Jesus titty-fucking Christ. Just. I got nothing else and need to vent that somewhere. This is exhausting.
7 years ago
I bet his whole life is like this, one look-at-me crisis after another–no matter who or what gets hurt
7 years ago
I love that his main twitter reaction to being told a Special Counsel was appointed to investigate Russia ties was:
“With all of the illegal acts that took place in the Clinton campaign & Obama Administration, there was never a special counsel appointed!”
Well of course not, they didn’t fire the person in charge of the investigation, and specifically mention the “Russia thing” as being easier to deal with now. Hillary wasn’t the President, and even as Secretary of State, it wouldn’t have needed a Special Counsel to run the investigation. Also, none of the supposed acts were illegal, as far as I and millions of dollars (and time) in investigations know.
Policy of Madness
7 years ago
We’ve been rescued from our long national nightmare of competent leadership and dropped straight into a low-rent reality show.
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
He still thinks he can win. That’s what’s fuckin’ with me. He’s still convinced that if he’s loud enough and angry enough, he can just smash his way through this investigation the way he smashed his way through the tired, corrupt Republican primary. People are resisting his gaslighting on every level, and his solution is to gaslight even harder.
My deepest sympathies to every citizen of the American Republic.
7 years ago
@EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)
It is a strange thing, to see someone so malevolent, impotent and stupid in office, and know that there are people in your country that still believe the Electoral College, the same system that does not believe in democracy and put him there, is an integral part of Democracy. Even stranger when you live in a neighborhood that is has a majority latino populace, an Islam Mosque and Market, and know that a shit ton of white people straight up want them to all to die.
Penny Psmith
7 years ago
Personally, I’m currently really not looking forward to his visit here, Monday-Tuesday, because half the city will be blocked up. To be fair, this isn’t specifically a Trump thing as much as US President thing, but still, there is something more hectic and chaotic about this visit (which seems to be a constant theme of this administration) – plans seem to keep changing so it’s harder to know when and where the disruption will actually occur. I’m gonna just try and stay in as much as possible.
(Also, I saw some sign posted by the Friends Of Zion Museum which said “Trump, make Israel Great” and that just made me cringe.)
7 years ago
@Penny Psmith
Best of luck to you.
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago
when ur trash but u dont care bc u ruin everyone’s lives and just don’t give a fuck because ur fabulous darling 🙂
Sadly, I suspect that many of those White people have always wanted others to die. The only difference is that nowadays they’re focusing on the people of colour inside their own borders rather than outside them.
@Penny Psmith:
All my best wishes and I hope it goes well.
(That’s not quite true. In my heart of hearts, I hope that when he touches Netanyahu’s hand they both get teleported away to some prison dimension to leave the rest of us in peace.)
I hope it doesn’t cause too much disruption, at least. I can only imagine how many security people would be crawling around for something like this; especially given that the Israeli and American security personnel might not be on the best of terms right now.
7 years ago
I’m just gonna say that ever since Orangeface Asslips got into his seat of power, my amount of stuff tweeted has shot up a lot.
Mostly I’m trying to warn my Finnish followers that this shit is about to happen here as well, what with our toads in government being maliciously incompetent and refusing to acknowledge reality.
Also also, I can’t believe it has been just a week since all this shit unfolded this way. It feels more like three months already.
Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
7 years ago
It’s felt like eternity since Election Day here. This is one of the first glimmers of what seems to be light since then for me.
7 years ago
So, if Trump does get impeached, how do you suppose his supporters (particularly Vox Day) will claim it somehow constitutes a victory for them?
7 years ago
One tiny piece of slightly good news, at the end of this CNN report:
Another bright spot, the source said, is that the NSC directorates are more emboldened to ignore controversial White House adviser Sebastian Gorka, whose security clearance is at an unclear status and whose views on national security matters are not taken seriously by many experts.
“Folks in the NSC have caught on and are talking to him less,” the source said. “That’s a good news story.”
When it was suggested that that wasn’t really much of a good news story, the source said, “well, that’s where we are.”
7 years ago
Seeing how Fox News covers all this makes me so angry.
Roger Ailes made America – and the world – a much worse place for everyone. If anything, Republicans are the ones who suffered the most because of Ailes’ propaganda network.
So many people filled with fear, hate, and an overriding belief that regardless of the evidence if a Democrat says it, it can’t be true. The Southern Strategy turned from dogwhistles to outspoken bigotry to literal NeoNazi marches in American cities.
The GOP is drunk on FOX news, and unless they manage to steal the 2018 election too they are in for one hell of a hangover.
