It was a busy day on the Incels subreddit yesterday. While some subreddit regulars celebrated the third anniversary of “incel killer” Elliot Rodger’s murderous rampage — they call it “Saint Elliot’s Day” — others lashed out at the victims of a fresh tragedy: the terrorist bombing of the Ariana Grande concert that left nearly two dozen dead, many of them teenage girls.
In a thread ironically titled “A moment of silence for the victims in the UK,” dozens of Reddit’s self-described “Involuntary Celibates” mocked those who died in the explosion, dismissing most of them as “Stacies” or “future Stacies,” using the standard Incel slang for hot “normie” girls who only date alphas.
Some lashed out at Ariana Grande as well.
Those who bothered to try to justify their hatred did so on the grounds that “Stacies” — and women in general — hate incels and would be happy to see them suffer or die.
Yes, that’s right. His first response to this horrific tragedy was to feel sorry … for himself. And he wasn’t the only one.
A purer example of projection can scarcely be imagined.
Indeed, elsewhere in the same thread, a fellow incel echoed Nazi language in an attempt to explain why the victims in Manchester had it coming to them.
Some of the regulars took out their anger on the Redditor who started the thread in the first place, taking aim at his highly controversial opinion that no one deserves to be blown up in a terrorist act, “not even stacies. We need more love in this world not less.”
As the regulars saw it, this was a pathetic bit of “virtue signaling” from a man hoping that expressing bare sympathy for female victims of terrorism would “get his dick wet.”
(You can click on that last one to see a larger version.)
I can only repeat what I said in my post yesterday about “Saint Elliot’s Day,” that the Incels subreddit may be the scariest place on Reddit. It’s astonishing to me that the people who run Reddit feel it is in their own, or anyone else’s, best interest to provide a forum for such twisted hate speech — a forum that glorifies suicide and self-hatred and encourages the same misogynistic obsessions that led Elliot Rodger to commit his murderous rampage.
It’s not healthy to think that murder is funny, and any ideology that promotes such thinking is deeply destructive to everyone it touches.
Get help, guys, for your sake and the sake of everyone around you.
The earliest version of the goat fuckery quote I’ve found in a brief search is @popehat from 2015-09-06:
I do agree that these men (and boys, because many of them I think are very young) are clearly hurting. And there are a lot of men in the world who are hurting and don’t know what to do about it.
But ultimately, your pain and loneliness is not anybody else’s responsibility to fix. If you want people to talk to, you are the person in control of that. Is it difficult? Are there a lot of people in the world who are jerks, or who just won’t get along with you or be interested in having a meaningful relationship (of any kind) with you? Yes, and yes. But you don’t have to play any odds. You don’t get just one chance at making a friend ever, and you don’t lose anything when you meet someone and don’t make friends. You just don’t give up, and eventually you will find yourself surrounded by people who care for you.
To give you a grasp on my perspective, I am a trans man, and I grew up in an abusive household. I have a number of disorders that make me, I think, very trying or exhausting to have as a friend sometimes. I spent my youth in a haze of confusion and pain, assuming I was unloveable – my parents didn’t love me; the kids at school all hated me.
I didn’t get bitter, I didn’t give up, and I didn’t stop trying to see the good in people. I found things to do with my life that entertained me – hobbies and skills – and I worked on being the best me that I could be. And now I have a totally different problem, in that my number of close friends has already outgrown the relatively small number I was comfortable with.
It has not been easy. It will never be easy. And maybe it isn’t fair that some of us are not given affection and have to fight harder and wait longer to find the people who think we are worthwhile, and it’s fine to feel that that is unfair and to be frustrated and upset about it.
But nobody can wave a magic wand and fix this for you. It’s something you have to see through yourself. And it certainly isn’t the fault of feminists, nor is it exclusively a men’s problem. There are plenty of young women out there who feel like they have nobody to trust or open up to, nobody who cares about them.
So many insightful and compassionate mammotheers – I am always glad to be able to read here even (or especially) when I have nothing really to add.
