So the fellas in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit are trying to figure out why women visit their horrid little subreddit and sometimes even post mean things about them there. A fellow called VanDerVaart has an explanation. Well, two of them:
Yes, that’s right. Some of the women who seem on the surface to despise the whiny misogynistic shits who populate the MGTOW subreddit are actually really into them, or at least really into all the cool shit MGTOWs own because they don’t have to waste their money on, I dunno, buying women lobster dinners in hopes of scoring some sex.
And so these wily resource-hungry ladies are going to try to slime their way into their lives in hopes of … scoring a lobster dinner in return for sex. Or maybe these evil females will just sneak into their apartments to steal their cool-ass gaming chairs or something. Because LL Cool C: ladies love cool chairs.
Yes, because the reason people go to see sharks in the aquarium is because we REALLY want the chum.
I visit their site for the entertaining mix of horrid and comical.
How, exactly, are women gonna score resources (non-virtual ones, anyway) on a chat site????
Best you could hope for is intellectual resources, and, ladies, you’re on the WRONG chat site for those!!!
Personally, i visit their havens for the same reason i sometimes like looking at gory pictures.
Makroth — me too.
I am horrified by MGTOWs’ ideas, mostly, but entertained by the feeble, incoherent way they’re presented. The out-there conspiracy stuff about evil lady wimmin makes me laugh until my eyes water.
It’s like watching a horror/comedy movie.
What stuff? What “resources” do they have that could possibly make it worthwhile to put up with their repellent personalities? This is just their recurring post-apocalypse fantasy without the apocalypse part.
Not all bitter wastes of life? These are the same guys who believe in the genocide of all women because we’re not sexbots – something they desperately want to replace us with. The same guys who think women aren’t human.
..uhuh. Not bitter.. just hateful.
& how can they not see the shit they post like ‘Women are a different species’ and think ‘Wow women coming to this sub – they must like us and want to steal our stuff! Back away you harlots’ and not that maybe, women find the posts vile.
I’m coming for their waifus.
Nobody wants your damn manganese…
Really, now?
Keep whining about how meanie weenie Vaseliney those icky women are.
(H/T to Boink x5, MIA. ???)
swiggity swoogity I’m coming for their anime booty
Re: the “cover art” at the beginning of the post… as a pre-teen, I was enraptured by this type of art on the covers of the men’s mags at the I.G.A. store… though the majority were war art of the WW2 variety, so it was fascination and horror combined…. No wonder I’m so warped!!
I mean, I dunno. I’m more than a little bit of a slut for mozzarella sticks, pizza, and dissolving dudes in the acid spit I definitely don’t have afterwards. Or beforewards if they annoy me. Like these people definitely do.
But putting up with them? I’ll need a truckload of my comfort food. Per minute of interaction. Possibly per second. Not enough resources on earth to justify fucking them.
OT: I heard of a company that tracks down abusive people posting anonymously and sends them cakes with their hateful comment written on it. It seems like a waste of money to me unless the secret ingredient is laxatives, or emetics. Neo-nazis don’t fear being found out because though they bitch and moan about the “violent left”, they understand the left is unlikely to poison their water supply, burn their crops, and deliver a plague unto their houses. Or just kill them.
however, we could be persuaded…
Hah hah from PeeVee’s link, most of the top-rated comment:
My impressions:
– Writing is hard, I get it, but this sentence is a grammatical crime.
– Women are ultra passive/submissive? So the women you’ve tried to sex up just laid there and didn’t respond back? Dude, you were raping those ladies. They weren’t responding because they froze up.
– The next clause unambiguously describes rape. “Basically initiating and forcing them to have sex” is rape, full stop.
– And then the ladies have the NERVE to complain about rape! They more or less compel dudes to rape them by not being totally into the sex being forced upon them!
– “Their refusal to accept responsibility for their share or showing sexual interest or initiating sex with strange men whom they find attractive” sounds like this dude imagines himself to be quite Hot To Trot and yet every woman he meets isn’t throwing herself on him. It must be that women are ultra passive, and not at all that they aren’t actually attracted to him. How can he help raping them? They made him do it, y’all. They were just so passive, and they won’t take responsibility for not admitting to the wild attraction to him that he just knows dwells in their hearts.
This is the highest-rated comment, y’all. This rape primer is what MGTOWs think best describes reality.
PoM, pretty much how I saw it, too.
ahhhh, shit….
@ IgnoreSandra, @ Weird Eddie (waitaminnit, that’s ME)
… comments policy…
Ah, sorry. Won’t happen again.
“They’re completely wrong, but they need their feels to not hurt.”
Eyy! Rev up those projectors!
I’m not sure that stuff can be steam autoclaved.
RE: The men’s magazine art. Like the magazines “Flirt” or “Wink”?
I have a neat book that’s a compendium of that sort of 40s to 50s pinup girl art. I suppose this type of magazine preceded “Playboy”. I don’t know for sure; this was way before my time.
Anyway, it’s a beautiful book. The art almost looks wholesome, compared to today’s crap. I think the old pinup art, more or less glorified women.
Are feminist women just mad because mgtow men refuse to catcall them?
What did a mgtow man ever do to you to get you to target them with this hateful cyber-bullying campaign?
That’s definitely it. Do punish feminist women (and all women) by refusing to catcall them. That’ll show ’em!
Go your own way, buddy. The world is your oyster; stop thinking constantly about women and just go.
@ Chessman
Short answer: No.
Longer answers may come later, depending on who wants to play bakklewheep with you.