Ariana Grande has been getting a lot of hate from alt-rightists and other assholes in the wake of the terrorist bombing that killed nearly two dozen after she performed in Manchester.
The alt-righties blame her for the bombing because, well, she supported Hillary Clinton, participated in the Women’s March against Trump, and in a bizarre incident several years ago licked some donuts in a donut shop and declared that she hated America, in what was apparently some ill-conceived impromptu protest against American consumerism, or something.
She apologized for the donut thing, but the unforgiving righties still think she’s the virtual equivalent of the Manchester suicide bomber. The execrable Milo Yiannopoulos, for example, declared in a Facebook posting that Grande is “ferociously pro-immigrant, pro-Islam and anti-America. Makes you wonder whether they bombed to attack her or in solidarity.”
That’s pretty terrible. But somehow the Men Going Their Own Way (But Not Very Quietly) over at have managed to outdo even Milo in their incoherently angry (and utterly unfair) attacks on the singer.
“Ariana Grande is another feminist that loves Islam and hates TRUMP,” declared a fellow calling himself Man in the Mountain in a forum posting.
Repulsive woman that lets her ego get to her tiny brain and our youth worships these cock ballerinas that can’t even sing right!,
I’ll give you a second to process the mangled syntax before we continue.
WTF is up with the world today!, this fucking bitch wished dead to her fans and now had her wish granted!, now instead of staying in England where the attacks happened and show “solidarity”, she escapes to Florida to the arms of her blue pill husband LOL. What a hypocrite …
How is the media not covering this fact and laser focusing only on what happened? oh that’s right, shes a woman, we cannot demonize the demons among us in our society….THIS IS THE BLUE PILL HELL!.
And when they even mention this cock riding bitch, they are always saying how “sad” she could be feeling about what happened…..I don’t think shes sad, she probably fuck the guy after what happened while she was on some sort of high because her “life” was on the line…..
What a thoughtful fellow.
Others in the thread were equally angry, if a little less incoherent. Someone called ResidentEvil7 declared:
She loves the Islam cult that caused terror at one of her concerts and hates the guy that wants to stop it. Tells you what kind of nature she has.
Someone called “Two Time Winner” offered these completely reasonable thoughts:
How can you be a feminist and love Islam. She must have no clue what the religion is about and thinks it is fashionable to support it. They would let about 50 ISIS guys rape her and then cut off her head
Someone called “blade” declared that this scenario “would probably turn this sick little fuck on.” Probably not so much after the beheading, though.
In another comment, blade suggested that someone
Dump this trashy c*nt in Afghanistan . Little kids blown to bits that she makes money of . Evil c*nt of a thing .
“Freedom Not Slavery,” meanwhile, didn’t let his complete ignorance get in the way of his hatred.
Don’t know who she is but supporting terrorism is treason and she should be executed for it.
“Bagsofsand” informed his colleagues that he’s been suspicious of Grande for some time.
As soon as I saw Ariana Grande on TV some years ago, I noticed something was very OFF about her.
I quickly noticed the extreme hypocrisy in her behaviour, and look of DECEIT in her young, ‘pretty’ face.She’s not a kind person.
Yeah, I’m not really sure that anyone on is qualified to offer opinions on anyone else’s kindness.
H/T — @TakeDownMRAs
Wow Milo you’re doing a really good job of making me like this woman.
That dang-blasted news media, always reporting on established facts instead of playing along with MGTOW fever-dream speculation!
Every migtoe ever, translated (Numbskull to English):
Waaaaaa, this woman who I secretly want to bang will never want to bang me. Yet there she is, openly parading her bangingness and bangability to men (and possibly also feeeeeemales) who are not me! I hope terrible things happen to her for leaving me here with my sad, unused boner! Now I must wank, so I’m gonna do it ALL OVER THE INTERNETS, so all the feeeemales can see what happens when you ignore me, me, MEEEEEEEE!
Really. Isn’t that what YOU all hear coming out of their tiny little orifices? Please tell me I’m not the only one…
(It really is getting hard to distinguish these self-alienating wankstains from those other self-alienating wankstains, the so-called incels. Not that there was ever any real difference between them, other than the silly labels they choose to wear…)
Some more brainbleach:
Translation: “No for the last time you’re not allowed to ban people based on their beliefs.”
Off Topic @ Francesca: do you know I’m a big fan… now that they’re on a major label they probably don’t qualify as “obscure” though…
back on topic: I’m not really into Ariana’s musical style but she’s gut a damn impressive voice. so fuck that claim that “she can’t sing right.”
the shit that always boggles my mind is their style of, I guess, straw manning, that involves wholesale speculation and just pulling out of their asses what a woman thinks or does, and then condemning her I the basis of the invented thoughts and actions. jfc.
OT: Oh hey!
GOP strategist admits he colluded with Russian hackers to hurt Hillary Clinton, Democrats
It’s bigger than Trump
From the comments:
@Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
This is treason. Bold faced treason with full knowledge of knowing this is treason.
I’m very interested in seeing how this all shakes out.
Could be treason.
Milo is probably less interested in that. Remember, this is the guy who claimed to have turned gay because he found women so repellent.
@ Ooglyboogles and Kat
It is not treason, because the constitution defines treason so narrowly. Treason is either waging war against the United States or helping those who are doing so. Russia is not at war with the United States, so it doesn’t count. Cooperating with an unfriendly foreign power to undermine American democracy should qualify as some kind of criminal act, and I certainly hope it does, but I don’t know what that crime would would be.
