In days of yore, white supremacist men at least pretended that they wanted to protect white women from things like rape. But the dudes at the neo-Nazi internet tip sheet The Daily Stormer, who are pretty unrelentingly hostile to women even on a good day, are now actively encouraging white men to rape white women in order to get them pregnant with potential future Nazis.
In a post yesterday, Daily Stormer contributor “KKKamerad” laments the efforts of one Wisconsin legislator to criminalize the act of “stealthing” — that is, secretly removing condoms during sex — as a form of sexual assault.
“Not content with just spreading child-free propaganda among the goyim, filthy kikes are also trying to criminalize the act of making children itself,” KKKamerad writes.
The kikes know that anything leads to a healthy White baby is bad for the Judenreich and must be stopped ASAP – after all, that baby might grow up to be a brick layer, der Grenadier or a Daily Stormer reader.
So go ahead, dear reader, and stealth for the glory of the white race! Spill your seed into as many white thots as you desire.
(Thot, for those not up on contemporary misogynist lingo, stands for “That Ho Over There.)
A winking editor’s note — presumably from Stormer head boy Andrew Anglin — informs readers that this advice doesn’t extend to jurisdictions in which “stealthing” is illegal. “The Daily Stormer doesn’t endorse breaking the law,” the editor notes, “but we do endorse impregnating thots.”
But this editor’s note is followed by a much longer one that not only provides detailed instructions on how to “stealth” most effectively, but also urges would-be stealthers to physically restrain women who realize what’s going on and try to resist. I’m pretty sure that forcing sex on women who are literally fighting back against you counts as rape in all jurisdictions.
Whoever wrote this second “editor’s note” is either a practiced abuser or doing a pretty good impersonation of one.
After giving a detailed how-to on how men can slip a condom off without their partner noticing, the editor urges men to “go really, really hard, and ejaculate as balls deep as you can.”
He adds:
Make sure you have your hands tightly around her hips or on her shoulders so she cannot pull back when she realizes the trick you have just pulled.
Even if you don’t think that “stealthing” itself is a form of sexual assault — it is — this is straight-up rape by any definition.
After giving more advice on how to make “stealthing” easier — “you may want to put KY jelly on the tip of your penis before putting the condom on. This will make it easier to slip off” — the editor urges readers to resort to blackmail in an attempt to keep any women they impregnate this way from getting abortions.
[W]hen she comes up pregnant, threaten to call her family members if she has an abortion. You can also threaten to post about it on the internet.
I can only hope that most of the sexual partners of Daily Stormer readers are imaginary.
@ Sister Bat’leth:
I’m not sure its a good idea, and it remains hypothetical anyway.
Hey sorry to necro a thread, but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who commented on my little world building sheet, it means a lot, and I’m really hoping to get things off the ground.
~~P E A K D A I L Y S T O R M E R~~
Clearly white women should start an International Thank a Jew day. I didn’t realise the Elders are the only reason we have birth control.
I wonder if this is really a thing or just some trolling the 4-chanisters and the like pulled of, knowing the new and old medias wouldn’t resist the opportunity to overblow it into an “epidemic” just for the sake of click-baiting concerned people, and specially those who label themselves feminists.
Eventually this strategy will wear off. All sort of outrageous, barely believable things against women will be seen as mostly some sort of hoax, and then they’ll change the bait with fake hoax-trends like “here’s how to have your own Black slave TODAY”, “a movement to reinstate slavery and end the so-called civil-rights PC fantasy”.
Then after Black-people bait wanes off in popularity, perhaps child maltreatment for fun, and then elderly cruelty, perhaps some sort of underground cruel “euthanasia”.
I wonder if people will label themselves childists/infantists and/or elderlists/something then. Most likely they’ll keep with just the “feminist” label, whoever is in the main spotlight of human rights’ violations. Perhaps even extending it to overlap with animal rights advocacy, if trolls ever decide to switch to hoaxes about animal cruelty. I think it would be rather easy if the hoax-trend were cruelty focused on female animals, just because, well, they’re females, and that would be more outrageous to feminists than egalitarian animal cruelty.