So the fellas in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit are trying to figure out why women visit their horrid little subreddit and sometimes even post mean things about them there. A fellow called VanDerVaart has an explanation. Well, two of them:
Yes, that’s right. Some of the women who seem on the surface to despise the whiny misogynistic shits who populate the MGTOW subreddit are actually really into them, or at least really into all the cool shit MGTOWs own because they don’t have to waste their money on, I dunno, buying women lobster dinners in hopes of scoring some sex.
And so these wily resource-hungry ladies are going to try to slime their way into their lives in hopes of … scoring a lobster dinner in return for sex. Or maybe these evil females will just sneak into their apartments to steal their cool-ass gaming chairs or something. Because LL Cool C: ladies love cool chairs.
Your family from russia before now? (Im still working on this WordPress account, maybe will be some time ?)
Okay now i try my next upgrade .
Just now my comment being moderation. ? i change my email , i think maybe better i use personal, not email from work.
@kupo, your family from russia before now? Or your father just knows russian?
Actually, i change my mind. This one is best. Новороссийск. ))
Valentine – Coulda swore I clicked that little devil! очень. Вот мягкий знак! Oh well, I’m having a good time dusting off my decades-old Russian skills, anyway.
Back in the day, I could carry on a pretty good conversation in Russian as long as I was talking shop with an air traffic controller. Oh, and it always helps (me) to be pretty drunk.
opposablethumbs – Just got home a while ago with two six-drawer Alex units to serve as my workstation. I’ll be putting an old oak tabletop between them for my work surface.
I already have loads of the old Ikea plywood drawers; three sets that are about four feet long with three drawers side by side which will go on top of the tabletop, pushed back to the wall to keep the work surface from being too deep.
I’m thinking of making false bottoms for a few drawers because that’s easier than making secret drawers.
draaaaawerrrrrssss, ohhh yasssss!!
?? im hoping that for confidence not because of stereotypes! I worse at all things when i drunk – except video games, then I’m king! ))))
Also fuck my comments all stuck being moderation…free them please david!
My library was getting rid of its old card catalogue, with all of its lovely, lovely drawers, and I wanted it so badly!
My branch manager got first dibs on it, though, so he got it. ?
Love the new pic. What’s the statue?
Also, you are hilarious 🙂
(it’s pretty normal to get stuck in moderation when you change your name or avatar pic – and you seem to be out now)
My family isn’t Russian; my father just speaks it. I’m not sure why he picked Russian, but I know he loves all the classic literature from Russia, so maybe that has something to do with it.
I am funny? ))) thank you Yes this statue from Novorossiysk, she woman and bayby saying good bye to sailors and in background is Mikhail Kytyzov – old soviet warship. Funny but she saying goodbye but because Novorossiysk is bay actually even though she face water, really she facing inland. ))) little bit silly.
Well this is good anyway. No better reason to know Russian than because he love classic stories ))))
Thank you everyone especially Axe and Dalillama for your responses. You gave me a few things to think about. Of course intent isn’t magic, but I always felt like since they were tricked, outright lied to, and halfway brainwashed it wasn’t really their own intent.
I’m not good at analogies but if someone completely convinced you pressing a button would save people’s lives in other countries but really it knocked down their houses and ruined their crops and sometimes even killed them, is it your fault for being naive and young and believing them or their fault for lying because your intent was to do good?
Your point about everyone thinking they’re heroes including Daesh and assorted other horrific people is interesting and definitely true to a point(and I need to think about it more) I feel our military is at least a little more brainwashed in a different way, the recruiters tell them huge lies and trick them outright.( I have no idea how daesh recruiters work)
Also I obviously need to learn more about the Revolutionary War and other parts of American history. I only know the pro-america almost propaganda history they teach you in school and honestly Hamilton the musical taught me a few small things because I’m obsessed with it right now.
Thank you everyone who helped inform me I know it’s not my right or your responsibility. I’ve only just started being interested in politics and related things recently so I’ve only learned so much so far. And thank you everyone for being kind about it, my boyfriend and my girlfriend say I tend to be very naive for 33 and it can be sweet but it can also be annoying.
TL-DR I honor and mourn the individual soldiers deaths, but do not glorify or honor the wars themselves and I need to think more about some of the views I hold as I receive new information
It’s not a good look to remove these people’s agency. They’re adults. They made decisions. Plenty of other adults made other decisions. Saying they’re not responsible for their choices is kinda nonsense
Yes. Not being facetious here. Propaganda is a 2 way street. The bullshitter is at fault as is the person who believes it and acts accordingly. Honestly I wouldn’t press the button. Wouldn’t trust it, wouldn’t trust me to make the right choice
None of this is to demonize veterans. One of the guys who got stabbed for standing up for those Muslim girls on the train was a vet and a Republican politician. And I despise those muffugas. But people are complex. Just, part of acknowledging that complexity is treating them like full human beings with agency and responsibility 🙂
Валентин – Oh no, not the old stereotype! Alcohol lowers my inhibitions in a way that cannabis doesn’t to make me less concerned about vocabulary and grammar mistakes. The weird thing is that I actually make fewer mistakes when I’m drunk!
