evil ugly women icky girls irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW of the Day misogyny reddit

Too much freedom makes women ugly, our MGTOW of the Day explains

Typical American woman, according to MGTOWs

On the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit today, the regulars are discussing the always important topic of why it is that women “hit the wall” and turn into ugly monsters so early in their lives.

A fellow called Onkel_Adolf offers this pithy answer:

Onkel_Adolf 6 points 7 hours ago Alcohol, late nights, and miles of cock will age a woman horribly, especially white women.

But it is this fellow who tracks the Ugly Lady Problem to its roots: too much lady freedom!

Slaide 11 points 9 hours ago It's usually the result of those women being "free" and deciding to drink heavily, do drugs, and get fucked by hundreds of guys within a short period of time. It's the price they pay for "MUH DESIRES". There is no point warning them; women would rather burn themselves and the entire world than not have their "fun".

Congratulations, Slaide! You have won the coveted We Hunted the Mammoth “MGTOW of the Day” award!

Also, I would like to remind any ladies reading this post that young men handle their freedom much more responsibly than woman, as this video footage clearly demonstrates.

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7 years ago

Also, if we suppose no more than two feet of cock can enter a wimin by any orifice, and that only three orifice can be used at the same time, and that wimin do three such meal per day, we *still* need 587 day to have rided several miles.

While I am not good at eyeballing distance in imperial unit, thoses aforementioned hypothesis look a bit optimistic already. But who know ? Still gotta prefer the spaceship black hole hypothesis. Especially if the movie Event Horizon is true, cause that mean encountering people who are more likeable than MTGOWs.

7 years ago

no more than two feet of cock can enter a wimin by any orifice

I don’t have a vagina, cervix, or uterus, and this thought is making my vagina, cervix, and uterus hurt.

7 years ago

“That bitch stole our precious painting! We must retrieve it! Why does she run so fast!?”

“We lost her. That is so your fault, Red.”

“Where the hell are we going and whose dog is this?!”

I hope she doesn’t get hit by a bus. But the park is probably a bus-driving-free zone. Wait….TRAIN?? Nope, double cross and a run for the ocean. Poor baldy is going to really be upset when he regains consciousness and everyone is pointing and laughing at him.

Nope, not feeling the boat guy. He’ll be thrown overboard with the anchor tied to his legs, once they’re far enough out to sea. Don’t want the body coming back in with the tide.

7 years ago

no more than two feet of cock can enter a wimin by any orifice

My main thought is that any man attempting to use that much junk would probably have a heart failure.

Lemony Snicker-Snack
Lemony Snicker-Snack
7 years ago

So. According to the he-man woman hater’s club, getting teh sex from many men makes women age faster, somehow. But if they were boning just one man, they’d remain fair and ageless? Strange how that works.

As others have mentioned, yeah, there are plenty of men who look older than they are and/or don’t age all that well. That creep bag Stephen Miller, seriously look at him, is only 31 and I’d guess he was in his mid forties.

But of course it all comes down to these men being mad at women for living their lives and having their own wants and needs. Men should be able to have their cake and eat it too. But women, oh womens… If they want to simply make the same choices as men, there will be hell to pay for their “greediness.”

Argle Bargle
Argle Bargle
7 years ago

I’m pretty sure that by their standards I’d be a drunken whore who has a subscription for the cock carousel, yet everyone I meet tells me I look 18. Tops. I’m turning 26 this year. So either I’m some magical creature who isn’t affected by the devastating aging powers of cock or they’re full of shit.

Which one would y’all bet on?

7 years ago


Nope, not feeling the boat guy. He’ll be thrown overboard with the anchor tied to his legs, once they’re far enough out to sea. Don’t want the body coming back in with the tide.

Since the guy was watching them during the operation, I assumed that he was their teacher or some such. In the boat he just wanted to give them a friendly hug, because successful completion of a heist was their last requirement and now they get to graduate. After that he’ll get back to steering the boat and leave them to discuss their future plans together.

Red gets extra points for getting them to run into a dog, because baldy is dead afraid of them, all that being a part of the intel she gathered while infiltrating… the Helsinki Cathedral?

Not that I have any actual idea what’s going on.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago


I heard someone say ‘miles of cock’ and came as fast as I could.

I hope you didn’t get friction burns. 😉

Violet the Vile
Violet the Vile
7 years ago


(calls in sick and spends 10 hours playing Portal 2)

7 years ago

I like the vanity in a be-peened person assuming that given complete freedom the first thing on any woman’s mind is get’n that dick.

We can’t even sleep because we gotta catch ’em all, he tells himself. What’s between his legs must be all we want in life.

That’s not how this works dude. That’s not how any of this works.

Nanny Ogg's Bosom (formerly LostInLindsey)
Nanny Ogg's Bosom (formerly LostInLindsey)
7 years ago

This sounds very like what my parents told me and my sisters when we were teenagers: girls who had sex too much when they were young got used up and looked old.

It didn’t make sense twenty years ago, and it still doesn’t make sense now.

7 years ago


Nope, he’s gonna be thrown overboard because that’s always what happens when there are three people on a boat who just committed a heist + aided & abetted in fleeing the scene. At least that’s how it goes in crime docs on tv.

