advocacy of violence aggrieved entitlement alpha males alt-right elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies hate speech have you no humanity incel literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit terrorism

“The Stacies got what they deserved!” Reddit Incels mock the victims in Manchester

A makeshift memorial to those murdered in Manchester. And a sentiment not widely shared on the Incels subreddit

It was a busy day on the Incels subreddit yesterday. While some subreddit regulars celebrated the third anniversary of “incel killer” Elliot Rodger’s murderous rampage — they call it “Saint Elliot’s Day” — others lashed out at the victims of a fresh tragedy: the terrorist bombing of the Ariana Grande concert that left nearly two dozen dead, many of them teenage girls.

In a thread ironically titled A moment of silence for the victims in the UK,” dozens of Reddit’s self-described “Involuntary Celibates” mocked those who died in the explosion, dismissing most of them as “Stacies” or “future Stacies,” using the standard Incel slang for hot “normie” girls who only date alphas.

prophetpepe 3 points 10 hours ago  Fuck them all. Future stacies, Chad's and commies. Good riddance if you ask me

throwawaylookism 8 points 22 hours ago  I feel sorry for the kids but i have no empathy towards all the stacies that were there. They got what they deserved. permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [+][deleted] 10 hours ago (2 children) [–]ASS_F??‍♂️THOT PATROL?‍♂️? 2 points 11 hours ago  Those little girls were gonna be Stacies in the future anyway

Niccole135sapiosexual nature lover ❤️???? 6 points 1 day ago  and either way none of the females there would have sex with me so whatever

1111111111-- 6 points 1 day ago  YESSSS OMG I'M SO HAPPY!!!!

Some lashed out at Ariana Grande as well.

suspension_collector 8 points 22 hours ago  I wish they had gotten Ariana too. She's one of the most shallow, stuck up cunts I've ever seen and seriously needs a humbling of some kind.

pashminascarf❤❤❤❤❤ 19 points 1 day ago  All of Ariana Grande's songs are about getting dicked by Chad. permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]CheesyFedoraHeightcel. Currycel. Dickcel. Total failure. 14 points 1 day ago  Yeah seriously. Like her song Side to Side. Fuck that shit. I don't give a fuck about any of the whores who got blown up while listening to that filth.

Those who bothered to try to justify their hatred did so on the grounds that “Stacies” — and women in general — hate incels and would be happy to see them suffer or die.

AreThereChivesnot incel but sympathetic 24 points 1 day ago*  Let's be honest here. How many of these people who tragically died or those who were affected would have felt any empathy for the pain and suffering that most incels endure.

Yes, that’s right. His first response to this horrific tragedy was to feel sorry … for himself. And he wasn’t the only one.

ILike2EatPooheightcel (5'4) - Ted Bundy is my hERo 8 points 1 day ago  Nobody deserves that not even stacies Don't get fucking soft. They absolutely do fucking deserve it. The whores that died at that concert are the same types that would make the lives of incels and other undesirables unbearable.

acenosk 8 points 1 day ago  Women would genocide incels if they could. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Beer_GrillsIncel Philosopher 3 points 1 day ago  Middle class women were some of the largest supporters of the Nazi party in Germany during the 1930s.

A purer example of projection can scarcely be imagined.

Indeed, elsewhere in the same thread, a fellow incel echoed Nazi language in an attempt to explain why the victims in Manchester had it coming to them.

Nancy125 6 points 1 day ago*  They are all degenerates, when will they learn? maybe now they'll close their borders off (lol)

Some of the regulars took out their anger on the Redditor who started the thread in the first place, taking aim at his highly controversial opinion that no one deserves to be blown up in a terrorist act, “not even stacies. We need more love in this world not less.”

