alpha males cuck men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill return of kings

Return of Kings: “Do not doubt the poon-harpooning power of the humble motorcycle”

Eric Von Zipper: Motorcycle enthusiast, babe magnet

Never let it be said that the hard-working pickup artists at Return of Kings have run out of TOTALLY ORIGINAL ideas for dudes looking to impress the ladies with their alphatude. Like buying a motherh*cking motorcycle.


In a recent post, RoK contributor and paradigm-shattering thinker Liam O’Connor informs thirsty male readers that a cool-ass motorcycle will enable them to “break the levee of Snatchtown.” No, really, those are his actual words, even if “snatchtown” is not an actual word.

“A biker cultivates an air of mystery,” O’Connor explains. And when you combine your uber-manly chrome stallion — no “cuck-scooter” for you! — with some sexy leathers, you may quickly find yourself becoming the ultimate babe magnet.

Sometimes when upping the level of her attraction for you, all that’s needed is you smoothly riding up to her place, dismounting, taking your helmet off and placing it under your arm, walking up to her slowly, pulling her close with one arm while letting her get a whiff of you, and saying in a low voice “lets go for a ride.” That’s it. Tingle city.

Quick poll!

[socialpoll id=”2442094″]

Also, if you can get a hot babe onto your bike, it’s basically the world’s biggest vibrator. And ladies love vibrators!

Think of the motorcycle as a means of foreplay. Even if she is in no sexual mood, sex will be on her mind after hopping on the back with you taking the helm. Girls love the vibration the bike causes to their clitoris and all the while this is happening, a pavlovian association in her mind is connecting you with her vibrating vagina—essentially making her biology betray her by whispering in her ear and saying, “feels good doesn’t it? You should totally breed with this guy!”

Fellas, if you’re still unsure as to how to get a lady onto your bike in the first place, despite O’Conner’s masterful advice, I suggest you watch the following clip from “Beach Party” in which fictional motorcycling legend Eric Von Zipper demonstrates how he uses his motorcycle to cultivate an aura of mystery and impress the ladies.

Works every time!

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

You know this ‘advice’ is literally the same as espoused by, less than successful sex guru, Jay from Inbetweeners; and that didn’t end well either …

7 years ago

essentially making her biology betray her by whispering in her ear and saying, “feels good doesn’t it? You should totally breed with this guy!”

This woman’s biology is not only more personified then my own but also kind of a creepy weirdo.


I think you are just punching down here

Since when does making fun of creep;y misogynists count as “punching down” and in what world would a ROK article not qualify as “New misogyny?”

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I think you are just punching down here.

I love it when reactionaries try to appropriate social justice lingo without having any idea what the terms actually mean.

You’re not using “punching down” correctly. Do try to explain how David is punching down with this post though. It would be highly entertaining.

Also, this blog has mocked PUA for years. PUA is very misogynistic and rapey. The advice mocked here is more ridiculous than pro-rape but it’s still about trying to trick women into having sex and it still uses misogynistic and objectifying language. So it still counts as worthy of mocking misogyny.

7 years ago

I don’t know if being a motorcycle guy will make me look manly enough. Maybe being a construction worker would do it… Or a cop… a cowboy or a soldier… Maybe even a Native American chief? That’d be pretty macho, I think… Maybe there’s some way to get all of these images together? I mean, just spitballing here…

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo
7 years ago

comment image

Dancing! The dancing pulls it all together!

7 years ago

Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey LindsayIrene, that’s just what I was looking for.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Lol, you two. Perfect!

The Real Cie
The Real Cie
7 years ago

Oddly enough, I have never felt sexually aroused while riding a motorcycle. My thought was always “this is fun, I hope we don’t wipe out.”
Oh goody, KL is here again. Surely his scintillating conversation will be a real eye-roller…er…eye-opener.

Austin Loomis
7 years ago

wwth skrev:

it’s still about trying to trick women into having sex

“Violation Public Health Law 334… procuring an orgasm by the use of fraud….”
— William S. Burroughs, Naked Lunch

7 years ago

Can they not imagine just like, doing a thing because they enjoy doing that thing?

Even sex seems like something they don’t so much enjoy doing as feel they need to trick someone into “giving” them in order to feel validated.

Can they not just have interests, hobbies, lovers or even vehicles just because it makes them happy?

Do they even have personalities outside of all the posturing and posing they do?

You know, its worse than that. They don’t even think women will like them if they get a motorcycle. They think they’ll somehow trick women into fucking them because the motorcycle will condition women to associate them with pleasure. It isn’t even, “Buy a motorcycle. You’ll look like hot stuff on one and ladies like to ride them.” or “If you ride a motorcycle, people might actually like you, because motorcycles are fun.” It’s, “Trick her into associating you with pleasure with a motorcycle”.

Actually being desirable doesn’t even factor into their own fantasies.

That’s just depressing.

7 years ago

Women can ride motorcycles too, ya know.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


…Just lemme have my motortrike and I’ll follow along. Act natural.