Sometimes it’s entertaining to come up with your own script while watching stuff on mute. Like being at the movies and the guy in the projector room has forgotten to turn on the massive speakers for audio.

7 years ago

It’s almost like when people feel free to live the way they like and look the way they like, they don’t all choose to strictly adhere to the punishing and often unattainable beauty standards set for them by others. It’s as if you… maybe don’t need a bunch of randos to think you look supernova hot 24/7 to have a happy and fulfilling life? BUT HOW CAN THIS BE TRUEEEEE

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

(calls in sick and spends 10 hours playing Portal 2)

I’m too lazy to make an official seal of approval, but pretend there’s one here.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Bit of nostalgia…

comment image

7 years ago

Being 50+ I have reflected upon ageing quite a lot. Since I lost all my hair to chemo 5 years ago (it was misandric purple) I haven’t dyed it, and there is a lot of white in it. I don’t wear make up either. Cancer treatment has put at least 5 years on me.

BUT I realised I don’t WANT to look younger. I am comfortable with the way I look. I look like I am ageing because I AM ageing! Chemo etc has made me look older but also saved my life!

As usual MGTOW idiot with no decent knowledge. SMOKING ages us more than drinking. The kind of drinking and drug taking he is referring to drops off in most people (but esp women) as we grow older. Men DO NOT age ‘better’ than women – try taking off the misogynist tinted glasses and actually LOOK at some older people. Men look NO better.

And bizarrely, even though I am fat and old looking with white hair and no make up and never ‘dress up’ I still get attention from men. I don’t want it as I am attracted to women almost exclusively, but it still happens. Anyone would think that #not all men are arseholes who only want HB10 teenagers!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have MGTOW karmic justice to reap,
And miles of cock to go before I sleep.

…I wonder if you could wave a nice bottle of Domaine des Lises Crozes-Hermitage ’14 in front of an MGTOW’s crotch for five minutes, and end up with a perfectly aged bottle of Syrah. Do their magic penile senescence rays work like a microwave?

7 years ago

I’m pretty sure that by their standards I’d be a drunken whore who has a subscription for the cock carousel, yet everyone I meet tells me I look 18. Tops. I’m turning 26 this year. So either I’m some magical creature who isn’t affected by the devastating aging powers of cock or they’re full of shit.

And bizarrely, even though I am fat and old looking with white hair and no make up and never ‘dress up’ I still get attention from men.

Me too. And I’m OLD. The Wall is pure projection, of the “you’ll be sorry” kind.

7 years ago

I can only assume that the “miles of cock” calculation counts each time a penis enters an orifice (i.e. every thrust)- it’s the only way for the math to work out. At least if anyone is going to be hitting it before they hit “the wall”, unless “the wall” happens to people in their sixties.

In which case, considering that it’s probably easier to have sex with someone you’re in close proximity with a large portion of the time, the women who achieve the “miles of cock” status soonest are likely the ones in committed relationships.

7 years ago

Darn, I forgot that there are rules about these things. I still like my version better. I mean, if they throw him overboard, he can’t write them sterling evaluations for their good work, and that would be a shame.

Citizen Rat
Citizen Rat
7 years ago

I’m totally naming an NPC “Miles O’Cock” in the next game I DM.

7 years ago

OT: nazi-punching in Mexico gets real, and is very much not funny:

TLDR: In Cancun, a vigilante mob formed to deal with a youtube nazi who was making videos about killing Mexicans.

The nazi is in a coma, likely with brain damage. Someone he stabbed during the attack died.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

@Nanny Oggs

This sounds very like what my parents told me and my sisters when we were teenagers: girls who had sex too much when they were young got used up and looked old.

It didn’t make sense twenty years ago, and it still doesn’t make sense now.

Yuck. I’m glad you didn’t believe that.

I think lots of kids heard a “joking” variation on that: If you look angry, your face will freeze in that expression.

My mother tried that on me, but I correctly identified it as a manipulation to stop me from feeling my feelings. Did. Not. Work.

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

Tosca, Chaos made Flesh | May 21, 2017 at 10:09 pm
Donald Trump is younger than Helen Mirren.

Alex Jones is 43 years old. He looks mid 50s at least.

But it’s too much cock that causes aging. Ok.

Well, if simply fucking a cock makes you older, imagine how being attached to it all your life would deteriorate you!

Checkmate, feminists!

Argle Bargle | May 22, 2017 at 4:27 am
I’m pretty sure that by their standards I’d be a drunken whore who has a subscription for the cock carousel, yet everyone I meet tells me I look 18. Tops. I’m turning 26 this year. So either I’m some magical creature who isn’t affected by the devastating aging powers of cock or they’re full of shit.

Which one would y’all bet on?

Well, considering I’m in the same boat as you*, I’d say they’re full of shit.

*Random person: “Oh, you look so young! What high school do you go to?”
Me: “…I have a bachelor’s degree, and I just turned 27.”

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

LindsayIrene said

Does Chad cock cause more aging than beta cock?

Oh, almost certainly! In fact, I’m surprised none of these guys have claimed to be able to undo the peen damage caused by Chads.