Malala Yousafzai says hi. So do millions more people. You fucking creep.
@ D
We have a history of people conspiring with foreign powers for purposes of espionage (and getting arrested for it), so I presume those particular laws would be applicable to this case.
Re their love of Breivik – good point!
Do people do that, bomb each other out of solidarity? Or are you just a bellend who would write anything about anyone to desperately make himself relevant again, now that ‘Daddy’ won’t answer your calls.
(Slightly OT)
I don’t know if anyone caught the UK Channel 4 news last night, but there was the most extraordinary interview with some guy called Michael Scheuer, about the leaking of evidence of the bombing, which left both me and the actual TV interviewer speechless.
This Scheuer – who I’ve never heard of, but I’ve been looking the berk up – first off claims that the leak has been done ‘to embarrass Trump’, shouts at a British ex-Chief Constable and Channel 4 for being biased, then says whoever leaked the documents should be ‘lynched’.
There are some sorry specimens in politics at the moment. Schueuer, according to some online articles, is married to a torturer and has promoted the idea of provoking a war between Sunni and Shia Islam to basically ethnic cleanse the Middle East, so he seems like a real charmer. But then his boss pushes other world leaders out of the way to get a better place in a photo shoot, so you can see the appeal for boorish, terrible males.
These MGTOWs are reprehensible and utterly beyond the pale. I strongly believe there should be consequences for this kind of free speech. Some kind of fine at the very least. Freedom isn’t free after all, I heard that in a corny 9/11 song. Ariana should sue them all.
I feel sorry for Ariana Grande. Obviously her situation pales compared to the victims and their families, but ironically that makes it more difficult to deal with. She’s rightly not saying “poor me”, but things like this have devastating effects on musicians. Kate Bush couldn’t face touring for decades because one person had been killed at a gig, and that was just an unfortunate accident. How does Ariana go on stage now without this all flooding back?
You’re also damned if you do, damned if you don’t with regards to the rest of the tour. Go ahead and you’re being disrespectful, cancel and you’re letting the terrorists win and disappointing your fans.
I’d never heard of her before this, but it does seem she’s behaving as impeccably and appropriately as is possible in response to the event.
Very not relevent to these assholes but fuck i am angry.
Did Samsung’s update by accidents because i have big stupid fingers and press to apply ?. So bad ? and now even though my phone on russian it gives me only English keyboard and no internet to download Russian one?! What the fuck!? And now i am using Bulgarian keyboards for russain. Fucking shit and all letters in wrong place and not enough
??? because they put only Bulgaria as defalt but i must to download russian and Ukrainian? What is this shit. No one speaking bulgarian anyway…
Incels of the world, don’t give up hope. You might be irredeemably horrible, but somewhere there might be an equally horrible human being for you!
Welcome to the year 632, you ignorant jerk.
But fuck this is nice ???????????? i didnt have this before!
Speaking of vile people making horrible statements, Katie Hopkins has been sacked by LBC for her ‘final solution’ comments:
Alan i also understand this one. Ariana is correct to look after herself. All fans who were there also will have the same feeling like her, there will be more sympathy than hate i know. Or i hope. So many people have PTSD and understand her for this.
Katie’s been sacked? *does happy dance*
Yesterday I saw someone had left a hitler “hit the gas” meme in response to a Joan Cornella strip on facebook. I don’t understand what is happening to the world any more. I just do not understand how these people can call themselves human beings when they not only don’t have one shred of empathy or compassion but want to actively raze those things from the face of the earth.
Ariana seems cool. I’d never heard of her before, because I mostly listen to spotify and spotify presents me with more of what I already listen to in some kind of music bubble reinforcement loop, which is why I know a lot about obscure hip-hop and 70s post-punk and nothing about anything else. But she’s doing some pretty cool stuff.
I wouldn’t blame her if she decided never to perform again though. I cannot begin to imagine how she must be feeling right now.
@Violet, Alan
Great news about KH in the short term, but I fear she’s like a whack-a-mole, and will pop back up out of a hole elsewhere, indestructible as ever.
After the minute’s silence yesterday I was discussing the bombing with some of my year 10 students (mostly 14/15 year olds). There was absolute sympathy for how Ariana Grande must be feeling, as well as the general sympathy for other victims. What didn’t come out of the discussion was any desire to ‘kick back’, to persecute others, or start using the event to make general horrible comments. That our 15 year olds are respectful and empathetic helps me keep calm when I read this MGTOW shite, and gives me more hope than the internet does.
And in other news walking colostomy bag Piers Morgan criticizes Ariana for not visiting the victims in hospital.
I love how the worse MGTOW comments are strategically put on display for everyone to see. Just grab a bunch of comments off a forum. You pull the comments out of an ongoing transcript. I also love how MGTOW is now alt right when there’s nothing political about it. Now I see how I have been brainwashed to believe what I use to believe.
“Shame shame label label point names names names.” Keep up the good fight. Keep fighting a group of men following a philosophy. Censorship is your only way to win against a philosophy that is saving men’s lives. There is no protesting it. The best you can do is find a MGTOW and protest outside his house. It upset you doesn’t it?
‘Why is the media… laser focusing only on what happened?’
That bit made me laugh. The rest? Haters (more specifically, over-priiledged annonymous aholes) gonna hate.
Yet again, “Islam” is a catch-all for these idjits. It’s never “radical Islamic terrorists”, or “ISIS”, or “Daesh”, it’s always just “Islam”.
GTFO my fandom.
All your games belong to the Queer Feminist Gamer Illuminati! Hail Katie!