alt-right crackpottery heartiste racism white genocide white supremacy whitepocalypse

The Little Engine That Could … Commit White Genocide?

Zoom zoom train go fast!

Over on Chateau Heartiste, everybody’s favorite pickup-artist-turned-racist-shithead-with-delusions-of-literary-grandeur Heartiste is getting pretty worked up about Confederate statues and, er, high-speed rail.

The Confederate statues being torn down across the South are just the latest battle fronts opened up by shitlibs who obey the credo that a good offense is the best defense. As the shitlib religion sits on a very shaky foundation that the Maul-Right is currently rupturing with seismic waves of realtalk, it behooves shitlibs to press their hate machine forward, into enemy territory bla bla bla blabbity blab blab bloo bloo. 

Ok, I got a little bored there, and you probably did too. He finally comes to the point:

The lesson: never give the Left an inch. They’ll take a parsec. Confederate statues today, books authored by White men tomorrow, until it finally reaches end game: second class status for all Whites outside of a few Acela elites who sufficiently grovel at the altar of anti-Whitism.

Acela elites? Acela is a regional “high speed” rail line on the east coast that can only run at top speed on less than 30 miles of track because our rail infrastructure is so crappy. Apparently the people who ride it are all seeekret Soros race-traitor Illuminati who conduct dark anti-white rituals on the train’s altar cars. Who knew?

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Collateral Thought
Collateral Thought
7 years ago

@ Policy of Madness:

I hope my posts didn’t seem adversarial. That really wasn’t my intention at all! I just love those words. I also love both discussions and debates, and perhaps I was leaning too much towards the latter above. I sincerely didn’t mean to exhaust you. Apologies.

Take care, rest well, and please do wake up tomorrow.

7 years ago

I hope you get good rest спокойной ночи и сладких снов! ))) i am sorry this discussion exhasted you because you made clear very what i meant so thank you.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

Ironically, I am running out of both physical and metaphorical spoons.

@Valentine, others:

7 years ago

Sorry i can’t load this one seems like it is big. But i know this spoons from before. It like your energy for the day and is limited by how much ‘spoons’ you have. But also maybe you don’t know how many is there so you have to chose which to do and which not to do because you cannot do all that you want for that day because not enough spoons. Is this correct?

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


Yes, that is correct.

7 years ago

Was i being insensitve before?

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

Nope. Just found it interesting to read. It explains how the thing was invented. It’s really quite fascinating. I thought you and others might appreciate finding out more about the history of the theory.

Collateral Thought
Collateral Thought
7 years ago

@ Francesca:

I hadn’t read that before. That’s a hell of a good analogy, and resonates with me. Thanks for the link.

@ Valentine:

That’s correct. Spoons represent energy and ability to do things, and illnesses of various sorts limit the spoons available. All sorts of tasks that most healthy people take for granted are really costing spoons, but they don’t need to count their spoons, so they don’t notice. Being sick means (among other things) being aware that your spoons are limited and you need to prioritize. Hygiene costs spoons. Interactions with others cost spoons. Work costs spoons. Eating costs spoons. Cleaning costs spoons. Entertainment costs spoons. And so on.

F is for "Fro"
F is for "Fro"
7 years ago

You know, I have a friend… well, rather someone who I became friends with, and then they revealed themselves as an Alt-right sympathizer over time. I still like the guy, but I really dislike what he’s become– it’s hard to be around him anymore. He was mentioning something about this to me the other day, and I couldn’t grit through it anymore. I mean, seriously, why do people defend these statues? Especially people calling themselves patriots or whatever– these statues glorify people who were essentially so Anti-American that they seceded and made their own crappy country atop the backs of slaves. Yet, those 3 (?) years of countryhood have been glorified for the past hundred-something years by people who paint themselves as the widest flag-wavingest Americans. I don’t understand– I don’t understand how they don’t see the painful irony.

I also don’t understand this guy’s writing style, or rather his writing gimmick. Does he have any idea how clunky his word choice is?

7 years ago

@fran okay sorry. I misinterpret. I can’t load now but maybe when all are sleeping after my watch i will load this one

@collateral you got ninja by fran the ninja! ?? but also thanks for clarification

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


Don’t worry about it, Valentine, it’s quite all right.

As you can see, I figured some of y’all might find it a good read. That’s what I’m here for, as one of the Irregular Mammotheer Reader Club members.

And of course I out maneuvered Collateral; I didn’t get to be Femoid Special Forces Major for nothing, you know. 😛
comment image

7 years ago

@fran that true…should have seen it coming. Though then ninja is not supposed to be seen ??

Collateral Thought
Collateral Thought
7 years ago

@ Valentine:
@ Francesca:

I took too long composing my reply. S’all good. 🙂

7 years ago

OT but, apparently Sargon and Thunderf00t are feuding.