7 years ago
Yeah, it’s been a depressing day for me, as well. I basically lost one of my best friends for over 25 years because his wife has gone increasingly berserk since the election. Her anger at Clinton’s insufficiencies morphed into hatred of her, as well as all “liberals” in general even though Clinton certainly doesn’t count and she was upset at Clinton for defeating her primary favorite of Bernie– it’s a fairly incomprehensible mismatch of contradictory views that basically allows her to spew rage at everyone 24/7. I finally got tired of it, burned bridges, and her vastly more chill husband (who has to work defense for her every time she pisses off a new group of people with hate barrages and tell us that we’re being inflammatory for getting annoyed at her) is understandably quite pissed at me as well. She’s been a self-inflicted drama magnet from when I first knew her, it’s just gone into overdrive for the past half-year: She is now simultaneously furious at people that think she’s defending Trump and people that think she’s not defending him.
So now I’m out one of my oldest friends, in part because of this incompetent kleptocrat. Then again, there’s a chance similar crap would have happened if he had lost, so I can’t fully blame him– but it’s one more point of depression from this year.
Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
7 years ago
If Mump goes down, i really hope he takes Pince with him. Probably won’t matter much. The rest of the people in the succesion sewage pipe aren’t much better. They’d probably be worse, since they would know how to act. Personally, if i have to have a facsist in charge (and that seems to be the only option right now), i’d rather have an incompetent one rather than a competent one. The incompetent ones are less capable of doing damage.
7 years ago
I wonder how many voters are watching this shitshow and thinking, “Are the next 4 years really going to look like this?”
I kind of miss the days when you could assume nearly everyone was a decent person and there weren’t millions of attention-starved narcissists all vying for the title of Internet’s Biggest Asshole.
Wouldn’t that make Ryan the President? Unless all three of them get the boot we’re fucked either way.
7 years ago
Heh. I just read an article about how the Cheeto’s foreign trip will be a gastronomical nightmare for him. Maybe I’m petty, but I have to admit I find this amusing.
After all, he’ll be expected to not only eat, but to appreciate these country’s delicacies.
Apparently, he considers spaghetti with meat sauce an exotic dish. Damn, that’s in the regular rotation of meals I cook.
7 years ago
Lovely Huffington Post finds (or starts?) a trending hashtag…
Jesus titty-fucking Christ. Just. I got nothing else and need to vent that somewhere. This is exhausting.
I bet his whole life is like this, one look-at-me crisis after another–no matter who or what gets hurt
I love that his main twitter reaction to being told a Special Counsel was appointed to investigate Russia ties was:
“With all of the illegal acts that took place in the Clinton campaign & Obama Administration, there was never a special counsel appointed!”
Well of course not, they didn’t fire the person in charge of the investigation, and specifically mention the “Russia thing” as being easier to deal with now. Hillary wasn’t the President, and even as Secretary of State, it wouldn’t have needed a Special Counsel to run the investigation. Also, none of the supposed acts were illegal, as far as I and millions of dollars (and time) in investigations know.
We’ve been rescued from our long national nightmare of competent leadership and dropped straight into a low-rent reality show.
My husband just looked at each other a couple days ago and said “There is not enough rum and coke and popcorn in the world.”
Also got schadenfreude takeout tonight. Italian chicken sliders make excellent schadenfreude food, by the way.
I need weed….I NEED WEED NOW!!!!
It’s only 7am here but now that I’ve caught up on the news I think I’m ready for a beer.
He still thinks he can win. That’s what’s fuckin’ with me. He’s still convinced that if he’s loud enough and angry enough, he can just smash his way through this investigation the way he smashed his way through the tired, corrupt Republican primary. People are resisting his gaslighting on every level, and his solution is to gaslight even harder.
My deepest sympathies to every citizen of the American Republic.
@EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)
It is a strange thing, to see someone so malevolent, impotent and stupid in office, and know that there are people in your country that still believe the Electoral College, the same system that does not believe in democracy and put him there, is an integral part of Democracy. Even stranger when you live in a neighborhood that is has a majority latino populace, an Islam Mosque and Market, and know that a shit ton of white people straight up want them to all to die.
Personally, I’m currently really not looking forward to his visit here, Monday-Tuesday, because half the city will be blocked up. To be fair, this isn’t specifically a Trump thing as much as US President thing, but still, there is something more hectic and chaotic about this visit (which seems to be a constant theme of this administration) – plans seem to keep changing so it’s harder to know when and where the disruption will actually occur. I’m gonna just try and stay in as much as possible.
(Also, I saw some sign posted by the Friends Of Zion Museum which said “Trump, make Israel Great” and that just made me cringe.)
