In days of yore, white supremacist men at least pretended that they wanted to protect white women from things like rape. But the dudes at the neo-Nazi internet tip sheet The Daily Stormer, who are pretty unrelentingly hostile to women even on a good day, are now actively encouraging white men to rape white women in order to get them pregnant with potential future Nazis.
In a post yesterday, Daily Stormer contributor “KKKamerad” laments the efforts of one Wisconsin legislator to criminalize the act of “stealthing” — that is, secretly removing condoms during sex — as a form of sexual assault.
“Not content with just spreading child-free propaganda among the goyim, filthy kikes are also trying to criminalize the act of making children itself,” KKKamerad writes.
The kikes know that anything leads to a healthy White baby is bad for the Judenreich and must be stopped ASAP – after all, that baby might grow up to be a brick layer, der Grenadier or a Daily Stormer reader.
So go ahead, dear reader, and stealth for the glory of the white race! Spill your seed into as many white thots as you desire.
(Thot, for those not up on contemporary misogynist lingo, stands for “That Ho Over There.)
A winking editor’s note — presumably from Stormer head boy Andrew Anglin — informs readers that this advice doesn’t extend to jurisdictions in which “stealthing” is illegal. “The Daily Stormer doesn’t endorse breaking the law,” the editor notes, “but we do endorse impregnating thots.”
But this editor’s note is followed by a much longer one that not only provides detailed instructions on how to “stealth” most effectively, but also urges would-be stealthers to physically restrain women who realize what’s going on and try to resist. I’m pretty sure that forcing sex on women who are literally fighting back against you counts as rape in all jurisdictions.
Whoever wrote this second “editor’s note” is either a practiced abuser or doing a pretty good impersonation of one.
After giving a detailed how-to on how men can slip a condom off without their partner noticing, the editor urges men to “go really, really hard, and ejaculate as balls deep as you can.”
He adds:
Make sure you have your hands tightly around her hips or on her shoulders so she cannot pull back when she realizes the trick you have just pulled.
Even if you don’t think that “stealthing” itself is a form of sexual assault — it is — this is straight-up rape by any definition.
After giving more advice on how to make “stealthing” easier — “you may want to put KY jelly on the tip of your penis before putting the condom on. This will make it easier to slip off” — the editor urges readers to resort to blackmail in an attempt to keep any women they impregnate this way from getting abortions.
[W]hen she comes up pregnant, threaten to call her family members if she has an abortion. You can also threaten to post about it on the internet.
I can only hope that most of the sexual partners of Daily Stormer readers are imaginary.
I used to write fast…ten years ago…before the time and chemicals and depression really seized hold of me.
I believe I could probably still produce large amounts of trash if I ever actually apply myself to the task once more.
Also, why the fuck am I still awake. What is wrong with me?
Damn both of you. Now I’ve started writing something.
Haha, yes! YES! I warned you, did I not, my sweet, that I was a glamorously evil Empress who corrupts everyone who falls within my purview to my decadence.
However, I’m sure that whatever you’re writing will not have women with large breasts doing things, or, at least, there will be no emphasis placed upon that matter, so you will probably succeed where I have failed.
And that’s cool, because I am not supposed to be a good role model. I am, as that philosopher of old said, the sort of person whose life is merely meant to serve as a warning to others.
The perils…of being too goddamn trashy and fabulous.
I find it helps to have someone pester me about it. (Thanks, Axe) That’s gotten me to chapter three and a notable portion of a related short story.
I do not wish to make promises, but my depression has notably abated since I started presenting femme, and more so on hormones. (Not gone, but less) I think it is likely you will experience something similar; it is common to do so.
What I’m writing actually does feature that. Or it will; so far they’ve only done clothed things, but that will change.
Be careful.
I have found exactly the opposite: when people pressure me to perform I withdraw into myself.
My finest work is, as always, unprompted and from the heart.