I’ll make the popcorn.

7 years ago

I’m trying to work out a Numbskull-to-English translation of what Shartiste is trying to say, but it’s harder than usual tonight. I guess I’ll just leave him to sum it up in his own, er, WORDS:

bla bla bla blabbity blab blab bloo bloo

Nice work, Sharty, you actually imploded my irony meter for the third time this week. When are you gonna send me all those new ones you owe me?

7 years ago

May the best (worst?) douchebag win.

7 years ago

While I find some parts of the manosphere perversely fascinating, like the clueless techbro MRAs and…whatever the fuck Vox Day might be categorized as (if you bother seeing him as anything other than a Nazi, which I won’t argue with), the pickup artists have always bored me. It’s like Heartiste realized pickup artistry has played itself out and he has to switch to total White supremacy in order to stay relevant to Neo-Nazis.

I remember intelligence being undervalued in school. I remember students going out of their way to appear anti-intellectual, with one girl responding with “I, read a book?” when we were asked by a history teacher what we read over the summer. I hated all the students and I’m glad I missed reading Atlas Shrugged or Ender’s Game and that 4Chan and Reddit didn’t yet exist or else I might have become a very different person. Now I’m more angry at a system that makes learning uncool and wonder how many of those students I had hated were equally in pain and were going along with peer pressure.

7 years ago

Aw, disappointed that this wasn’t actually about Southern high-speed rail; I did some of the preliminary studies for regional high-speed train service (originally referred to as the Deep South corridor, but I guess that sounded a little too hick so renamed to Gulf Coast corridor)–this was back in the day when the federal government had identified regional high-speed corridors and made funding available for service improvements.

A friend just sent me this comparison between American and European trains:

Re the statues–I don’t remember two of the four statues that have been taken down in NOLA. I do remember the Beauregard one, as I thought it was a beautiful piece of sculpture–but it was out of my way, and I rarely actually saw it. But the Lee Circle statue–that was a significant part of the city’s landscape–right on the streetcar line, and a sort of marker between city sections as you went around it heading to or from downtown. It must feel very disorienting to residents to have it disappear. So disorienting, in fact, that it might even prompt a little reflection on what the statue meant to all of the city’s residents, and how it came to be so prominent in the landscape. (I don’t know if only the statue was removed, or both the statue and the tall pillar it sat on–I think it might have been worthwhile to leave the pillar, and to have developed a competition for the city’s residents to design something to replace Lee’s statue.)

ETA haha awesome:

‘The city plans to leave the column at Lee’s Circle intact and will mount public art in its place.’

7 years ago

What the fuck is the “maul-right”?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

I like Behoove because it has a specific meaning that isn’t really encapsulated by any other word I’m familiar with.

But now, thanks to Valentine, I’m imagining behoove as something farriers do to horses.

Speaking of words, this may marginally amuse our French Mammotheers. I’ve got to register a building development site with the Post Office. At the moment it’s just a big bit of wasteland. But we decided to go with one of those very twee names, like people do for houses.

We’ve chosen ‘Site de Basculement’. Hope that means what we think it does,

7 years ago

Next step–get Andrew Jackson out of Jackson Square. He is a fucking disgrace.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago


So, this guy started out as a PUA, yeah?

How’d he get from “say THESE words in THIS arrangement to make feeeemales get vagina tingles” to “WHITE GENOCIDE!!!1”?

Long time ago someone here posted a four-panel comic illustrating the natural life progression or manospherian men:

1. Childhood (grade school age boy declares that girls have cooties)

2. Teenhood (teen boy on internet, finds out that “cooties are real”)

3. Adulthood (man dons fedora, sits on computer mumbling about cooties)

4. WTFhood (man dons nazi uniform, waves guns while ranting “Cooties! Jews! Jewties!”)

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

What the fuck is the “maul-right”?

I guess the alt-right, consisting of manly masculine men fighters who will viciously destroy their enemies and cleanse the earth – but only if someone punches them first.

7 years ago

Well back to behooves. I look in mh dictionary and also on translate – not helping. So can someone explain? I try to understand Lucrece description but i still dont. Specially now Alan said ‘it has a very specific meaning’, i still dont get it….

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Valentine

‘Behoove’ conveys a sense of duty or, perhaps, an obligation. It’s something that’s the ‘right’ thing to do. It also has a particular sense when used in a negative way. Saying to someone “It ill behoves you to…” is like calling them out for dereliction of duty or hypocrisy.

Hmm, I’m not explaining this very well. But to give a topical example: “It ill behoves MRAs to call other people ‘snowflakes’.

It’s funny with language, you sort of intuitively use it but don’t understand the theoretical underpinnings until you have reason to take a closer look; like @guest’s metaphor thing.

ETA: sorry Valentine, having read that back that’s even more confusing. I’ll leave it to one of our linguists to explain properly.