Just two recent examples of moments when I was muttering “yes, this“:
Collateral Thought:
That’s…from Vampire Hunter X? And who exactly is that guy, anyway? I’ve seen art of him, but I don’t think I’ve ever learned his name.
That’s Alucard, from the Hellsing anime. I think the one you’re thinking of is Vampire Hunter D; there’s also a totally different show that’s sometimes called Samurai X.
I think a certain passage from “Carpe Jugulem” by Terry Pratchett feels relevant here.
@Dalillama and IgnoreSandra
Thank you both for taking the time to point out the difficulties and dangers of pick ups for trans people. I was just so angry when I wrote that comment. When I think of the struggles and pain even I’ve had to deal with in my privileged life and how much work I’ve put in to get to the point I’m at, it frustrates the hell out of me to see someone so unwilling to accept personal responsibility for their life.
It’s indicative of my privilege as a cis woman, though, that I didn’t consider trans people’s situation when I wrote my comment. On that side of things, I shall take several seats.
(I hadn’t even, I blush to admit it, thought about “trans panic” murderers getting out of being convicted. I really do live in a freaking bubble sometimes!)
You’re right – I think I was trying to just reflect the commenter’s choice of words.
So noted! But, er…not in the way of wanting all men dead or enslaved in that kind of stereotype some anti-feminists believe all feminists want? I mean, I’m sure there are some people who do think that way, it just seems out of character here…
(Not sure if that made sense – I’m running on two hours of sleep.)
Thank you. Shows you how many animes I’ve seen lately. :/ At least I got the supernatural part of that right.
Make sure you get the Hellsing:New Dawn series too.
Alucard presents as a female in that one. It’s absolutely perfect.
It’s an important data point. I try not to remember it myself most days, but it’s relevant when looking at the relationship between men and trans people.
Almost all of the “Trans panic” situations are ones where the murderer knew the victim was trans beforehand. They’ve simply seized on a convenient lie to escape the consequences for premeditated murder.
There’s almost certainly at least one instance in history where a trans person has surprised their partner and been killed, but to that I say: “Trans panic” is not a defense. It’s shifting the prosecution’s case from “This asshole is a murderer and deserves to suffer for it” to “This asshole is a murderer and has no ability to respond to situations without murder, so we have a civic duty to remove them from society forever.” In any reasonable world, this would help the prosecution.
Normal people don’t respond to being lied to, or deceived, or just assuming something was one way and finding out it’s not with murder.
But that’s me being reasonable. For the trans person, especially the trans woman, trying to date or hook up, it’s enough to know that if they’re murdered, the man drenched in their blood will get away scot-free almost all the time.
There’s also that about a fifth of all americans would refuse to date a trans person, and a slightly larger percentage would refuse to be friends with a trans person.
I had not heard of that one… I’ve gotten way the hell out of touch with anime, though.
Not speaking for Dali or anyone else, but I identify as a radical feminist. I don’t want all men dead or enslaved. Radical feminism, like radical anything, sees the current structure of society as unfixable, and posits that the solution to social ills is not to tinker around the edges, but to completely re-structure it from first principles on up. There’s nothing intrinsically trans-exclusionary about that, and there’s nothing particularly trans-inclusionary about non-radical feminism, so equating radical feminism with TERF gets my personal hackles up. It implies that I cannot be both radical and trans-inclusionary, and it also implies that someone who isn’t radical is automatically pro-trans, and neither of those things is true.
However, I also want to address one of the premises of your question, which is that radical feminists, or at least some non-trivial number of them, literally want to kill or enslave men and that we must assure you that we are not in that number. It’s firstly educational to listen to the feminists who do say that they want to see an end of men, and hear their reasons and rationale even if one doesn’t agree with that sentiment at all. Secondly, these feminists are extremely few in number, and not all of them are radical, so asking me to shibboleth my love of men starts to feel super-weird. Like, they’re not unicorns and I’m not going to deny they exist, but they aren’t numerous or influential. Anti-feminists talk about them way more than feminists do, and that holds for radical feminists in my experience.