As the regulars saw it, this was a pathetic bit of “virtue signaling” from a man hoping that expressing bare sympathy for female victims of terrorism would “get his dick wet.”

cccooonnn 12 points 1 day ago  This wont get you laid you piece of virtue signaling shit. Band together with whom? The Stacies there would rather cut of their own hands then to "band" together with us, their last moment was filled with blissful ignorance and tingels from hearing about getting fucked so hard by the chad they have waiting that they will be walking "Side to Side". I fucking hate when people tell me to feel sorry for someone that would never in a 100 lifetimes would even piss on me if i was on fire. And again, this will not get your dick wet, so STOP IT

all-is-will-to-power 19 points 1 day ago*  So we need to band together in times like this. LOL NO. Fuck you and fuck them. If any of those women could've pressed a button that would allow them to fuck a Chad at the cost of my life, they would've done so without hesitation So... GOOD! I'm glad they're dead. Do you think you're going to elevate yourself in their eyes by being a virtue signalling hypocrite like them? Do you think they won't despise you? Do you think they'll change their cultural and genetic programming and consider you, an undesirable, an equal? Wake the fuck up If 19 ugly, short or otherwise undesirable men were brutally publically murdered - by stoning, burning, crucifixion, firing squad, you name your execution method - there would be outright GLEE on social media, sighs of relief. Oh sure, there would be virtue signalling for a short while - they have to make sure to play the part of the holier-than-thou saint, after all. But you'd better fucking believe that after a "socially acceptable" amount of time (for an undesirable, that's anywhere from a few hours after the fact to a day or so), you would be a laughingstock even in death and subject to the same ridicule and humiliation they practiced on you in life Stop this pathetic simpering bootlicking you faggot. Get it through your thick fucking skull: outsiders are fucking monsters. Beasts. You're not going to "ingratiate" yourself to them with this we-are-the-world liberal leftist hippie PLUR bullshit. They are disgusted by you. In their eyes, this is THEIR world and you are persona non grata.

(You can click on that last one to see a larger version.)

I can only repeat what I said in my post yesterday about “Saint Elliot’s Day,” that the Incels subreddit may be the scariest place on Reddit. It’s astonishing to me that the people who run Reddit feel it is in their own, or anyone else’s, best interest to provide a forum for such twisted hate speech — a forum that glorifies suicide and self-hatred and encourages the same misogynistic obsessions that led Elliot Rodger to commit his murderous rampage.

It’s not healthy to think that murder is funny, and any ideology that promotes such thinking is deeply destructive to everyone it touches.

Get help, guys, for your sake and the sake of everyone around you.

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PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Axe, I saw that! (Happy dance commences)

Pro Lurker
Pro Lurker
7 years ago


That’s great! I’m so happy for Taiwan. Let’s hope this positive trend continues 🙂

7 years ago

@Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
That’s great news! Hopefully the other nations such as Vietnam, China, Japan, Korea and co follow suit soon!

7 years ago

That’s awesome!

7 years ago

I tried looking up the names of the victims of the bombings. I only made through the first three. If there was a hell, then I’d hope these idiots would burn there. Instead all I can do is hope that one day they become better people.

Here’s some slow-mo footage of crashing testing a lego porche 911.

Coquette St. Jacques
Coquette St. Jacques
7 years ago

The funny thing about a lot of these losers: they’re right to an extent. A lot of women wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire, if they knew them.

7 years ago

“Those girls deserved to die because they had sex/one day they might have had sex with someone I probably wouldn’t like instead of me” is quite possibly the most fucking pathetic thing I have ever heard in my entire life.

And way to have standards, Reddit, you fucking beacon of integrity of a website, you! Did you get tired of 4chan getting all the attention for hosting the worst bullshit on the internet or what?

‘Scuse me while I go scream into the void until my larynx crumbles.

7 years ago

Pissing on someone who’s on fire isn’t what they taught me to do in that situation. So no, I wouldn’t do that. I’d help them stop drop and roll. Or I’d organize help.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

The race to the bottom just keeps on going. Here we had an editor (not a random commenter) wishing that a certain TV studio had been bombed instead, because he disliked the views of the panellists.

And then last night I saw this, via TakeDownMRAs on Twitter:


My milk of human kindness is running very low right now.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

The race to the bottom just keeps on going. Here we had an editor (not a random commenter) wishing that a certain TV studio had been bombed instead, because he disliked the views of the panellists.

And then last night I saw this, via TakeDownMRAs on Twitter:

My milk of human kindness is running very low right now.

Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
7 years ago

Sewage. That’s what these people are. Absolute sewage.

Angry Since 11/09/2016
Angry Since 11/09/2016
7 years ago

Reddit must be the sinkhole bastion of glorified hate speech! Thanks for alerting me to avoid it like malaria.

Steven Dutch
Steven Dutch
7 years ago

Why do women need to commit genocide against incels? Won’t biology take care of that?

7 years ago

I’m not sure there’s anything I can say that wouldn’t thoroughly violate guidelines here.

Here, try watching this for a small dose of anodyne.

7 years ago

I have two thoughts I need to get out of my head (and then I promise I’ll go to bed).

First, they run the whole gamut of victim blaming:

– First it’s only the adult women at the concert that deserve to die
– Then we get to have a debate about when one becomes a Stacey (which I’m assuming is synonymous in their minds with far younger than the age of consent)
– Then even potential Staceys deserve the blame
– Then actually all Brits are to blame (“they are all degenerates… maybe now they’ll close their borders off”); although it’s possible this commenter means all Europeans, as any fool knows a majority of Brits voted for closing the borders last year (*please take with gallon of salt*).

Second, “virtue signalling”:

Someone will tell me if I’ve got this wrong, but I thought this meant saying something you don’t believe in the hopes someone listening will think better of you.

If someone says “killing children is wrong” on Incel subreddit, what evidence do the commenters have for believing he (I make that assumption advisedly) a) doesn’t believe it, and b) thinks it will improve his reputation amongst those listening?

A) Only that they don’t believe it. Given how much they rail against alternative views, they must know they exist. Presumably they struggle to believe an SJW (their term; I would say someone with common human decency) could have stumbled into their midst. I could go on, but I think that’s far enough down this particular rabbit hole.

B) They have no evidence for this whatsoever. Why would a virtue signaller come to Incel subreddit to impress people with his SJW (see also common human decency) credentials? Do they think there’s a large crowd of “long time listener first time caller” types about to step up with a very different viewpoint?

No. I don’t want to say nice things about anyone on Incel subreddit, but I think he was being genuine. And he was naive enough to think people there might agree with him.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago

These guys – >.<

What is PLUR supposed to stand for? And why?

A minor thing I noted when Alan linked to this a few threads back – WHY do these guys think non-Western Muslim women would be naturally sympathetic to them and their "great pain"? While I know very little about how women in those areas of the world think culture-wise, I really doubt they’d want these incels any more that the Western women do.

Or is this more of the ‘non-Western women are all happily submissive to all men no matter how horrible’ thing?

Again, UGH!!

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

“Plur” meant Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect back when I was busy listening to happy hardcore music and dropping ecstasy with my raver crew a very long time ago.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago


I.. What the fuck… mgtow being on board since this involved little girls getting killed. Un-fucking-real.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Only amongst incels could the sentiment “I don’t think children should be murdered” be so far removed from their own personal morality that they think it must be trolling.

7 years ago

@Nequam So many ‘awwws’. Thanks I think I needed that.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


I like how “I think it’s okay to murder people, basically” has become entirely normal, acceptable discourse on the Internet.

That…never used to be like that, I am certain. Oh, we had and so on in the old days, and other gruesome websites, but I don’t really think it was common practice to discuss mass murder as being a thing that is acceptable, for a while at least.

7 years ago

to r/incels,

Fuck all of you cucks. You are all scum.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ fran

I like how “I think it’s okay to murder people, basically” has become entirely normal, acceptable discourse on the Internet.

For me it’s not so much that “It’s ok to murder little girls” is acceptable to them; it’s that “It’s not ok” falls outside the incel Overton window.

varalys the dark
7 years ago

God. As a Mancunian who admittedly doesn’t live there right now but whose family does they can just fuck off to the end of time.

I went into Manchester yesterday. There were armed police with dogs outside the railway station which is something I have NEVER seen before and the city was half empty and in sombre mood. Reading the local free rag on the train back out to Burnage where the family is it was remarkable for it’s lack of throwing blame around, and big on coming together and showing the terrorist they will not win.

I’m pissed and sad still about still, I wish a future made entirely of Lego for these utter scumbags.