entitled babies evil sexy ladies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW of the Day misogyny rationalization hamster reddit

Women who hate-read the MGTOW subreddit really just want our stuff, MGTOW of the Day says

Women just want one thing from men

So the fellas in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit are trying to figure out why women visit their horrid little subreddit and sometimes even post mean things about them there. A fellow called  VanDerVaart has an explanation. Well, two of them:

VanDerVaart 54 points 1 day ago They just want their false worldview reinforced. They think we're all virgins and have no good jobs. They're completely wrong, but they need their feels to not hurt - pretty much the entire existence of women and all their actions is based around this concept. Some of them who have realized we're not all bitter wastes of life recognize that we have spare resources and so they also intrude in hopes of securing these resources. It's pathetic, but once you get into the mindset of "what does she want from me?" when a girl interacts with you in any way, it's very easy to resist.

Yes, that’s right. Some of the women who seem on the surface to despise the whiny misogynistic shits who populate the MGTOW subreddit are actually really into them, or at least really into all the cool shit MGTOWs own because they don’t have to waste their money on, I dunno, buying women lobster dinners in hopes of scoring some sex.

And so these wily resource-hungry ladies are going to try to slime their way into their lives in hopes of … scoring a lobster dinner in return for sex. Or maybe these evil females will just sneak into their apartments to steal their cool-ass gaming chairs or something. Because LL Cool C: ladies love cool chairs.

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7 years ago

Holy shit guyz, it’s atom ant, a really boring shitty sea lioning troll! I can’t remember his schtick. I guess it was that unremarkable !! Lol

7 years ago

@Atom Ant:

We think you are a “sad sack” for two reasons.

1. You are boring.
2. Despite #1, you are surprised and dismayed by the fact that charming women aren’t falling at your feet.

You see, the “sad” in “sad sack” refers to patheticness, not to feeling negative emotions! Why would a charming woman go for you when she could be with someone who’s also charming? Your expectations are unrealistic. Either develop more realistic expectations or work on being more charming and/or interesting.

7 years ago

Yes, I feel that I don’t attract enough comparable women (that is, women on my level).

Probably because most of the female population is on to your crap and steers clear of guys like you.

7 years ago


Is there some boilerplate checklist that these guys just copy/paste on every site that mentions them? Because I’ve been reading these same tired arguments on this site since about 2011 or so.

Yeah, it really does seem like that, doesn’t it?


Kitty high-fives (high-ones?) are the best.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

Yes, I feel that I don’t attract enough comparable women (that is, women on my level).

I mean, I might think that I’m hot enough to get spit-roasted by Jason Momoa and Norman Reedus but that doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen.

7 years ago

Yes, I feel that I don’t attract enough comparable women (that is, women on my level)

Well arent you arrogant. Women of your level? What fuck you mean? You mean women who have no self awareness and believe somehow there is ranks for others humans? What level are you on? Level 10? How do you level up? Collect 10 gold stars? Kill all goblins in this level then you progess?

Also, I’m guessing that you want men to express historically “non-masculine” emotions such as pain and weakness, so we can get away from that alpha/macho crap. Given that, is it really wise to call us “sad sacks” when we do so

First dont pretnend like Mgtow and all like you dont spend your whole time making fun of men who show emotion and call them names because they want to be inlove with women. Second we call you sad sack not because of this emotions, but because you come here from your own choice to website not yours to tell us your option. That sad because we dont care! This website not for you but you still take your time come here and argue. It just little sad and boring. We not coming to you, we not inviting you – but you here. Little bit strange.

You don’t want to talk with a boring guy like me, you want to knock down strawmen and extreme, cherry-picked examples

Actually yes you correct, we dont want talk to you! So please leave )))) and cherry pick yeah would be cherry pick only that david pick a lot cherry already and all rotten! But you trying.

[And hello all this is Valentine 2.0 who does quote, how you like my new look? ;)))) i like professional mammoth now?]

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


A sincere shout out to all of the US Vets and many thanks for your service. Remembering those who fought and died for freedom.

And now I have to point out, again, that no U.S. soldiers have died for anyone’s freedom since WWII, no U.S. soldiers have died fo American freedom since 1865, and that the great majority of the armed conflicts the U.S. has engaged in have been actively opposed to freedom and/or democracy.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


[And hello all this is Valentine 2.0 who does quote, how you like my new look? ;)))) i like professional mammoth now?]

(and the gif is from a collection called … Valentines!!!)

7 years ago

@mish ???thank you! Takes me only 6 years of reading on this website to do it! ))))) i like this one – how to put pictures and gifs on comments?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


You need to post a link to a picture or gif that ends in jpg, gif, or png (if I recall correctly). So with Donald up there, I found him on Google, then right-clicked and chose “open image in new tab”. If the url on the new tab ends in jpg etc. you can just copy and paste it into the comment box and it should be fine.

