In days of yore, white supremacist men at least pretended that they wanted to protect white women from things like rape. But the dudes at the neo-Nazi internet tip sheet The Daily Stormer, who are pretty unrelentingly hostile to women even on a good day, are now actively encouraging white men to rape white women in order to get them pregnant with potential future Nazis.
In a post yesterday, Daily Stormer contributor “KKKamerad” laments the efforts of one Wisconsin legislator to criminalize the act of “stealthing” — that is, secretly removing condoms during sex — as a form of sexual assault.
“Not content with just spreading child-free propaganda among the goyim, filthy kikes are also trying to criminalize the act of making children itself,” KKKamerad writes.
The kikes know that anything leads to a healthy White baby is bad for the Judenreich and must be stopped ASAP – after all, that baby might grow up to be a brick layer, der Grenadier or a Daily Stormer reader.
So go ahead, dear reader, and stealth for the glory of the white race! Spill your seed into as many white thots as you desire.
(Thot, for those not up on contemporary misogynist lingo, stands for “That Ho Over There.)
A winking editor’s note — presumably from Stormer head boy Andrew Anglin — informs readers that this advice doesn’t extend to jurisdictions in which “stealthing” is illegal. “The Daily Stormer doesn’t endorse breaking the law,” the editor notes, “but we do endorse impregnating thots.”
But this editor’s note is followed by a much longer one that not only provides detailed instructions on how to “stealth” most effectively, but also urges would-be stealthers to physically restrain women who realize what’s going on and try to resist. I’m pretty sure that forcing sex on women who are literally fighting back against you counts as rape in all jurisdictions.
Whoever wrote this second “editor’s note” is either a practiced abuser or doing a pretty good impersonation of one.
After giving a detailed how-to on how men can slip a condom off without their partner noticing, the editor urges men to “go really, really hard, and ejaculate as balls deep as you can.”
He adds:
Make sure you have your hands tightly around her hips or on her shoulders so she cannot pull back when she realizes the trick you have just pulled.
Even if you don’t think that “stealthing” itself is a form of sexual assault — it is — this is straight-up rape by any definition.
After giving more advice on how to make “stealthing” easier — “you may want to put KY jelly on the tip of your penis before putting the condom on. This will make it easier to slip off” — the editor urges readers to resort to blackmail in an attempt to keep any women they impregnate this way from getting abortions.
[W]hen she comes up pregnant, threaten to call her family members if she has an abortion. You can also threaten to post about it on the internet.
I can only hope that most of the sexual partners of Daily Stormer readers are imaginary.
And yet these chuckle fucks don’t actually want to ‘raise’ children. So at least it’s far less likely that any children will turn out to be little future Nazi’s. The tiniest sliver of a silver lining.
And then these pinheads had to pay for said precious white babies.
What horrible creatures.
Yeah, ‘thot’ is a black folk thing. As is calling gals ‘feeemales’ and liberal use of the slur ‘bitch’ as address. ‘Black culture’, such that it is, has serious misogynist (and queerphobic, just saying) issues to work out. White people ain’t any better, but black men have their own particular brand of bullshit going on. And ‘thot’ is definitely part of it
Re: OP
No idea what this means. Serious fuckery, no doubt…
You know I always find it funny when these guys go on and on about how irrational and illogical the female gender is. Then they go and post shit like this. They don’t want to be trapped into having a child (because it is a form of rape to them, raping them of their assets to support a child), yet they post directions on how to forcefully impregnate women, they hate when women don’t have jobs and a means to financially support themselves and they hate the women who have decent paying jobs because somehow that means a man does not have a job because she stole that job from him because the system needs to fill quotas regarding female employees and we all know that it has nothing to do with her level of competency because a woman could never be competent at anything. You need to be beautiful to be fuckable but if you’re beautiful you’re a slut. If you’re ugly (by their definition) then you’re chaste but no one wants to fuck you. My brain is about to implode trying to to figure out what they want. The truth is they don’t even know what they want, the only thing they all agree on is that they don’t want women to have any choice or say about the path her life takes.
Don’t even get me started on how ‘black culture’ (mad props for using sarcastic quotes to illustrate how ridiculous and monolithic the whole concept of black culture is) treats transpeople.
Case in point: That fucker Dave Chappelle reducing us to jokes and comedy.