Also, I have untreated ADHD which my GP is probably never going to fucking prescribe me Adderall for because the US health care system is fucking shit, so I will continue to be fucked up and subsiding entirely on various drugs and chemicals to keep myself barely functioning.
I will raise the suggestion at my next visit; I have not prompted my physician to prescribe Adderall for me as yet, but I am totally pessimistic about my chances at such a thing.
“Talk to your doctor about whether Adderall is right for you,” the ads say, but of course we all know that shit never fucking happens at all.
I didn’t see your sneaky edit.
This is absolutely something I would like to read, 100%.
ETA: I will buy a physical copy signed by you if you ever do such a thing.
I’ll settle for the ebook version if that was all you planned on.
I have Francesca’s experience with pestering. Someone pesters me, I get more annoyed at their interference than I get inspired to keep going.
One thing that does help with my depression is the right hormones, and presenting feminine. Help, not fix.
I have characters with boobs of all sizes, but I don’t comment on it. You can sort of infer which characters might have bigger or smaller breasts, but for the most part, my perspective is that the size of a woman’s boobs has no bearing on her story so I don’t need to describe them to the reader.
I suppose we are corrupted in different ways.
Well, this post made me cry a bit… So I don’t feel like discussing the horrible people who involved.
But there’s talk of Sci Fi! I’ve read a series by Jean Johnson (the prequel series about the First Salik War)… And I 50% liked it and 50% hated it. She was sooo deeply in love with her world building I almost felt her future world order and government system was a giant Mary Sue. Also, psychics were too OP. Story was interesting, and I liked that humans kicked butt.
I’ve been trying to find other Elizabeth Moon books at libraries after reading the Vatta series. But I can never find the first book. I enjoyed the Vatta’s war books a lot.
Amusingly, I think, perhaps, the people who encouraged me to keep writing are the real reasons I stopped.
That and my total inability to focus on anything for very long unless I have blunted my mind with some chemicals.
I actually read e-books and drive, sometimes. It is a fucking miracle how I am not dead.
I have never actually spoken to a psychiatrist or my Primary Care Physician about this and I expect that if I did they would probably be all like, “Cool story, sis” and then tell me to leave because that’s what the US Healthcare System does with fucked up people like myself.
That is how we ended up with a President who is performing all these…things.
Well, I’m sure I’ve already made the bosom of my point so brilliantly clear that it is impossible for me to further illustrate my particular leaning on this matter.
I also have male characters with hard, bulging pectoral muscles, rippling abdominals, broad, powerful quads, and, of course, they’re hung like fucking horses because that’s what makes my juices flow. I won’t go into detail about their sexual prowess, but let’s just say that their abilities would excite those who have a taste for it.
However, I am also the sort of person who writes about slender, athletic girls with small, firm breasts and blushing boys with willowy, slender waists, so, yes, I am not entirely without my variations on this matter.
I fundamentally don’t know what gets me going right now. That might be one reason I’ve never sexualized any of my characters. I know that when I was younger, I liked women who carried weapons. Literal weapons. Like spears and shit. Might or might not also have dicks. That part is irrelevant.
But there is absolutely something to be said for the warrior, and her bulging muscles, and utterly impractical spandex mini-dress two sizes too small, and boobs that could be used to smash watermelons, and etc. Childish, but…I dunno, sexy or something.
Certainly, we can all agree breasts are amazing. There’s certainly no escaping the gravity of the situation. You’d have to be a tit to miss the point. A boob not to view the melons. Whatever. Boob joke boob joke.
@ Sheila
Ah, but how do you compete with Garth Marenghi?
@ fran
You might appreciate this then. It’s from a much underrated BBC series called The Cleopatras. This episode deals with the death of King Potbelly. He seemed to share your sentiments.
