On the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit today, the regulars are discussing the always important topic of why it is that women “hit the wall” and turn into ugly monsters so early in their lives.
A fellow called Onkel_Adolf offers this pithy answer:
But it is this fellow who tracks the Ugly Lady Problem to its roots: too much lady freedom!
Congratulations, Slaide! You have won the coveted We Hunted the Mammoth “MGTOW of the Day” award!
Also, I would like to remind any ladies reading this post that young men handle their freedom much more responsibly than woman, as this video footage clearly demonstrates.
@Numerobis : that look horrible. I mourn the lost protestor more than the comatose nazi, but I would have prefered for both to live. Coma mean the only thing he can do is being a martyr. It’s also a good example of why I prefer justice to be done by judges than mobs.
(plus, his family and friend and all have a right to be sad)
@PI : while it have a lot to do with clothing style and all, a lot of people give me about 10 to *15* year less than I have. At the seventh time I have to explain someone I don’t have a student reduction card and that I am not eligible to teenager commute reduction, it begin to be painful.
At least a few years after you turn 24, you won’t be able to do the same type of wild heavy drinking people do in college. I’m 29 now and rarely drink at all. Having 3-4 drinks will give me discomfort in the morning that goes away after a shower and breakfast. If I splurge, I won’t be doing anything useful for the next 48 hours.
Most people grow out of that type of heavy drinking, I think.
I can’t even count how many random people’ve asked me if I’m old enough to be living on my own.
… I’m 32.
A Russian nazi goes to live in Mexico?? Jesus Haploid Christ, WHY???
I guess the climate was better, that’s the only explanation that makes any sense because an asshole hater can generally find people to hate anywhere unless they live alone in a cave in the wilderness.
I’m 25. I keep my beard, cos I look 15 otherwise. I’m a grown up, dammit!
Not surprised: Hotep Nation told me the Black Man is God and melanin makes you immortal.
And permanently young.
Ever since I was 12 or so, people kept assuming I was 18. I found it flattering then, looking back I really…don’t. People still keep assuming I’m older than I am.
My melanin powers must be faulty (probably from disobeying Hotep Commandments and hanging out with white people).
People do the same shit with me. I remember when I was aggressively presenting as male, had a beard, and people would ask me if I was 35 years old.
Once I was out with my mother and they called her my wife.
Since de-bearding myself and presenting more feminine in public I seem to have taken years off my look, however.
I tell you, transitioning is proving to be nothing but a net positive in my personal life, in spite of all the difficulty.
I had my doubts, especially since modern society insists you can’t actually do it. But it seems I made the right decision.
FWIW, I’m cheering you being you.
@Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Glad that your transition is working out for you!
With me, it was different…I always looked older, was buying booze in liquor stores at 14 (a freshman in high school!) going to bars at 15 and 16, (when I actually turned 21, I had to lie about how old I was because I had been a regular for YEARS!) and I actually started to worry for a while that when I was 25 I’d look 45.
Fortunately, that has reversed, and I look at least 10-15 years younger than my actual age.
Although boy, I feel my actual age, lol.
When I was in my twenties, everyone said I looked thirty.
Now that I’m in my thirties, everyone says I look thirty.
Maybe I was born looking thirty and will die looking thirty. I dunno.
I’m 57 and I think I look it but random people have never really commented to me on how old I look. Probably because I have a truly impressive case of resting bitch face and random people don’t approach me much and never have. It’s also why I was always overly friendly and talkative when I was a cashier and even then small children would frequently cower behind their parents if I addressed them directly!
Thanks. As Sandra was mentioning a while ago, sometimes you get the feeling transitioning is not a good idea and you start to doubt yourself.
Without trivializing the female experience, however, being a girl is lots of fun. You get to be sparkly and cover things with glitter (among other things.) I can like things that I always liked but was afraid to show it because “it was for girls”, as the society at large would say. It’s really quite pleasant and I’m enjoying the good parts of my life a lot.
I understand all too well it ain’t all rainbows and princesses, for sure.
Furries and Japanese anime artists like to draw people with three-foot-long cocks (google ‘hyper penis’ and so on), and I like to imagine to myself in my head that they have multiple hearts, like Klingons, to support all that blood flow.
So when this guys says ‘a mile of cock’ I imagine an impossibly muscular wolf or dragon or salaryman or schoolgirl with literally a mile of turgid, twisting, pulsating, veiny cock undulating like some sort of phallic sea serpent.
Mmf. ‘Scuse me. WHTM is not my personal erotica site.
And yes, the Greeks did this already, as they did with most things:
Don’t click that at work or around your family.
Before transition people used to mistake me for a teenager with regularity; this doesn’t happen anymore. I find that the brighter my lipstick the more likely I am to get carded for booze or cold medicine though. (Yes, you get carded for cold medicine around here; it’s absurd.)
Hurray and congratulations.
I recognize that meme…
Also, I know where that would be quite appreciated, although this is not the place to link to it.
Not just the Greeks
EJ: I was perceived to be 30 for a long time, but no longer — and I haven’t even hit 40 yet! (almost)
I had a beard, on and off again. Not because I wanted one at all – I hated having it, I would just fall into multi-year depressive spells and couldn’t find the energy to shave. Now, after transitioning, I have half-week depressive spells. So, substantial improvement here.
I dunno what it is with people and my age. I know I’ve always acted older than I am.
Thirding, or whatever, that being a girl is lots of fun. Mostly because it’s who I wanna be.
@Dalillama – you get carded for cold medicine here too. They register your license and if you buy ‘too much’ – how much is unknown but general attitude is one box every few months won’t get you in trouble – you get reported.
There is a medication that you don’t need to be carded for but as a lifelong member of the ‘Sinusitis and bronchitis every winter’ club, it honestly does nothing for me. Not that I have any idea what Phenylephrine is regardless, but I’ve learned you may as well get carded and listen to how much ‘better’ Phenylephrine is and be suspected to be a drug addict – because the alternative just doesn’t give relief.
We were always told ‘if the wind changes, your face will stay like that’. Because manipulating kids so they don’t feel things you don’t want them to feel is healthy parenting.
R.e.: age
People often assume I’m younger than I am, usually by about ten years. I think it’s because I’m fat and childless. I also don’t smoke or spend much time in the sun – which has more to do with my mental illnesses than any concern for skin cancer or ageing. The only problem is, people still talk to me like I’m a child. People who have known me all my life (it’s a small town, nothing much changes), people who know my sister has two teenaged children. It can get very frustrating when people explain things to me like I can’t understand words of more than one syllable because they’ve forgotten I’m not a child anymore.
I was in the library last week organising the advertising for my book launch next month when one of the library assistants I’ve known for 30 years, who’s daughter I went to school with, starting talking to me in a very babying voice and asking if I’d written a book, all on my own? The tone was very ‘aren’t you a clever child, have a sweetie’, the sort of voice you use for a toddler who is proudly showing off their new-found ability to count to ten.
Argh, I’m really irritated all over again now.
The Greeks were first but the Japanese will not be outdone.
Every time I read a manosphere post, the sheer amount of thrist and desperation just oozes through the wording. Jesus fucking christ these guys are desperate for some female attention.
Here we’re carded for Phenylephrine. You need a prescription to get actual sudafed.
They’re thirsty and desperate for male attention. They’re only mad about not getting laid, cos they think getting chicks will give them status. All they really want is for the other MGTOW senpais to notice them, but that’s only ever actually fulfilling in trite manga