Ever notice that semen is treated very differently by misogynists depending on if it is in them or in a woman?
In them it is “liquid gold” and “manly seed”, but once in a women is makes her dirty and gross. She’s a “cum dumpster” and it is ever so nasty that she has touched a nasty ‘ol sperm.
Funny that.
Yeah, you just about got it!
…one of us. One of us.
My first thought: These guys really can not imagine sex outside of some lucky one night stand. They make the same assumption as extreme PUAs: that men only talk to women in order to “get laid” a specific sexual scenario that is actually uncommon in the real world.
Second thought: He is using white supremacist rhetoric to rationalize his desire to rape women. Which is awful on multiple levels, and kinda ironic too. It can’t be a coincidence that these different kinds of hate overlap.
I doubt these people subscribe to these ideologies because something about the ideas or even the community really helps them, or reflects what they grew up believing. They have serious psychological issues, but joining this cult feels better than confronting yourself.
The experience of the descendents of mainland slaves is different to those from island slaves. The experience of the descendents of southern sharecroppers will be different from those from northern factory hands. The experience of people who took part in the 1st Great Migration will be different than those in the 2nd. And on and on. The oppression is basically the damn same, but the culture is vibrant and, most importantly, varied
@Fran – re: Dave Chappelle
I tuned in to his recent comedy special, having had somewhat fond memories of his old show on Comedy Central years ago.
Yeah, I was not prepared for…whatever that was. The level of whininess and and “it’s so hard to be famous” and the misogyny and then the entire trans-bashing shit was horrifying. I was embarrassed for him. It’s like he entered a time capsule in 2004 or whenever he disappeared and went backward in time before emerging now.
That’s awful at all conceivable level. I wonder if they realize how evil their project are. I also wonder if they think that making the life of a children miserable in that way will make them more likely to turn out like their father.
They can’t seem to imagine actually interacting with a woman long enough for anything else either.
Nope; the more bigoted someone is on one front, the more likely they are to be bigoted on others.
Yep. Intersectional evil, I call it.
I can’t comment more on just how disgusting this post is. Ugh.
I for one, welcome the asteroid that will kill us all.
This is a perfect way to phrase it.
All bigots are interchangeable, all bigotries reinforce each other. Same shit, bigger target pool
What they want is control.
Ensuring that women can not possibly meet any standard with conflicting standards makes that easier. No matter what is done it will be wrong, bad…whatever is needed to keep power and control.
I’m so very, very glad I’m a lesbian, married to another woman.
This is disgusting, far more than even their normal stuff. It should genuinely lead to jail time for posting things like this- they are inciting severe harm to others. I’m fed up of this. Jail the evil fuckers.
I like it
Grats! I’m in favor of people who really love each other getting to marry.
These idiots with the “break your condom on purpose” thing… not so much.
I know, right? Gaaaaawd. I cringed so hard at his bullshit.
The worst part for me personally, though, was the way a few lame-ass black people ran around screaming “Y’ALL AIN’T WANNA SEE A BROTHER GET FAMOUS! Y’ALL SOME HATING ASS NINJAS! SO WHAT IF HE HATES T-WORDS?!”
And I’m all like, “Shinobi, please. I’unno bout all that. He just fucking sucks, I have no personal grudge against the man. I ain’t fucking with nobody who wants to see people like me vanish is all.”
In fact, some of these aforementioned black people would even grandstand about how Transpeople are weapons engineered by Dwhyte Mann to destroy the black family, and how Chappelle was exposing the white man’s plot to use Transpeople against the black race, and that was why he was receiving backlash.
And that is real shit some black people were saying.
If so, I’m the sexiest weapon possible.
Yeah, I saw that Chappelle comedy special and checked out halfway through it. It was just not funny. I was a total stan for him when he was hot , watching the show, collecting the DVDs. The skits are still funny, but that special sucked.
As for Intersectional Evil, the reason why it’s intersectional is because ALL of it is about control and ego. If you guys have ever read The Authoritarians, you know what I mean. It’s how all bigotry methods are all interchangeable. You can pretty much just swap out any marginalized group name and be right.
I was all about the Rick James/Charlie Murphy skits back in the day.
Now that I come to think of it, though, he was kinda of a piece of shit even back then.
Remember his Tyrone Biggums sketches? He was basically shitting on poverty stricken black people.