(Relevant bit kicks off about one minute in, but it’s worth watching the whole thing)
@Sandra + Fran
Valid. In my defense tho, I wouldn’t describe my encouragement methods as ‘pestering’. Pishaw, so gauche. It’s more about setting goals and working with her to complete them. Like, I’m the type of person who believes that most people are better at most things than they think they are. They just need the right push. Not just to be pushed, not just by anyone, and not just in any way. Guaranteed this ‘pestering’ thing wouldn’t have nearly the results if we didn’t already know each other super well
This revenue stream has been discussed, and we both write rather quickly when in the mood to ? If, in a few years, y’all see some anthologies of an… explicit nature by Dalillama and Axecalibur (well, I might get a contrubutor credit in small print. Call it shyness), mayhaps give it a look
*markets product, maximizes ROI, rubs hands together evilly*
That exchange at the beginning about being under an awning while dying, before a multitude hanging on one’s every word?
That could basically be a 1:1 replica of a possible exchange between myself and our hypothetical gladiatrix assassin, Cassandra.
This is splendid. You were right: he does share my tastes. He is also appropriately sassy, like myself (how did you know?)
And now I’m going to stay up for another hour watching this.
You have pleased me greatly. I confer upon you the Order of the Gold Mammoth for your services rendered to the Crown.
@ fran
Aww, that’s so kind of you. I’m privileged to know you (and generally). Hopefully you’ll make it over here one day. You can be Queen of Yorkshire (if Jessica Ennis ever abdicates). I’m sure you’ll fit in, but just to make sure I’ve designed a citizenship test for you. Let’s see if you make the cut.
@ Fran
Listen, dear. Ask your doc about Provigil. It was originally intended for people with excessive daytime sleepiness but helps people with ADD, in some ways better than Adderal. Not sure how well it will do with ADHD, but it’s worth a try. It is not an amphetimine, which might make your doc more likely to use it.
Maybe Fran could collaborate with Julie Bell on some works as well
OT, but did you invite me to Minecraft Realms? I’m Mercutio324.
I genuinely don’t mean to pressure you, but I love those little samples of your writing! They made me laugh
Re: British Citizenship Test
Let me guess, a true Brit answers C to all 3? My actual answers would probably be A, C, B.
Francesca remains one of the funniest writers I’ve seen here in a while, and I hope that continues to infinity and beyond.
Nikki, have you started your library job, yet?
On the topic of Minecraft, it’s going awesomely. Mammoth Tower is rising, complete with guest rooms!
[returns from the Imperial Bedchambers after napping]
Re: Further musings on “The Cleopatras”
This is actually a criminally understated show. I was also pleasantly surprised at how risque it got. I didn’t expect that. You know me all too well.
Re: my test
Worry not, noble Sir, I produced the answers to your examination before I went to sleep, so you needn’t worry about prompting on my part!
They’re all C. I knew this intuitively because of my steady diet of British culture; the emphasis on keeping up appearances, a stiff upper lip, and queueing.
You can tell I’m actually a traitorous Crown Loyalist who has no business being in America, because people have constantly remarked on my strange (for an American) tendency to show impassive calm in the face of the most outrageous situations.
An example that comes to mind is Gladstone’s response to a telegram:
Similarly, if someone gives me some untoward or surprising news, I tend to respond in a muted fashion at first, then, much later, long after the fact, actually say something about it.
My American comrades find me hopelessly dull.
Thank you. As per your suggestion I shall mention it at my next visit with my GP. Again, I am not optimistic about being prescribed the stuff, but I’ll make an attempt regardless and see what happens.
That’s okay! It’s not like you were emailing me with “WHERE NEXT CHAPTER? WHERE?” like at some other fiction-writing sites I frequent. I am very pleased you found them amusing, truly.
In my haste and confusion, I forgot to mention that the heavily muscled men and large-breasted women in my stories also say amusing things. That’s my other trademark.
I’ve had people honestly tell me they laughed until they wet themselves a little at some of my stories.
Why would I need to wiretap you? You’re giving me all this information and more. 😀
Also, stahp. I’m feeling things, and when I feel things, stuff gets baaaad.
I’m trying to describe who someone is and what she’s doing by what she’s putting on and the context she attaches to it.