal?"
"plenty of other lunch counters nearby"
— Howard Roark (@shortwave8669) May 27, 2017
Why doesn't Rosa Parks go sit in the back of the bus? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
— (((Captain Ratio Hornblower))) (@jwvansteenwyk) May 27, 2017
Why didn't Rosa Parks just sit on the back of the bus?
— Hillbilly-Redneck (@CondorXXCondor) May 27, 2017
It's just one bus. One seat. In the back of the bus. Exclusion is exclusion. Opposite of diversity. No need. Principle. Stand for it.
— Steve G (@steveg1425) May 27, 2017
Any discrimination is bad. Would it be ok if I only made black ppl ride at the back of the bus once a day?
— noteasybeinggreen (@scooterthefrog) May 27, 2017
and rosa parks could have moved to the back of the bus, it's not like they told her to get off.
— The Tiger Dog (@TigerDogB) May 27, 2017
Ya, and besides the seats at the back of the bus are just the same. Some ppl just don't know their place, amiright?!?
— (((David Maggard))) (@drm31415) May 27, 2017
It's almost as bad as complaining about having to sit at the back of the bus. What an uppity man!
— Sonic (@MrSonicAdvance) May 27, 2017
"The seats at the back of the bus are just as comfortable as the ones at the front, so what's the problem?"
— Nathan In SoCal (@NATHANINSOCAL) May 27, 2017
"You're not being discriminated against, Mrs Parks. There are plenty of other available seats on the back of the bus."
— STUTTERFLY. 🇲🇽 (@SSTUTTERFLY) May 28, 2017
I don't know, which one bothered black people who had to sit at the back of the bus and use separate water fountains?
— The Tiger Dog (@TigerDogB) May 26, 2017
I jacked off in the back of the bus not too long ago
— Mathew (@Azthetic_) May 26, 2017
Er, sorry about that last one. I don’t think that dude is talking about the Wonder Woman movie at all.
“Ah-hah, hush that fuss
Everybody move to the back of the bus
Do you wanna krump and strump with us
We the typa people make the club get crunk”
-Outkast, “Rosa Parks”
I’m not convinced the situations are completely analogous.
It’s also perhaps worth remembering that the objection wasn’t that black people had to sit at the back, it was that black people had to give up their seats to white people. In fact one proposal from the black community was that the buses should be segregated and if the white section got full, then tough, white people would just have to wait for the next bus. Unsurprisingly that wasn’t acceptable and white people found they could tolerate being at the back of the bus if there were no other seats. Even (a more sceptical person might say, especially) if that meant there was no room for black passengers.
And then, these very same people will harp on feminists for being, ehm, “oversensitive”.
Mediocre white man belief #1: a white man not constantly catered and pandered to is equal to or greater than the stripping of basic rights of a woman or minority.
wtf, was there a memo that went around to all the white dudes that i missed?
There’s women-only cars on the Tokyo subway during peak hours (because groping has been such a major problem). I wonder how these guys would feel about that?
Would it be breaching the comments policy to say I’d be happy for them to pretend to be 1960s civil rights protesters if we can pretend to be 1960s police and national guard?
It always amazes me how these people have little to no empathy for oppressed people yet are always so quick to turn right around and appropriate that oppression.
And Autistic Screeching? Real nice username there.
Sometimes we feminists intercept these memos. We wouldn’t want our prized white knight mangina cucks to fall into enemy hands, now would we?
For any lurking MRAs A special one time event at being held by a private business and about a century of legalized, wide spread discrimination are not the same thing.
Oh, don’t worry. They got all upset about that too.
Yes they also used the Rosa Parks analogy then too.
If anyone is at all curious about the trolls of yore, both NWO Slave and MRAL are in there
@ fabe
Didn’t you predict this in your comment on one of the other threads?
Among the ways this is not a Rosa Parks situation: civil rights activists faced possible life-changing (or life-ending) consequences for their actions. Rosa Parks showed immense courage. A guy buying a movie ticket… not so much. What’s the worst that’s likely to happen to him?
Is a lack of perspective an inevitable thing for conservatives? Because this shit happens all the time. Seems like every day there’s some right-winger being oppressed worse than anyone in history.
When Aaron Sorkin gets it right, he gets it right :
“Sports Night”
Isaac : Danny?
Dan Rydell: Yeah?
Isaac: You know I love you, don’t you?
Dan Rydell: Yeah.
Isaac: And because I love you I can say this: no rich young white guy has ever gotten anywhere with me comparing himself to Rosa Parks. Got it?
Dan Rydell: Yes sir.
Isaac: Good.
Yeah I did but it didn’t really require crystal ball .
I have to wonder how many of these guys get offended when women enter normally all-male spaces? I don’t know about these specific people, but this blog has so many examples of men who complain about women invading all-male spaces, and here is a guy specifically trying to invade an all-female space.
By definition MHRAs look for oppression against men, and often see it where none exist. They make this particular connection not because it is a good analogy, but rather because the Rosa Parks incident is well known. They know almost nothing about the history of oppression, but they do know the name “Rosa Parks,” just like everyone else.
Rosa Parks does not deserve this.
That last tweet was a literal translation of what the others were all struggling to say.
The stupid here on display is too much. If I cringed any harder my face will explode.
There’s not enough shame in the universe.
Also I really need to stop reading WHTM when I get back up because insomnia.
I wish nonblack people would stop comparing every inconvenience or injustice in their lives to the experiences of black civil rights icons.
Dudes were on Twitter like ‘How would you like it if we had a men’s only screening of Thor: Ragnarok or something?’, and everybody else was just ‘That movie doesn’t really call for all male viewing, but your prerogative’. They literally can’t imagine people not being equally outraged as they are by equally mundane shit…
WWTH, oh, God, that thread. I had forgotten just how truly vile and reprehensible NWO was and what a fucking whiny, sniveling little shit MRAL was.
Shouldn’t that sign in the Wonder Woman panel be in Koine?
Also the guys comparing themselves to Rosa Parks is laughable as they’d be the first to demand she sit at the bus.
Reminds me of how some white people go “OMG WHAT IF THERE WAS LIKE A WHITE LIVES MATTER”.
As if there aren’t like 100+ white supremacist organizations that do just that, and even then it’s a false equivalency because there are tonnes of white people in BLM.