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VIDEO: Sargon of Akkad and pals literally laughing out loud about the murder of a fellow YouTuber

The Skeptic Feminists; Heather “Ivy” Anable is on the right

In the wake of the horrific murder of YouTuber Heather “Ivy” Anable, apparently at the hands of Aleksandr Kolpakov, one of her fellow cohosts of the Skeptic Feminist Youtube channel, some of YouTube’s most noxious personalities got together for a nearly two-and-a-half hour livestream dealing with the tragedy.

The livestreamers in question included the noxious Sargon of Akkad — I’ve written about him several times before — alongside lesser-known YouTube shitheads called Vee and Kraut and Tea, among others.

Despite the ostensible subject, the livestream turned out to be a rather lighthearted affair, full of jokes at the expense of the murdered woman and lots of what the participants called “gallows humor.” (There were similar outbursts of inappropriate mirth from antifeminists on Twitter and elsewhere online, as I detailed in a post yesterday.)

YouTuber Michael Rowlands has done us all a service by clipping some of the worst moments from the livestream and putting them in a thankfully much, much shorter video of his own. It’s only 8 minutes long, and you can skip the first minute or so, but I think it manages to capture the odiousness of Sargon and pals quite effectively.

Just a note of explanation: Rowlands’ video is designed to highlight the blatant hypocrisy of YouTuber Kraut and Tea. The first half consists of a clip from a Kraut and Tea video patting anti-SJW YouTubers on the back for their alleged moral superiority over SJWs. The second half is a clip from the notorious livestream, which pretty clearly shows what complete bullshit his claims of moral superiority really are.

I set the start of the video a little ahead to bypass some of Kraut and Tea’s more tedious bloviating and get right to his main point.

Thanks to commenter IshinDenshin for letting me know about this video. If you want to watch the whole livestream (ugh) you can find it here.

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7 years ago

Ha, you can keep your Yorkshire castles and your France, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands and mostofItaly! I get the periodic table of the elements!!!!! (probably by about as close a tie as youall get crowns and castles, so … :-s)

Eh, it kind of makes a brain-bleach to try and clean off the stench of the Carl-of-Swindon putrescence. Fading into obscurity would be a good look for him.

7 years ago

@Opposable thumbs

Are you trying to get a reaction from us?

(Cheers to the year 7 student who told me a variation on that joke yesterday!)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ opposable & dan

I was about to tell you my joke about Sodium and Hydrogen, but then I thought ‘NaH’.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ monzach

the return of Trial by Ordeal

I’d be happy to see it reintroduced for that $17 date bloke.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ fran

I’m a white woman now. Give me my pumpkin spice latte and yoga pants, youuuuu guuuuuuiiiiise.

You might find this amusing.

7 years ago

@ Dan & Alan
Never trust an atom. They make up everything.

7 years ago

Alan, did you hear about the case against the jurisprudence fetishists’ club? They keep getting off on a technicality.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ opposablethumbs

Did you hear about the jurisprudence fetishist? They got off on a technicality.

That’s brilliant! Not heard it, but now doing the rounds in The Temple.

ETA: heh, the ‘case’ version is even better, but your original is spreading like wildfire (which says a lot about how hard lawyers actually work in a morning)

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

Minor detail, Your Highness: The Saxe-Coburg-Gothas aren’t Anglo Saxon at all. They’re just plain Saxons. There haven’t actually been any Anglo-Saxon royalty since about 1066. Since then it’s been Anglo-Normans, Normans, and Germans.

Who cares about minor distinctions. It’s all Native Europeans anyway.

(For the record, this is exactly what I alluded to recently when I made that quip about Anglo-Saxon princess ancestor, in counter to the infamous Cherokee princess.)

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

Fans of the Hitchhiker series might recall that Arthur Dent was revealed to be an unknowing descendant of Genghis Khan. This was said to explain his mild affinity to fur hats, and his occasional dream visions of burning villages.

That seems an obvious prick at Englishmen who boast on their (known) distant royal ancestry.

