In days of yore, white supremacist men at least pretended that they wanted to protect white women from things like rape. But the dudes at the neo-Nazi internet tip sheet The Daily Stormer, who are pretty unrelentingly hostile to women even on a good day, are now actively encouraging white men to rape white women in order to get them pregnant with potential future Nazis.
In a post yesterday, Daily Stormer contributor “KKKamerad” laments the efforts of one Wisconsin legislator to criminalize the act of “stealthing” — that is, secretly removing condoms during sex — as a form of sexual assault.
“Not content with just spreading child-free propaganda among the goyim, filthy kikes are also trying to criminalize the act of making children itself,” KKKamerad writes.
The kikes know that anything leads to a healthy White baby is bad for the Judenreich and must be stopped ASAP – after all, that baby might grow up to be a brick layer, der Grenadier or a Daily Stormer reader.
So go ahead, dear reader, and stealth for the glory of the white race! Spill your seed into as many white thots as you desire.
(Thot, for those not up on contemporary misogynist lingo, stands for “That Ho Over There.)
A winking editor’s note — presumably from Stormer head boy Andrew Anglin — informs readers that this advice doesn’t extend to jurisdictions in which “stealthing” is illegal. “The Daily Stormer doesn’t endorse breaking the law,” the editor notes, “but we do endorse impregnating thots.”
But this editor’s note is followed by a much longer one that not only provides detailed instructions on how to “stealth” most effectively, but also urges would-be stealthers to physically restrain women who realize what’s going on and try to resist. I’m pretty sure that forcing sex on women who are literally fighting back against you counts as rape in all jurisdictions.
Whoever wrote this second “editor’s note” is either a practiced abuser or doing a pretty good impersonation of one.
After giving a detailed how-to on how men can slip a condom off without their partner noticing, the editor urges men to “go really, really hard, and ejaculate as balls deep as you can.”
He adds:
Make sure you have your hands tightly around her hips or on her shoulders so she cannot pull back when she realizes the trick you have just pulled.
Even if you don’t think that “stealthing” itself is a form of sexual assault — it is — this is straight-up rape by any definition.
After giving more advice on how to make “stealthing” easier — “you may want to put KY jelly on the tip of your penis before putting the condom on. This will make it easier to slip off” — the editor urges readers to resort to blackmail in an attempt to keep any women they impregnate this way from getting abortions.
[W]hen she comes up pregnant, threaten to call her family members if she has an abortion. You can also threaten to post about it on the internet.
I can only hope that most of the sexual partners of Daily Stormer readers are imaginary.
He used to be one of the few stand up comics I actually like.
Hear, hear.
Seconding the recommendation, too. Very good book.
How will these white supremacists go against those mgtows/incels then? Because mgtows will scream until their lungs collapse on how women purposefully trap men with babies and financially ‘rape’ them with child support as one of the biggest reasons to avoid women. And incels say the same thing, but more bitterly because they’re “in”voluntarily celibate (really, they choose to be so but that’s another topic).
So, are those mgtows who’ve fallen into white supremacy going to rage at this? It’s going against their core beliefs.
I kept hearing about how funny Eddie Murphy’s 80s stand up was. So my friend and I decided to watch it. It was incredibly homophobic. We had to shut it off. I know that times change and homophobia was more socially acceptable than it is today (although obviously there’s still plenty) but this was bad even by 80s standards. It was very disappointing.
David Futrelle,
People like KKKamerad are sick! Not only is he a racist, but he’s also clearly pro rape! What a disgusting loser! Also, leave it to the racist, sexist pigs at the Daily Stormer to not see the difference between a law that forbids forcing women against their will to have your baby and one that outlaws your group having babies!
I am continually amazed at how so many black male ‘comedians’ manage to be consistently awful.
Eric Andre is alright but they trying to say he ain’t really black.
And men like them wonder why “I hate men” or “I hate white men” are phrases that people use constantly. Maybe if they’d stop supporting rape (and changing the conditions under which you and your partner are having sex without their consent is rape), people wouldn’t hate them nearly as much.
God, this makes me so fucking sick.