I can also play billiards way better when nearly falling-down drunk.
Pee Vee – Sorry you didn’t get that library card file! Even though I figure the drawers are WAY deep and the sides too low to be of any real usefulness, if I had the chance to get one, I’d snap it up, too!
You are idiot-sav-drunk then ? i dont know what billiards when sober, not even when drunk. I think like bowling? Is that correct?
My friend Egor from russia and he not drinking at all because this stereotype and because Yeltsin. He same generation as me but 2 years older exactly so he remembers this president and putin and dmitryi Medvedev. Compared to yeltsin, putin and Medvedev seem like big improvements. He doesnt like be like this stereotype ‘drunk russian’. I understand him and i really respect that this his discesion. I am proud to him becuase I cant do like this, i enjoy too much )))) but also i ukrainian so most people not even know what stereotype i have, they think maybe i russian from accent or if not they think only of Nazis like Azov group, or of wheat, or maybe of war if they knows about this. I saw one map on twitter, they asking Americans to find locate Ukraine on global map. One put in new zealand! I hope this one was joking! ))))
Billiards is the one with two white balls and one red one on a great big baize-covered table with no pockets 🙂 (as opposed to snooker, which has loads of reds and lots of different colours plus a white and six pockets, or pool which has two sets of different colours plus one black one and a white and six pockets but is played on a small table. Ach, you know the stuff I mean). So a little something to relax the nerves and steady the breathing could definitely make one play better (too much something, and one’s aim goes to shit of course) 🙂
I did a lot of crafting at the time, and it would have been useful. Plus it was gorgeous cherry wood. Even if I didn’t use it for my sewing/craft supplies, I would have found a use for it somewhere. It was just that pretty.
Ah billiards, the zen version of pool. Goal: Hit both of the other balls once with the cue ball. Continue scoring until you fail to hit both of the other balls. “Running the rails” is one of the better ways to continue scoring. Lovely game, but good luck finding an appropriate table for billiards or snooker anywhere in the US. There might be one (and only one) at your local pool hall.
Okay question. Whats ‘baize’? I know snooker/pool. One from the bar in england ? i try this one before few times. I am not very skilled. This one and darts i also try before. Also i am not skilled at darts. In a bar i am skilled at drinking and talking. Maybe (thinking) i can dance ??
Yup. Road to hell, good intentions, etc. I mean, why would I believe some rando who says, ‘hey, this button will do a lot of good!’? More to the point, why would I believe some hired killer (and make no mistake, that is what a soldier is) on the topic of the wonderfully beneficial effects of organized violence perpetrated on the whim of an oligarchy? I mean, you have to consider the source. Which is why I burned my Selective Service registration when I was 18. Although admittedly, I was lucky enough to know I was going to be able to go to college anyway, which is a consideration.
Pretty much the same way. There’s a distinct pattern to how these things go.
Baize is the cloth used for covering pool tables.
@Valentine, I was going to say it’s that felt-type cloth covering the tables whose natural colour is and must always be green all other colours are blasphemy … but then I saw Dali had already answered you, so I won’t 🙂
@dali and opposable
Well there it is then. Thank you ?
Thanks for answering, Axe+Dalillama? You’ve made me think some of the views I hold are mistaken. I cut 18 yr olds a lot of slack, cause when I was 18 I was as ignorant of politics and current events as I could possibly be while still living in this world. I cared about cute boys and girls, my group of friends, drugs and raves and my fantasy and sci-fi novels and that’s it. Period. Most of the people I knew were also like that. If you say me and my friends are an aberration and I should give young people more credit, I can believe that. I learned in Psychology class that your brain doesn’t finish growing til your early 20s so I thought teenagers had less capacity. It was definitely easier to take advantage of me and trick me then it would be now. But as you said you have to consider the source you’re getting your information from, and I do that now but I don’t know if I would have when I was 18. I’m very impressed that both of you were so aware and skeptical and intelligent so young. This is my last comment on this thread I’m sorry if I hijacked it a bit next time I comment it’ll be OT. Feminism I actually know a tiny bit about so I hope I won’t sound as ridiculous in future comments. I hope everyone had a lovely long weekend
Unfortunately not aberrant. Thing is tho, kids can do both. I mean, the 60s youth counterculture had sex, drugs, rock and roll, and antiestablishment politics (or as much as could be expected from mostly privileged white kids at the time). Young folks have regularly been at the forefront of social change. The Vietnam protesters were largely just outta high school! John Lewis was on his way to coleading the Civil Rights movement starting when he was like 16!!! *breaks into soaring rendition of Greatest Love of All*
That’s not really to do with incapacity as much as experience. Best definition of childhood I’ve heard is ‘adulthood with less EXP’. 20 or 40 or 80, it’s all about building up instincts and heuristics for sussing out bullshit. You learn, you level up, you’re better prepared for the next round
Learning opportunity: OT stands for OFF Topic. Yes, it and ON Topic have the same initials, but it’s really only used for OFF. Everyone caught your meaning tho ?
Til next time, fam!