Feral Crone
Feral Crone
7 years ago

The only people I know who are attracted by a motorcycle are male. Especially young males.
So this might work for attracting other males.
Women, not so much.

7 years ago

Have to admit, PUAs become bigger parodies of themselves every day. They outdo even pop-culture parodies of themselves, like this one from Bob’s Burgers:

EDIT: I dunno what I’m doing wrong with embedding maybe this will work?

NEW EDIT: Nope, sorry. Just click through the links – it’s gold!

Tosca, Chaos made Flesh
Tosca, Chaos made Flesh
7 years ago

I don’t ride myself, but large numbers in my family do.

Bikes are fun…for the rider. For the passenger they’re cramped, boring and cold. If they’re vibrating enough to cause sexy thrills, the engine is misfiring badly and needs immediate attention.

Those sexy leathers? These days they’re covered in weirdly shaped padding and hard plastic, because they’re designed to protect you when you wipe out, not look good. They include a heavily thickened area on the seat which looks and feels like a nappy. They’re too stiff and tight to allow free movement. Oh, and they can’t be washed, so they get mighty funky mighty fast.

Dramatically (and sexily) sweeping off the helmet? Happens in the movies because it’s a costume in the movies. In real life, good helmets are so tight that they need both hands to remove and you will have impressions on your face and worse helmet hair than you can imagine. They also get mighty funky.

So there you are, MRA. Get off your farting, smoking bike. Pry your helmet off to reveal your sweaty face and plastered-down hair. Waddle awkwardly up to the lady concerned (but not close enough for her to catch your stank) and make your pitch. I wish you luck.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


They think they’ll somehow trick women into fucking them because the motorcycle will condition women to associate them with pleasure.

Yes. It’s rape mentality.

tim gueguen
7 years ago

Don’t believe this Liam person, MRAGTPUATOWS! Women want a guy with a motorcycle for one reason. They figure he’ll end up becoming roadkill sooner or later, and they’ll inherit all his stuff, which they convinced him with their evil women powers to leave to them in his will. If he’s really unlucky that stuff he left her will be shared with a beta, or Chad, or a baby!

7 years ago

This reads like the plot to a black & white porno from the 1950s, though I don’t believe that media subgenre exists. (Why is “subgenre” autocorrecting? That’s a legit word.)

“Chrome Stallion” starring James Dean and Jenna Jamison…

I can’t think of the musical soundtrack to that production, though. The classic ? bowchickawowwow ? didn’t happen until the 70s.

7 years ago

Autocorrecting from “subgenre” to the obscure “subgenera”… Who’s in charge of setting up these bad choices of autocorrect and how could I get a job where I can be paid to make bad choices? That seems like a great job to have… to me…

7 years ago

Did some cable network air “Easy Rider” recently?

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


First this blog focused on the “New Misogyny,” then on the rise of Trump and Trumpism.

And you of course were totally down with those topics.

But now you are just belittling banal pick-up advice. That seems like the mandate of PUAHate. I think you are just punching down here.

(The emphasis is mine.)

KL to Microsoft and Apple:

Hey, Microsoft, you’re poaching from Apple!

Uber and Lyft:

Uber, you’re trespassing on Lyft territory!

eBay and Etsy

eBay, leave the field to Etsy!

Coke and Pepsi

Coke, can’t you see that the soft-drink provenance belongs to Pepsi?

It’s clear to me that KL — who I guess is out plying his PUA wares, too busy to respond to Mammotheers — doesn’t believe in the free market.

He wants a centralized economy.

KL, just ‘fess up: you’re a communist.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Virginia Gym Cancels Richard Spencer’s Membership After Woman Confronts Him for Being a Neo-Nazi
Lauren Evans

comment image

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

OT: This woman kicks ass!

Virginia Gym Cancels Richard Spencer’s Membership After Woman Confronts Him for Being a Neo-Nazi

The day after the encounter, Fair received a call from Old Town’s corporate office asking her to come in. They explained that they had decided to terminate Spencer’s contract, but added that nevertheless, Fair shouldn’t make a habit of accosting patrons.

“I said, ‘I’ll make a deal with you: Don’t let another Nazi in, and I won’t accost that Nazi,’” she said.

Oops! Sorry for the double-posting.

7 years ago

Think of the motorcycle as a means of foreplay. Even if she is in no sexual mood, sex will be on her mind after hopping on the back with you taking the helm. Girls love the vibration the bike causes to their clitoris and all the while this is happening, a pavlovian association in her mind is connecting you with her vibrating vagina—essentially making her biology betray her by whispering in her ear and saying, “feels good doesn’t it? You should totally breed with this guy!”

Uh, this only works if you’re attracted enough to the guy to take your chances getting on a bike with him. Otherwise, bike or no bike, he’s shit outta luck. And if he’s a shuffling yutz, it doesn’t matter how smooth his helmet-palming moves are. She’s gonna take one look at his unimpressive gait and just laugh.

(Also, “breed” is an instant buzzkill. My biology knows better than to even TRY that shit on me.)

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago

Do…do these guys honestly think they can measure up to The Fonz:

No-one measures up to the Fonz.