Huh! TIL. I always thought the manosphere called us feeeemales because they think they have to pay a “fee” to get pussy.
once again, I’m super curious what misguided rationale they have leading them to the belief that “The Jews” benefit somehow from “White Genocide.”
does ANYONE understand? do THEY even understand? or is it just considered common knowledge among Nazi shitheads that this is the case?
I don’t know either but just to be on the safe side I make sure to have as much interracial sex with white women as possible.
FWIW, I’d let these guys ejaculate inside me (I’m an opportunist of that sort) but given my specifics I get the feeling they would be extremely angry at me for making them do such a thing.
Okay then, I recommend that any woman who catches one of these creeps trying that with her administer a Phoenician-style circumcision, which is a clean-sweep removal of cock and balls with a knife. Flush the detritus down the toilet and kick the creep out of your home. (HH1/2K)
This behavior has been around for a long time — a friend of mine encountered it back in the 90s. But back then it was about guys who didn’t want to wear condoms because it “reduced the sensation level”; this is several orders of magnitude nastier.
I’d be more likely to hit these guys on the head and steal their wallets. That’s more likely to make me happy. I’ve done some of the other thing with questionable people, and at least one was angry afterwards even though I’d told him the sitch beforehand.
Among the many reasons I have no intention of ever having sex with men again.
@Fran, re: lame-ass transphobic black people
…Ass ninjas?
Haha, nah, don’t worry, they wouldn’t want to have DISGUSTING INTERRACIAL SEX with a black person.
I was raising the suggestion with the clear intent of grossing them out. Yet more reason I’m a bad girl.
Also, I don’t blame you for being turned off of men after that bullshit.
Fucking bullshit. They’re the reason we can’t have nice things.
@Troubelle the Bard
Oh! No, I should have clarified.
They were calling us Hating-ass Ninjas.
As in, Ninjas whose asses are comprised entirely of hate, which we were unfairly pooping out onto poor old Chappelle, who was just trying to warn the black community about the DANGEROUS TRANSGENDERS ENGINEERED BY WHITE PEOPLE TO DESTROY THE BLACK MAN.
Their logic was that we would get black men to have sex with us and therefore turn them gay.
Their words, not mine. You and I both know that’s not how any of this works.
You’ve summed it up nicely.
So Nazis want “that ho over there” to raise their children?
Just sayin’.
Yeaah, but if they don’t like ya, why the hell’d they choose to call ya something cool?
Black people can insult you with such panache that you might think that they’re complimenting you at first.
It’s one of our melanin superpowers, along with being able to throw things really hard and stupefy white people with our sex beams.
Okay, so not the last two things. It was a joke! A joke! Jeez.
TW: Racism, rape
I hear you.
OTOH, this is kind of a newfangled notion. Lots of white slave owners had sex with their black female slaves. They had three possible purposes in mind: (1) get their rocks off; (2) terrify all the slaves; and (3) make more slaves (bonus!).
TW: Racism, rape
The white wives of the slavewowners did similar things, only when they were caught with the black male slaves they would scream rape and the slave in question would be killed out of hand.
This is partially why, to this day, false rape accusations are considered very serious business by black people.
Except that grossing them out is an objective good. So are you really bad when you do a good thing?
Why won’t a hot girl fuck me?
Also men:
Not you though ?
Bernie Mac was pretty awesome from what I’ve seen of him. I was sad when he died. But then there’s Steve Harvey.. The worst!
Chris Rock has some problematic stuff but it’s not enough to bother me personally. He’s still one of my favorites.
But we’re not really girls, are we? After all, women are defined solely by our bodies, and the shapes that men find “pleasurable” or “must find pleasurable”. Ugh. That’s how they’d justify it to themselves.
Again, never fucking men. Ugh.
Oh, well, you would be right about that, sweaty. (:
You see, I like guns and cars and other masculine stuff and real women like knitting and housework, sweaty. (:
That was my performance art piece, “The Transgirl Gatekeeper’. Did you like it? ?
Ah, yes, my favorite Bernie Mac piece is the ‘I ain’t Scared’ show.
I forget if that is what it is called. It’s been a while since I queued it up!
NO. I HATE IT WITH A BURNING PASSION. But, it’s accurate to how people treat me. So that means it succeeds, I think?
I like video games and wargames and military history and science fiction and space <3