7 years ago

Disclaimer! The original joke is, alas, not mine – I stole it from somewhere online, but can’t remember where from – I just thought it looked better with “case” and “keep”. Maybe I can claim eminent domain-name or something.
(I’ll get my coat …)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ arctic ape

Arthur Dent was revealed to be an unknowing descendant of Genghis Khan

Just to be nerdy, I think that was Mr Prosser (the bloke from the council)

As for the general ancestry thing, there’s a Heinlein quote. Something about meeting a lizard who told him he was brontosaurus on his grandmother’s side.

7 years ago

My favourite (stolen) joke of the morning:

I heard that Oxygen and Magnesium had started dating. I was , like, ‘OMg!’

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

Having read this thread, I am now firmly in favour of declaring IgnoreSandra and Monzach to be our emprii. They might start world wars now and again, but it’s my understanding that this is considered admirable in emprii.

Do I have a second?

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago


Wasn’t Monzach also named our King of Largest Penis? I’m not sure we should one person amass all that power.

7 years ago

Actuallty i am glad that youtube is blocked on my internet. This Vee i watched before, he has a very disgusting veiws worse than sargon and thinks just cos he is basically the only Romanian making video on english for English speakers to watch hes authority on all things. Specially about Roma and communism/socialism and i know lots of english and American people are buy his bullshit cos they are too lazy to read on the subject from proper sources.

I am not surprised they used this for shitting on feminist but i could not have imagine how fucking disgusting it would be. Now theyve sank so low down theres not many place they can go much lower.

Edit also i think Vee has almost the same age as me so what he knows about communism/socalism is what is told to him by his olders. Yes he know what its like after in Romania now but he is just saying to his fanboys what they want to hear and getting them scared of socailist in uk/us which is different.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

Just to be nerdy, I think that was Mr Prosser (the bloke from the council)

That’s what I get for trying to quote the series from memory. I have officially been out-nerded.

IP: I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Monzach.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Arctic ape


Don’t worry, I’m sure you’re a hoopy frood who knows where his towel is. Just HG2G is one of my all time fave stories. Loved the books (first two and a half anyway) and the radio series, but especially the 80s TV series. So I can practically quote it from memory.

Cherokee princess

There’s a village down here called Indian Queens. Everyone says it’s named after Pocohontas. It almost certainly isn’t; but she did get a street named after her anyway.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
7 years ago

@Alan: i love that quote! Though every time i use it, no one gets it. 🙁 I thought i worked with NERDS!

Re: ancestry – i know, being like a lot of generation french canadian, that i have First Nations in my family tree. I think my great grandmother? It was enough that my dad could claim some sort of status, as i recall.

He hasn’t, because we are white white white. I am curious about this ancestor, and would like to learn more. Does that mean i would call myself 1/16th or whatever? No. Definitely not. I’m not dealing with the issues our First Nations are, which means i don’t get to claim the ‘cool parts’ of the heritage.

That is a package deal, things like Residential schools and the extremely high percentage of indigenous women disappearing along with the ‘fun bits’ of mythology and art.

If that makes sense?

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago

Ay-yup, this is that ghoulish hangout that had me steamed two days ago. Real pieces of work these guys are. What really galls me is that these guys want to be the edgy little Pepes in this stream, but the next day they’re all back to their “I’m a sophisticated intellectual in the mold of the great Athenian orators” schtick (Carlgon himself says something along these lines in his intro video), all but begging to be taken seriously as scholarly rationals.

Don’t let them do that. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about right-wingers in general and this particular species of scumbag in particular, it’s that they expect you to forget the awful thing they did yesterday. More than simple laziness, the reason they do these two hour livestreams is to mainline their bile directly into the veins of their goon squads while expecting the “normies” not to waste two hours of their lives listening to it. Pile up a couple hundred stream videos and the hideous thing said last Tuesday gets lost in the memory hole. Their credibility depends on a forgotten past, so the most dangerous thing any of us can do is remember this stuff. Screencap it. Tweet it. Do anything to keep a record.

This was why I consider TheSamuraiGoombah’s contribution of remixing Carl’s “F*CKING FEMINIST SYSTEM” rant into Haddaway’s What Is Love so invaluable because it sticks that quote in your head and I remember, “Oh yeah, he shouted that during a video where he was making excuses for Elliot Rodger’s killing spree. Wait a minute, didn’t he lead off that rant by demanding better mental health initiatives for men denied by said f*cking feminist system? And two years later he’s giggling about a man with alleged PTSD? Gee, it’s almost like he doesn’t really care about mental health initiatives for men and just wanted to lay the blame for a mass murder at the feet of feminism.”

