evil moms irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW of the Day reddit

MGTOW of the day: Women only care about themselves and their “crotch spawn,” are incapable of love

So it’s no secret that I’ve been a bit obsessed with the MGTOW subreddit lately. I find so many little nuggets of wisdom there that I’ve decided to launch a series of MGTOW of the Day posts to highlight the aphoristic insights of random MGTOW Redditors.

Here’s the first one, a brief reflection on gender and love from a complete idiot who doesn’t understand what words mean.

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7 years ago

C’mon man what did a baby do to you?

I can’t believe on one of my first drives I narrowly escaped a car crash. When I made a left turn some asshole decided to run the red light and nearly hit me. Fucking. Asshole. Learn the concept of “Right of Way” you reckless toolshed.

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago

I think it’s half jealousy of babies and half thinking babies are like extensions of their mothers, not actual people.

7 years ago

The word choice is rather crude, but it’s fairly accurate. I mean, women’s crotches are where people naturally spawn from. The more I think about it the less insulting it becomes.

I wonder if the author realizes that he, himself, is a crotch spawn.

7 years ago

“No! I must hate the babies” he shouted

The radio said “No, gravelheart. You are the babies”

And then gravelheart was a crotch spawn.

AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
AsAboveSoBelow, Male Gaze Harvester
7 years ago

Babies grow inside a uterus, not a crotch.

7 years ago

Uuugghh, I can’t stand the term “crotch-spawn”. Or crotch-fruit, or crotch-nugget. Though I will admit there’s truth to it. The only term I can think of that’s worse is “cockblock.”

7 years ago

Men are the only human beings capable of love…

…but if you ever show love, you’re immediately a beta and a cuck.

Gotta love Miggy logic.

And by “love” I mean “shake your head sadly at”.

7 years ago

Truly, some of these “men” would be better off with their genitals locked away in a chastity device.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


Damn, that sounds scary! Glad you made it through okay — physically, at least.

Sometimes it takes a while to recover emotionally.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

TW: Domestic violence

I’ve read in more than one place that sometimes a battering husband begins his battering when his wife gets pregnant. He’ll kick or punch her in the stomach.

Sorry to bring this factoid to your attention.

TW: Domestic violence

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Mammotheers, thanks for your clever, insightful responses.

I had to laugh.

Scolar Visari
Scolar Visari
7 years ago


I love spiders but I don’t find them as relatable as wolverines.

Psht, spiders build stuff and (some of them) even take care of their young to an extent. Sure, some reproduce by consuming their mates and others are in turn eaten by their ravenous offspring, but I find wolf spiders quite relatable. I mean, most of us probably have more in common with them than we do with the so-called Men Going Their Own Way. Perhaps they’re really just afraid ovulating women must tear off and digest their genitalia in order to produce so-called, “crotch spawn”?

Probably when we find identifiable life on other planets, it will bring a better perspective on our relationship with all the other lifeforms that evolved here.

We’re unlikely to directly see much in the way of large or terribly complicated lifeforms up close anytime soon (unless they send us a picture), but the other worlds in our Solar System that could boast life would likely be quite exotic if they’re more than single celled organisms. If Europa or Enceladus, for example, had sufficient energy for a complex chemosynthesis based biosphere within their liquid water oceans, we should rightfully expect every organism to be outright blind. Imagine a world where nothing had eyes!

Or, if you’re feeling particularly brave, imagine Chiron of Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri and its aptly named mind worms. Terrestrial parasitic wasps begin to seem downright familiar compared to an organism where every individual is a clone that can only reproduce by burrowing into a still living host literally paralyzed by terrifying nightmares.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

Babies grow inside a uterus, not a crotch.

True. There’s another MGTOW term for baby. Womb turd. I don’t know if that works any better though. The womb part is correct but babies aren’t made of poop and poop doesn’t come from wombs. I guess we’ll just have to accept that MGTOW fail biology at all times.

In all seriousness, I do hate the argument that men shouldn’t be misogynistic because the person who gave birth to them was most likely a woman. Women should be treated like human beings because women are human beings. No other reason is needed.

Violet the Vile
Violet the Vile
7 years ago

How did they figure out we spontaneously generate babies?

No-one is supposed to know the whole sperm thing is a lie fabricated by feminizt scientists so we can steal all of the male moneys!

Damn. They’re cleverer than we thought

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

I’m not sure how the US media will report on Assange’s rape charges being dropped. The key reason for dropping the charges was, according to the prosecutor, that Assange simply won’t hand himself over, or be handed over, anytime soon. Sigh. It’s bizarre how powerful men can just leave the country and never have to face consequences for their crimes.

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

Dormousing_it | May 18, 2017 at 7:13 pm
The only term I can think of that’s worse is “cockblock.”

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
7 years ago

Women should be treated like human beings because women are human beings. No other reason is needed.


Quoted for truth. I hate that the common refrain is always ‘but she’s someone’s sister or mother or girlfriend or wife’.

A) that is assuming that the listener is a cis man who is incapable of excercising enough empathy to feel whatever about this person without being able to relate it back to themselves.

B) that the audience consists solely of cis dudes.

And C) She. Is. Someone. End it there, a person should be all that is necessary for someone to feel compassion or empathy or both or whatever. Don’t define people by how they are related to men, people are more than extensions of the men in their life.

I jut saw a post on facebook pointing out that asking for your mother’s maiden name assumes that your mom has one, that she took her husbands name, and that her maiden name i so obscured in time that it is enough for a secret password. Wow.

7 years ago

As I understand it, they’ve withdrawn the warrant for Assange on practical grounds, effort vs chance of success grounds, and can still re-issue if they think it’s likely to succeed. He’s also likely to get arrested if he leaves for skipping bail, a criminal act in the UK. Also, if he was worried about getting extradited to the USA ( as he claimed ), this doesn’t make that any less likely – if he’s arrested on a UK charge, rather than to fulfill a European Arrest Warrant, he’s actually more likely to be extradited if the USA puts in a request than before.

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago

MRAs: Men are unfairly stereotyped as deadbeats! When was the last time you heard about a deadbeat mom, huh? Huh??

Also MRAs: Loving one’s own children is an evil, selfish woman thing.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Liberal Snowflake Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Liberal Snowflake Social Justice Necromancer
7 years ago

MGTOW: Because it sounds better than Selfish Whiny Manchildren Pissed Off At Being Told To Be Adults

@WWTH: They are pretty much poster-children (would that be poster crotch-spawn?) for the word “pathetic”

7 years ago

Oh poor man, not having his *needs* met. I was eight weeks out from a C-section with a newborn and a two year old when I was given a letter by my husband (now-ex) about how his needs were being neglected and he would have to take a personal ad out to find someone to take over my “duties”, that I didn’t perform with his expected level of enthusiasm.

I’ve got some amazing source material from my ex, that’s for sure. Just how to use it creatively… and where it could help others who find themselves in similar situations.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Liberal Snowflake Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Liberal Snowflake Social Justice Necromancer
7 years ago

@Laserqueen: That is disgusting! I am so sorry you had to go through that bullshit!

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago



7 years ago

@ (((VioletBeauregarde))): Thank you. He is pretty darn horrible. I internalized it all until I started sharing and letting other people read what he had written. Abusers survive in the dark, and sometimes it’s the dark given to them, because what they say is so cruel and hurtful that no one wants to share it, and no one close to them wants to believe it.

7 years ago

I’m so glad you were able to escape that horrid spouse.