@Penny Psmith
Best of luck to you.
when ur trash but u dont care bc u ruin everyone’s lives and just don’t give a fuck because ur fabulous darling 🙂
alternate caption:
Sadly, I suspect that many of those White people have always wanted others to die. The only difference is that nowadays they’re focusing on the people of colour inside their own borders rather than outside them.
@Penny Psmith:
All my best wishes and I hope it goes well.
(That’s not quite true. In my heart of hearts, I hope that when he touches Netanyahu’s hand they both get teleported away to some prison dimension to leave the rest of us in peace.)
I hope it doesn’t cause too much disruption, at least. I can only imagine how many security people would be crawling around for something like this; especially given that the Israeli and American security personnel might not be on the best of terms right now.
I’m just gonna say that ever since Orangeface Asslips got into his seat of power, my amount of stuff tweeted has shot up a lot.
Mostly I’m trying to warn my Finnish followers that this shit is about to happen here as well, what with our toads in government being maliciously incompetent and refusing to acknowledge reality.
Also also, I can’t believe it has been just a week since all this shit unfolded this way. It feels more like three months already.
It’s felt like eternity since Election Day here. This is one of the first glimmers of what seems to be light since then for me.
So, if Trump does get impeached, how do you suppose his supporters (particularly Vox Day) will claim it somehow constitutes a victory for them?
One tiny piece of slightly good news, at the end of this CNN report:
Seeing how Fox News covers all this makes me so angry.
Roger Ailes made America – and the world – a much worse place for everyone. If anything, Republicans are the ones who suffered the most because of Ailes’ propaganda network.
So many people filled with fear, hate, and an overriding belief that regardless of the evidence if a Democrat says it, it can’t be true. The Southern Strategy turned from dogwhistles to outspoken bigotry to literal NeoNazi marches in American cities.
The GOP is drunk on FOX news, and unless they manage to steal the 2018 election too they are in for one hell of a hangover.
Yeah, it’s been a depressing day for me, as well. I basically lost one of my best friends for over 25 years because his wife has gone increasingly berserk since the election. Her anger at Clinton’s insufficiencies morphed into hatred of her, as well as all “liberals” in general even though Clinton certainly doesn’t count and she was upset at Clinton for defeating her primary favorite of Bernie– it’s a fairly incomprehensible mismatch of contradictory views that basically allows her to spew rage at everyone 24/7. I finally got tired of it, burned bridges, and her vastly more chill husband (who has to work defense for her every time she pisses off a new group of people with hate barrages and tell us that we’re being inflammatory for getting annoyed at her) is understandably quite pissed at me as well. She’s been a self-inflicted drama magnet from when I first knew her, it’s just gone into overdrive for the past half-year: She is now simultaneously furious at people that think she’s defending Trump and people that think she’s not defending him.
So now I’m out one of my oldest friends, in part because of this incompetent kleptocrat. Then again, there’s a chance similar crap would have happened if he had lost, so I can’t fully blame him– but it’s one more point of depression from this year.
If Mump goes down, i really hope he takes Pince with him. Probably won’t matter much. The rest of the people in the succesion sewage pipe aren’t much better. They’d probably be worse, since they would know how to act. Personally, if i have to have a facsist in charge (and that seems to be the only option right now), i’d rather have an incompetent one rather than a competent one. The incompetent ones are less capable of doing damage.
I wonder how many voters are watching this shitshow and thinking, “Are the next 4 years really going to look like this?”
I kind of miss the days when you could assume nearly everyone was a decent person and there weren’t millions of attention-starved narcissists all vying for the title of Internet’s Biggest Asshole.
Wouldn’t that make Ryan the President? Unless all three of them get the boot we’re fucked either way.
Heh. I just read an article about how the Cheeto’s foreign trip will be a gastronomical nightmare for him. Maybe I’m petty, but I have to admit I find this amusing.
After all, he’ll be expected to not only eat, but to appreciate these country’s delicacies.
Apparently, he considers spaghetti with meat sauce an exotic dish. Damn, that’s in the regular rotation of meals I cook.
Lovely Huffington Post finds (or starts?) a trending hashtag…
Dr. No Doesn’t Always Mean No #BondTrumpBond
License To Bryl #BondTrumpBond
“When you’re a Secret Agent, they let you do anything you want.”
Bankrupt Casino Royale #BondTrumpBond
I’ll take my martini with a steak. Burnt. Extra ketchup. #BondTrumpBond
Trump is beginning to remind me of Theodore Beale, who frequently declares victory regardless of what actually happens.