It was a couple of lovely Mammoths told me how to do that 😀

Here’s a silly sailor cat for you:

comment image

7 years ago

Sorry if this becomes an essay I don’t know how to be concise. I’ve been lurking here for years but I never comment. I really love this site and the commenters here are some of my favorite on the whole internet but I only started commenting on sites myself in the last few months. I just felt I should thank you all for being so interesting, intelligent, entertaining and kind cause like I said I’ve been reading for years and this site makes me feel better about the world(especially now)because knowing that people think like me helps a lot. I’m a 33 year old biracial(dad’s black, mom’s white)bisexual cis woman from NYC so I know New Yorkers tend to be progressive but the results of the past election made me feel like my country hates me. I never felt like that before. I have experienced racism and of course am aware some people hate women and minorities and anyone different, but I didn’t think it was so prevalent in this day and age, maybe living in New York City is a bit of privilege. So thank you everybody, especially David for creating the site. PS: Dalillama, I totally agree with your view on the goals of US Wars after WW2 but I know at least a dozen kids that went into the army from high school cuz they were poor(also, they were all minorities except 1)and only joined because they wanted to be able to go to college and they didn’t know any other way to afford it. Should I not feel sad for the ones who died? I’m not saying they’re heroes, I’m just saying I think a bunch of soldiers in our armies are just poor children being taken advantage of by our horrendous government. Do you feel that’s untrue? I didn’t consider myself a child at 18 but now that I’m 33 looking back, I really was. I was not qualified to make the decision whether or not to go to war. I think very few 18 year olds are. I’m not trying to be insulting, I’m truly curious about your opinion.

7 years ago

1@mish fuck this cat is awesome! Now i try this picture. This is my favourite bird. They following the ship with us. Old stories say they are the souls of dead sailors.
comment image

It works! Fuck yeah, share the knowledge! )))

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


PS: Dalillama, I totally agree with your view on the goals of US Wars after WW2

I didn’t just mean post WWII. WWII and the civil war are about the only conflicts the U.S. ever engaged in that had anything to do with freedom for anyone.

but I know at least a dozen kids that went into the army from high school cuz they were poor(also, they were all minorities except 1)and only joined because they wanted to be able to go to college and they didn’t know any other way to afford it. Should I not feel sad for the ones who died?

Mourning their deaths is one thing, claiming they were heroes is something else entirely.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


That’s a gannet, right? (I thought albatross when you said “dead sailors’ souls” but I’m not really good with birds). It’s beautiful!

Here’s a gannet from down here, in Australia:

7 years ago


We left from NZ on 12th may, this ones was following us! Now we nearly in Panama. Soon will be frigget birds here.

And yes they say albatross, but story has many variations. Albatross they say is souls of bosun (in charge of deck and ABs after cheif mate). And i think i read somewhere gannet is souls of other sailors. But of course it is word of mouth story so you can change how you like it))))

Tosca, Chaos made Flesh
Tosca, Chaos made Flesh
7 years ago

Hi Atom Ant!

You’re quite correct about a couple of things. First, divorce and raising kids does indeed take a bucket load of money, and I’m not surprised you’re financially better off than people who have been through that. Second, as you age, the dating pool shrinks because people pair off, and their tastes change. So yeah, the attention you’re getting will be different from when you were younger.

It sounds like you haven’t found or don’t want a long-term relationship, and aren’t actively seeking a partner. You had no interest in having kids, so you didn’t have kids. You are living your best life, single and childfree. This is fantastic and I don’t know any feminists who would want you to do anything different. I know several people, including my brother, who are also long-term single and childfree. I myself have been single and celibate for 11 years now (although I have children).

Given that “single and childfree” is not an outrageous way to live, I’m curious why you feel the need to identify with the MGTOW movement. I don’t think I’ve ever seen another group based around “being satisfied with your life choices”. Can you explain what it is about the MGTOW movement that you felt would add value to your life?

Collateral Thought
Collateral Thought
7 years ago

@ Valentine:

[And hello all this is Valentine 2.0 who does quote, how you like my new look? ;)))) i like professional mammoth now?]

Very nice!

@ KatieKitten420:

Sorry if this becomes an essay I don’t know how to be concise.

It’s all good! I struggle with brevity too. Polonius tells us that brevity is the soul of wit, but then he yammers on indefinitely, so clearly Shakespeare was just being ironic. Anyhow, there’s nothing wrong in my view with being verbose.

You might find that breaking the text up a bit more (paragraphs every 2-4 sentences most often, but every 1-8 sentences as the situation calls for it) helps people to follow your thoughts though.

I just felt I should thank you all for being so interesting, intelligent, entertaining and kind cause like I said I’ve been reading for years and this site makes me feel better about the world(especially now)because knowing that people think like me helps a lot.

I started posting recently for exactly the same reason. 🙂

Should I not feel sad for the ones who died? I’m not saying they’re heroes, I’m just saying I think a bunch of soldiers in our armies are just poor children being taken advantage of by our horrendous government. Do you feel that’s untrue?