A month from now, all the guys in that stream are going to pretend they never did this. Remind them how awful they are.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

@Arctic Ape

Then nevermind! But who was it, then?

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

@Francesca Torpedo We probably have similar ancestors, but for different reasons. (Hey, cousin! 🙂 ) Yup, LOTS of royal assholes in my line….

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

Another amazing Gussie Jives post. Is there anything they can’t do? Thanks, dude. Your point about them wanting to be forgotten is a very powerful one.

It was Moocow. Under the Norman Mailer Law, he’s been found to be the possessor of the largest of all the penes.

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago

So I’m half Japanese, but thing is I know jack diddly squat about Japanese culture. The other thing is though I want to connect to my Japanese heritage since I want to feel like I belong to a culture and am not just a non-cultured american.

I’ve noticed Americans seem to struggle with cultural identity, something that as a Canadian I can certainly appreciate, being a citizen of a former British/French colony that’s only been independent for a century and a half. But America’s got plenty of culture to boast. Vonnegut, Twain, jazz, Rock and Roll, blues, Hollywood just to name a few. Just like Canada’s got Atwood, the Group of Seven and Rush. I feel as much attachment to them as I do my Anglo-Scotch-German roots.

If Americans are ever accused of being “uncultured”, I think that comes from a couple things: lack of regional traditions and holdovers of Manifest Destiny. I haven’t studied this by any stretch so I could be speaking out of my rear, but it always struck me that the need of American media to dominate and subsume everything it touches causes the universal cultural touchstones to be both simplified and sanitized for mass appeal, but combined with the “USA USA USA! We’re #1!” jingoism that reassures the average American that they don’t need to know what happens in those lesser countries with their funny languages and odd customs.

And with Canada consuming so much American media, I do worry about that bleeding over here to the point that the caricatures commonly held about other countries become the norm. I mean, Lauren Southern’s racism didn’t spring out of thin air.

I guess if there’s one takeaway, it’s to be curious about everything, and don’t try to sand off the untidy edges of culture and history.

Just as a side observation on the topic of Japan, if there’s one thing that’s confused me about western Japanophiles, it’s the reverence for an almost fantasy version of Japan that strikes me as all over the localized anime and manga. Granted, I’m not plugged in to that culture, so again I could be way off the mark here, but so much of the popular animes, mangas and video games that come out of Japan remind me a lot of the James Bond novels, where it was obvious that Ian Fleming was trying to come to grips with a Great Britain that the Second World War had reduced to a shadow of its former glory and influence. You Only Live Twice was the most obvious example of this, which incidentally takes place mostly in Japan. Yet the common cultural depictions of Japan that I see are either the Kurosawa-esque pastiches of Japan’s feudal period, modern Japan for contemporary stories, or a technologically-advanced future Japan (Akira or GOTS). The 80 years of the Meiji restoration to the end of WWII seem not to get mentioned very often, and some pretty significant events took place during that time. I can understand the Japanese not wanting to remind themselves of a time when their empire was at the height of its brutal militarization, but if an 18-year-old kid is falling in love with Japan because of anime, I have a feeling that they’re not going to be reading up on Japan’s extreme nationalism following WWI, nor its brutal oppression of conquered territories, namely in Manchuko and the rest of mainland China.

Just an observation. Again, could be wrong on it.

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

Just as a side observation on the topic of Japan, if there’s one thing that’s confused me about western Japanophiles, it’s the reverence for an almost fantasy version of Japan that strikes me as all over the localized anime and manga.

I’ve noticed this too. It’s not unique either: I’ve seen Americans act this way about Britain and Black Americans act this way towards South Africa.

I’d argue that it’s a form of exoticisation (sp?): the reality of Japan is less interesting to them than the fantasy they want to impose upon it, so they try to make the reality conform to the fantasy. When this exoticisation is done by someone with the power to enforce it, then it can get very ugly.