IIRC that a fifth of Americans would not refuse to date a trans person. Surveys show that 80% of the population considers us hideous freaks. Which isn’t actually news…
Since when does not wanting to date = considers trans persons hideous and/or freaks.
Really interesting reading your thoughts and thanks so much for taking the time to go through all that! There are definitely some points I’d love to discuss, but I hadn’t meant to raise any hackles and the fact I did tells me I need to leave off for today. I’m operating on two hours sleep, as I said earlier, so rather than trying a line-by-line clarification of my own position (which I guess I’d classify as something like Trans-Inclusionary Intersectional Moderate Feminism, or TIIMF, if you will), I’ll leave it at that.
Please don’t take this as a dismissal of your good self! Rather, it’s a reluctance on my part to cause any further upset since I think we actually share a lot of ground. I just don’t seem able to explain myself properly ATM so it’s best for me to shut up ?
Shut up, Brycey.
heart eyes, mother fucker
I’m not upset so don’t worry about that. I’m happy to hear whatever you want to share when you’re ready to do it.
Since there’s literally not a single reason for rejecting the idea of possibly dating a trans person that isn’t blatantly based on either sad/confused erections or fear of the other. Not a one. This isn’t a challenge btw. Don’t bother tryna come up with one. It’ll be shit, and it’ll just waste everyone’s time
You might as well say that sexual orientation itself ie. the preference for a ‘male’ or ‘female’ partner, is an entirely culturally conditioned choice then. This kind of debate has the potential to upset people so I’ll leave it there.
There is literally no reason to debate about transpeople at all. You can, but this isn’t a place for debating about us.
You shouldn’t think, “I’m gonna flex my debate skills” when a minority is discussing something. Just absorb it, unless you are, actually, in a debate team room or on a TV show or some other arena that fits the criteria necessary to host a debate.
Oh god. I got the numbers backwards. Fucking hell.
Yeah, they do consider us freaks. It’s nice to have numbers to match day to day life though.
Stop being transmisogynistic, take several seats, and listen to oppressed people when they talk about their lives.
In particular, a cis person who seems to think gender is more than “Cultural” has no business with an opinion of any sort of on trans people.
I was going to try to translate the incelspeak from Numbskull to English, but fuck it. After having slogged through all that and the comments here too, all I can say is that I am sorry to share a planet, a species, and most likely a skin color with these fucked-up fuckless fucking fuckheads.
I wonder if those persons have already look for jobs.
If they hate being rejected by other persons, they are going to hate looking for a job too. And i wonder if they would wish mass murdering or terror attacks on the compagnies which have reject them.
Weirdwood Treehuger has put the finger on it : they do not want help, just pity. They are a kind of modern vampires who are not feeding on blood but on pity. And as they pity on themselves each others on boards like reddi, they autofuel their hate. All in all, it is some kind of sect (in the bad meaning of the term), an extremist sect of selfcentered suckers, and the problem is exterior elements of a sect can hardly have effect on its members. Neither what we can say, or even professional persons, could really have an impact on their way of thinking. Look at scientology : the majority of the ones who have quit have done it by themselves. I fear that it is the same thing here. Either they are able to break free by themselves, either it is nigh impossible to help them.
Have a nice day.
I always used to have an awkward moment on dates where I would tell them about myself before it got steamy… it always felt like taking a risk, but more of a risk to not do it. It never stopped any of them from doing the sex but I rarely got a forth date.
Movies like ace vetura pet detective (an otherwise great movie) had me convinced that men would be literally dry heaving if they found out and had done so much as kiss me. This only happened once and he was actually sucking my big toe at the time so I will forgive him. I did not get the sex with that one…
I didn’t bother to tell one of them as he was obviously just in it for sex (the sex was good).
I’m so glad to be married to my blue pill white knight. He gets sex, lots of sex for his white knightery… and he has skinny wrists!