I think Dalillama said it very well already, but as I’m verbose, I’ll express similar sentiments again anyhow. 😉

We should always feel sad for human deaths. We should feel even sadder when those deaths are wrongful or heroic or in service to a greater good.

That’s not to say that all soldiers are heroes; if the country you fight for is unjust, then it’s not laudable to fight for its interests. If you do unjust things while fighting for your country, then you’re still wrong, even if your country is just. And, yes, this gets complicated when America isn’t as just as it should be, which has been the case more often than many would care to admit.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Let’s try this again

And welcome to KatieKitten!


I for one am a MAN and will dominate when I need to and that gets me real women

Tfw somebody takes their kink a bit too seriously…

treat hoe like a hoe, a bitch like a bitch, and a woman like a woman. Real shit right there

Yep, totes real shit. Hoes need to be cleaned and kept out of the elements to prevent rust. Bitches like treats and walks and tummy rubs. And women are fuckin people. Glad we got that settled ?

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
7 years ago

I for one am a MAN and will dominate when I need to and that gets me real women

I wonder who he’s trying to convince.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

I for one am a MAN and will dominate when I need to and that gets me real women

Real women. Not imaginary women, nosirree!

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


You were all the way down here? I stupidly assumed you only sailed around the northern hemisphere 😐

Anyway, this is the last one, I promise:
One of these rather striking birdies turned up in my back yard a few weeks ago. It’s a pheasant coucal (so I found out) – the only type of cuckoo that actually nests/rears its own young.

Sadly, you won’t see any of these out on your ship as they’re mostly ground-dwellers. Gorgeous, don’t you think?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ atom ant

Most of my “competition” has prison records

Then get yourself a prison record then.

It’s easy; and you can make some cash on the side if you pick the right crime.

7 years ago


I know a bitch who is a little more protective of herself and so doesn’t care for tummy rubs. You’re 100% spot on about hoes, though.

Welcome to the commentariate! I understand why you feel that your country hates you. 🙁 I hope we can help make you feel a little more loved sometimes.

As to soldiers in the US military, I love the veterans and soldiers in my life, but this country is involved in wars that are about power and control and not about our freedom. And I recognize that my friends’ reasons for fighting may be that they believe they’re fighting for freedom and I love them for that. But this country is committing atrocious acts against innocent people and I won’t celebrate the country’s reasons for war. I will pay my respect to the fallen soldiers on Monday, though.

Speaking of the holiday, my company sent an invite to a Memorial day toast for Tuesday. My coworkers and I felt it was poor taste. What do you guys think? Is it poor taste to drink booze to remember fallen soldiers?

@Mish and Valentine
Beautiful birds!

7 years ago

Dalillama, how do you feel about the government’s army recruiters practically brainwashing people who are naive and easily led(and remember, very young and poor)into thinking that they are heroes and defending their country? If someone who’s 18 goes to fight in an immoral war, but they truly go because they truly want to help and save people does that not make them somewhat heroic since they are willing to sacrifice their lives to help strangers? For example some of the bullshit they tell them is they’re bringing democracy and equality to people who won’t ever have it and are suffering and dying from lack of it and some people truly fall for that and deeply believe it especially at 18. If you desire to save people from suffering and dying because whether or not it’s true you believe it’s happening, and are willing to sacrifice your life for that cause, aren’t you a bit of a hero? I agree people should be more informed so it’s harder to trick them like that but 18 I was barely aware of politics let alone foreign policy and exactly what our government did in other countries. I knew almost nothing about the atrocities we’ve committed. I can’t blame the kids cuz they truly believe and want to do good(at least the 2 I knew well did) I can deeply despise the government that sends them to countries and lets them die for bullshit reasons and money. If anyone else wants to weigh in on this I’d be interested. I know it’s completely OT but it is Memorial Day weekend. Almost everyone here is entertaining and intelligent so I’d be interested in anyone’s views. PS: the Revolutionary War counts too, right? Along with the Civil War and World War II? They were fighting for freedom from England, I think that was a valid reason.(my pre World War II American history is very lacking. I was more interested in the Renaissance and Middle Ages and Roman Empire and never learned my own history well. Even post World War II I just know a little more not close to a lot)Also, on my next comment I’m going to try to figure out how to make paragraphs to make it more readable as someone suggested. I’m so computer illiterate and doing this on my phone. I don’t even have a real computer at the moment. I was out stupid late last night so I’ll take a nap and maybe someone will have answered when I wake. Hope everyone’s having a lovely long weekend

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


I know a bitch who is a little more protective of herself and so doesn’t care for tummy rubs

Mine doesn’t care for em either. Head strokes and ear scritches are more than suitable alternatives tho 🙂

What do you guys think? Is it poor taste to drink booze to remember fallen soldiers?

It’s my understanding that soldiers commonly drink booze to remember their fallen comrades. Honestly, drinking booze (and pouring some on the ground) is a pretty standard way of honoring the dead. Don’t see why it would be inappropriate. Then again, I’m not, nor have I ever been, in the armed forces, so grain of salt…